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Old 11-30-2009, 10:01 PM   #26
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
I agree but there is a difference between feeling terrific about oneself and feeling superior to others
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Old 11-30-2009, 10:04 PM   #27
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
If you refer to someone as "special" it means they are a bit backward

Woman 1..... "Julies son is a bit special."

Woman 2...... Oh dear that's a shame..

Sorry but I actually found that quite funny

Bou x
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Old 11-30-2009, 11:16 PM   #28
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

"Come down off the cross."

-Tom Waits

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Old 11-30-2009, 11:29 PM   #29
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

The word science comes from the Latin "scientia," meaning knowledge.
How do we define science? According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is "knowledge attained through study or practice," or "knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world."
Our understanding of the world around us and what is in it is based on our observations and perceptions of it. It is also limited by this. How does this limit us you might ask? To answer this we need to take a step back a take a wider look.

There are certain assumptions and presumptions we make about the world around us. We will make an observation and then try to explain it. Then we create a hypothesis to explain the observation. We will then create an experiment to test the hypothesis and if the test passes then the hypothesis becomes a theory. If the theory is assumed to be strong enough it becomes a law.

Many of our law’s of science are based on several assumptions:

1) Time is linear. If we consider our bodies analogous to a motor vehicle then time can be considered as a road. The car can only travel in one direction with the past behind us and the future ahead of us and now where the car is on the road in any moment.

2) Mater is made up of discreet components. Molecules are made up of atoms which are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Quantum physics has then broken these components down even further into quarks, neutrino’s etc.

Consider this equally valid set of theories:

1) There is only now. We can in fact move our field of vision (our consciousness) up higher above the road and the higher we go above the road the more we can see the moments of our existence as a whole. If we can go high enough we can perceive all of existence and this is the eternal “Now”. The entire "road" can be seen as one giant circle, as if the road went around the earth and circled back upon itself. At one glance, then, the entire circle can be seen at once.

2) In the beginning there was just all that is as pure consciousness. All that is divided itself at the big bang and has continued to divide it self ever since. The direction of intent is for the higher consciousness to divide itself into smaller parts. Not for smaller parts to join together into larger parts which then exhibit consciousness. The physical expression of our consciousness is mater and the components of mater.

DNA is considered the blue print of our form. At any moment we could view DNA with a powerful electron microscope and see the molecules that make it up. We can through carful analysis at any point in time perceive the amino acids that make up the genomes. We perceive genomes that define our various physical characteristics. The problem is that we can only perceive what is within our currently focussed level of consciousness or our position above the road so to speak. We can’t see what the point of the 97% of the DNA is for because it doesn’t have purpose at the physical consciousness level.

There are potentially 4 states of being:


Delta - stillness, pure being
Theta - deep inward thought
Alpha - feelings, emotions
Beta - the perceptions of the body's interactions with others

The desire of the matrix (the sub creation or illusion) is to lock us into the Beta focus of consciousness. Infact we exist in all these levels of consciousness. The higher we can raise ourselves above the road the more we are at one. We have form in each of the levels of consciousness and our DNA is the expression of that form at each of those levels of consciousness.

Sorry it’s a bit long winded. I’ve made an attempt to piece together a number of schools of thought. Don’t know if it helps. The fact is we are special in that we can have consciousness in all levels of being and have the potential to manipulate form in all levels of existence.

With all my being, deepest thoughts, feelings, emotions and physical existence

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Old 12-02-2009, 03:18 PM   #30
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

Originally Posted by boudicca View Post
Sorry but I actually found that quite funny

Bou x
In Kentucky...2 clowns short of a circus......
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Old 12-02-2009, 03:57 PM   #31
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

An original composition

Are we special or just egotistical??

Boy that’s a hard one….Let me put my dreamer hat on

Now don’t I feel special….
I can’t dive into the image of self ...super ego ...egos and IDs.

I’m not that smart and LH pretty much summed that part up...I AM because I believe I am.

What I believed I was a pony and I believed with all my mental resources….would I become a pony??

I believe we all suffer from waking up with a fleshy costume on and someone wiped our memories.

We aren’t this but what was I….because I believe I must have been more than I am now because I feel something missing.

I just feel wrong….like you put underwear on 2 sizes too small

Maybe it’s not our DNA …maybe we aren’t engineered

Maybe we are just an accident…there is no plan

Maybe someone mixed something into us that mixed with something else someone injected us with ….a bunch of bio chemicals in a test tube and

BOOM!!! (Explosion and special effects)

Here we are….an oddity for all to stop and see as they pass through our sector

Sideshow Circus Galatica…see the multi dimensional flesh suits in their natural surroundings…PLEASE DON”T FEED THE ANIMALS (technology)

Maybe we are just “different”….our emotions and imaginations

I can look at something and visualize what it is and how it works…then IMAGINE how it should work.

Redesign on the fly….in my mind

Maybe this is the rub….we progress so far and so fast in technology that the aliens stop by and say:

Blinkus: We have been working on this for 4000 years

Blinkus: I have 3 pieces of tech I just can’t figure out how I can get them to work

Glarb : Hey …give it to the earthlings and see what they can do with it

And we use our imaginations and create a teleportation device in a flash of an eye for them.

Those things that drive us nuts…emotions and IMAGINATION seems to be a rare commodity

And since we CREATE so well….maybe we are CREATORS in training

So yeah maybe we are special.

5 years ago I Goggled GENETIC INHIBITORS…did not get much but someone or something stuck a wall in my head and hid all the good stuff behind it

If anyone who stuck that there…and you read Avalon


Come on you ramblers…keep rambling

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Old 12-02-2009, 07:29 PM   #32
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

Stargazer wrote, "I’m not that smart and LH pretty much summed that part up...I AM because I believe I am."

Ouch! Hopefully you are not serious there. Take it from me as I have plenty of stories as to my own stupidity. I have never claimed to be the smartest rock in the box. Or the dumbest one. To each own and what drives you in your quest for knowledge. I have learned so much the hard way and to me that was stupid on my part. I also don't buy into the idea that intelligence makes anyone superior over anyone either. Remember you are talking to a high school drop out here. But that is also no excuse to not improve on one's self. What matters most is that we make the best of it everyday with what we have to work with. There is nothing stupid about that. Here's stupidity for you. Look at these ET races with all of their intelligence and technology, who are dying because they are so damn smart and because they have achieved this with the notion that intelligence is the only way to go. Call it an arrogant form of intelligence. If they are so damn smart , why are they about to go extinct?

All I know is that when I want to learn about something and want it bad enough because I have a real reason to know, I go after it. I'll tell you what is stupid is when we go against the flow within ourselves. We add a bunch of lessons we don't need. Plus the added drama which only wastes our energy and those around us who subscribe to it. I call that stupidity in motion.

Here's a stupid story of one who played the role of a self induced stupid idiot. I stayed back in the third grade. Why, because I was to busy hurting people and not doing my homework. I should have been given the title the World's Youngest Butthole. I was a prankster and your worst nightmare. My first day in school, I had a pencil fight with some little dude sitting next to me. He was playing and I wasn't. He stabbed me in the right hand and I turned around and stabbed this kid in his right eye and never saw him again. Talk about irony. To this day I still have a piece of pencil lead in my hand to remind me of that day. I would throw things at teachers, put things on people's chairs, sharp things. I remember another time when this kid went on a 2 week vacation and I cracked his combination lock and took 2 cans of sardines and punched holes in them and drained all the juice all over his books and personal stuff, then locked up his locker and walked away. Kids were walking around the smell in the hallway going to classes for two weeks till he came back. I should have been awarded credits in detention. My hand writing is better than I can print because I had so many, "I will not do this or that," 1000 time assignments it would make your head spin. I even knocked out an ex collegiate football player who was a teacher in the 7th grade. I was the second smallest kid in my grade at the time and he was over two hundred lbs. Figure that one out. I did that with a fist. So you see, I created many stupid lessons for myself. I was stupid. So if anyone here feels like I make you feel that way, I apologize. Because I have a record in stupidity that I am sure surpasses anyone here. Obviously I had a realization of that stupidity and the harm it had caused and I am currently on the other side of all that and I do everything I can now to try and make that right. I made a lot of bad choices back in those days. There are many times even as I write this where I wish I could go back and make it right.

Now that I have stated that, I hope you now realize what damage the ego can create. And how stupid the ego can be. And why it is very important to balance it. Because back in those days I thought with my ego and not my heart. My heart was closed off from everything because of the terror I had endured. That's another story. To deny the ego to exist is also not a healthy thing to do. You need it to propel your intentions from your heart and when you do it that way, you can perform miracles. Someone quoted to get down off the cross. Well if you do that then I guess you won't be taking responsibility for yourself as we all have our own cross to carry. Jesus set an example and took the risk. Why not prop up your own cross as in take the risk as in taking responsibility? Follow his example instead of embracing the idea of where he died for our sins and you don't have to take responsibility by being apathetic. That's the luke warm water that he would rather spew from his mouth. It is also a quote of dis empowerment. What is stupid about all this is that the explanation given by some lacks the scope as to how this ego subject is being defined onto the masses. There are lies on every level and I would encourage those who just throw out ego cards and quotes, expand your awareness as to what is really being said here instead of making it sound like just one thing, when it is not. It not only insults everyone's intelligence but it is so damn transparent as to the tactics being employed to dis empower those who are really trying to get a grip on all this stuff. It is an apathetic program and does not serve anyone's highest good but the dark sides'. But at the same time I want to thank those who do that as I use that intent they share in the other direction. Only because I am aware of it in the first place and it is crucial that we start there. Awareness. And their lack of it by what they demonstrate.

I hear everyone for the most part talk about the journey getting there to enlightenment and when someone does get there, what does everyone do, they want to play all those card games? Well not everyone. That's the hypocrisy of it all. It isn't like when you get there, there's a trophy waiting for you. If anything there are more tasks for you to do. It is a progression, not a stopping point. What we should be doing is encourage everyone, no matter what level they are at on this road to enlightenment. You can only love somebody so much but if you put that love in action instead of talking it, then you can assist in the movement of growth in another if they are open to that. Here I am quoting from Jesus who said, "That you can become like me but not me." Something like that. And that you can do greater things than I have done. If he is connected to all that is, in oneness, how come there are those that can not see that as so and have to promote separation as Jesus is one of us? He is of God. Aren't you? We are all of the same stuff with our spiritual totality of experiences defining who we are and that is the only difference.

What makes us "special" is that we can actually change. Like you said Stargazer, on the fly. Not to blow smoke but you do have a brilliant way about you and I do cherish that brilliance. If we can change and then actually have the power to perform miracles, isn't that what we need to be doing? You'll also find that when you perform these miracles that you are allowing the Creator to work through you. You become the instrument.

Many ask what they can do. Prop up your own cross. Take that risk. Also know that when you get there, the ones who complain are the ones who are just to lazy or are afraid of taking that risk. So they just bark. For if they did, they would not just be talking about love and light but would be assisting others who need the assistance on that road called Enlightenment. I rest my case for the time being.


Last edited by Lionhawk; 12-04-2009 at 02:56 AM.
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Old 12-03-2009, 09:31 AM   #33
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

Just one more note. The Creator didn't put any junk in you as in like junk DNA. If we did need something from the ETs I would think it would be a DNA rectifier machine. That would be bring out all those sandwiches we find missing in our basket.
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Old 12-03-2009, 09:46 AM   #34
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

Originally Posted by boudicca View Post
every cog is special, no matter how big or how small......each has its own place in the whole
bou x
i second this Bou ... big time ... smalll .. time ...

all part of the great whole are we ...
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Old 12-03-2009, 01:49 PM   #35
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

No problems LH....You are an excellent wordsmith.

There is so much that I know and so much left to go.....I suffer from the incurable ego problem and I take every opportunity to sit in the back seat and let someone else drive that knows the way.

I'm picking up the scenery as I go.....

I feel special and different but I have a story that seems to dovetail with yours but on the other side of the looking glass.

I was the kid with the pencil stuck in my eye...I was second shortest kid in my 8th grade class (now 6.2) and constantly the target of mindless childhood catholic school violence.

I went to public school for the first 4 grades and had friends and was respected by my peers...I had the nickname of "The Brain"

I'm a sponge when it comes to facts and have a memory that holds images for a very long time. I have always been as I am now....different

I guess the wall they put in my head must have a peep hole cause I've been called an "old soul" since I was little.

After 4th grade my parents put me into the catholic school system....And they thought the Spanish Inquisition was over.....it just moved to the KY catholic school system

I would not have treated a dog like I was treated....spit on...beat up...humiliated

I did not come out of the fog of pain until I was in my mid-20s

It's really ironic but one of the worst bullies is preparing to run for Mayor of my fair town....Appropriate huh??

I can't feel all too special and I feel like a hypocrite talking about spirituality and feeling one with you all.

I've always been apart but I don't want to be that way forever.....maybe my day is coming

Walk away from the pain and anger.....and grow some higher understanding.

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Old 12-03-2009, 02:11 PM   #36
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Default Re: Are we really that special?

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
Stargazer wrote, "I’m not that smart and LH pretty much summed that part up...I AM because I believe I am."

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 View Post
No problems LH....You are an excellent wordsmith...
Thanks, guys.

I love heart-felt posts.
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