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Old 12-16-2009, 10:56 PM   #126
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Barry where was this school/facility in the UK?I have heard of one that our family know of on the south east coast Margate. Similar things were taken place there but this was where many children were taken who contracted TB in the early 50's this of course was a just a cover up it was more like a experimentation facility.
Hi Jacqui, This one is situated just West of London but there are several regional centres plus satellite facilities, i know of the one that used to be in Ashford, not know the coastal one you mention. Yes many insidious things occurred and no doubt still do, all in the name of furthering science!!
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Old 12-16-2009, 11:04 PM   #127
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Numerous classes were arranged there besides the painful procedures and medical checks. By age the groups of children would sit in classes, reading what started out as ordinary run of the mill storybooks. After a few pages the text would change to foreign language text, most would simply stop and be unable to continue reading. The watchers would then note those children whom could read the foreign text and remove them from each class and take them to another classroom. Those that remained were asked to turn the page which contained various symbols, odd characters etc (later identified as off planet languages). Again, most simply could not make head or tail of it and sat at desks stumped. However, those that were able to read and descibe content were hurried out of the class and taken to another classroom.

Some of the tests were blind tests, inasmuch that we did not know what the results were at the time, such as being in a room and asked to concentrate on another room where someone was holding up cards with letters, symbols or numbers on them. We were asked to write down what we saw. The only indication of any success was a small treat such as a sweet or two. Similar tests were when we were asked to try and read someones mind from another room, these were the hardest tests within that category for many of us.

Last edited by THEWATCHER; 12-16-2009 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 12-16-2009, 11:49 PM   #128
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One instance that stuck in my mind all these years. It was when I was older, in fact just after my 10th birthday. Was at the place for about a week. I was reading a book on my bed when one of the others, a tubby boy named John jumped up from his bed holding his head and stumbled about. It obviously scared the rest of us as we noticed blood coming from his mouth and ears. Someone shouted for help and a nurse came running in, she went over to John and hurried him out of the room. We later learned that he had died whilst in the medical wing but no more details were told to us. We were warned very strictly to not talk about the event or we would face punishments. During that time frame, during one of the medical procedures I underwent, I recall sitting in the dentists type chair and the horrible rubber gas mask think being placed on my face. The nasty smell of gas was nauseating as i drifted into blackness. I woke up in my bed hours later with very painful headache and a very sore throat. I looked down and noticed my arms were bandaged too. After this my eyesight deteriorated and forced me to start wearing glasses. Oddly enough though my night vision was tremendous, I could see easily in the darkest of dark nights, rooms etc. Some consolation LOL.

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Old 12-17-2009, 12:02 AM   #129
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Many of the tests in age range of up to about 8 were considered by the older children as baby games which upset the younger ones and often started fights among the children, the bigger older children always winning of course, until one day when one of the 8 year old girls gave a 14 year old girl a run for her money. The older girl was picking on a group of younger girls, making faces and prodding the younger ones in the back. This riled one girl to turn around and with a face red and full of anger stood clenching her fists as the older girl flew backwards onto her behind. It all went silent as the older girl, rather indignant and with hurt pride got up and ran away crying. I decided to never get on that girls bad side ever.
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Old 12-17-2009, 07:21 AM   #130
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Something that bugs me...
Left alone in this place by parents, the only company being other children like yourself...
I had, by most people's standards, a fairly strict childhood, as far as early schooling was concerned
(for a yank, anyway).
It was a bi-lingual English Private school in a foreign country. (time frame is '56-'60)

'Nuff said? (God, I hope so!)

This resulted in several confrontations, and a few brinkmanship encounters
between my parents and school.
Occasionally these turned on decisions arrive at by either the school saying:
"Well, you are, of course, free to remove your child anytime you wish."
Or my parents saying something like:
"Of course I can always write next month's check to another school."
Or maybe both.

But I don't think there'd be any reason or excuse you could give to my parents that would get them to "deliver" me to such a place a second time. I doubt I could have hidden the fear of such an encounter from them, well enough that they wouldn't pick it up.

My parents were patriotic, in a way that would be hard to understand for people who didn't live through the first half of the 20th century. And my father was not a stranger to classified projects, either (Ex: Hanford Pant - See: Manhattan Project)

But I suspect the only way you'd get my young ar$e in one of these places a second time, would be to kill my parents.

So I am curious:
Just what did they tell your parents about what was going on?
Did they use anything to keep you from telling them "too much"? and what?
What was it they thought was going on?

"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

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Old 12-17-2009, 02:16 PM   #131
Jacqui D
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

I think Fred mostly the parents were mind controlled, thinking that their child was in the right school, educational wise i always thought my parents were controlled anyway.It made the whole thing so much easier for THEM to continue with the agenda at hand.
Just my twopenneth!
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Old 12-17-2009, 02:31 PM   #132
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Barry may i ask why your arms were bandaged, oh i remember the smell of that mask now i know why i have had an aversion to the dentist chair all my life, i am interested in why you were bandaged though seems a theme running here.
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Old 12-17-2009, 03:01 PM   #133
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Yes, the parents are completely controlled.
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Old 12-17-2009, 05:42 PM   #134
Kari Lynn
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

I just found out today that the school councelor took my two youngest boys out of the school building yesterday. Without my or my husbands permission or knowledge.
I'm extremely concerned right now, because I don't know what the reason was for this.
They were driven, at least 20 miles to a town east of where we live.

Both boys are excited about it though, because as reward they both got to go shopping for new shoes, socks, etc....

I must add also. They didn't need new shoes. Their grandmother had bought them brand new shoes not more than a month ago, plus they still had two good pair from previously.
Not to mention there goes one of the Christmas gifts I had for them.

I'm so angry right now, I can't even see straight. It's taking all I got to stay here and not go up to the school and beat some heads in. It's not even LEGAL for them to take my children in their cars! That's KIDNAPPING! GOD! I want to kick some *ss!

Last edited by Kari Lynn; 12-17-2009 at 05:48 PM.
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Old 12-17-2009, 05:47 PM   #135
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Will be responding to above shortly, for now copy email I received from Rev. Pike, Rev if you read this you have me in stitches mate

Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (cosmicrf@hotmail.com)
Sent: 17 December 2009 16:47:56
To: cosmicrfgroup (cosmicrf@hotmail.com)
3 attachments | Download all attachments (58.0 KB)
barryjame...jpg (37.1 KB), barryking...jpg (9.5 KB), jamescasb...jpg (11.4 KB)

O my God, our 2 'X-Men', Barry King and James Casbolt, are at it again!! It seems that each one is trying to outdo the other in far-fetched 'Alice in Wonderland' stories. So far, it seems that James has got the edge with his acts of 'spontaneous combustion' in the jungles of Africa, but Barry is not far behind with him rendering 2 soldiers unconscious with brain-power alone. Barry is, however, one up on James as he can see in the dark, but in daylight is as blind as a bat!! James, meanwhile, is as blind as a bat in the dark, but can see perfectly in daylight. O my God, that's why Barry was gonna drive James over a cliff in his Morris Minor as the guy's as blind as a bat!! Yer, now I get it. Okay, I reckon James has still got the edge on Barry and will probably win on points; as, anyway, Barry is now a doddering old fogey (like St Anthony!) while James is still only a young lad. Anyway, folks, why don't you decide for yourselves at http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...d.php?p=201020 http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...d.php?p=187073.
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Markapur, A.P. 523316, India
E-Mail cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635
Date 17th Dec 2009

From: cosmicrf@hotmail.com
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Old 12-17-2009, 10:19 PM   #136
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by Fredkc View Post
Something that bugs me...
I had, by most people's standards, a fairly strict childhood, as far as early schooling was concerned
(for a yank, anyway).
It was a bi-lingual English Private school in a foreign country. (time frame is '56-'60)

'Nuff said? (God, I hope so!)

This resulted in several confrontations, and a few brinkmanship encounters
between my parents and school.
Occasionally these turned on decisions arrive at by either the school saying:
"Well, you are, of course, free to remove your child anytime you wish."
Or my parents saying something like:
"Of course I can always write next month's check to another school."
Or maybe both.

But I don't think there'd be any reason or excuse you could give to my parents that would get them to "deliver" me to such a place a second time. I doubt I could have hidden the fear of such an encounter from them, well enough that they wouldn't pick it up.

My parents were patriotic, in a way that would be hard to understand for people who didn't live through the first half of the 20th century. And my father was not a stranger to classified projects, either (Ex: Hanford Pant - See: Manhattan Project)

But I suspect the only way you'd get my young ar$e in one of these places a second time, would be to kill my parents.

So I am curious:
Just what did they tell your parents about what was going on?
Did they use anything to keep you from telling them "too much"? and what?
What was it they thought was going on?

OK, good point. My case, as I'm sure were all of the others involved, a certain amount of coercion was used, in whatever fashion or level. Who knows what was said, done to the parents to make them give up their children into these programs. Ask the same question of anyone involved in these programs centreing around children. They quite possibly have no real answers available to them. In my case my parents had a child, one of 5, i had older sister and three younger brothers, but I was different. My parents had a child that died at age 2 and was miraculously brought back. That they had a child that was different, unusual, some might have said freaky. I came from a military family. My dad was in the Royal Engineers in WW2 in Germany. In 1945 he was involved in a secret mission or operation that even today is covered by a secrecy seal. In 1978 I was shown a folder which contained details about my dad, it had 100 years seal on it. My grandad was an artilleryman in WW1. By the time i was inducted into the Anvil/Oaktree program strange events had occurred in my life and affected my family. My parents were often asked, as i got older, why me?, whats going on, why do you send me there? etc etc. But as anyone of my age group will state, as children we respected and obeyed parents, anyone in authority in those days. We did as we were told. My parents were very strict, my dad especially. A military man whom took no nonsense from anyone, he instilled in me discipline and obedience, and respect for authority. If i crossed the line, which was a few times, i had that big heavy belt on my backside. I learned lessons and did not make further mistakes. At 15, when my final visits to hospitals, this place, other establishments finally ended. I went up to my dad and confronted him, we faced off, neither giving an inch. We could have killed one another but both backed down without losing ground. It was to remain an unspoken unanswered part of my life. Even a month before my dad died during surgery in January of 1999 I sat with him and softly asked why?. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and could only say it was for the best and was for my country. I was choking up too so left it there. I knew he would not pull thru the rigorous surgery planned for him a few weeks later so we said our goodbyes that day
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Old 12-17-2009, 11:08 PM   #137
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Barry may i ask why your arms were bandaged, oh i remember the smell of that mask now i know why i have had an aversion to the dentist chair all my life, i am interested in why you were bandaged though seems a theme running here.
They performed surgery on my arms, data kept from me till i saw my files in 1977 and 1978, an augmentation is the phrase typed on the page.
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Old 12-17-2009, 11:09 PM   #138
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
I just found out today that the school councelor took my two youngest boys out of the school building yesterday. Without my or my husbands permission or knowledge.
I'm extremely concerned right now, because I don't know what the reason was for this.
They were driven, at least 20 miles to a town east of where we live.

Both boys are excited about it though, because as reward they both got to go shopping for new shoes, socks, etc....

I must add also. They didn't need new shoes. Their grandmother had bought them brand new shoes not more than a month ago, plus they still had two good pair from previously.
Not to mention there goes one of the Christmas gifts I had for them.

I'm so angry right now, I can't even see straight. It's taking all I got to stay here and not go up to the school and beat some heads in. It's not even LEGAL for them to take my children in their cars! That's KIDNAPPING! GOD! I want to kick some *ss!
Its being looked into Kari, PM sent to you
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Old 12-18-2009, 02:06 AM   #139
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Pain is not the way . It is never the way. Even as a kid you are forced to make conscious decision to follow or not certain way.
You have chosen very difficult one , dangerous one , it's been painful .

What do you search for in life ...as a reward for what you've given .

Light and prayers for your swift recovery

Love Always

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Old 12-18-2009, 02:22 AM   #140
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No reward awaits me but maybe a chance to repair my broken spirit and a cessation of the acute pain i have 24/7 would be gratefully received
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Old 12-18-2009, 02:48 AM   #141
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

This current timeline being shown here IS relevant and will become obvious in due course. This secret history once complete will give you all the full picture of who I am and more importantly, WHAT I am and WHY I am here. Please have patience.
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Old 12-18-2009, 05:23 AM   #142
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Thanks for your reply. It already makes sense.

Last edited by hours; 12-26-2009 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:18 AM   #143
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Its being looked into Kari, PM sent to you
Thanks Barry,
Sorry, a mistake I made. It wasn't East, but West. They took them to K-Mart in Independence. (or Big K?) From what the kids told me.
so agitated, that I can't even get my directions correct.
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:35 AM   #144
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Kari Lynn - I read your first post about the 'drive' earlier today. I really wanted to say: Go to the school, beat some heads in. See your kids, check 'em out. Talk. Ask questions.

Of course, I don't know how far, details, dangers to you, etc. I hope the ftards die... not too loving. Hope all's OK - what a, well, I'd best stop.

You guys all keep going and be well
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Old 12-18-2009, 04:15 PM   #145
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Hi Kari, just read all your post again!!!! Are your kids okay?
What the hells going on? are they able to tell you, have you been to the school i would be sorting a few people out!!!!!!!
Love to you my dear my heart goes out to you.

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Old 12-18-2009, 04:19 PM   #146
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Barry augmentation, made better or something added?
Has this anything to do with the 5 artifacts?
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Old 12-18-2009, 04:36 PM   #147
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
It was to remain an unspoken unanswered part of my life. Even a month before my dad died during surgery in January of 1999 I sat with him and softly asked why?. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and could only say it was for the best and was for my country. I was choking up too so left it there. I knew he would not pull thru the rigorous surgery planned for him a few weeks later so we said our goodbyes that day

Is it possible to post a photo of you and your dad, maybe 1 taken by your Mom or close family member - or maybe just your dad - and #2 in a work sH*T-ituation.

It's very poignant. I am glad you and your dad had that moment. He is lucky that you came, as you did.

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Old 12-18-2009, 05:08 PM   #148
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Barry augmentation, made better or something added?
Has this anything to do with the 5 artifacts?
Hi Jacqui, Im sure Barry will answer himself - but I just wanted to add this in here so people can get an idea of augmentation incase the term in new to them.

Here is a 'fictional' account of a set of augmentation procedures carried out on super soldiers taken from childhood. This is taken from the graphic novels/games surrounding the Halo Universe.

The children were selected for their abilities at youth and replaced with flash clones which die at a young age. Therefore, no suspicious is aroused about the missing kids.


Procedures include skeletal strengthing, improved eye sight, speed, strength etc.
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Old 12-18-2009, 09:47 PM   #149
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Barry augmentation, made better or something added?
Has this anything to do with the 5 artifacts?
Always on the ball Jacqui yes it has, as will see when I move forwards in the timeline. Both arms required lets say, a little 'tweaking' as did both legs at 14

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Old 12-18-2009, 09:51 PM   #150
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Okay i'll hold off with anymore questions til you get your information out
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