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Old 09-14-2008, 05:38 AM   #1
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Default Dark entities/energy: need help

I posted about this in the Indigo thread but it has progressed into something else. I have a dark entity around me and was told it was here to protect me. I have a friend who can remote view me and saw it and it was threatening to her the second time she saw it. So 2 nights ago I asked it to reveal its purpose and if it wasn't aligned with my intentions it must leave (thank you, eXchanger). I repeated this over and over. I did it again last night. This morning, when I woke up, I felt lighter. I looked out the window and saw a pretty white butterfly fluttering next to the glass and took this as a good sign.

So this afternoon I sit down for some extended meditation. I felt the need to clear my chakras, especially my root, because this energy contributed to some blockages. After a bit of grounding, out of nowhere it was there. It ATTACKED me. It attacked my energy- did not hurt me physically at all.

I've never felt anything like it in my life. I spent over an hour fighting this thing and I'm not sure if it is gone. I don't know who "won". It came at me out of nowhere. At first I thought I was having some new "wow" experience cause I was feeling my energy moving quickly. Literally, like a hurricane. Especially around my head. I could even HEAR it moving. I could see a dark hand over my eyes, even the shapes of the fingers. I have never, ever, ever, ever had such an experience but I wasn't scared. I couldn't feel my arms. I tried looking at them and couldn't see them. I could barely swallow and couldn't talk. At one point when I thought it was over I was looking around and know what? I wasn't IN MY BODY. I realized it immediately and was back. I don't know if it had tried to get in or what. I never felt it pushing me out.

Anyway, this is a very new thing for me and I have to do some research. Asking it to leave didn't work. Invoking thoughts of God and love kept me safe but didn't make it leave. I don't think. I think it gave up for a bit but I don't know that it is gone.

I'm hesitant to meditate right now, not until I know what to do. I've read if you push them away they can attach themselves to others close to you and I want it GONE. I'm out of white sage but ordered some to do some smudging asap. I've read about invoking the Archangel Michael. Sending it to the light- huh? How does one do that?

I will say one thing, I'm not totally freaked out. I actually feel empowered because for the first time I was aware and witness to exactly how strong our energy is. I had no idea, I could feel it like I could feel any other part of my body. We are amazing. I can't describe how wild it is to literally feel this extension of yourself with a fighting force. It's no wonder beings try to attach to us but it also has shown me that we really, truly can change this world. I have zero doubt about that now. We are a FORCE.

Sorry for the length but thinking along these lines- how many others may have these entities around them, blocking them from their full potential, without even knowing it? Maybe that is the intent?

Any advice?
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Old 09-14-2008, 05:54 AM   #2
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

Rub some lavender oil on your body, burn lavender incense and frankincense. There are things you could burn. My daughter is somewhat of a medium, untrained and was very scared when she was a teenager, terrified in fact, not wanting to sleep in her room. (She is very intelligent, has three majors now). What I did was go into her room and did all my stuff I know and after that everything was fine. There are heaps of things you can do. I do call on Archangel Michael and it works everytime. I shower white light around anyone I think needs protection ask the angels to protect them and they do. St Michael I only ask when I feel I need to, otherwise angels are fine, but do the other stuff too. Ask him and the angels with as much intent as you can to take this energy away and they will, they will put somewhere where it cannot harm. That is all I can say. Hope it helps.
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Old 09-14-2008, 05:57 AM   #3
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

I would get a hold of David Frankin Farkas at http://www.househealing.com/. He has the ability to clear places of spirits by closing up the gaps in the energy fields. And he can do it remotely. Check out his appearance at Darkness Radio.
Bill "the Doctor"
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:17 AM   #4
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help


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Old 09-14-2008, 06:18 AM   #5
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help


I applaud that you openly share your experience.

I have many experiences with these energies, and want to cautiously provide guidance through my experiences.

First, what I'll call 'the game' is now underway. I use this phrase because on some levels it may help to hold a more productive perspective. That you have witnessed a presence approaching the physical seems to solidify some of what you are dealing with, and you'll be better equipped to be vigilant in detection. While this manifestation might send some folks into a terror or panic, you have a different constitution, and this energy has now become apprised of it.

Since you no longer will be in doubt about what is happening, and questioning too deeply various other possibilities, like your sanity, your health, etc., you may get right to the business of finding the root causes and closing your portals of entry.

Be prepared for the energy to now find other tactics of engagement. These could be across a wide spectrum, but might include depressive or obsessive thoughts, periods of spaciness, urges towards existing or new addictions and such.

I mentioned finding the root causes and closing the portals because these seem to be synergistic items. It is my impression that most attachments are the result of some portion of ourselves where we have a weakness. The energy may be a way for our higher selves to teach and lead us to grow, but perhaps not always.

In my experience, some meditation on what the purpose of the experience is may lead to the root, and if you can find the root and address it, you may close the portal. Possible roots are family issues, including deceased ancestry, current life problems and intensities, personal guilt and anything that weighs heavy. Looking within can reveal, since often we know where our weights are.

If you find the roots, then it may be enough to commence healing those aspects. If not, then outside sources may be able to help you discover them. I took a year long spiritual healing course a few years back, and if you don't achieve success over a few weeks and can't find resources, I'd attempt to help over the phone, but I'd have to get back into practice first.

I battled energies for at least a year, and probably was really working with them for much, much longer before I finally decided it was my focus to 'heal'. You may find some of my journey expressed in my prose in the Public Prose and Poetry Group I set up here on Avalon.

I tried many approaches on my journey, including shamans, Indian healers, michael, prayers, the instructor of my spiritual healing course, and found in the end that my roots were deep and varied. I needed to work in stages, and with tenacity. I strongly recommend Diane Stein's book, Essential Psychic Healing as an awesome resource. (( http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1580911730 ))

If you provide permission, I will attempt to meet you in the astral and take a look, but without permission I am limited to sending encouragement and blessings. Big Hugs!

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Old 09-14-2008, 06:22 AM   #6
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

I read somewhere on Michaels Messages about how to get rid of Dark Energy. I'll find it and edit this space.

This is actually referring to receiving information and making sure it's not a Dark Entity, but the phrase is pretty strong:

When you are receiving information check the source of the information by demanding: “I now demand in the name of Jesus the Christ to know if you are a being of the Jesus The Christ Consciousness; if you are a being of the true God of the God Light Consciousness of The Creator, answer me yes or no.”

At this point three things can happen, they will answer Yes, they will answer No or there will be silence. This law dictates that these beings can lie about anything, but they cannot lie about this. When you receive silence or a No, immediately go into the words: “I here and now command in the name of Jesus The Christ that if there is any entity that is not of the most evolved form of the Jesus The Christ Consciousness, that is not of the most evolved form of God I Am, then you are to here and now disappear and cease to exist. This I command in the name of Jesus The Christ. “
SOURCE: http://www.matthewbooks.com/mm/anmviewer.asp?a=50

Last edited by Pithiny; 09-14-2008 at 06:43 AM.
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:26 AM   #7
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

[QUOTE=Tuza;11032]Rub some lavender oil on your body, burn lavender incense and frankincense. [QUOTE]
yup...lavender is great
it also helps you sleep,
and, is a great relaxer in the tub

eXcellent suggestion

many essential oils, do a myriad of wonderful things
just like flower essences, and, alchemy types of blends
(if you need info on them-wholesale)
(too many emails--go to www.ineways.com/workingwonders) thanks
brightest blessings
The eXchanger

Last edited by THE eXchanger; 09-14-2008 at 08:14 PM.
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:30 AM   #8
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

Tuza, thank you for that advice. I think I have lavendar, I will check and mix it with oil. My neighbor makes incense, I'll get some tomorrow. I have some laying around but it's pretty generic. His is awesome.

Susan, the hot water is a great idea. And the chords. I knew you'd have some needed insight, thank you. I started using MAP a while back but haven't in awhile (maybe that's when this being got to me, that disconnect from guides?). Do you think that would be beneficial to try? I think I may try that tonight. I guess it cannot hurt? I always felt so safe with them around.

For those getting ready to ask what MAP is, here ya go and it is amazing:

Zynox, thank you for sharing your experience. In about 30 minutes I'll be unfocused and I'd definitely invite you to have a look. I'd appreciate your insight. I doubt if I have pushed it away, more like it is waiting. And have you found that they are less present when others are present? But when alone you just know its there? I started noticing something was amiss (but didn't put 2 and 2 together) about a month ago when my cat started having growling and hissing fits whenever I'd take a bath. She'd hiss and growl at the bathroom door, as if something was there watching me. When I'd finish my bath and open the door she'd slink out quickly, bushed up, to go hide.

I don't feel "dark" though I have been cranky and scattered lately with noises bothering me more than normal even. But overall I'm my happy self.

I'm not scared. A bit bewildered and hesitant ot initiate another altercation before I have my facts straight.
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:33 AM   #9
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

One more thing- I have been doing some past life regression. Is it possible that it's an old energy that is somehow attached to me? Zynox, what do you think?

Pithiny, thank you. I would very much appreciate your link.
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:40 AM   #10
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

Originally Posted by RubyTuesday View Post
I posted about this in the Indigo thread but it has progressed into something else. I have a dark entity around me and was told it was here to protect me. I have a friend who can remote view me and saw it and it was threatening to her the second time she saw it. So 2 nights ago I asked it to reveal its purpose and if it wasn't aligned with my intentions it must leave (thank you, eXchanger). I repeated this over and over. I did it again last night. This morning, when I woke up, I felt lighter. I looked out the window and saw a pretty white butterfly fluttering next to the glass and took this as a good sign.

So this afternoon I sit down for some extended meditation. I felt the need to clear my chakras, especially my root, because this energy contributed to some blockages. After a bit of grounding, out of nowhere it was there. It ATTACKED me. It attacked my energy- did not hurt me physically at all.

I've never felt anything like it in my life. I spent over an hour fighting this thing and I'm not sure if it is gone. I don't know who "won". It came at me out of nowhere. At first I thought I was having some new "wow" experience cause I was feeling my energy moving quickly. Literally, like a hurricane. Especially around my head. I could even HEAR it moving. I could see a dark hand over my eyes, even the shapes of the fingers. I have never, ever, ever, ever had such an experience but I wasn't scared. I couldn't feel my arms. I tried looking at them and couldn't see them. I could barely swallow and couldn't talk. At one point when I thought it was over I was looking around and know what? I wasn't IN MY BODY. I realized it immediately and was back. I don't know if it had tried to get in or what. I never felt it pushing me out.

Anyway, this is a very new thing for me and I have to do some research. Asking it to leave didn't work. Invoking thoughts of God and love kept me safe but didn't make it leave. I don't think. I think it gave up for a bit but I don't know that it is gone.

I'm hesitant to meditate right now, not until I know what to do. I've read if you push them away they can attach themselves to others close to you and I want it GONE. I'm out of white sage but ordered some to do some smudging asap. I've read about invoking the Archangel Michael. Sending it to the light- huh? How does one do that?

I will say one thing, I'm not totally freaked out. I actually feel empowered because for the first time I was aware and witness to exactly how strong our energy is. I had no idea, I could feel it like I could feel any other part of my body. We are amazing. I can't describe how wild it is to literally feel this extension of yourself with a fighting force. It's no wonder beings try to attach to us but it also has shown me that we really, truly can change this world. I have zero doubt about that now. We are a FORCE.

Sorry for the length but thinking along these lines- how many others may have these entities around them, blocking them from their full potential, without even knowing it? Maybe that is the intent?

Any advice?
I can do no better to help you then tell you my own story.

About 3 months ago i was going through a very bad spell where the worst of my energies were coming out of me. Noone would come into my room because they felt uncomfortable, as if there was a heavyness lingering in the air.
At the time i didnt understand that i was being attacked so i could do nothing to stop it. I was suicidal more then once and at the moment in my life all of my relationships were destroyed and could feel a hatred build up inside me.

So instead of manifesting what the entite wanted i started to perform acts of love, this he did not like. But the more love i expressed the less of a grip he had on me. And what i did finally to banish him for good was get a warm bowel of salt water. Then i chanted 'Any negative energys that here reside i banish to this bowel of brine' three times. I left it at the foot of my bed and in the morning when i woke up i could literally feel a lightness in the air, and from that point on its been down hill, things have gotten much easier.

Its also a good thing to make your intention clear, you are a strong soul being and have much power but only when you recognise it. Stand firm and align yourself with the love of the universe and the demon will loose its power over you.

I used to think demons were from cuckoo land, theres nothing like experience to jolt one back into reality.
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:54 AM   #11
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help


We are community, we help where we may. That said, I would be willing to help you tomorrow, after I review my techniques and embrace my guides, whom I have ... neglected ... I approach these situations with respect and preparation, except in dire situations, then I leap off cliffs if needed.

My intuition is that the cat was actually responsive to the energy displaced from you during the bath, seems yours doesn't appreciate a good long soak and was hanging around external, and the cat either was warning you of the energy or the energy to back off, probably both!

My experience has been that the gnawing creepy intensities were always when I was alone, but that in intense engagements with others, the energy would present as nasty expressions from me, totally excessive to the situation at hand, not physically violent, more as terseness and domineering.

For now, here is one of the prayers in latin that I did find effective during a crisis period:

In nomini Padre
Et fili
Et spiritus sancty

Abbe male spiritus
Abbe male spiritus
Abbe male spiritus

In nomini padre
Et fili
Et spiritus sancty

In nomini Jesus Chisti

The Indian healer showed me this in person, and it was stressed to get physical in the application by sweeping the energies from head to toe and down to the earth three times in the process of chanting the Abbe male spiritus segments ... rinse and repeat the whole process routinely if you find it useful, I suspect you'll know if it works through the internal feel of purity, if applicable.

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Old 09-14-2008, 07:02 AM   #12
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Your higher self has just sent you a root, so says my intuition. YES, if the timing is such that it seems the energies manifested after the regressions began, then I think you'll be working through your ancestral / past lives lineage to use the now, to heal the past, present and future.

This work can be tricky and interesting, if you have a distorted sense of interesting like I do!

For this, I will dig through some notes and send you some suggested techniques sometime this afternoon.

Feels like you have stirred the pot, and now it is time to make some stone soup!

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Old 09-14-2008, 07:12 AM   #13
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

Whenever I feel I need protection I ask The Ancient of Days to send me help and he does.
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Old 09-14-2008, 07:18 AM   #14
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This narration of a segment in my path has some family elements in it. What totally blows me away is I have just recalled, from your question, that I too probably stirred it all up from my past life regression work, which occurred before my encounters got intense.

Healing Session - 2006.04.10

I arrived early and Xxx asked me to wait for our appointment in the basement. I initially stood observing the objects in the room, healing books, lit candles, drums, carved walking sticks and smooth black rocks of various shapes seemingly scattered about haphazardly.

I was mildly anxious and focused on an attempt to meditate. The energy of the room felt warm, safe and comfortable. I noticed repetitions of energy surges into my right heel which lasted until Xxx came downstairs about fifteen minutes later. I also developed an intense inner heat between my second and third chakras which felt like a glowing sphere or orb centered in my abdomen.

Xxx greeted me and offered me water. She asked that I maintain all parts of my body uncrossed and also requested I keep my feet and hands apart while she performed an initial energetic scan, while using a drum to set the consciousness.

After the scan, she commenced discussing the purpose of my visit. I narrated my life change circumstances and noted my hyperhidrosis, feelings of coiled energy and potential energetic intrusions. I noted that Xxx had surrounded herself with a walking stick on each side of her, with another behind her chair, and that she sat with one of the stones on her chair.

She acknowledged the presence of multiple attachments and energy patterns and asked permission to address them. I acknowledged and we went on a journey of exploration and healing work. I focused internally on intent to be an open channel and visualized a variety of flows within my body and noted several painful sensations. These sensations were centered on my lower right pelvic area, my right side of chest, my heart and especially in my throat.

During the work, I occasionally peered up to observe Xxx entranced with her hands moving with her palms facing me or to see her gaze up and off to my left as she contemplated or received her guidance. Several times during the work she would pause and inquire on my status and sensations and felt to be taking breaks from her energy manipulations.

She discussed at length the primary intrusion which she noted as a diagonal object that sliced through my trunk and was multigenerational energy that crossed both my family and my lifetimes. This energy manifested as an external controlling influence that was attempting to subtly control others to absorb their energies, in vampire fashion, to feed ‘itself’. She indicated that this energy didn’t provide any benefit to me, that it was parasitic and asked if I was done learning from it, and if so, for permission to extract it (which I enthusiastically granted!). This energy also influenced my mental and emotional processes significantly. She indicated gratitude for bringing this to her to be removed and noted this was part of a larger energy that afflicted many beyond myself and my Mom and her relatives. As this work was done, I felt strong roots in my lower left pelvic region like roots being torn from the ground and a resistance to extraction. I sent my own healing energies and gold light to the area which alleviated the pain in a few minutes.

Xxx shared that my many life changes experienced last fall coincided with a major earth grid reality shift where most veils of illusion were transformed into two worlds, with people dividing into camps of reality, the old world/experience and the new world/experience.

When I mentioned the apartment fire, another energetic entity manifested with thorns in multiple chakras especially my crown. As she worked with these areas, I experienced full body extended energetic surges that felt to flow readily without the past blockages around my middle trunk, and included surging in my arms which hadn’t felt much past energy.

During the series of extractions, she picked up some energy in her ear and needed to interrupt the processes and clear herself which required several minutes.

When she inquired specifically on my whole being state, I noted that I felt calm and also rather hollow like a void was present, physically. She acknowledged that I had recently chosen to do battle with the foreign energies and that this was the source of my confusions, chaos and the hyperhydrosis. All was relatively calm and harmonious when I had been integrated with all the energies present, but that as I began to choose to separate, the energies began resisting me to remain dominant. What had been subtle had then become prominent.

Xxx indicated that she placed some protections around me to manage some shielding of attempts by new external energies from seeking to fill my clearer space, and indicated several exercises to promote self shielding. She recommended one additional visit in a month to six weeks to recheck for energies and balancing of chakras.

Xxx indicated it may have been self protection cutting me off from source as with so many emotional and mental competitions going on within me it would have been challenging to trust inner wisdom. She feels that it will be much easier now to hear and trust my inner wisdom and voice, centered in my heart.

It feels wonderful to have this warm glow in my abdomen and I am encouraged that I have some sovereignty and space to work with. It is interesting also to be currently so clear without the orchestra of competing voices and thoughts in my head. I notice the skeptics and saboteurs are especially silent, them sneaky cartoon characters! Rascally Rabbits!!!!!!! The Grateful Dead knew, What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been. Seems it DOESN’T matter what one believes or attempts to faithfully manifest with intent, some days, we need help and support in this sandbox!
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:39 AM   #15
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Exclamation Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

If you are not sure who won when fighting this entity then you can bet he is still attached to you.

No disrespect to some of the other posts here on how to rid this but these will not work as this is a different type of entity.

What happens is <depending on the entity> they attach to a chakra and feed off you. The only way to rid this is to either seek out someone who is experienced in exorcism, <and i dont mean the church variety as they can only deal with lower entities> or you can do it yourself through cutting the lines they are feeding from you. I am happy to deal with this if you prefere or i can give you instructions. This does come under psychic warefare and if not experienced i would highly recommend that i will remove it from you.
I do not mean to scare you but you must be mad aware that if you remove it incorrectly, more will come. I dont want to scare you as i said but you need to know the risks.
Please private message me to let me know.

Originally Posted by RubyTuesday View Post
I posted about this in the Indigo thread but it has progressed into something else. I have a dark entity around me and was told it was here to protect me. I have a friend who can remote view me and saw it and it was threatening to her the second time she saw it. So 2 nights ago I asked it to reveal its purpose and if it wasn't aligned with my intentions it must leave (thank you, eXchanger). I repeated this over and over. I did it again last night. This morning, when I woke up, I felt lighter. I looked out the window and saw a pretty white butterfly fluttering next to the glass and took this as a good sign.

So this afternoon I sit down for some extended meditation. I felt the need to clear my chakras, especially my root, because this energy contributed to some blockages. After a bit of grounding, out of nowhere it was there. It ATTACKED me. It attacked my energy- did not hurt me physically at all.

I've never felt anything like it in my life. I spent over an hour fighting this thing and I'm not sure if it is gone. I don't know who "won". It came at me out of nowhere. At first I thought I was having some new "wow" experience cause I was feeling my energy moving quickly. Literally, like a hurricane. Especially around my head. I could even HEAR it moving. I could see a dark hand over my eyes, even the shapes of the fingers. I have never, ever, ever, ever had such an experience but I wasn't scared. I couldn't feel my arms. I tried looking at them and couldn't see them. I could barely swallow and couldn't talk. At one point when I thought it was over I was looking around and know what? I wasn't IN MY BODY. I realized it immediately and was back. I don't know if it had tried to get in or what. I never felt it pushing me out.

Anyway, this is a very new thing for me and I have to do some research. Asking it to leave didn't work. Invoking thoughts of God and love kept me safe but didn't make it leave. I don't think. I think it gave up for a bit but I don't know that it is gone.

I'm hesitant to meditate right now, not until I know what to do. I've read if you push them away they can attach themselves to others close to you and I want it GONE. I'm out of white sage but ordered some to do some smudging asap. I've read about invoking the Archangel Michael. Sending it to the light- huh? How does one do that?

I will say one thing, I'm not totally freaked out. I actually feel empowered because for the first time I was aware and witness to exactly how strong our energy is. I had no idea, I could feel it like I could feel any other part of my body. We are amazing. I can't describe how wild it is to literally feel this extension of yourself with a fighting force. It's no wonder beings try to attach to us but it also has shown me that we really, truly can change this world. I have zero doubt about that now. We are a FORCE.

Sorry for the length but thinking along these lines- how many others may have these entities around them, blocking them from their full potential, without even knowing it? Maybe that is the intent?

Any advice?
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:55 PM   #16
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

Hi there,
Same "problem" here I first had a "demon" that as I was advancing to a new stage jumped on top of me bumped my genitals I tried to wrestle it.
I finally defeated it while it worked on my astral penis I laughed and grabbed it´s head and prayed an Our father.
The point is when they no longer have a grasp over your emotions they are defeated.
Now I have a new one which grabs me by the neck, I´m thinking about how to beat that one.
Siddhatha Gautama had to defeat all demons before gaining enlightenment.
Its like the kung fu master arcade game you need to beat all the bad guys till you reach the final stage, you may have to spend a lot of quarters.
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:11 PM   #17
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

How to release a negative entity from your sphere

What about Orgonite? I have not researched this...yet
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:26 PM   #18
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

Thanks for sharing your experience Zynox... I have experienced something similar. I have also have found a path to clear everything dark in your being and bring in into the light.

So Ruby, I get the intuition that not all of you is in the light. You may not be aware of the part of you that is in the dark... and because of this no matter how much you "fight" these entities you will have problems. So remember this, and it is very key to being free of these entities.

They cannot feed on you, as long as your completely in the light.

Right now don't feel you have to fight the entity... this intention/action is not in the light, and will keep the entity around. Possibly making it stronger. Instead please choose to raise yourself up... and when you cannot, and get stuck, ask for help from all that is.

So first, and easiest, please consider intending to live a life that is positive in all aspects. One that improves your live, and benefits everyone in the process. Even if it only means becoming self sufficient so you are no longer a burden... it still benefits everyone. And then live it... generative action leaves no dark gaps.

Second... please start writing a journal. Start writing a journal about your past... starting with your earliest memories until you get to now. During this process you will find that there might be gaps you cant remember in your past... some of them years in length. These are things you could have repressed, and could not deal with back when they happened. However these are the things you may have to deal with now. And set the intention to remember what you have repressed, and to deal with it in a positive manner. Just being aware, will bring your darkness into the light.

Third... Always make the effort to stay positive, and be happy. And when you cant thank all that is generative helping you to be positive and happy, and in high spirits. We cannot force ourselves to be happy, even though we want to be. This is where higher powers come in. I have yet to see this one fail, not ever.

Just to sum this up... darkness cannot exist where there is light. So there is no need to fight... flies will only stick around as long as there is garbage for them to feed on. So do your best...

love and light bro... you have my blessings
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Old 09-14-2008, 07:20 PM   #19
Captain Obvious
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

Hi RubyTuesday.

Zynox mentioned something I found interesting, gold light. I recommend visualizing gold light around you in like an eggshell field. Should be working against both light and dark attacks, though this attack sounds dark. Yes, and I second the sage smudging.

I'm curious, any colors involved in the attack?

Last edited by Captain Obvious; 09-14-2008 at 07:22 PM.
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Old 09-14-2008, 07:26 PM   #20
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

CO- Just black. No colors. I saw a black entity.

I have so much to read here and so much wonderful advice. I'm taking it all and incorporating it into a plan of action.

I think it attached to my root chakra. It has felt so blocked lately and it attacked when I was focusing on clearing this chakra. Of course, it also knew I had become aware of its presence.

I'm also feeling like I will rise above this more aware and in a position to help others deal with the same situations, as I'm being helped now. I've just been sitting here wondering how many of these entitities are out there right now, attached to unknowing lights of the world, interfering with the vibration of the world. That has given me much to think about, kwim? I'm wondering whether this experience is part of my broader mission.
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Old 09-14-2008, 07:29 PM   #21
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

Originally Posted by OceanWinds View Post
Thanks for sharing your experience Zynox... I have experienced something similar. I have also have found a path to clear everything dark in your being and bring in into the light.

So Ruby, I get the intuition that not all of you is in the light. You may not be aware of the part of you that is in the dark... and because of this no matter how much you "fight" these entities you will have problems. So remember this, and it is very key to being free of these entities.

They cannot feed on you, as long as your completely in the light.

Right now don't feel you have to fight the entity... this intention/action is not in the light, and will keep the entity around. Possibly making it stronger. Instead please choose to raise yourself up... and when you cannot, and get stuck, ask for help from all that is.

So first, and easiest, please consider intending to live a life that is positive in all aspects. One that improves your live, and benefits everyone in the process. Even if it only means becoming self sufficient so you are no longer a burden... it still benefits everyone. And then live it... generative action leaves no dark gaps.

Second... please start writing a journal. Start writing a journal about your past... starting with your earliest memories until you get to now. During this process you will find that there might be gaps you cant remember in your past... some of them years in length. These are things you could have repressed, and could not deal with back when they happened. However these are the things you may have to deal with now. And set the intention to remember what you have repressed, and to deal with it in a positive manner. Just being aware, will bring your darkness into the light.

Third... Always make the effort to stay positive, and be happy. And when you cant thank all that is generative helping you to be positive and happy, and in high spirits. We cannot force ourselves to be happy, even though we want to be. This is where higher powers come in. I have yet to see this one fail, not ever.

Just to sum this up... darkness cannot exist where there is light. So there is no need to fight... flies will only stick around as long as there is garbage for them to feed on. So do your best...

love and light bro... you have my blessings
Well a big thank you for that, it really talks to me. Its like you were replying for me.
I have been putting off starting a journal, but doing one where I remember the past seems fun!
Ill try that, for sure there are big blocks of my life that I don't remember...
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Old 09-14-2008, 07:43 PM   #22
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

Among all the suggestions here, I would like to share the one that worked for me.

I experienced over-all life effects from an attached entity. I never saw it. I never knew it was there. What I experienced was that every aspect of my life was heavy and hard. It was like lifting boulders to do the simplest thing. I just wanted to sit and cry. I didn't know at the time that my life energy was being drained away.

The solution given me was to do three meditations in which I first established myself in a safe place, with full sensory awareness of being there. Then call in my higher self to stand by me in a circle of protection. Then call in the higher self of the entity and ask that higher self to lead the entity away to where they are supposed to be.

There was also, as part of this meditation, the idea that this invasion of my being is "wrong" by spiritual standards, a breaking of spiritual law. The entity's higher self was asked to instruct the entity about that.

Three meditations. I never saw the entity. I don't have a mental image of what it looked like. But it's gone and everything about my life has changed, now that I have all my life energy available to me. In fact, despite all the topics on this forum, life is fun.
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Old 09-14-2008, 07:45 PM   #23
Jacqui D
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

What i would do in your position;
1. place yourself inside a bubble mentally, in that bubble put your friends, family, your pets, and even visualise your home, i agree these dark entities can latch on to others.
2. Do not go into meditation at this present time, you could be opening yourself for a jump in.
Jump ins or possession is when an entity can take over your body.
3. You may have picked up this entity from somewhere always be careful when you are out,if someone bumps into you always brush yourself off before returning home then shake yourself off before you enter your home.
4. If you fear this entity is outside the home place salt outside for protection.
5. When sleeping in your bed visualise a sphere above you make that sphere reach from your head to your toes and complete the circle by taking all round you under the bed and back again.
6. Place yourself in gold light this is the strongest energy many make the mistake to place white around them.
7. If this doesn't work you really need to get some holy water.
My thoughts are with you,
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Old 09-14-2008, 08:08 PM   #24
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

You know, I keep seeing an analogy in my head. I've caught a spiritual STD. Just had to share that.
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Old 09-14-2008, 08:19 PM   #25
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Dark entities/energy: need help

Originally Posted by RubyTuesday View Post
One more thing- I have been doing some past life regression.

Last edited by THE eXchanger; 09-22-2008 at 04:02 PM.
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