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Old 02-15-2010, 01:32 AM   #51
Northern Boy
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Originally Posted by viking View Post
I often wonder about this one. it's not really discussed here as much as on other forums, so I was wondering what your thoughts were with regard to a coming Pole Shift as Nancy at Zeta states and Geryl to name but a few...

Well we have had them in the past...Why not? Many experts in the field are suggesting that it will be this year (2010)... Sept-December??

Anyway this makes interesting reading to say the least...

Viking I suggest you give this man a listen to he was labelled a quack back in the 60`s he is gone now but left much information in his books some of which has come to pass Einstein was making notes in a journal requesting his work be given a closer look after radio signals were found to be emanating from another planet in our solar system turned out to be true his name is Immanuel Velikovsky there are several videos of him on you tube

also go here and give the video link there a listen, keep an open mind

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Old 02-15-2010, 08:04 PM   #52
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Thanks Northern...excellent vids... I'm sure Velikovsky was well tuned ...

Is this final proof that the earth is in fact going through a 'wobble' as I have mentioned in my previous posts here!!


A remarkable animated graphic, put together by someone who has been watching the Australian weather satellite, actually shows the wobble. This Australian satellite came to the public’s attention recently because radar circles
were showing up, which the Zetas explained were due to the odd return of magneton particles to the S Pole of Earth. The satellite capture clearly jerks around
during this animation, which covers the time from 5:30 am to 11:30 am, using hourly satellite images taken from this archive. The time was UTC, Greenwich time, so for Australia was approximately some 9 hours later. The keen eye'd observer notes that the map of Australia is likely to be superimposed as a background, since the images are recorded in infrared, and thus Australia as a land mass seems the same, and brightly lit, even at 8:30 pm Australia time. Clearly, the clouds would not MOVE like that, over Australia.

I noticed an anomaly on the Australian meteorology site
in the infrared satellite images. Taking a look at these images, the entire atmosphere does a vertical shift in the middle.
http://www.bom.gov.au/gms/IDE00035.201002130730.shtml - wobble
http://www.bom.gov.au/gms/IDE00035.201002130830.shtml - wobble
http://www.bom.gov.au/gms/IDE00035.201002130930.shtml - wobble
The map looks like an overlay, not an image, so is this the satelite moving then being corrected? Is it the earth moving under the atmosphere? If so it seems a very violent push.

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Old 03-07-2010, 09:45 PM   #53
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Interesting article...found on my travels...

Excerpts from "Planet X and the Kolbrin Bible Connection," by Greg Jenner
> (yowbooks.com) : [JD: text within {braces} are my explanatory notes.]
> Foreword by Marshall Masters, former science editor of CNN:
> "It is a great privilege for me to publish this work, as it will
> a new
> benchmark for Planet X historical research. As a Planet X researcher and
> author of long standing, I believe Greg Jenner to be one of the best
> Planet X historians alive today -- if not the best. This is because his
> analysis reflects a lifetime of inquiry, which began for him in 1975 at
> the age of 13."
> . . . . .
> "Jeremiah, a prophet from the Old Testament, felt compelled to
> warn us of something he called 'the Destroyer.' He obviously knew
> {actually, God knew} the significance of its wrath, and that every
> place on Earth would be affected. . . . . .
> From The Holy Bible (The New Century version)
> The Book of JEREMIAH Chapter 25:32 and Chapter 48:8
> 'Disasters will soon spread from nation to nation. They will come
> like a powerful storm to all the faraway places on earth . . .
> The DESTROYER will come against every town -- not one town
> will escape . . . The Lord said this will happen.' . . . .
> . . . . .
> Planet X is very real and known to the 'elite,' a hidden fact they
> have discovered from an ancient source and have held close to
> their hearts for quite some time -- until now. . . . . .
> . . . . In 1975, I purchased my first astronomy textbook entitled
> 'The Universe' by Sampson Low Publishers. . . . . . One thing,
> however, jumped out at me and grabbed my attention. It was
> a little blurb on page 99 about an extra hypothetical body
> within the Solar System called Planet X. . . . . . .'
> . . . {from the astronomy textbook}:
> {an illustration with caption, reading:} 'the orbit of a tenth
> planet, Planet X, whose existence was predicted as a result
> of computer studies by American astronomer Joseph Brady
> in 1972 . . . .'
> . . . Over the course of my investigations, I've perused
> countless esoteric books and ancient documents that give
> tantalizing clues suggesting that a large-sized planet exists
> within the far reaches of the Solar System. To the ancient
> Sumerians, it was known as Nibiru (which means 'Planet
> of crossing'), . . . It has a highly irregular {highly elliptical}
> orbit; . . . it periodically returns; upon returning, it crosses
> Earth's orbit, causing havoc with our home world. . . .
> . . . The Kolbrin {secular} Bible is comprised of eleven books,
> the first six written by Egyptian academics and scribes after
> the Exodus {of the Israelites from Egypt, around 1,500 B.C.}
> . . . . . . {reading from the Kolbrin:}
> MANUSCRIPT 3:9 . . . 'Then will the Heavens tremble, and
> the Earth move. Men will quake in fear, and while terror
> walks with them, the Heralds of Doom will appear.' . . .
> . . . .
> 'If the Kolbrin {secular} Bible contains startling passages
> that describe the return of Planet X, the {global} 'elite'
> would unquestionably want to keep this under wraps,
> whilst, at the same time, start preparing -- at whatever
> cost -- to survive into another age. According to the above
> verse, it appears a select few will survive. . . . .
> . . . Think about it. If a group of people possessed an 800
> year-old document {I believe the Egyptian writings are
> closer to 3,500 years old, penned by the generation who
> witnessed God's ten plagues, described in the Book of
> EXODUS, in The Holy Bible} stating without doubt that
> a catastrophe would occur upon the return of a celestial
> object, then they would have the luxury to carefully plan
> out their survival by secretly building facilities, such as:
> underground bunkers, gigantic ocean liners, and future
> command posts. . . . . The {global} elite have taken the
> Kolbrin Bible's warning very seriously. . . .
> . . . . {again, reading from the Kolbrin:}
> MANUSCRIPT 3:3 '. . . a great light appears redly in the
> skies.' " {It is very important to note the word 'redly.'
> I will soon repost my analysis of the Holy Bible's Book
> of ISAIAH, Chapter 63, clearly revealing gross English
> language mistranslations from God's original Hebrew
> scriptures, and correcting verse 6 to prove that God is
> therein declaring that He will bring His 'glittering blood-
> red object from afar, to its goal, Planet Earth.'}
> ---------- END OF EXCERPT -------- John DiNardo --------

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Old 03-08-2010, 08:37 AM   #54
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

When I first learned of Nibiru, the Kolbrin Bible was referenced a lot and there were several people "selling" books and dvd's on the subject, but at the time there wasn't much free info on the internet about the Kolbrin Bible. Seems to have been a fairly well kept secret until recently....thanks for jogging my memory.

IMHO I believe that there a lot of truth to the existence of this planet, actually it appears to be a small solar system orbiting around a dwarf star that is actually a sister to our sun. It hasn't been detected before because it's best seen with infared cameras and it's just now coming back into view. Most solar systems are binary, meaning they have two stars, so in reality it would be highly unusual for our system to have only one sun.

After learning about Nibiru I went on an intensive investigative journey in ancient history looking for references of the planet and evidence of it's passage. I wasn't able to debunk it and only found mounting facts throughout history to support it's existence...

Now people are photographing two suns at dusk and dawn all over the world, and it seems that the earth is really starting to perturb with earthquakes and rogue waves happening fairly consistently now. How many earthquakes over 6.0 have happened over the last couple weeks alone (how many were man made is another question)...anyway Mother Earth as well as all the other planets are all heating up and displaying all kinds of anomalies. There have also been quite a few asteroids exploding in our atmosphere over the last year or so too...seems the signs are all over the place.
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Old 03-11-2010, 11:58 AM   #55
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Hey Ascending ... I would love someone to de-bunk this ... please try!!

Most of you will have already seen this video with our beloved Bob Dean ...

Long Video so go to 38.38 (hey just realized adds to 11.11 !!!)

Anyway further info about Planet X/Nibiru/Wormwood ... ect etc

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Old 03-11-2010, 12:11 PM   #56
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

In the Ashayana Deane material that I have been researching they explain that pole shift is not a natural occurence and happens because of intervention in the areas around the tropics which is coordinated with scalar pulses from a black hole in the centre of the Milky Way

As far as I understand from the material, the straight pole shift was intended for 2003 and was prevented by shifting from probability one to probability three

There are efforts in this moment in the same sense and AGWWP (all going well weather permining) if we can keep the light quotient steady in the planet we might be able to avert it in 2012

In their summary 2, Q & A section the Guardian Alliance explains some of this but also indicates that Earth changes are inevitable. Here is the link (just scroll down til you find the Q & A) http://www.azuritepress.com/New%20Co..._summary_2.php

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Old 03-11-2010, 05:03 PM   #57
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Just listening to Bob Dean the blokes an ar$ehole. The way he talks down about the people of Papua New Guinea is terrible. They are not idiots at all, what a twat he is
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Old 03-11-2010, 05:05 PM   #58
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Just listening to Bob Dean the blokes an ar$ehole. The way he talks down about the people of Papua New Guinea is terrible. They are not idiots at all, what a twat he is
He's a lovely man...you leave him alone...

You'll be like him one day!!!

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Old 03-11-2010, 05:10 PM   #59
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I don't want to be like him, he thinks he is better than people because of the life he lives.
IMO he lives a worst life than them.
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Old 03-11-2010, 05:13 PM   #60
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
I don't want to be like him, he thinks he is better than people because of the life he lives.
IMO he lives a worst life than them.
Hey Swanny ... why do you say that?... he comes across as a genuine sort of chap!!

Well informed...ect etc ... a bit slow at times...but he is getting on, so to speak!!

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Old 03-11-2010, 05:18 PM   #61
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Why does he speak so badly of others just because they are not as advanced as our way of life??
He seems to think our way of life is better than theirs and they are less than us because of that.
I don't think of myself as being better than others just because I'm English, well except for the Americans of course
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Old 03-11-2010, 05:22 PM   #62
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Why does he speak so badly of others just because they are not as advanced as our way of life??
He seems to think our way of life is better than theirs and they are less than us because of that.
I don't think of myself as being better than others just because I'm English, well except for the Americans of course

Are you refering to our differences between us and them up there...

If thats the case then we are a little behind Swanny!!

errrr a lot!!!

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Old 03-11-2010, 05:23 PM   #63
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Thanks Swanson. ....I'm a citizen of the world for your info...
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Old 03-11-2010, 05:27 PM   #64
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Originally Posted by viking View Post
Are you refering to our differences between us and them up there...

If thats the case then we are a litle behind Swanny!!

errrr a lot!!!

Yea he tries to compare the difference between us and them as being more than the difference between us and the people of PNG. But the way he said it was very demeaning to the people of PNG. Before the white man came along they were living lives in perfect balance with mother nature. How does that make them to be lesser than those that are destroying the planet??

No doubt we are miles behind the alien races but maybe that's not such a bad thing.
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Old 03-11-2010, 05:31 PM   #65
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Yea he tries to compare the difference between us and them as being more than the difference between us and the people of PNG. But the way he said it was very demeaning to the people of PNG. Before the white man came along they were living lives in perfect balance with mother nature. How does that make them to be lesser than those that are destroying the planet??

No doubt we are miles behind the alien races but maybe that's not such a bad thing.
Yes I hear you...I believe he was generalising about us!!!

And he has a point!!

Primitive we are ... in comparison, that is ...

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Old 03-11-2010, 05:34 PM   #66
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Yea he tries to compare the difference between us and them as being more than the difference between us and the people of PNG. But the way he said it was very demeaning to the people of PNG. Before the white man came along they were living lives in perfect balance with mother nature. How does that make them to be lesser than those that are destroying the planet??

No doubt we are miles behind the alien races but maybe that's not such a bad thing.
When the man is right, the man is right. - sorry I meant Admiral.
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Old 03-11-2010, 05:41 PM   #67
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Yea he tries to compare the difference between us and them as being more than the difference between us and the people of PNG. But the way he said it was very demeaning to the people of PNG. Before the white man came along they were living lives in perfect balance with mother nature. How does that make them to be lesser than those that are destroying the planet??

No doubt we are miles behind the alien races but maybe that's not such a bad thing.
Actually Swany the people that live in harmony with nature are closer to evolved beings because the more harmony the more respect for all living things, humans are not the only beings in the universe. Technology is not seen by advanced beings as "progress" is really regression and evidence of DNA disgression

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Old 03-11-2010, 05:42 PM   #68
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Exactly Stardust
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Old 03-11-2010, 05:47 PM   #69
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
Actually Swany the people that live in harmony with nature are closer to evolved beings because the more harmony the more respect for all living things, humans are not the only beings in the universe. Technology is not seen by advanced beings as "progress" is really regression and evidence of DNA disgression

I agree Stardust, the sooner we stop measuring our advancement in terms of technology the sooner we will grow up!!

I don't mean us here...generally speaking...

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Old 03-11-2010, 08:37 PM   #70
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Mmmmm not quite sure what this is...


maybe something to do with this!!

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Old 03-12-2010, 12:00 AM   #71
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Default Re: Pole Shift? Due?

Originally Posted by Steven View Post
If the Ice at the poles is melting and all this fresh non-salted water get mixed into ocean, it can probably create a shift in the axe rotation because of the weight spreading evenly across the ocean.

It might make the Earth to tilt of some degrees, but not to shift from pole-to-pole.

The effect of non-salted water into the ocean can also create disturbance into the natural sea current. One thing that Hubert Reeves have noticed is that the golf stream have slowed down. He said it even might reverse to flow to the north European cost to the southern African cost, which would create drastic climate change for Africa, Europe and Americas. It might explain the climate change we are noticing at this moment.

But no worry, there will be no pole shift with E.L.E.

Namaste, Steven
speaking of freshwater and ocean currents...

Huge iceberg breaks off Antarctica

They say the 2,500 square kilometre iceberg, floating south of Australia, could block an area that produces a quarter of the world's dense and very cold seawater, known as bottom water.

This water drives ocean currents, and scientists say weather patterns could be affected in decades to come.

Dr Neal Young is a glaciologist at the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Co-operative Research Centre in Tasmania.

Last edited by Rocky_Shorz; 03-12-2010 at 12:21 AM.
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Old 03-12-2010, 04:29 PM   #72
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Thanks Rocky ... Excellent pics...

Listen to this interview with Nancy...excellent stuff ... all about Planet X...pole shift...ect etc

I wonder of Bill or Kerry would consider interviewing her???


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Old 03-12-2010, 05:02 PM   #73
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

Well the gooooood news is that Cliff High in his just released hot of the press 61 pages report (which I am still perusing!) says

"The absolute good news is that the planet is NOT at risk from any events manifesting in 2012 or beyond..."

Which is quite a turn of events as the only others that have been saying this all along have been the Adashi MCEO Guardian Alliance, which said that there was not going to be pole shift in the Summary II published last year in October

That does not mean that we are out of the ropes and does not mean that humanity is not at risk, only that the planet is not at risk

But, you can see how the illuminti have been fear mongering to create a real pole shift....

Well.... Enjoy the feeling of knowing that the planet will still be here....

Will talk about the clean up of the planetary mess created by humanity another day

Love to all
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Old 03-12-2010, 11:59 PM   #74
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Default Re: Pole Shift? ... Planet X Due?

I thought this is a good video on how the earth moves,


Please let me know your views on this vid..

Thanks Much !!!! Hugs and Love to All
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Old 03-13-2010, 12:25 AM   #75
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I was in shock when I looked at the number of views

I believe all thing happen for a reason.

Thanks Much !!! Hugs and Love to All
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