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Old 11-11-2008, 10:34 PM   #51
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Actually I find it a little amusing how E=MC^2 mentioned a lot.

It is basically Newtons F=ma taken to the extreme if you look at it for a mo
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Old 11-11-2008, 10:52 PM   #52
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Richard Hoagland and Mark Rodin video


Have you heard of Cymatics? - Look into it, it may help with your research!
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Old 11-11-2008, 10:57 PM   #53
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by Pierrot View Post
Hi Gregor,

thank you for those posts, I love it ;-)

I have a difficulty understanding it though - what do you mean by "harmonics" in your post above? your excel sheet shows frequencies for "octaves" rather than "harmonics", unless there is something I didn't grasp in your explanations... (?)

I intend to put your numbers in a spreadsheet to see how the harmonics (overtones or partials) relate to each other - in nature, the sound C would produce overtones in the following order:

C - C(octave higher) - G - C(next octave) - E - G(next octave) - Bb - C(next octave up) - D - E - F# - G - A etc

Btw - in that other thread you write about C and A, a very special relationship in music, as A minor is the relative tonality to C major (they share the same tones), a lot of affinity like brother and sister ;-)
Thank you Pierrot. My skills lay within mathematics and theoretical concepts, more specifically in the realms of sacred geometry than sacred harmonics. I just touched this subject the first time two weeks ago so my terminology may be off. So when I say harmonics I am assuming I mean octaves. What I would say C512, and wanted to then express C256, I would say harmonic I guess when I should of said octave. I only knew the other direction as an overtone. If I had a greater understanding of acoustic theory it would definitely help me greatly, but alas, I am purely a visual person at heart (however, that's changing).

Anyways, I just took like awhile to look over my work and comparing the only other piece of detailed information I found on a correct 12 tone scale. It seems like my scale was actually just the perfect fifth, or the second harmonic past the octave of C. It turns out I have more work to do to develop the full twelve tone scale, and some more reading to comprehend it. Thank you for pointing this out, as I was hoping someone with some acoustic theory under their belt could help me.

However, looking at the holes in my data, it points to a more interesting conclusion that makes much more sense. So forget my data so far haha. I'll get back to you guys when I rework all this out as its more complicated than I thought. Also, if you can let me know if the twelve tone scale looks "perfect" to you on the website. I need to prove it mathematically first before using it, however, it disregards A as not 432, which I was apprehensive to go against. Back to the drawing board...
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Old 11-11-2008, 11:11 PM   #54
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by jaby View Post
I watched this video at the weekend and it is brilliant. I kinda got lost in parts
but being into numbers and geometrical patterns I just tried to soak it in anyway.

At the moment I'm drawing out, photocopying and colouring, the big number grid that he used in the video...getting familiar with the number patterns.

Back in the 70s there was a Horizon programme on British TV and it was looking into the future...clips of what it might be like in 2000.
The years 2000 seemed a long way away then...lol. Like a mystical time when technology would be very advanced. Which to a degree it is.

But the bit that really grabbed me, and has stayed with me was when they did a short imaginary film when there was a device of some kind that could speed up dramatically, or create? food. There was a man who had a cauliflower in his hand.. and he was saying that in the year 2000 that food was produced like this, in the home. In this device, the details of which wasn't gone into. I forget a lot of the programme now...but that bit made a huge impression.

Soooooo when I watched the Marko Rodin video I sat up and took great notice when in the first minute of the vid he showed that board...with the heading...'The Grand Unified Field Theory'...and the third point down was...PRODUCE UNLIMITED FOOD.


How I would love to be able to somehow to invent a shape that would use sound in some way? to energise it...and either produce food out of nowhere...maybe bring it through from another dimension? Or speed the growth up really dramatically. Like producing all the vegetables etc? that you might need on a daily basis....in the home. Without being beholding to any farmer/food producer/energy company.

I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here...but I'm talking about inventing something that would erradicate world hunger/starvation. If the what-ever-it-was was easy to make and 'energise'.

I don't know if I would be able to get this together...but I would love to. I'm just chucking this out, because who knows...perhaps I/we/you could make something like this.

I wonder if Marko Rodin could...my god, that man is so fantastic.
It just blew my mind at the end of the video when he said he was doing that name of god thing...( B + H ?) made into a guttural hum....and thats when he got all the stuff he discovered about the numbers and what they could do etc...



Hope you don't mind me going a bit off topic...I'm just buzzing with it all at the moment.
Woah, now you're getting way ahead of yourself, but yes, for the most part you are absolutely right as it is indeed possible. Here is how one would go about it, but we (the common people) are still in the theoretical department on torsion (government sure ain't though). It would involve speeding up time with a large torsion field, essentially kicking up the spin of the atoms which would speed up time for say the vegetable (E=MC^2 comes in here again). However, the vegetable still needs light, air, water, and minerals/soil to grow. Does that mean it creates like vacuum of air and absorb massive sunlight, and super deplete the soil? Not necessarily, as torsion itself provides sustenance. That is how a yogi or Buddhist monk can fast for months on end with little or no food as the meditation induces torsion fields which provide sustenance. So with that notion, if you meditate, use reiki, expose yourself to orgonite, crystals, and sacred geometry, then indeed you need to eat far less than your average person. So yes, someday! I hope we'll be able to grow trees into our own uniquely designed hobbit homes and tree houses
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Old 11-11-2008, 11:14 PM   #55
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by AndyH View Post
Actually I find it a little amusing how E=MC^2 mentioned a lot.

It is basically Newtons F=ma taken to the extreme if you look at it for a mo
However, there is a HUGE difference between linear and exponential acceleration (aka power, first and second). I can tell that time may seem to be linear, but I sure am experiencing it in an exponential fashion :-p That's a thinker for ya hehe.
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Old 11-11-2008, 11:51 PM   #56
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by GregorArturo View Post
Woah, now you're getting way ahead of yourself, but yes, for the most part you are absolutely right as it is indeed possible. Here is how one would go about it, but we (the common people) are still in the theoretical department on torsion (government sure ain't though). It would involve speeding up time with a large torsion field, essentially kicking up the spin of the atoms which would speed up time for say the vegetable (E=MC^2 comes in here again). However, the vegetable still needs light, air, water, and minerals/soil to grow. Does that mean it creates like vacuum of air and absorb massive sunlight, and super deplete the soil? Not necessarily, as torsion itself provides sustenance. That is how a yogi or Buddhist monk can fast for months on end with little or no food as the meditation induces torsion fields which provide sustenance. So with that notion, if you meditate, use reiki, expose yourself to orgonite, crystals, and sacred geometry, then indeed you need to eat far less than your average person. So yes, someday! I hope we'll be able to grow trees into our own uniquely designed hobbit homes and tree houses
Yay !

Thanks for the reply.....

Very interesting and informative....and I love the hobbit tree house idea.
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Old 11-12-2008, 12:13 AM   #57
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

WOW. Nice work guys...
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Old 11-12-2008, 01:00 AM   #58
Gabe Gabriel
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Nice links lee Burton. Thanks
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Old 11-12-2008, 01:23 AM   #59
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

I came across something inteseting while trying to ratify the concept if you can turn infinties into quantum numbers, specifically divisors of 9. Anyways, its seem that all factors that have a multiple of 3 as a numerator and a non-multiple of 3 as the denominator, then you can multiply the numerator and denomator together to get the quantum number. Just another example of why 3,6,& 9 are so bad @$$ haha. For example:

Fraction Shortcut: 6/5 = 6*5 = 30 = 3+0 = 3
Traditional Way: 6/5 = 1.2 = 1+2 = 3

I tested it with a bunch of numbers and it seems pretty solid as long as the fraction doesn't produce an irrational number. The irrational numbers was what I was trying to define.

However, let's take a look at the multiplication pattern of 7 (factors of 7):

Second number after comma is the quantum number
7*1 = 7,7
7*2 = 14,5
7*3 = 21,3
7*4 = 28,1
7*5 = 35,8
7*6 = 42,6
7*7 = 49,4
7*8 = 56,2
7*9 = 63,9

Now think of this:

Let's now look at 3.
3*1 = 3,3
3*2 = 6,6
3*3 = 9,9
3*4 = 12,3
3*5 = 15,6
3*6 = 18,9
3*7 = 21,3
3*8 = 24,6
3*9 = 27,9
Now you have nine thirds (aka nine one-thirds) that make up the number 3, or 9/3 (trying to make this sound simple). Apply the table to those nine-thirds, with the same notion of 7 in mind:

So this means we can now solve the quantum number for irrational numbers (aka infinities) as long as it can be written as a fraction! Hell ya!

Also, this made me think of my ultimate math question which I can't deduce with any math: Point nine repeating...
aka .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

Now mathematicans will say that equals 9/9 or 1 but think about it; even if it does repeat on forever it's not 1! That's a mind *uck I tell ya.
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Old 11-12-2008, 03:28 AM   #60
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Gregor, love all the work your doing... the relentless passion, its so inside you.

Your'e a fan of Thoth! Circles and angles... but, circles not angles. John Lennon must have come unglued when he realized where there lyrics came from. And Thoth was 'Hermes' the trickster as well, to protect against the ego mind extremes like Adolf, whom knew quite a bit but was not allowing subtlety to operate of its own accord.

Awesome drawing you put together!
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Old 11-12-2008, 05:34 AM   #61
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by GregorArturo View Post
I came across something inteseting while trying to ratify the concept if you can turn infinties into quantum numbers, specifically divisors of 9. Anyways, its seem that all factors that have a multiple of 3 as a numerator and a non-multiple of 3 as the denominator, then you can multiply the numerator and denomator together to get the quantum number. Just another example of why 3,6,& 9 are so bad @$$ haha. For example:

Fraction Shortcut: 6/5 = 6*5 = 30 = 3+0 = 3
Traditional Way: 6/5 = 1.2 = 1+2 = 3

I tested it with a bunch of numbers and it seems pretty solid as long as the fraction doesn't produce an irrational number. The irrational numbers was what I was trying to define.

However, let's take a look at the multiplication pattern of 7 (factors of 7):

Second number after comma is the quantum number
7*1 = 7,7
7*2 = 14,5
7*3 = 21,3
7*4 = 28,1
7*5 = 35,8
7*6 = 42,6
7*7 = 49,4
7*8 = 56,2
7*9 = 63,9

Now think of this:

Let's now look at 3.
3*1 = 3,3
3*2 = 6,6
3*3 = 9,9
3*4 = 12,3
3*5 = 15,6
3*6 = 18,9
3*7 = 21,3
3*8 = 24,6
3*9 = 27,9
Now you have nine thirds (aka nine one-thirds) that make up the number 3, or 9/3 (trying to make this sound simple). Apply the table to those nine-thirds, with the same notion of 7 in mind:

So this means we can now solve the quantum number for irrational numbers (aka infinities) as long as it can be written as a fraction! Hell ya!

Also, this made me think of my ultimate math question which I can't deduce with any math: Point nine repeating...
aka .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

Now mathematicans will say that equals 9/9 or 1 but think about it; even if it does repeat on forever it's not 1! That's a mind *uck I tell ya.
the repeating 9s HAVE to have some relation to 9s significance. an infinite 9s! whichever numbers have the .99999... have a place in all of this.
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Old 11-12-2008, 07:34 AM   #62
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Gregor, love all the work your doing... the relentless passion, its so inside you.

Your'e a fan of Thoth! Circles and angles... but, circles not angles. John Lennon must have come unglued when he realized where there lyrics came from. And Thoth was 'Hermes' the trickster as well, to protect against the ego mind extremes like Adolf, whom knew quite a bit but was not allowing subtlety to operate of its own accord.

Awesome drawing you put together!
Thank you Christo! The passion is gonna be the death of me. I have to say I've done like 50 hours of mathematics this week, writing equations and looking for patterns and its gonna be the death of me. I got so much school work and stuff in the real world to do haha. I'm so sleep deprived that I am gonna meditate right now and call it a night. My body has finally caught up with my mind. Always been a Grade A insomniac, but meditation really helps relax my mind and get to sleep. However, there has been WAY to much stuff happening lately. I was talking to my friend and tell her all the things that just happened to me. And she's like "dear god all that's happened since I talked to you over two days ago." And I'm like, "No that's what happened to me today alone." Today was a little bit more chillax thank god. Time is certainly accelerating. In terms of psychic experiences, synchroncities, revelations, research breakthroughs, meeting people, and things going just right for me. It's so unbelievably overwhelming. What would be great is to law down and have a back massage. Mmmmm... Too bad all my massage therapists buddies are in Boston (aka it's the only way they can spin fire all the time).

Oh, and I redid a bunch of my work, redid some equations, inputs blah blah blah. Anyways, scrap C and G haha. It's actually C (256hz) and F (341.3 hertz) that propagate at 90 degrees to each other. Every other note has of coarse something that propagates to it, but they are an arbitrary frequency (No common note). What's interesting is the angle that propagates perpindicular to F#, the egyptian chant note, is 555.18Hz which is in between a C# and a D. Once I am confident in these frequencies (As now it's more mathematically sound, also being I understand acoustic theory much much more now) I plan on making some didgeridoos to precise frequencies, probably C and F, to work with quartz crystal. I'll release the stuff tomorrow. I need to sleep. Namaste.
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Old 11-12-2008, 11:55 AM   #63
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Hi, Gregor great work, the didgeridoo is a good idea, but for now to save time, Google free tone generator, there's stacks of good ones.
Scalar waves operate at 180 degrees to each other, just a comment.
Tom Bearden is an expert.

cheers good luck
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Old 11-12-2008, 12:08 PM   #64
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by Lee BURTON View Post
Hi, Gregor great work, the didgeridoo is a good idea, but for now to save time, Google free tone generator, there's stacks of good ones.
Scalar waves operate at 180 degrees to each other, just a comment.
Tom Bearden is an expert.

cheers good luck
Oh I know this. However, they also generate electromagnetic fields which I cannot control. Basically it introduces an unknown variable in the system, another wave, that I don't want.
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Old 11-13-2008, 04:13 AM   #65
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All right, I went through and redid everything. Made a mistake within the scale, well not really. Just underestimated it. The pic of sacred harmonics from before with the circles was correct. My scale was known as the perfect fifth, which is based on the prime of three (flip-flopped with the perfect third based off the prime of 5, so confusing). Anyways, once I threw in the other primes I got the twelve note scale, and redid all the angles so it includes all perpendicular angles to all these other angles. Take a look. Many of the perpendicular angles I could not define a quantum number due to them being irrational numbers. The Q stands for quantum number. The difference if there is is the difference in between frequencies. Range set is basically what octave range a frequency is in.

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Old 11-13-2008, 05:03 PM   #66
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i didn't want to make a new thread for this question but this is the most appropriate one...

why aren't marko rodin and nassim haramein collaborating?! they both live in hawaii...you'd think two geniuses would find each other on an island. they're perfect for each other! think of what 2 great minds could do together!
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Old 11-13-2008, 05:09 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by herbivore View Post
i didn't want to make a new thread for this question but this is the most appropriate one...

why aren't marko rodin and nassim haramein collaborating?! they both live in hawaii...you'd think two geniuses would find each other on an island. they're perfect for each other! think of what 2 great minds could do together!
Yes...I wish they'd get the 'unlimited food' thing invented! That was listed in the first minute of the four and a half hour Rodin video on Vortex Mathematics......
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Old 11-13-2008, 05:41 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by jaby View Post
Yes...I wish they'd get the 'unlimited food' thing invented! That was listed in the first minute of the four and a half hour Rodin video on Vortex Mathematics......
Well torsion is based on the spin of an atom, or an object, the rotation of it. Increasing the rotation is the same in terms of speed as in a linear motion, but it is circular, which generates gravity. But in this, if you relate this to the experiment DW mentioned in Divine Cosmos, if the torsion fields are increased to a certain point, then the spacetime continuum will be inverted, aka the object which was a pyramid disappears from our perspective in this reality as I would assume that means the object reaches the speed of light. Time has been shown to be affected by torsion fields. So using the same concepts within this experiment, while refining it with some of Ed's work (using his magneto from a Ford model T which was designed by John Keely), you can speed up time and cause the plant to grow at a tremendous rate. I think this would work best if you do this in an aqueous solution (hydroponically) versus soil, with using a UV light, I feel you could indeed accelerate growth a tremendous amount. Wow, I just thought of that all right now. I think I just thought of one bad ass science experiment, and I know just the plant to use it on hehe.
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Old 11-13-2008, 05:41 PM   #69
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hey greg i emailed the resonance project but it appears my emails cant get through!!!!!!!!!!! says delivery failure notification!!! i joined the mailking list and managed to reply to the conformation link... i asked if they have seen the www.code144.com video.. all these cats need to get together and do it quick.. your all on the right track!!!!!! man its gonna be a rocky next 4 years!!!!
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Old 11-13-2008, 05:57 PM   #70
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

I've followed this same line of research and came to the same harmonic and resonate frequencies
as you did in the spreadsheet, however did not feel the need to contribute.
Thank you for taking the time to present it to a broader audience...

However, it's my firm belief the the time for intellectualizing is at an end, and that it's
Thelema, right action of Will that manifest the beneficial outcome that is possible through this
proper use of technology.

In order balance the music system and make real usage of this information and sound technology
it has to be put to use.

I would be interested in producing a book and a product for musicians, and music lovers,
with this information.
And would like to come together to talk about possible approaches to doing this.

My initial thoughts on how to spearhead a project like this:

1) Take the digital versions of classical pieces done by Beethoven, Mozart, and the likes,
and feed them to a piece of audio generation software that has been "tuned" with the Solf. scale.
Produce an array of copyright free music from these classical pieces in the correct scale.
This is a start to get people hear the harmony and effect of this music in contrast to the err'ed
music being produced atm.

2) Produce a mainstream book with leaders in the field that who will collaborate on the project.
Establishing contact with someone who's name is already branded to music, or vibrational healing,
and presenting them with a draft and get them on board. Obviously, the final goal is to publish
these work and it's practical application on the shelves where "new" musicians and upcoming
generations can learn about it.

3) Produce a new "tuning" harmonical and other tuning devices musicians can purchase to re-tune their
instruments to the solf. freq. Something that costs, $20 - rather than $50 per tuning fork.

4) Custom order instruments from manufacturers of the upcoming "Hang Drum" or even basic guitars
and stock an online store with emphasis on revolutionary music by virtue of mathematical perfection
in the instruments themselves.

5) A BAND of musicians that are pleasing to a wide audience, ie alternative music, or rock and such
that has it's "angle" or news worthly aspect of it's self being that the music they play is perfect -
in relation to mathematical correspondences. I imagine Tesla Coils going off, alien sounding
instruments and a humble personae to the members of such a band.

I see these, or a integration of these on one large project with many collective minds working towards
the realization of the ideal of "Retuning the music instruments of the world into divine and mathematical
perfection for the healing of humanity" would be a way to actualize this information.

To make this happen, a movement needs to be established. A place of communication, and a "leader" in
the field to spearhead the movement and keep people inspired and motivated until it comes through to fruition...

If these actions aren't taken, then nothing changes and the opportunity at hand will slip away like a fading dream.

If these actions ARE taken, and taken well, you can see the actualization of a dream that will never be forgotten.

Adam K.

Last edited by ADAM KADMON; 11-13-2008 at 06:04 PM.
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Old 11-13-2008, 06:29 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by GregorArturo View Post
Well torsion is based on the spin of an atom, or an object, the rotation of it. Increasing the rotation is the same in terms of speed as in a linear motion, but it is circular, which generates gravity. But in this, if you relate this to the experiment DW mentioned in Divine Cosmos, if the torsion fields are increased to a certain point, then the spacetime continuum will be inverted, aka the object which was a pyramid disappears from our perspective in this reality as I would assume that means the object reaches the speed of light. Time has been shown to be affected by torsion fields. So using the same concepts within this experiment, while refining it with some of Ed's work (using his magneto from a Ford model T which was designed by John Keely), you can speed up time and cause the plant to grow at a tremendous rate. I think this would work best if you do this in an aqueous solution (hydroponically) versus soil, with using a UV light, I feel you could indeed accelerate growth a tremendous amount. Wow, I just thought of that all right now. I think I just thought of one bad ass science experiment, and I know just the plant to use it on hehe.

Go, go, go Arturo.....get the 'fast-food-fing' invented !!!

(ps FOOD I said......can't eat weeds... )

edit to say...well we can of course (eat weeds)....but you know what I'm joking about.

Last edited by jaby; 11-13-2008 at 06:33 PM.
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Old 11-13-2008, 06:55 PM   #72
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by ADAM KADMON View Post
I've followed this same line of research and came to the same harmonic and resonate frequencies
as you did in the spreadsheet, however did not feel the need to contribute.
Thank you for taking the time to present it to a broader audience...

However, it's my firm belief the the time for intellectualizing is at an end, and that it's
Thelema, right action of Will that manifest the beneficial outcome that is possible through this
proper use of technology.

In order balance the music system and make real usage of this information and sound technology
it has to be put to use.

I would be interested in producing a book and a product for musicians, and music lovers,
with this information.
And would like to come together to talk about possible approaches to doing this.

My initial thoughts on how to spearhead a project like this:

1) Take the digital versions of classical pieces done by Beethoven, Mozart, and the likes,
and feed them to a piece of audio generation software that has been "tuned" with the Solf. scale.
Produce an array of copyright free music from these classical pieces in the correct scale.
This is a start to get people hear the harmony and effect of this music in contrast to the err'ed
music being produced atm.

2) Produce a mainstream book with leaders in the field that who will collaborate on the project.
Establishing contact with someone who's name is already branded to music, or vibrational healing,
and presenting them with a draft and get them on board. Obviously, the final goal is to publish
these work and it's practical application on the shelves where "new" musicians and upcoming
generations can learn about it.

3) Produce a new "tuning" harmonical and other tuning devices musicians can purchase to re-tune their
instruments to the solf. freq. Something that costs, $20 - rather than $50 per tuning fork.

4) Custom order instruments from manufacturers of the upcoming "Hang Drum" or even basic guitars
and stock an online store with emphasis on revolutionary music by virtue of mathematical perfection
in the instruments themselves.

5) A BAND of musicians that are pleasing to a wide audience, ie alternative music, or rock and such
that has it's "angle" or news worthly aspect of it's self being that the music they play is perfect -
in relation to mathematical correspondences. I imagine Tesla Coils going off, alien sounding
instruments and a humble personae to the members of such a band.

I see these, or a integration of these on one large project with many collective minds working towards
the realization of the ideal of "Retuning the music instruments of the world into divine and mathematical
perfection for the healing of humanity" would be a way to actualize this information.

To make this happen, a movement needs to be established. A place of communication, and a "leader" in
the field to spearhead the movement and keep people inspired and motivated until it comes through to fruition...

If these actions aren't taken, then nothing changes and the opportunity at hand will slip away like a fading dream.

If these actions ARE taken, and taken well, you can see the actualization of a dream that will never be forgotten.

Adam K.
Adam I love you passion! However, you need to realize that the twelve note scale is what the music needs to be focused on, not the Solfeggio frequencies. The 12 note scale I have worked out, as many others have, is based on prime numbers. The Solfeggio frequencies are sacred frequencies that I do not fully grasp their mathematical significance besides the quantum numbers in sequential order 9,3,6,9,3,6 (low to high frequency).

Now if you look at the list above, the base number is the lowest octave of a Solfeggio frequency that is an integer. The two of interest are 33 and 99 hertz, Mi and Ut respectively. Mi also is an octave 66 hertz. Now if you look at the ratios which are made by taken the frequency and dividing it by the note in it's upper range (396 hertz divided by 409.6 hertz, note E). The first ratio is based on the twelve note harmonic scale of primes. The second ratio is the note from a perfect fifth (what I was originally using for a scale). Both Ut and Mi have the same ratios. Both are related to factors of three of each other. Actually I just looked at Fa and La, and it applies the exact same, but not with Re and Sol. However, Re and Sol both involve the same integers but flipped around in opposite positions for each integer. '33' is also known as Christ Consciousness I believe. That's what made it stand out for me.

I am pretty sure that most of the classical music is using Verni tuning, which I know is more mathematically precise but I don't know what it uses exactly, either: C256, A432, or C256/A432 (if that makes sense) for a harmonic twelve note scale.
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Old 11-13-2008, 06:59 PM   #73
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by jaby View Post
Go, go, go Arturo.....get the 'fast-food-fing' invented !!!

(ps FOOD I said......can't eat weeds... )

edit to say...well we can of course (eat weeds)....but you know what I'm joking about.
Yes, I am right there with ya. However, in terms of buds or flowers, it would be the coolest thing to see them grow and open up before your eyes. Think of a rose alone. Mmmm beauty....
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Old 11-13-2008, 07:05 PM   #74
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by GregorArturo View Post
Yes, I am right there with ya. However, in terms of buds or flowers, it would be the coolest thing to see them grow and open up before your eyes. Think of a rose alone. Mmmm beauty....
Wow...that is a fantastic thought....living ART.

I just love all those speeded up film of things growing.

The 'Fast-Fing' could create LIVING ART...my head is spinning with the thought.
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Old 11-13-2008, 07:57 PM   #75
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Default Re: Cracking the Code

Originally Posted by GregorArturo View Post
Adam I love you passion! However, you need to realize that the twelve note scale is what the music needs to be focused on, not the Solfeggio frequencies. The 12 note scale I have worked out, as many others have, is based on prime numbers. The Solfeggio frequencies are sacred frequencies that I do not fully grasp their mathematical significance besides the quantum numbers in sequential order 9,3,6,9,3,6 (low to high frequency).

Now if you look at the list above, the base number is the lowest octave of a Solfeggio frequency that is an integer. The two of interest are 33 and 99 hertz, Mi and Ut respectively. Mi also is an octave 66 hertz. Now if you look at the ratios which are made by taken the frequency and dividing it by the note in it's upper range (396 hertz divided by 409.6 hertz, note E). The first ratio is based on the twelve note harmonic scale of primes. The second ratio is the note from a perfect fifth (what I was originally using for a scale). Both Ut and Mi have the same ratios. Both are related to factors of three of each other. Actually I just looked at Fa and La, and it applies the exact same, but not with Re and Sol. However, Re and Sol both involve the same integers but flipped around in opposite positions for each integer. '33' is also known as Christ Consciousness I believe. That's what made it stand out for me.

I am pretty sure that most of the classical music is using Verni tuning, which I know is more mathematically precise but I don't know what it uses exactly, either: C256, A432, or C256/A432 (if that makes sense) for a harmonic twelve note scale.
So be it. That's a step forward. A 12 note scale. If you notice, the Solf. freq are each separate by 111 with except of the middle notes in either direction. You can expand this up and down to create a total of 12 notes, and figure out their corresponding equivalents per octave, (approx 56 for each prime per note, taking the F# as your starting point, not C.

Perhaps you can enlighten me - why is there only 12 notes in our music system? It seems odd to me there is a black key missing on the piano per octave. And my understanding of the Egyptians, is that they operated on a 13 note system. The number 13 is closer to the true workings of nature than 12. In fact, a 12 based system seems obviously flawed when we take a look at the sacred numerology and phi or Fibonacci series. Our original calendar system, and zodiac was based off of 13. And since music is geometry in time/space, why not use a system of numbers that better resembles our true time/space reality, which would be 13.
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