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Old 03-19-2010, 11:51 PM   #26
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Hi Wynderer, thanks for your post. You obviously put a lot of thought into that one, thanks for bringing your attention to this thread.

So what do I learn from this?

My world, the world I'm describing, is one of conscious creation, or rather, the mystery of life in action, where a sudden spontaneous interest in cake produces cake in my perceived reality.

Your world seems to me to involve other dimensional beings, and by your own words, sadness, doom and gloom and being 'left-out' or judged in front of an impending doom.

Both realities are real I would say and the other reality is that they meet here on this thread. So they are obviously of equal value.

If I had to choose between one, I would have to go for mine, and I guess you for yours, but others visiting this thread will resonate with either or some in between.

So this is true reality in existence. Your world, and my world, combined in one place.

There was a time not very long ago when I was searching to find every piece of information on how I was going to prepare myself against coming cataclysms. Of course I was worried, not knowing what to do or how to act next. I could invent all kinds of scenarios in my head. the possibilities are endless.

Now I'm in a different place. I prefer that place. There is potential for hope in that place for me, for all of us. Some might call it denial, but I'm going to explore it and see where it leads. If it proves lacking then I will need to redefine my view and carry on.

I don't think any of us can know the real 'edition'. So in the meantime we have to pick our reality. I've offered mine on this thread because it's based on my experience of life up to now.

Thank you for sharing yours too.

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Old 03-20-2010, 02:31 AM   #27
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Originally Posted by Kulapops View Post
If you are focusing on us and them (be it Bushes, Rockerfellers or even Mods and Members, or Av1 and Av2 or MoA, the unfairness of life, the evil desires and agendas that people must be having, the end of the world, or running out of lentils Then... according to my new evidence of cake... that is exactly what is going to appear in your life.
I do believe this. On a less esoteric level if none of us lived in fear at all then no one would join the army in any country and war would simply cease as there would be no one to fight them. It would be a paradigm shift for many to believe that other people are not always out to get them and we don't need to necessarily protect ourselves from them. The elite would be quite powerless in that paradigm.
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Old 03-20-2010, 01:55 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Seafury View Post
I do believe this. On a less esoteric level if none of us lived in fear at all then no one would join the army in any country and war would simply cease as there would be no one to fight them. It would be a paradigm shift for many to believe that other people are not always out to get them and we don't need to necessarily protect ourselves from them. The elite would be quite powerless in that paradigm.
i think that ois where we are headed, hence the constant overtime and trillions spent on false flag operations and propaganda. they will prob use a nuke in a city( when they get desperate) or collapse the economy or both, imfact they will throw everything they hsve left at us. the harder they push the more people awaken. the more people awaken the harder they push.
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Old 03-20-2010, 02:19 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
i think that ois where we are headed, hence the constant overtime and trillions spent on false flag operations and propaganda. they will prob use a nuke in a city( when they get desperate) or collapse the economy or both, imfact they will throw everything they hsve left at us. the harder they push the more people awaken. the more people awaken the harder they push.
Yes drinking tea is very helpful too pineal.
I come back to the achievements of Gandi
He was resolute, he knew what he wanted to achieve, he was integriteous, he would not be moved to violence in spite of great provocation. He won.
What an example.
We can all mirror that with our spiritual intention and that is more powerful than we realize
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Old 03-20-2010, 02:56 PM   #30
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Coming back to cake which I love.
Different cakes for different folks.
My partner is a native of Cameroon, she was asked at work if her natural language is English, she was a bit put out as she taught English in Cameroon and it is her first language, also she qualified in British Universities in various subjects, the latest being Entrepreneurship at Napier in Scotland.
However I think in essence, the implication the context of what is said. My partner takes everything very literally which has lead to some missunderstandings, different cultures different understanding of the application of the same word.
I qualified as a Hypnotherapist and out of interest I would say one word to clients and wait for a reaction.
Some it was Oh wonderfull animals and I would have to listen for ages to all the Rover stories.
Fear Bit by a dog when I was 5 etc.

Dissinterest. Whats Dog got to do with anything?
No wonder we have missunderstandings when every word brings personal history with it.
Really think about that one please and give your thoughts.

Safer sharing tea and cake silently.

With love
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Old 03-20-2010, 07:28 PM   #31
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Hello all.

I'm away from the PC for a few days (Yippee !! 1812 Overture please).

So this may be my last ever post at Avalon Original

Just want to take the time to say thank you to Bill and to Kerry, for making this whole thing possible, to all the mods past and present and to all the members, readers and lurkers, trolls, agents, dragons, smurfs, and aliens who have made this whole experience possible for me.

I leave you, not with cake, but with this observation from George Harrison

We were talking - about the space between us all
And the people - who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion
Never glimpse the truth - then it's far too late when they pass away

We were talking - about the love we all could share
When we find it - to try our best to hold it there - with our love
With our love we could save the world - if they only knew

Try to realise it's all within yourself - no-one else can make you change
And to see you're really only very small
And life flows on within you and without you.

We were talking - about the love that's gone so cold
And the people who gain the world and lose their soul
They don't know, they can't see - are you one of them ?

When you've seen beyond yourself
Then you may find peace of mind is waiting there
And the time will come when you see we're all one
And life flows on within you and without you.

Peace n love.. and see you somewhere, somewhen,

Don't be blue, I'm sure to bump into you in some for(u)m or other... for we are all one.


Yes. Congratulations !... on reaching the end of KP's posts. There is only the present. Use it wisely.

oh... I lied about no cake...
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Old 03-20-2010, 07:31 PM   #32
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Take care.. Much love Kula.. Have a great time away.

Next time I indulge in some cake, you will be in my thoughts.

in light, of love
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Old 03-21-2010, 09:55 AM   #33
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Old 03-21-2010, 10:58 AM   #34
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Originally Posted by wynderer View Post
since this forum is closing soon, & since i do not plan to go to any of its offshoots, i'll post my super doom&gloom/Ms Negativity p.o.v. here

i'm imagining what it would be like to be a higher dimensional being travelling thru the Universes & chancing upon our solar system -- the h.d. being would first become aware of Earth from hearing the unceasing screams of pain coming from the millions of animals being killed for food & sport, & the screams & cries of pain from the millions of humans dying in wars, thru starvation, in brutal prisons, etc

looking thru the dark astral cloud created by all this suffering surrounding Earth, the h.d. being sees that the water, air, & earth of this planet are all poisoned to such an extent that many species are already dying -

wondering what is going on, the h.d.being ventures thru the astral cloud, & sees that most of the humanoids, who appear to be the dominant species, are engaging in activities that are very destructive to an already sickly planet

this puzzles the h.d. being, whose experiences thruout the Universes have been that usually when a species realizes they are killing the planet & hence themselves, the species gets its act together & starts a planetary clean-up

so the h.d. being looks much closer, & sees that there is a very sophisticated system of mind control being directed at the humanoids by reptilian beings from 4D, a dimension largely innaccessible to the humanoids

the h.d. being sees that the mind control system works on several levels, & that most humanoids are controlled by the use of their own language & other symbols, a worldwide tech-based communication system serving this purpose -- the h.d. being sees that apathy & self-centeredness are encouraged by this communication system, & some understanding of the humanoids' willing participation in their own destruction comes to the h.d. being [tho the reptilians in control of this planet have been pushed to the edges of a rather insignificant Galaxy, the h.d. being is familiar w/their planet-trashing history]

very concerned now, the h.d. being looks more closely at the humanoids, scanning back thru time to see what else is going on leading to the humanoids' lemming-like rush to destruction -- the h.d. being sees that about 50 yrs ago, there was a groundswell of awakening, especially among the young ones, that they were destroying their planet & themselves, but that many of these who were waking up then are now sleeping again

tracking them, the h.d. being sees several reasons for these humanoids' forgetting that they are destroying themselves -- one big reason is another use of the mind control , by the simple switch of words, from 'destruction' to 'ascension' -- this idea is spread to the humanoids thru what they call 'channelers' who work hard to get their listeners to believe that they can escape the destruction by having only pretty thoughts--

the h.d. being feels sad, seeing that those who buy into this could have been the warriors who tipped the scale & awakened their fellow humanoids; but, instead, they are all awaiting their ascension & are already psychologically disconnected from their planet & from the suffering of the others who live there w/them

when leaving this sad planet, the h.d. being meets some other h.d. beings, One leading the others, whose job it is to be there when the mass deaths occur, to save as many humanoids as possible from the 4D soul traps laid by the reptilians -- 'Rough job -- good luck,' the h.d. being says to them before taking off

Peace & Freedom, wynderer

Great post wynderer, and one worth repeating in amongst all the other very samey " we are all one " views.
I won't say " I'm a fighter not a lover", but I wll fight for what I love. I am very wary of fear of fear and this forum is packed with it. I'm not afraid of what people call negativity, its just that there is so much fear of the dark here. Someone has to go into the dark and shine the bloomin light. Why? Because good people are having a terrible time HERE and NOW, maybe not YOU but it is true. Some of us are suffering terribly just from the freakin constant chemtrails, and no amount of meditating is getting rid of that, at least not for the last 10 years, and it is getting worse. Soon it will be undeniable but the passive will happily accept when they tell us it is for our own good. Bollocks to that.

I'd rather take my chances with the real sun changes than the PTB remedy, since that is what they are going to do on that score.

Why do I get the feeling so many want to sit on their power to effect change? By all means enjoy the peace inside, but something is rotton out there and I will not shut up until I see an improvement.

For many years I used to think I was a spiritual person. When I observed or was a part of conflict I would go within and make it right inside myself, thinking it would lead outward. I can see how this pi$$es a lot of people off, they actually wanted to feel our differences , find the edge and have dialogue. I could do this as well, but still I realize now, many are just spiritualizing their own dark and difficult emotions and that is not at all for me. too toxic long term. Im sure many of you here are just fine inside, but that is the problem for me. The outside ain't looking all that good right now.

I pretty much know how I feel about things , I am tried of seeing good people being taken advantage of because they have so little sense of their own power and mistakenly believe others have their interests in mind, or worse, are basically at heart like them, NO they are NOT. It's an assumption of the worst order and keeps the same old game running smoothly.

I am very grateful for the years I have been able to spend studying the nuts and bolts information of secret societies etc, their modus operandi and therefore will continue to do the thing they fear the most : EXPOSE them. I consider it an honor and one I was born to do. Furthermore, I am at peace with that.

Keep meditating for those inclined but maybe between us there can be something changed with peace as the outcome so more can actually have the luxury to sit on their butts and do likewise. It's ALL good.

It's strangely paradoxical to me that so many of the people this site has attracted came here for information/ whistleblowing and yet the predominant poster is one who says just go within. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
I'm pretty sure Wynderer is.

oh and I forgot my manners, thanks everybody, and swanny that picture no no no!

Last edited by swordsmith; 03-21-2010 at 11:02 AM.
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Old 03-21-2010, 12:33 PM   #35
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Hey Swordsmith !

Great to see you here. I know you can't resist my cake

So you want to make me to come out of retirement for one last post?

Oh, OK.. then I'll let you have the last word, seems only fair.

You , like I agree with Wynderer make a very good and convincing point.

As you already know my Gemini stats, you can believe me if I say I really do see both sides to this argument.

And I'm not saying there is anything wrong with either - but for me I want to trudge the path of unity rather than cause. Cause will always alienate, and that is not my desire. Perhaps my geminian and pisces nature sees both sides of the coin and seeks to unite them emotionally, mythically and spiritually.

Hmm, never thought about it that way before, but it makes sense to me. How can I expect anyone else to have the same view as me? I don't , that would be arrogance. We're none of us two the same.

But I do believe we're all connected through one medium. George Harrison is not wrong and that song is forty years old, based on teachings that go back for thousands of years. Science is just catching up on the real physical proof of it.

At the foundation of the universe, the uinified field, the super string field, the universe behaves less like dead matter and more like thought. It is alive. the protons, electrons, quarks are all at this basic level, smallest level, one item, one thing.

At our level, we perceive our own individuality.

But contrary to what you are thinking perhaps, I see my way as a way of action. But it's action of thought and intent having an influence at the core level of the universe, which can then effect everything else.

Is this idea any more loo-loo than Stargates in the gulf of Aden?

Not to me it's not. I appreciate that others including yourself feel differently. How many revolutions have been based on out with the old, in with the new, only to find that nothing has changed? Equally, if you are expecting mists or Avalon2 to be any different experience to here (in the long term) I think that will not be the case. (unless we change internally

I think for myself, the time of forums and cake sadly is near an end. (I hope so anyway !)

I love your spirited approach, and it's great that you want to rattle some cages, including mine and shout 'do something!'

But as you are, I can only be true to myself. This is me. This forum is a cathartic self exploration of who we are. I came looking for answers on doom and gloom, and now I find I don't fear that. I'm not saying it's not going to happen. Does anyone know anyone here who can predict the future?

For myself, I'm done reacting to what may happen. From now on I'm going to react to what does happen. Like your post for example !

I could have not posted, but I am so glad you did. As I said in response to Wynderer's post, both posts are reality, some will align with yours and Wynderers view and some with mine and some in between.

My stance actually is to say, don't align with anything. This will cause friction. But maybe you want to live in a friction filled world? That's fine too, but it's not my desire.

See you in the mists maybe.

Much love,


Last edited by Kulapops; 03-21-2010 at 01:36 PM. Reason: unless we change...
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Old 03-21-2010, 12:42 PM   #36
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Its ALL good. I am very glad you take your stance kula, it's food for thought and balance is all, some of us just have to take the opposite position till we get there, um here .
Big love to all.
last word? hee heee c'mon someone say something else.
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Old 03-21-2010, 12:47 PM   #37
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Hi K
please dont go yet.
I like you appreciate all points of view.
I look at some of the great leader of our time.
Gandhi. Nelson Mandela but to name two.
They over came the greatest odds and had the greatest results through non violence.
President Kennedy said " A rising tide lifts all boats"
We are all walking electromagnetic fields, what affects one affects another.
The moon affects the tide as us too.
We affect each other, influence others.
Next time you are in room with a few people take time to notice your in and out breathing.
Dont be surprised if everyone with few exceptions are breathing in nd out in unison.
Whats causing that unity?
Dont ask me I dont know but I observe it.

Non action is not no action.
Every forced action will bring about an equal force of resistance, its called the bicep tricep principal. Thats why the peace process has been going on for years with out result.
You cant force peace.
Peace parades are very violent affairs.

Just my viewpoint.
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Old 03-21-2010, 12:50 PM   #38
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Does an emoticon count ?

Much love to you Swordsmith. Go fight the good fight !

Be your true nature. How can we be anything else?

It's been good to meet you.

Yes please ! More comments !! Someone kick the pinnata or cover me in cake

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Old 03-21-2010, 01:09 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
Hi K
please dont go yet.
Would love to stay and chat... but I'm packing my things to go today and stay on a 5 day residential course at a local sustainable community.

Gardening together, cooking together, introspection, working together in a community.

Action. Not discussion

And maybe on my return, I won't need to talk so much

But we are the ground crew, all of us and I'm proud of us, all of us.

Won't matter which forum you're on, I'm still proud to know you. To have been here...and will continue to be.. if I post or not.


Dang ...and I said I wouldn't post Swordy... have you no respect for my addiction ??? See what you've done ??? lol... now I really must bog-off...

And yes... in case there was still any doubt.. Kulapops is a He.. bloky.. chap.. fella... hunk (?!) Dude.. sport, bod, guy, Man.

Let there be no more doubting on this issue
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Old 03-21-2010, 01:16 PM   #40
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hi chris, never been to a peace parade, so I wouldn't know , they havent worked so far so it seems to be true what you say.
I don't tend to force anything, awareness is my bag, just a different focus than the one you espouse.
whoa what am I still doing here???
stop me before I post again ARRRRRGH
be c ing you ( thanks Kula, sweet ! )
and kula, I hope to hear about your residential weekend on the flip side, don't stop communicating , it's been my great pleasure, and same to everyone, even the ones who may have thought otherwise.

Last edited by swordsmith; 03-21-2010 at 01:19 PM.
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Old 03-21-2010, 03:41 PM   #41
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Hi Kulapops -- thanks for replying to my post

i do wonder about your choice of the title for this thread, tho -- i think someone already posted that this is what Marie Antoinette said when the peasants were disturbing her inner peace by rioting --when she asked why they were rioting, she was told that they were starving & demanding bread -- then her answer: 'Let them eat cake'

not very loving, imo [also -- i have to say this: here in the USA at least, only people w/money can afford to start/live in sustainable communities -- lately i've been thinking that these communities are going to be prime targets when the food supply is cut off -- i hope your community is working on creating an invisibility shield]

swordsmith, i think you & i are kindred spirits -- from your post:

I pretty much know how I feel about things , I am tried of seeing good people being taken advantage of because they have so little sense of their own power and mistakenly believe others have their interests in mind, or worse, are basically at heart like them, NO they are NOT. It's an assumption of the worst order and keeps the same old game running smoothly
thinking about this -- i've come to know two grey-type clones pretty well , & have also spotted a few reptilian/human hybrids, who seem to know when someone is outing them thru observation -- here's one such incident:

i was waiting for a bus in a Greyhound station in i think Indianapolis a few years ago -- i suddenly knew there was reptilian energy there & looked around-- across several rows of seats there was a tall young man who looked directly at me & then stuck his tongue out -- it extended way down, down to the bottom of his neck at least -- no one else saw this -- it was one of those time-slowing moments -- i gave him a YUCK! look & turned away

my one clone friend told me that there were lots of them here -- in China especially -- & also at the ivy league university where he has a pretty nice job [clones are not the easiest beings to be friends with -- they are rather controlling] -- so i am assuming they are everywhere, tho in supportive roles in the matrix -- the reptilian/human hybrids seem to hold higher positions & make more $$

swordsmith is right on -- they do NOT think as humans do -- when i first got online, within a few days i found my way to the only website i know of [later] raided & shut down by by 40 fbi/cia/special forces agents --voxnyc aka voxfux -- vox is a member of our blueblood families & knew these folks well -- he often said, 'These are not nice people'

i'll bet on this: there are hybrids & clones posting here on this forum & on any other that is going after the truth of their presence here -- & they are not here because they love all the humans -- they do love your energy tho -- yum yum -- cake for them!

re the 'awakening' to their 'power' that so many write about here -- hey -- i really want to believe -- so i'll put this out there again -- like swordsmith, i currently am dealing w/a chemtrail [partly]- induced illness -- all you folks out there who are accessing your power from connecting to the Oneness -- c'mon -- give it up -- & please share your new powers, w/me at least, & heal me

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-21-2010, 03:52 PM   #42
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Hi Chris - re your statement below:

We affect each other, influence others.
Next time you are in room with a few people take time to notice your in and out breathing.
Dont be surprised if everyone with few exceptions are breathing in nd out in unison.
Whats causing that unity?
Dont ask me I dont know but I observe it

--i think maybe you've discovered what the reptilians already know : how easy it is to control the unaware human mind -- entrainment i think would be the correct term for getting others to breathe along w/you

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-21-2010, 04:27 PM   #43
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I'm glad you said that wynderer about the breathing, I didn't want to come across as more of a curmudgeon than I already have, but I never seem to be breathing in synch with the room.

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Old 03-21-2010, 08:03 PM   #44
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post

oh and I forgot my manners, thanks everybody, and swanny that picture no no no!
Horrible isn't it but at least he looks happy

An after dinner mint???
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Old 03-21-2010, 08:17 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Horrible isn't it but at least he looks happy

An after dinner mint???
See you after 8 Swanny.

Anyway folks only one sure in life. We all die.
On that happy note.

Any one for cake tea and some after dinner mint?
Lets get our priorities right.
Of for a

Love C
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Old 03-21-2010, 08:48 PM   #46
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swanny, I think he is going to make pate (pa-tay , can't find the french accent) out of her!!!
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