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Old 10-13-2008, 12:11 AM   #1
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Default Our first close contact!

My kids and I just had our first contact together, just about 20 minutes ago!

We were driving home, here in Michigan, in Oakland County, on a busy mile road at 7:40 pm. Sun was set, but sky in west just a little lit up still-barely.

We at first saw a plane, that I initially thought was Jupiter maybe. THen all of a sudden, in front of us, but looked REALLY low, over the road, like maybe 300 feet up, an orangish/yellowish squarish/ovalish shape moving from left to right, slowly, steadily. I pulled over and we got out, and walked to a small ridge next to the road and watched it. Both my 14 year old daughter, 11 year old son and I were psychically communicating to it that we wanted to have direct contact when it started to cloak out, very slowly. It looked like it was getting smaller and smaller until it disappeared, like a helium balloon floating away.

A couple of things: it was glowing, rather than an airplane bright kind of light, was orange/yellow and had a "hazy" aura on the top. No blinking lights, slow tragectory except for the fade out and no sound.

When I asked psychically why they didn't connect I heard, "not ready." Then driving back I heard that I wasn't ready because I don't yet "trust myself," (I thought I was SO ready), and when my daughter said, "I'M ready!!" I heard to tell her to "be patient." I did hear that we were effected vibrationally from that sighting, though. That's happened to me before with other sightings-I"ve had new insights or dreams after. This was the most obvious "object" sighting though I've ever had. Plus it was with my two kids....we were so excited. They are my favorite people to have this experience with!!

very cool....
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Old 10-13-2008, 12:44 AM   #2
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15? 13? 14? I'm in Berkley.
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Old 10-13-2008, 12:56 AM   #3
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wow, theresa, please tell us of any psychic dreams you may be having now after that sighting. wish i could see them myself!...or anything noticeably difft in your daily life.

thanks for the post!
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Old 10-13-2008, 02:45 AM   #4
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It seems like you may have seen something but remember to watch yourself around those things.

The skies have been quite active where i live and its always good to note its probably ours.

Alot of dis-info poking about, Majic12 may be a good place to poke around for interest.
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Old 10-13-2008, 08:11 PM   #5
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Well, didn't have any profoundly spiritual dreams that I can remember, but I was really restless all night and kept waking up on and off with ET's on my mind. That could've just been my excitment.

But this morning I felt VERY calm and felt guided to turn on NPR after dropping my daughter off at school. I have not listened to news on the radio, and never watch tv, in years. When I was listening, I felt this very calm feeling that the Orion's, or Nordics, were gaining control of the renegade people who are wreaking havoc with humanity and basically making them stop interfering with our evolution. I just had this very calm sense that the big "apocolyptic" predicitons of devastation aren't going to happen.

We still have to grow up and evolve, but a lot of our evolution has been interferred with. Just feels like something has shifted. Thats what I am aware of today.
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Old 10-13-2008, 08:14 PM   #6
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Theresa , this is a wonderful experience.

Thank you for sharing it with us all.


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Old 10-13-2008, 10:00 PM   #7
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What you saw was a controlled weather balloon they are all kinds of different colors like silver orangish some have a coper like shell to give off the glowish shine effect, there are sooo many kinds that look like boxes or UFOs and move very fast, and if there is a combination with the wind it will move all over the place. But i'm not trying to be mean or sound rude but I think you should see someone about your voices if you think someone is talking to you about "not being ready" or whatever they say, or anyone at all other than a human for that purpose. By this story and a lot of your other posts it looks like you're looking to hard for something that isn't there at times, therefor making yourself believe it is there by thinking the weather balloon was a UFO. The voices and such were an excuse to yourself for hoping it would come down and wondering why it didn't mixed with hoping and thinking a little to hard. If your kids are young I hope you're not filling there head with stuff like this, thinking mom is hearing people talk in her head isn't understandable at that age..or thinking there is UFO's in the sky and when they go to bed at night thinking they will attack them so they get all scared. We don't need to let them know about ET and UFOs at a young age, they don't understand the history and will just freak and get damaged. Again not trying to bash you but psychically channeling is first of all not done that fast or by asking, and 2nd there are only a select few in the WORLD that have REAL abilities, Blossom Goodchild sure isn't one of them.
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:13 PM   #8
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You know what you saw, and you know what you heard. Go with what is in your heart, be true to it. So many people don't understand when you hear voices, too many TV programs showing schizophrenic people hearing voices due to to mental illiness that when a person is clairaudient, people lump you in that category.
I send you love, keep strong.
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:20 PM   #9
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Don't tell me I don't understand because I do, I know all about channeling and that's not how it's done. Never said she had a mental illness or said she was crazy so don't "lump" me into the non believer category because I do believe in the selected few there are and talking to ET in a car after seeing a weather balloon is far from channeling.
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:26 PM   #10
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Euphorla, I don't know what makes you so right and Theresa so wrong? How can you possibly know what it was she saw? after all, you weren't even there.

If the experience was a positive one for her and her children then that is what matters most. I live in the UK and what she described was very close to my own sighting - a bright glowing orange craft only 300 metres away silent and motionless. I observed it clearly for four or five minutes it dissappeared without trace when I took fifteen seconds to run into the house to get someone to witness it.

There is now overwhelming evidence for ET activity here on earth. If her children are happy to accept that, it can only be a good thing. If you can't see that then why are you on Avalon?

Good on you Theresa just don't get too excited!
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:28 PM   #11
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Sound like a party-light hot air balloon with a candle.

They are called Silent fireworks...


If I´m allwrong, sorry.
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:37 PM   #12
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These skeptical and witty comments are not helpful or positive.

Why bother to post if you can only make negative remarks?
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:57 PM   #13
Chris Parson
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i wanna meet one of these telepathic "weather balloons"

i believe you theresa :]

thanks for sharing
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Old 10-13-2008, 11:10 PM   #14
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Hey Theresa,

By the description, it does sound like weather balloons. They move slow at first, bright orange, and then they shoot up into the sky. They definetly can look like a UFO and keep your attention. I would assume, knowing you, that you know what weather balloons look like. BTW folks, Theresa is amazingly accurate in her intuitive abilities. I've known her for years and love thet fact that I'm running into her on Camelot. Love, peace, and all that other good stuff. We really need positive stuff here to drown out all the PTB negative manifestations.
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Old 10-14-2008, 12:02 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Euphor|a View Post
Don't tell me I don't understand because I do, I know all about channeling and that's not how it's done. Never said she had a mental illness or said she was crazy so don't "lump" me into the non believer category because I do believe in the selected few there are and talking to ET in a car after seeing a weather balloon is far from channeling.

I guess I don't understand why you feel that there's only a selected few who have abilities. Thousands of years ago, we were all very consciously psychic. We all have the potential, some are just more aware of their abilities than others. If you have done your research, then you would know about our "fall" in consciousness. Most people who post on these forums have the abilities which you are doubting.
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Old 10-14-2008, 12:54 AM   #16
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weather balloon/ not a weather balloon, I was not there......Theresa was and her children...hmmmm......witnesses.....to a long history of sightings and telepathic communication. I believe it was not a balloon, THERESA, reflect on the event, teach your children(if not already, and sounds like you have) about the visitations, and pay no attention to Euphor|a although he believes, but so do skeptics they just need more evidence(searching for actually).

As for the statement that few have the ability, wow, sounds like an ego trip to me, perhaps EuphorIa can enlighten us as to whom(I'm guessingHim/Her)has this ability and to what extent!
I'm sure he'll leave out my wife, I'm sure hell leave Theresa off the list and countless others who have the unique ability to communicate with the other side or ET's, many of whom(i'm gussing) try to live as noraml as possible without drawing attention to themselves or their families. OR
Perhaps we are just silly and missed EuphorIas point completely..........nah.
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Old 10-14-2008, 01:04 AM   #17
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i think this is authentic.I've had a few sightings at night and they are orange a majority of the time.The ones i saw had no characteristics of any thing flying made by mankind.lots of speed and direction change.I too also have felt a shift in the overall "vibe" of things ingeneral in the last 2 weeks or so.

Since alot of people want to dismiss and hate on this kinda of topic, i will just say that from my own experience,the more people that tell you your full of **** means that you are on the right course.I warned about war in iraq and terrorism and economic downfall back in the mid-90s and that was just the most ridiculous load of bull-ony ever according to all the "smart " ones.Now all the smarties don't want to do anything other than complain about terrorism,iraq, and "economic downturns".

He who laughs last laughs best....I dont see much to laugh about though.
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Old 10-14-2008, 01:10 AM   #18
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Not having been there I obviously can't have an opinion on what she saw.

However, Euphorla's post brings up the bigger subject of human's amazing ability to see and believe what they want.

To make statements such as 'it doesn't matter what you saw - it's what you believe' and demanding 'positivity' isn't going to really help anyone. Surely Theresa is smart enough to desire truth more than contact.

Ultimately she is responsible for what she believes and sometimes beliefs need to be tested against alternative hypotheses. That's healthy skepticism.
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Old 10-14-2008, 02:28 AM   #19
Chris Parson
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anybody who has had telepathic contact knows that its not bs

when you know, you know. she knows.
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Old 10-14-2008, 02:59 AM   #20
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Hi y'all~

TARA!! you're on the forum....

I don't know it was a weather balloon, but it was totally dark out and it was glowing. Plus it was moving in a straight line from left to right and very slowly. No wavering-really straight and smooth. It started cloaking out as soon as I "talked" to it. I've had that experience over the summer seeing other things moving slow accross the sky but they looked like stars and seemed very far away. They cloaked out also when I would "communicate" with them. One time I saw two flying in formation that also cloaked out.

This thing seemed like it was only 2 or 300 feet up, but it's hard to say because I don't really know how big it was. It didn't go up when it faded away, it just either stayed where it was and cloaked out or went away slowly over about a minutes time...hard to say.

I have communicated with many ascended masters and entities who say they are "Galactic Federation". It would be tempting to think that I am off my rocker sometimes, all the psychic messages that I get. And I WOULD think that except that they are so darned accurate in readings with people that I realize I must be hearing SOMETHING authentic.

The only way for sure to know what to believe is to learn to meditate and go within to our own heart center and LISTEN. not ask questions, not pray for something, just listen. That is a very powerful meditation. Do that and then YOU TOO will hear weather balloons talking to you!!
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:03 AM   #21
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Well said Theresa.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:33 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Chris Parson View Post
anybody who has had telepathic contact knows that its not bs

when you know, you know. she knows.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:44 PM   #23
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You will be ready soon. All I know is to be patient. During one of many abductions this year, I asked if I could stay with them but was denied. I think they were caught completely off guard when I asked.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:15 PM   #24
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I think it is best to be careful, because "we" also can let you hear voices in your head, see Project Blue Beam.
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Old 10-14-2008, 10:55 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by martina View Post
I think it is best to be careful, because "we" also can let you hear voices in your head, see Project Blue Beam.
I think any advice is good advice but what happens when they are standing in front of you?
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