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Project Avalon General Discussion Finding safe places, information and resources for building communities, site suggestions.

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Old 12-18-2009, 10:07 PM   #26
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

What kind of info would you require reference the topics covered? I can help if you like? I'm a qualified Personal Trainer!
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Old 12-20-2009, 07:36 PM   #27
Flying Pyramid
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

How do you add users to your projects?
The project management page doesnt load the checkboxes to choose.
And the page states that there is an error on the page.

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Old 12-21-2009, 07:37 AM   #28
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

Originally Posted by seeingterra View Post
Yes, PLW is only for self development

Regarding the site being down, I am currently investigating and have contacted the web host. Strange... Stay tuned!
Hello, This is DawnJah.....My password for the PLW Forum is not working
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Old 12-23-2009, 12:09 PM   #29
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

Howdy SeeingTerra, All...

New Here... I need a new focus group... Galactic Visitors...

Also I missed the verification email so I am not able to finish the registration process. I am using the same username as here...

Is there a way to upload .pdf files? Most of my information is in the form of ebooks (.pdfs). I can provide links to my Ning site. However I figured that you would want to store the new repository on site to back it up.

Also, pictures... A thousand words... We need to be able to attach pictures by uploading from the machine in use and not rely on a web based image. This will speed up the load process on you site by caching the pictures on your server rather than having to reach out all over the interwebz to load pictures. Also there is the backup motivation here, and also remotely loaded pictures are not always available, and may be slow to transfer, causing load delays...

OK, I gotta say I think this is a brilliant idea. Project Light Warrior is the beacon around which the elect shall assemble. These are the true "Saviors" of the Earth. These are the people that are willing to step forward, embrace new philosophies, and actively bring about positive change on the Earth, regardless of opposition. We work individually in tiny ways, to each our own specialties, and collectively as The All, the Universal Consciousness. The future is not political bias, but the will of The All. You get to vote here...

Goodwill to All, for All is One...
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Old 12-30-2009, 11:18 PM   #30
Flying Pyramid
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

Originally Posted by Flying Pyramid View Post
How do you add users to your projects?
The project management page doesnt load the checkboxes to choose.
And the page states that there is an error on the page.

Bump bump.
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Old 12-31-2009, 03:02 AM   #31
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

The word "warrior" in the title is a mistake
and this bit of advice is being dismissed...
Think from the heart please.
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Old 12-31-2009, 01:23 PM   #32
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

I've tried numerous times to log in to project warrior but even it just won't accept my password! Can someone help me out with this. Ta.
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Old 01-21-2010, 02:30 AM   #33
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Lightbulb Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

I was wondering if you are still looking for source or someone to help to enlargen the database of knowledge on the website, I would be very glad to help with the best I can.

Even tho these are not all I have, I have downloaded most of them, but I have also books on,

-Shadow philosophy,
-Mahatma letters and theosophy including Blavatsky writings(all),
-Phronesis(phro, not pyro)
-Ancient masonic texts,
-Knowledge of higher worlds, secret of light I-II,
-Audiotapes, EFT, NLP,
-Documenterial(right?) movies such as kymatica, big picture, labrynth of truth, raising eden,
-And if to come to the rare books, hmm I have the digital version of "Nine Unknown Men" in high scan and as word document,
-'Activating Divine Light',
-'Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments', probably originated from golden dawn, from 60s,
-Esoteric teachings from tibetians, 'Mentalphysics',
-Channel messages about consciousness, superconsciousness,
-Nikola tesla works, papers, missing works,
-'Terra Papers', 'Ra material', and also two of the Insiders,
-'Kaltem Gibson' Unleashing telekinetic ability(from my point of view he teaches it based on 'psi'(mental perception) ,
-Kuji-in, ninjutsu history,
-All atlantis rising magazines,
-All A. Crowley works,
-Valdamar Valerian(matrix I-V),
-Soulmates-soul twins, souls and
-I also hold rare books from Jeffrey Mishlove, Stephen M. Phillips and one rare book which I believe is the most important one called Arlinski - Infinite Knowledge - Conscious Conception Wisdom. It can be find on net but I hold the original copy scan. Among other books from 1600s, 1700s this one teaches the ancient methods to gain knowledge on conscioussness.

And these are the real stuff I keep in my external HDD, if you would like any kind of source from them, just let me know.

* 9 ; A folder of my own collection, the things I like, about mytery of Number 9, compilation of other related things to numbers such aas golden ratio, Revelations of Elite Inisders, Water mystery, etc.

* Abook ; Audiobook folder. Containing audio versions of many useful books such as secret, conversations with the god, ramtha and others.

* Alc ; The folder which contains all probably all the ebooks and videos for Alchemy and their formulas, even containing lost books like Golden Dawn Chemistry experiemtns which was published around 1956 ;]

* Anc ; Ancient folder of secrets. Containing ancient secrets, their tehcnologies, languages and knowledges and many more undiscovered mysteries.

* Astro ; The folder which has information on astrology and astronomy contining videos such as in search of dark matter, or universe episodes from discovery channel, BBC and various sources.

* BBC ; BBC documentaries,Sorry but it only has the most interesting ones such as universe and supernatural series since there is an already torrent for all of them, i only got the essential and important ones.

* BMV ; The Folder of Brainwave Mind Voyages. I think I have most of them along with Hem-sync and I-Doser within this folder.

* C2C ; The folder of Coast to Coast, it has not all the coast to coast interviews because I'm not interested in the stuff which is an endless cycle to keep people like us in it o prevent of thinking bout to truth and making us dealing with world problems such as illuminati, conspiracies and many more. It has Interdimensionals, light meditations, secret technologies and other ones that will instead enlighten our wisdom.

* Char ; My favourite folder. The folder of characteristics meaning several kinds of books to improve yourself. A kind of self help one, more like simiiar to enlightened man's book collection but specifically focusing on imrpoving oneself. Sharing experience in an intellectal way.

* Circle of Light ; As you can predict from the folder title, it only has positive sources for it's seekers, many audios and songs for meditation which are relaxing and peaceful. Done with so gente forms or music that is able to touch one's soul. And some other documents to expand you consciousness and world of view.

* CIA ; The folder of CIA. It has many secret footage from CIA and their secret projectsi Experiements on drugs and humans, etc.

* Class ; The folder of "Idontknowyet" ... because I have created it but put nothing Inside. I think I will rmemeber in time why I made it. Probably best guess is for classical music or for videos that gives classes, lessons about learning, still not sure.

* Com ; The Folder to waste time, have fun and learn at the same time, Including many wise comedians such as George Carlin, Bill Hicks and Jeff Dunham. Open to suggestions for more.

* Cons ; Folder of a collection made of conspiracies. It contains only dangerous ones to keep us aware. Because the rest is just an illusion.

* Cosmos ; The folder of osmology, cosmos and the reseachers of cosmos and cosmic stuff. The most rare ones, as usual.

* Dan ; The folder of dancing . To get away from this world's problems why not save some time for yourself and relax? Yup it contains the dance shows, lessons and more.

* Dark ; Darkest foldder of this era you may ever see. It has all the dangerous rituals, sacrifices, books, documents, spells, stories, ancient treasures, dark meditations, Invocations and others. Not for the ones who can't dare to touch it.

* Doc ; Since this whole idea is a document itself, this will have the Index or encyclopedia of this huge upcoming torrent. But it also has extras inside, documentary movies such as esoteric agenda, the big picture, kymatica, etc.

* Eastern ; The folder of the East. This folder is a mixed one of the teachings from the east,

* Egypt ; The folder of Egypt containing and revealing their greatest mysteries at the same time while also having rare stuff inside, book of dead and others I can't think of right now.

* Enc ; Folder of dictionaries, encyclopedias. For you can find the most interesting encyclopedias in the world, for psychology, metaphysics, ancient language secrets, world wonders and others.

* Ero ; Folder of erotica. Not for the pornreaks. This folder has or gives knowledge about sex and 'teaches'. So the one who's been telling me that they're watching porn to learn stuff I'm sorry to end the era of your excuse. You need to find a better one now. This folder has many ebooks, famous ones, unfamous but useful ones, videos and mp3s, yup those famous series too, such as Erotic Lounge and rest. Plus It also has useful information for dating tips, hints and secrets.

* ESP ; The folder of my favourite kind of psuedo-science, psychics. It usually has most information on metaphysics, ESP and others which can't be ignored. And I don't give a damn if someone comes me to tell about James Randi or any others. You can't know one's intetion of doing it until you know the real intention behind their words, so stfu. And don't download if you don't want to see this stuff around but if you are interested in telekinesis, psychokinesis and other it contains many useful books and videos, such as Psychic Influence, Huna Magic of Psychic Warrior or Kaltem Gibson's telekinesis V4.4

* Fringe ; The folder of fringe science containing many reseraches like the ones you can see from actualy 'Fringe' seires. Time travel, gene manpulating, and many other crazy ideas which can be titles as next step of science. You know what they say, "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be science." (:

* Hashem ; The folder of Hashem movies, yes all of them, I hope to complete them soon maybe I will also add arrivals or masonic secrets, I don't know.

* Hidden Hand ; The folder I made up myself. Most of the people wants to know who or what was the hidden hand is about. This folder has it's revelations on many websites such as ABT or Godlikeproductions and desteni and some others. ( P.S. Some may wonder why I don't have a Desteni folder. Well they were good in the begining but they "lost it" you know. They have gone beyond their good intetions tho I still appreciate way of teaching showing which is good and bad but don't when they focus on bad more.). And some other trials from our infamous hidden hand.

* Hypno ; The folder of hypnotism which has information about roots of hypno states, videos, and audios for Hpyontism and audiobooks.

* Lit ; Folder of exceptionally ordinary literature. This folder will contain only inspirational collection of quotes and ancient languages that has been forgotten how to be spoken such as Babylon, Mayan, Inca or Enochian or I don't know.

* Love ; My favourite folder number 2. This will have only things about how to love yourself, one another, and nature. and some great stories, advices from universal masters such as srisri or Ghandi o from me. Me because Because I'm also writing a book called Wisdom of White Love. Not done yet tho.

* MA ; Ultimate folder for Martial Arts. It has the famous martial art torrents Inside which are around 56 and 26 GBs or something like that together. Not just them but also other kind of martial arts from east like ninjutsu or Kuji-in and videos for your fitness and body health, weekly programmes, etc.

* Magic ; Folder of independant magic. Whic as most of the magic and mentalism books or spells of creating entites and no they don't belong to any cult or they're occult. They're all neutral types of magic.

* Mtricks ; Folder of Magic tricks which can be learned easily and can be used in daily life. They're from famous illusionists.

* Matrix ; Flder of real-unreal matrix. I'm not so sure but doesn't have the matrix series, instead it has more like Val Valerian Matrix I-IV volumes or some others from Ra material and the Law of One.

* Mental ; The folder I made myself which shows how to heal your mental self. the videos I've collected overcontaining many videos from Raising Eden series. Creds to DanielofDoria [:

* Mind ; The folder of our minds. It will have ebooks containing the concept of mind, ?t's powers how to develop a supermemory, and maybe some other sources related to subonscious mind and subconscious self.

* Myths ; The material from ancient myths, mysteries and others. many of us may find what they are looking for. Doesn have fairy tales such as Loch Ness or Bigfoot but, has files from tunguska, rostte stone and other "this" kind of mysteries which are still unsolved.

* Nano ; The folder of Nanotechnology. Not just nano but other parts of science that is connected to nanocience such a biomolecular engineering or genes, etc...

* New Age ; The folder which I'm not sure sure to make it or not yet. If I do It will only have new age beliefs and information just to be informed of new age beliefs, i.e. Quantum touch, reiki, Indigos, crytals, starchilds, starseeds and so on.

* NLP ; Folder of ultimate neurolinguistic programming. Just like MA, this will have those three NLP torrents inside mixed in an organized way plus other useful books to shape your life path and videos to teach NLP, audios, maybe. Contains over 70GB.

* Numbers ; Folder of Numbers. This will have the roots of numbers, articles, essays on numbers. Their importance in our lives, occult studies, science and some others and what each number means. Also the books from Douglas Forbes and Dan Millman.

* Occult ; The ultimate folder for occultists. Thanks to (digimob) I was able to collect many materials from the sources but still not complete yet. A few books missing but still will contain the most essential and important occult books of last recent centruies.

* Pen ; Still can't remmeber why I made it...

* People ; Folder of famous people in network society and their complete works, like Aleister Crowley, Alex Jones, Aldous Huxley, Edgar Cayce, David Icke, Carl Sagan, Dick Sutphen, Manly P. Hall, Terrance Mckenna, Tom Bearden, David Wilcock, Nikola Tesla, S. Blackmore, John La Tourette, Jordan Maxwell, ....

* Phil ; The Folder which is made of various philosophies. Containing greatest minds who walked on this earth. Ghandi, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, Lou Holtz, Confucius, David Hume, John Locke, many other great ones I can't remember.

* Psycore ; You guessed it right. This folder will have all the psychedelic collection including dark ones too. Hurray for psychedelic music lovers ;]

* Quantum ; The folder of quantum science containig many essential articles, ideas, theories, ebooks about quantums science.

* Rad ; The folder of radio shows. Will have footages from radios, not sure to delete it or not since it isn't very valuable/essential/needed.

* Rare ; The ultimate folder of rarities. You can find many lost, banned, so called impossible-to-find stuff just right in this very folder. Even has books books of copies from 1900s-2000s .

* Read ; The books with normal stories that is worth reading from famous writers writes of human era.

* Recip ; The biggesr recipee collection you can find on net this can be, can be very useful for cooks and who likes cooking. Probably the size is more than 4 Gbs.

* Rely ; Folder of religion. It has many aspects and points all the important facts on each kind of world religion we have. laso some material which was suppressed on religious levels and some from vatican library.

* RV ; Folder of remote viewing. teaches one to do remote viewing while showing it through many videos and using softwares.

* Sci ; Folder of science which shows where we are on our improvements of our science and technology and also inventions. useful for the ones who likes to follow technology. Forgot to mention, and also has the all NASA folders.

* Self ; Folder of self. Be careful while you're surfing in this folder because you might find the answers to the questions which were forbidden to ask. Or bigger questions such as why we are here, who are we, what is soul and others. Time to remember who we are truly. To conquer others is to know yourself, to conquer yourself is to know the way. Stop willing, stop hating, stop desiring. [:

* Psi ; Folder of psi energy, explains it's roots and bioenergy and how to use it. Related to ESP stuff.

* Spy ; The folder for spies. It has many footages and secret information from many goverments and has ebooks fro evil geniuses.

* Tar ; Folder that has all the kinds of tarot and teaches how to do them.

* Truth ; Truth is a pathless land. This contains the ultimate books for if you wish to seek the ultimate truth. Since everyone these days seems to have find out bout their own versions of truth =___=, this folder is for the ones who likes to stay objective and open to new suggestions. "When you're defining other people, you're actually defining another yourself." ;D

* UFO ; Folder of not undefined flying objects. But the solid material that has information on them. Also source from nazi projects, american engineers' flying saucer patents and the UFO footage but not the dots you have seen on your mother's TV. Real ones.

* Uncategorized ; The folder for the files which I have failed to be able to categorize among others. But still has valuable metarial.

* Unknown ; The folder of mysteries and unknowings. This has many mysterious cases, and other files which I have no idea what they are but thought it is still important to have them.

* USA ; This file contains many files, projects and information on its goverment's and agencies. Such as Illuminati, HAARP, chemtrails, Obamadeception, illuminati, Nazi, Hitler, NWO, secret socities, secret goverments, masons and others.

Phew, I know.
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Old 01-21-2010, 02:19 PM   #34
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

Mikagon: Thanks for the info, great if you can send it by mail to tommy@projectlightwarrior.com so I can add you to the portal group.

I am afraid I do not have time to do Q & A right here on the forum with regard to support issues, so if you got a problem let me know (using the e-mail above)

Our web host is currently having some issues, and PLW is down at the moment.
I currently have no exact time when the site will be back online.

PS: Keep in mind that the site is in "Beta", and bug reporting and development is the main purpose of the site at this stage.


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Old 01-25-2010, 06:51 PM   #35
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

Project Light Warrior is now back online after a successful server move.

Thanks to our web-host who made sure everything worked out as planed!

In the time to come we will select team leads, so stay tuned!

All the best,

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Old 02-01-2010, 12:10 AM   #36
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

I'm so sorry seeingterra, I really am willing to participate in the project and I'm thinking of to send in a list, in a more categorized way with the file names I have in it as you mentioned for to the mail, it is just that I've been having real life issues with my passport and visa. I promise to send it this week.
Hope you would understand,
Have a peaceful day~
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Old 02-01-2010, 12:42 AM   #37
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Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

Originally Posted by Mikagon View Post
I was wondering if you are still looking for source or someone to help to enlargen the database of knowledge on the website, I would be very glad to help with the best I can.

Even tho these are not all I have, I have downloaded most of them, but I have also books on,

-Shadow philosophy,
-Mahatma letters and theosophy including Blavatsky writings(all),
-Phronesis(phro, not pyro)
-Ancient masonic texts,
-Knowledge of higher worlds, secret of light I-II,
-Audiotapes, EFT, NLP,
-Documenterial(right?) movies such as kymatica, big picture, labrynth of truth, raising eden,
-And if to come to the rare books, hmm I have the digital version of "Nine Unknown Men" in high scan and as word document,
-'Activating Divine Light',
-'Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments', probably originated from golden dawn, from 60s,
-Esoteric teachings from tibetians, 'Mentalphysics',
-Channel messages about consciousness, superconsciousness,
-Nikola tesla works, papers, missing works,
-'Terra Papers', 'Ra material', and also two of the Insiders,
-'Kaltem Gibson' Unleashing telekinetic ability(from my point of view he teaches it based on 'psi'(mental perception) ,
-Kuji-in, ninjutsu history,
-All atlantis rising magazines,
-All A. Crowley works,
-Valdamar Valerian(matrix I-V),
-Soulmates-soul twins, souls and
-I also hold rare books from Jeffrey Mishlove, Stephen M. Phillips and one rare book which I believe is the most important one called Arlinski - Infinite Knowledge - Conscious Conception Wisdom. It can be find on net but I hold the original copy scan. Among other books from 1600s, 1700s this one teaches the ancient methods to gain knowledge on conscioussness.

And these are the real stuff I keep in my external HDD, if you would like any kind of source from them, just let me know.

* 9 ; A folder of my own collection, the things I like, about mytery of Number 9, compilation of other related things to numbers such aas golden ratio, Revelations of Elite Inisders, Water mystery, etc.

* Abook ; Audiobook folder. Containing audio versions of many useful books such as secret, conversations with the god, ramtha and others.

* Alc ; The folder which contains all probably all the ebooks and videos for Alchemy and their formulas, even containing lost books like Golden Dawn Chemistry experiemtns which was published around 1956 ;]

* Anc ; Ancient folder of secrets. Containing ancient secrets, their tehcnologies, languages and knowledges and many more undiscovered mysteries.

* Astro ; The folder which has information on astrology and astronomy contining videos such as in search of dark matter, or universe episodes from discovery channel, BBC and various sources.

* BBC ; BBC documentaries,Sorry but it only has the most interesting ones such as universe and supernatural series since there is an already torrent for all of them, i only got the essential and important ones.

* BMV ; The Folder of Brainwave Mind Voyages. I think I have most of them along with Hem-sync and I-Doser within this folder.

* C2C ; The folder of Coast to Coast, it has not all the coast to coast interviews because I'm not interested in the stuff which is an endless cycle to keep people like us in it o prevent of thinking bout to truth and making us dealing with world problems such as illuminati, conspiracies and many more. It has Interdimensionals, light meditations, secret technologies and other ones that will instead enlighten our wisdom.

* Char ; My favourite folder. The folder of characteristics meaning several kinds of books to improve yourself. A kind of self help one, more like simiiar to enlightened man's book collection but specifically focusing on imrpoving oneself. Sharing experience in an intellectal way.

* Circle of Light ; As you can predict from the folder title, it only has positive sources for it's seekers, many audios and songs for meditation which are relaxing and peaceful. Done with so gente forms or music that is able to touch one's soul. And some other documents to expand you consciousness and world of view.

* CIA ; The folder of CIA. It has many secret footage from CIA and their secret projectsi Experiements on drugs and humans, etc.

* Class ; The folder of "Idontknowyet" ... because I have created it but put nothing Inside. I think I will rmemeber in time why I made it. Probably best guess is for classical music or for videos that gives classes, lessons about learning, still not sure.

* Com ; The Folder to waste time, have fun and learn at the same time, Including many wise comedians such as George Carlin, Bill Hicks and Jeff Dunham. Open to suggestions for more.

* Cons ; Folder of a collection made of conspiracies. It contains only dangerous ones to keep us aware. Because the rest is just an illusion.

* Cosmos ; The folder of osmology, cosmos and the reseachers of cosmos and cosmic stuff. The most rare ones, as usual.

* Dan ; The folder of dancing . To get away from this world's problems why not save some time for yourself and relax? Yup it contains the dance shows, lessons and more.

* Dark ; Darkest foldder of this era you may ever see. It has all the dangerous rituals, sacrifices, books, documents, spells, stories, ancient treasures, dark meditations, Invocations and others. Not for the ones who can't dare to touch it.

* Doc ; Since this whole idea is a document itself, this will have the Index or encyclopedia of this huge upcoming torrent. But it also has extras inside, documentary movies such as esoteric agenda, the big picture, kymatica, etc.

* Eastern ; The folder of the East. This folder is a mixed one of the teachings from the east,

* Egypt ; The folder of Egypt containing and revealing their greatest mysteries at the same time while also having rare stuff inside, book of dead and others I can't think of right now.

* Enc ; Folder of dictionaries, encyclopedias. For you can find the most interesting encyclopedias in the world, for psychology, metaphysics, ancient language secrets, world wonders and others.

* Ero ; Folder of erotica. Not for the pornreaks. This folder has or gives knowledge about sex and 'teaches'. So the one who's been telling me that they're watching porn to learn stuff I'm sorry to end the era of your excuse. You need to find a better one now. This folder has many ebooks, famous ones, unfamous but useful ones, videos and mp3s, yup those famous series too, such as Erotic Lounge and rest. Plus It also has useful information for dating tips, hints and secrets.

* ESP ; The folder of my favourite kind of psuedo-science, psychics. It usually has most information on metaphysics, ESP and others which can't be ignored. And I don't give a damn if someone comes me to tell about James Randi or any others. You can't know one's intetion of doing it until you know the real intention behind their words, so stfu. And don't download if you don't want to see this stuff around but if you are interested in telekinesis, psychokinesis and other it contains many useful books and videos, such as Psychic Influence, Huna Magic of Psychic Warrior or Kaltem Gibson's telekinesis V4.4

* Fringe ; The folder of fringe science containing many reseraches like the ones you can see from actualy 'Fringe' seires. Time travel, gene manpulating, and many other crazy ideas which can be titles as next step of science. You know what they say, "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be science." (:

* Hashem ; The folder of Hashem movies, yes all of them, I hope to complete them soon maybe I will also add arrivals or masonic secrets, I don't know.

* Hidden Hand ; The folder I made up myself. Most of the people wants to know who or what was the hidden hand is about. This folder has it's revelations on many websites such as ABT or Godlikeproductions and desteni and some others. ( P.S. Some may wonder why I don't have a Desteni folder. Well they were good in the begining but they "lost it" you know. They have gone beyond their good intetions tho I still appreciate way of teaching showing which is good and bad but don't when they focus on bad more.). And some other trials from our infamous hidden hand.

* Hypno ; The folder of hypnotism which has information about roots of hypno states, videos, and audios for Hpyontism and audiobooks.

* Lit ; Folder of exceptionally ordinary literature. This folder will contain only inspirational collection of quotes and ancient languages that has been forgotten how to be spoken such as Babylon, Mayan, Inca or Enochian or I don't know.

* Love ; My favourite folder number 2. This will have only things about how to love yourself, one another, and nature. and some great stories, advices from universal masters such as srisri or Ghandi o from me. Me because Because I'm also writing a book called Wisdom of White Love. Not done yet tho.

* MA ; Ultimate folder for Martial Arts. It has the famous martial art torrents Inside which are around 56 and 26 GBs or something like that together. Not just them but also other kind of martial arts from east like ninjutsu or Kuji-in and videos for your fitness and body health, weekly programmes, etc.

* Magic ; Folder of independant magic. Whic as most of the magic and mentalism books or spells of creating entites and no they don't belong to any cult or they're occult. They're all neutral types of magic.

* Mtricks ; Folder of Magic tricks which can be learned easily and can be used in daily life. They're from famous illusionists.

* Matrix ; Flder of real-unreal matrix. I'm not so sure but doesn't have the matrix series, instead it has more like Val Valerian Matrix I-IV volumes or some others from Ra material and the Law of One.

* Mental ; The folder I made myself which shows how to heal your mental self. the videos I've collected overcontaining many videos from Raising Eden series. Creds to DanielofDoria [:

* Mind ; The folder of our minds. It will have ebooks containing the concept of mind, ?t's powers how to develop a supermemory, and maybe some other sources related to subonscious mind and subconscious self.

* Myths ; The material from ancient myths, mysteries and others. many of us may find what they are looking for. Doesn have fairy tales such as Loch Ness or Bigfoot but, has files from tunguska, rostte stone and other "this" kind of mysteries which are still unsolved.

* Nano ; The folder of Nanotechnology. Not just nano but other parts of science that is connected to nanocience such a biomolecular engineering or genes, etc...

* New Age ; The folder which I'm not sure sure to make it or not yet. If I do It will only have new age beliefs and information just to be informed of new age beliefs, i.e. Quantum touch, reiki, Indigos, crytals, starchilds, starseeds and so on.

* NLP ; Folder of ultimate neurolinguistic programming. Just like MA, this will have those three NLP torrents inside mixed in an organized way plus other useful books to shape your life path and videos to teach NLP, audios, maybe. Contains over 70GB.

* Numbers ; Folder of Numbers. This will have the roots of numbers, articles, essays on numbers. Their importance in our lives, occult studies, science and some others and what each number means. Also the books from Douglas Forbes and Dan Millman.

* Occult ; The ultimate folder for occultists. Thanks to (digimob) I was able to collect many materials from the sources but still not complete yet. A few books missing but still will contain the most essential and important occult books of last recent centruies.

* Pen ; Still can't remmeber why I made it...

* People ; Folder of famous people in network society and their complete works, like Aleister Crowley, Alex Jones, Aldous Huxley, Edgar Cayce, David Icke, Carl Sagan, Dick Sutphen, Manly P. Hall, Terrance Mckenna, Tom Bearden, David Wilcock, Nikola Tesla, S. Blackmore, John La Tourette, Jordan Maxwell, ....

* Phil ; The Folder which is made of various philosophies. Containing greatest minds who walked on this earth. Ghandi, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, Lou Holtz, Confucius, David Hume, John Locke, many other great ones I can't remember.

* Psycore ; You guessed it right. This folder will have all the psychedelic collection including dark ones too. Hurray for psychedelic music lovers ;]

* Quantum ; The folder of quantum science containig many essential articles, ideas, theories, ebooks about quantums science.

* Rad ; The folder of radio shows. Will have footages from radios, not sure to delete it or not since it isn't very valuable/essential/needed.

* Rare ; The ultimate folder of rarities. You can find many lost, banned, so called impossible-to-find stuff just right in this very folder. Even has books books of copies from 1900s-2000s .

* Read ; The books with normal stories that is worth reading from famous writers writes of human era.

* Recip ; The biggesr recipee collection you can find on net this can be, can be very useful for cooks and who likes cooking. Probably the size is more than 4 Gbs.

* Rely ; Folder of religion. It has many aspects and points all the important facts on each kind of world religion we have. laso some material which was suppressed on religious levels and some from vatican library.

* RV ; Folder of remote viewing. teaches one to do remote viewing while showing it through many videos and using softwares.

* Sci ; Folder of science which shows where we are on our improvements of our science and technology and also inventions. useful for the ones who likes to follow technology. Forgot to mention, and also has the all NASA folders.

* Self ; Folder of self. Be careful while you're surfing in this folder because you might find the answers to the questions which were forbidden to ask. Or bigger questions such as why we are here, who are we, what is soul and others. Time to remember who we are truly. To conquer others is to know yourself, to conquer yourself is to know the way. Stop willing, stop hating, stop desiring. [:

* Psi ; Folder of psi energy, explains it's roots and bioenergy and how to use it. Related to ESP stuff.

* Spy ; The folder for spies. It has many footages and secret information from many goverments and has ebooks fro evil geniuses.

* Tar ; Folder that has all the kinds of tarot and teaches how to do them.

* Truth ; Truth is a pathless land. This contains the ultimate books for if you wish to seek the ultimate truth. Since everyone these days seems to have find out bout their own versions of truth =___=, this folder is for the ones who likes to stay objective and open to new suggestions. "When you're defining other people, you're actually defining another yourself." ;D

* UFO ; Folder of not undefined flying objects. But the solid material that has information on them. Also source from nazi projects, american engineers' flying saucer patents and the UFO footage but not the dots you have seen on your mother's TV. Real ones.

* Uncategorized ; The folder for the files which I have failed to be able to categorize among others. But still has valuable metarial.

* Unknown ; The folder of mysteries and unknowings. This has many mysterious cases, and other files which I have no idea what they are but thought it is still important to have them.

* USA ; This file contains many files, projects and information on its goverment's and agencies. Such as Illuminati, HAARP, chemtrails, Obamadeception, illuminati, Nazi, Hitler, NWO, secret socities, secret goverments, masons and others.

Phew, I know.

Also Scribd.com has some ancient texts. For example,here is Arlinski:


Looks good, thanks for the heads up :-)
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Old 02-01-2010, 05:40 AM   #38
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 8
Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Also Scribd.com has some ancient texts. For example,here is Arlinski:


Looks good, thanks for the heads up :-)
You know it's good that you brought him up, he's got like a total of 4-5 books if you include CETAR material and his books have so little pages yet his teachings are so wise, if anyone finds any books that belongs to L. Arlinski just save it and learn from it as much as you can. I'm not gonna go into discussion and revealing how many ideas he has sold to secret companies so far. In fact I'm even thinking he's related to NUM..

Even red_gonzo, one of the best TPB users is looking for him;
I wonder if all Arlinski are geniuses;
I have already asked this guy to help me out, hoping he will help us reveal some CETAR and Arlinski history.

Well whatever, my pillow says hi , 7 a.m..

Edit; there is already a thread about it so about arlinski and CETAR materials we should post them to there, not here anymore but I must say I'm pretty much impressed by this arlinski and also Al Fry who used to support him and have his materials. Here, http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=16369

Much love,

Last edited by Mikagon; 02-12-2010 at 02:50 AM.
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plw, project light warrior

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