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Old 12-08-2008, 04:02 PM   #1
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Default Review: Pure Synergy Superfood Powder Delivers Powerful Anti-Cancer Nutrients, Wins E


Review: Pure Synergy Superfood Powder Delivers Powerful Anti-Cancer Nutrients, Wins Editor's Choice Award

Monday, December 08, 2008

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, December 7, 2008
Key concepts: Pure Synergy, Superfood and Anti-cancer foods

In the world of superfood powders, there are a lot of great products to choose from: Healthforce, Boku, Delicious Greens and many others. But one of the most nutritionally-dense superfood powders you'll find anywhere is called Pure Synergy, created by Mitchell May and sold by The Synergy Company.

The product is rich in microalgae and seaweeds, sprouts, Chinese medicinal mushrooms, herbal extracts and Western herbs. In fact, it's more of a medicinal herb powder than a typical green juice powder, as relatively little of this product is made with green juices.

In fact, by my estimation, Pure Synergy may be one of the top two most potent superfood powders on the market (the other one being Vitamineral Green). And although the manufacturer cannot tell you this fact, Pure Synergy is absolutely loaded with anti-cancer nutrients and should probably be consumed by every single person who is looking to prevent or reverse cancer.

In fact, just a half ounce of Pure Synergy each day -- even for healthy people -- can help prevent cancer from ever appearing. It literally contains over ten thousand different phytonutrients, and many of them exhibit powerful anti-cancer action.

Get some for yourself at: www.TheSynergyCompany.com

I give Pure Synergy my Editor's Choice Award for top superfood product. Learn more about the product here: http://www.thesynergycompany.com/pages/...

By the way, this product is one of fifty anti-cancer products that will be featured in a new product directory I'm publishing in January. Watch for that on NaturalNews.

Here's the full list of ingredients for Pure Synergy (this will blow your mind...):

SYNERGIZED® ALGAE 3.40 grams/serving Fresh freeze-dried, cold-dried or Refractance Window™ dried: Pure Spirulina Crystals™*, Pure Klamath Crystals™*, Pure Chlorella™, Dunaliella*, Kelp*, Wakame*, Kombu*, Bladderwrack*, Dulse*, wildcrafted Dumontiaceae (Cryptosyphonia woodii).

SYNERGIZED® PHYTONUTRIENTS & ENZYMES 2.87 grams/serving Fresh freeze-dried enzymatically active Sprouts of Millet*, Quinoa*, Broccoli*; Apple Fruit*; fresh freeze-dried Blueberry*, Raspberry*; Green Papaya Fruit*; natural plant Enzymes (Amylase, Cellulase, Lipase, Protease).

SYNERGIZED® CHINESE MUSHROOMS & HERBAL EXTRACTS 2.61 grams/serving Reishi*, Shiitake*, Maitake*, Agaricus*, Cordyceps*. Standardized 7:1 herbal extract+: Astragalus Root*, Eleuthero Root*, Lycium (Wolfberry) Fruit*, Tang-Kuei Root*, Schizandra chinensis Fruit*, Atractylodes macrocephala Root, Fo-Ti Root, Paeonia lactiflora Root, Rehmannia Root, Codonopsis Root, Licorice Root*, Jujube Fruit, Poria, Ginger Rhizome, Tangerine Peel, Polygala Root, Ligusticum wallichii Root.

SYNERGIZED® GREEN JUICES 1.72 grams/serving Fresh freeze-dried or CO2-dried: juice concentrates of Wheat Grass*, Barley Grass*, Oat Grass*, Alfalfa Grass*; Parsley Leaf*, Spinach Leaf*, Kale Leaf*, Collard Leaf*.

SYNERGIZED® WESTERN HERBS 1.15 grams/serving Fresh freeze-dried: Nettle Leaf*, Red Clover Flower*, Burdock Root*, Yellow Dock Root*, Skullcap Flower* and Leaf*, Dandelion Leaf*, Ginkgo Leaf*. Rosa canina Fruit (Rose Hips)*.

SYNERGIZED® NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS 2 milligrams/serving Rosemary Leaf*, Clove Bud*, Sage Leaf*, natural Vitamin E (Sunflower).

NaturalNews has no financial relationship with The Synergy Company.
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Old 12-08-2008, 04:33 PM   #2
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Default Re: Review: Pure Synergy Superfood Powder Delivers Powerful Anti-Cancer Nutrients, Wi

What really amazes me is all of these cure-alls that are hitting the market now.

I have tried the MMS and outside of the nausua, I would guess it does work. Plus it does all that the synergy says it will.

On the other hand, I have been using colloidal silver for months and used mms along with it. I guess what I am getting at is, the colloidal doesn't taste bad and I do not get severly sick and nausua so I will stick with that

I know I am healing and nobody likes to be sick

I love my colloidal silver. I just talked to a man that was cured by hepetitis C on colloidal so I know it can do the job for all that MMS does.

I am angry that these products were not available to the public and now for me to order something from china is the last thing I want to do.
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Old 12-15-2008, 08:15 PM   #3
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Review: Pure Synergy Superfood Powder Delivers Powerful Anti-Cancer Nutrients, Wi

organic from rgarden in USA
will ship worldwide


in caps / or in powder forum
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Old 12-15-2008, 09:33 PM   #4
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Default Re: Review: Pure Synergy Superfood Powder Delivers Powerful Anti-Cancer Nutrients, Wi

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
What really amazes me is all of these cure-alls that are hitting the market now.

I have tried the MMS and outside of the nausua, I would guess it does work. Plus it does all that the synergy says it will.

On the other hand, I have been using colloidal silver for months and used mms along with it. I guess what I am getting at is, the colloidal doesn't taste bad and I do not get severly sick and nausua so I will stick with that

I know I am healing and nobody likes to be sick

I love my colloidal silver. I just talked to a man that was cured by hepetitis C on colloidal so I know it can do the job for all that MMS does.

I am angry that these products were not available to the public and now for me to order something from china is the last thing I want to do.

I have never stood around for people making this "claim" on being "Cured of having Hepatitis C" NO matter WHAT the product is..

1st Why??? Back ground is I have HCV and I know how I got it and I know who made it. THAT is beside the point of this post.

Please people who say "I was cured from What ever with whatever" 9 times out of 10 Those folks are SELLING that product. People with a sick liver from HCV do not take a liquid metal into the body and that is just what this colidial silver product is. IF you have had to walk the path of having a bad function of the liver you know what you can and cannot do.

The "green" is a new lable given to many products. These are foods in most cases many grow wild. And yeah they are superfood we have to have food to fundtion in these earthsuits (bodies)

As for the "person who was cured" from HCV using any product well I would have to see their blood work before I would even remote viewing say that happened. I know that even with the Rx. "treatment" a person will seem to have "cleared" as in there is nothing in the blood showing that the bug is still there.. Yet give a few months out after the "treatment" and what a monment when the Dr. tells them "it's back" ...

These "new virus" infections are like bad penneys they just keep coming back.

You are right no one wants to be sick. I for one will tell you it sucks, but life here and now is a gift my soul was given and I am so happy to be here now.

I would really like to have direct contact with anyone who was "cured" from HCV.
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Old 12-16-2008, 10:15 AM   #5
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Review: Pure Synergy Superfood Powder Delivers Powerful Anti-Cancer Nutrients, Wi

You know, with all this talk about colloidal silver and cure-alls, there should be a thread here that lists recommended stuff for folks like myself to check out. When I get some money soon, I'd like to try out some of this stuff. It is hard for me to eat good and I need to find a way to stay healthy until I can have better access to nutritious food. You can mock me here but I have always had this problem. I know that a single pill or capsule or powder will never cure all of my health problems. It doesn't hurt to have a back-up though.
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