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Old 03-11-2010, 11:47 PM   #51
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

hi all,
I think the Marshall Vian Summers material makes some very good points about intervention, I really recommend reading the following message:


it's not that long, pls do read it, but if you don't have time I extracted some key points:

"...No one is going to come and rescue you, and those that claim to be here to do so will be your greatest danger.

If one nation is infiltrated, it will threaten the whole world. This is thinking at a different level now. It is not thinking as a member of a tribe or a group or a nation. It is thinking as a member of the human family. It is being concerned with the welfare and the security of the entire human family, the native race of this world that is now facing intervention from beyond and competition from beyond.

You must learn to think in these ways, to gain the courage to do this and to recognize that those who would visit your world are not here because they are fascinated with you or they are trying to uplift you spiritually or they are going to shepherd you into some glorious future.
And you will have to become strong enough to resist the temptations that will come from the Greater Community. You have to resist intervention.

…there is a foreign presence in the world. It has been here for some time…
To those people who become aware of it, and to those people whom it will capture for its own purposes, it will present itself as a benign and spiritual force. But in truth it represents an exploitive and dangerous presence.

This Intervention represents the most dangerous challenge to humanity’s freedom and self-determination that you have ever faced.

This is not a visitation. It is an intervention whose purpose is to gain control of the world and the world’s peoples.

These forces cannot live within your world. They cannot breathe your atmosphere, and so they need human labor and human cooperation to serve their purposes here, to mine the world for its biological resources and to use the world for its strategic importance.
Intervention is here to cast persuasion over the world, to gain control of the minds and hearts of people. It is doing this by offering people incredible promises of salvation and free energy, promising humanity peace and equanimity, offering advanced technology in order for humanity to become dependent on these foreign powers. And like the foolish natives of so many tribes before, humanity is acquiescing to these promises. Having lost faith in human leadership and human institutions, many people are now turning to the Intervention for guidance, believing its promises of peace and technology.

As humanity faces greater and greater instability and faces the temptation of conflict and war, this Intervention will gain in strength. Its promises of peace and power will become ever more seductive.

Your scientific community thinks that foreign powers will come to share their scientific knowledge. The expectation is that the visitation will bear gifts, needed gifts, and of course these expectations are now being taken advantage of.

As resources decline within this world, and as economic and political instability increases, the offerings of the Intervention will become ever more persuasive, yet what it is offering is your own demise—the loss of human freedom, your dependence upon foreign technology and foreign power.

People naturally ask, “Well, how can this be resisted? Do we have any hope against such a presence and a power?” The answer is yes, of course you do. Humanity has a great advantage, for outright invasion is not allowed in this region of space because it is a very civilized part of the Universe. Races cannot come and take another world by force. It is not allowed because it represents danger and instability in this part of space. If races want to gain influence in another world, it must appear that their presence is accepted and welcomed. They must attempt to gain control by other means.
Humanity has a great advantage. If it refuses the offerings and the persuasions of the Intervention, the Intervention must withdraw. If the presence of the Intervention becomes known to enough people, it can no longer function in secrecy and must withdraw. If your mind and heart cannot be turned through persuasion and seduction or intimidation, then the Intervention has no power over you.

And never think that foreign governance of this world would be desirable in any way, for you have no idea of the cruelty and the harshness that such governance would bring to the human family.

You are the native peoples of the world facing intervention. How will you respond? Will you ignore it or deny it?
Do not accept foreign technology, for it is only here to addict you and to persuade you and to make you dependent. It is a seduction, and nothing more. It is like giving drugs to a native tribe in the jungle, who then become addicted and enslaved to whoever provides these things.
Your allies would not intervene in the world in such a manner, for this would require them to take control of the world, which they will not do. And this would undermine humanity’s potential to become a free and self-determined race in the Universe.
Your real allies have sent a set of Briefings into the world to help prepare humanity for the realities of life in the Universe and to warn humanity against the Intervention that is occurring in the world today. That is their gift to humanity.
Do not think that another race will come and rescue you. Do not think of yourself as being so weak and powerless that you would need such a rescue. For any race that would promise this would really be here to take advantage of your weakness and your vulnerability.
Speak out against it. Receive the gift of wisdom from your true allies, who do not seek domination here, who are not intervening in the world for their own purposes.

Intervention is always carried out for self -interest. History has taught you this. Nature teaches you this. Life teaches you this.

Human sovereignty must be preserved in this world.

freedom must be protected and nurtured and supported. For everywhere in life, it is challenged. It is a gift. And it is a gift that you as an individual and you as a member of a Spiritual Family must advocate for, preserve and protect."
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Old 03-12-2010, 12:00 PM   #52
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Here you go Swanny... they are coming to get you!!

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Old 03-12-2010, 04:43 PM   #53
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Haha thanks Viking
Love the way they put GFL next to all these images

GFL Has to be the biggest joke of the last few years

Get ready they are coming on October 14, 2008


Last edited by Swanny; 03-12-2010 at 04:47 PM.
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Old 03-12-2010, 05:17 PM   #54
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....




I mean seriously whats going on people?



who are you?

who do you work for!!!



aynway... My point is this. I was told that the evacuation was a back up plan if we could not solve the many "problems" here and restore balance including that minds of the humans running around like loose cannons!!! I'LL SHOW YOU WHOS A LOSE CANNON!!! So before I even say that I believe the message as i have stated many times in my Able to Love thread where I have posted many youtube links that contains super trippy fractal art and computer audio readings taken from text that was channeled by listed sources.

Is it real? Is it BS? Well many personal signs in my life have told me that I should really pay attention to whats going on around here.

Humble Janitor you never answered me either. Who do you think is here? and why?? Are they our space friends who work as an interdimensional federation looking after galactic affairs? hmmmmm.... I wonder? Somethings going on alright.

Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 03-12-2010 at 05:33 PM.
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Old 03-12-2010, 05:28 PM   #55
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post
aynway... My point is this. I was told that the evacuation was a back up plan if we could solve the problems here and restore balance including that minds of the humans running around like loose cannons!!! I'LL SHOW YOU WHOS A LOSE CANNON!!! So before I even say that I believe the message as i have stated many times in my Able to Love thread where I have posted many youtube links that contains super trippy fractal art and computer audio readings taken from text that was channeled by listed sources.

Is it real? Is it BS? Well many personal signs in my life have told me that I should really pay attention to whats going on around here.
Hey have you looked into any of the work of Delores Cannon. She confirms in

on one of her book theres is a Federation as far as it being called the GLF

I can't confirm that
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Old 03-12-2010, 05:29 PM   #56
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Dear copy cat (im)posters:

"Beware of the Wrath of Patient Men."
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Old 03-12-2010, 05:44 PM   #57
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
Dear copy cat (im)posters:

"Beware of the Wrath of Patient Men."
TRANCOSO Beware of this haha.
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Old 03-12-2010, 06:14 PM   #58
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Did i just smoke that waskly wabbit out of his hole!!!

Swanny where did ya go...im just jokin around...but your still off the team!

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Old 03-12-2010, 06:40 PM   #59
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
Hmmm. well lets look at it like this

Option 1
Stay here with suicidal, power hungry, devil worshiping, world leaders, hell bent

on enslaving the human race and turning us into something out of a horror film.


Option 2
Leaving with a race that we would obviously serve under, but probably wouldn't

turn us into slaves considering if they wanted to have slaves they could just

make them instead. We would probably have freedom and the chance to

create our own sub society until we got our feet back up.

Ummm Idk honestly I would go with option 2, but honestly I think it won't

play out like this so don't care. just food for thought.
What about option 3: We grow up, we use our brains (or is that an oxymoron?) and WE TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OURSELVES and our actions.

One way or the other I will not get caught in the debate as to the validity of this "GFL". What I do know is that this world is in a mess because good people who know the truth will not get motivated and remain inactive thereby allowing bad people the opportunity to rule them. If you are controlled in the mind, you are owned. If you look to another "escape clause" like the gfl, you are choosing to remain a victim, ergo a slave.
This whole trip is about transcending, or am I wrong? We need to understand that transcendence is not some airy-fairy new agey feel good gooey hooey thing. It actually means to attain greater levels of consciousness. How do we do this? Ah, easy, we screw up then let some star-studded cast come down in light ships and whisk us away? Like hell. We, we need to take responsibility and to realise that untill we learn to take ownership of our lives in a responsible manner, as guardians to each and every soul that shares this planet ON THIS planet, we are going nowhere other than back to the starting line to do it ALL OVER AGAIN until we get it right.

Phew, all that so early in the morning.......it's going to be a great day.

Beam me up Spotty, I want to see Bergundia's cats also.
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Old 03-12-2010, 06:45 PM   #60
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by Freedive View Post
hi all,
I think the Marshall Vian Summers material makes some very good points about intervention, I really recommend reading the following message:


it's not that long, pls do read it, but if you don't have time I extracted some key points:
Thanks for that Freedive, right up there with how I feel.

Cheers Mate

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Old 03-12-2010, 06:47 PM   #61
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by Freedive View Post
You have to resist intervention.
Hi Freedive
I don't have to resist anything
and if you want to...good luck dealing with the universal big wheel

I know that I have already had some help from some amazing friends in high places! What else can I say. IM GONE GALACTIC!!!

Its time for peace people!!! As far as this message here i will be waiting like the rest to know more.


Hi Joe I have listened to Delorus Cannon on one of her videos...interesting as I recall. Perhaps i will see if i can find a video and watch to refresh my mind of what she said and quote it here or whatever.

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Old 03-12-2010, 06:50 PM   #62
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Freedive, your point is well taken..

California was bought from Mexico for a pile of shiny plastic beads...
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Old 03-12-2010, 06:58 PM   #63
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

I think humanity could grow up if we thought on a universal level rather then

being grounded to planet earth. You have to realize a good chunk of the

population believes were the only ones here and another good chunk believes

when you die you just rot in the ground and thats it. Unless you can get rid

of those stigmas we are just gonna keep doing what we do. As I said before

on here the only thing that will set humanity free of the ego and self

preservation materialistic attitude is the truth of what we really are and

what we can become.
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Old 03-12-2010, 07:03 PM   #64
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

I just had a novel thought. Here is this GFL (part of the NFL?) with their promises of intervention etc. I haven't followed this too closely in a long while so bear with my ignorance here. They want to load us up and scoot us off. Why? Because they love us? Hey, Jesus said he loved me too and look at where that has got us. God also said he loves me and look at the mess I'm in!

I was getting to a point, and perhaps whoever is in contact with this "GFL" can pass this on to them from me. Why not, I am just as important as the next guy, aren't I?

Let's have an open week, we will call it the GFL 101 on transcendence. There is a worl wide announcement that they will be putting on a show for us. I mean, they are so superior in every way that pur missiles etc surely can't pose any problems? So they put on this show and it is called "Waking Up - The only Episode"

They then proceed to do some incredible stuff, lets say a good one to start with would be healing the ozone later, or how about they clean up Calcutta for us, just take all the garbage and disintegrate it. Then they cam clean a stretch of the most polluted water they can find, that huge island of plastic in the ocean would be a good one.
After they do this, they show us by example that we can achieve greatness if we learned to get along.
Lets be simplistic. When your child is lwarning to walk, you don't go and scoot the child up in your arms when it appears they are going to bump themselves do you......get my point?

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Old 03-12-2010, 07:07 PM   #65
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by Zeddo View Post
What about option 3: We grow up, we use our brains (or is that an oxymoron?) and WE TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OURSELVES and our actions.

One way or the other I will not get caught in the debate as to the validity of this "GFL".

What I do know is that this world is in a mess because good people who know the truth will not get motivated and remain inactive thereby allowing bad people the opportunity to rule them. If you are controlled in the mind, you are owned.
Its a very complex mess for sure. Many levels of problems on a global scale! Its a whole shift of ages! Even if we have to get off world for a while...what was that place called I head about...terra nova! And whats all this talk I hear about going to the HOTEL for a Vacation!

Originally Posted by Zeddo View Post
If you look to another "escape clause" like the gfl, you are choosing to remain a victim, ergo a slave.
I think the Star People have been guiding for a while and might just likley take care of their own. But can not prove anything! I was told that if there everwhere to be an evacuation that it is karmic based in nature. That the higher dimensional beings are able to see the entire vibrations of psychic pollution on earth radiating from the minds of mankind. Like a weather radar map. The noise coming from here is apparently causing problems all over the place!

Originally Posted by Zeddo View Post
This whole trip is about transcending, or am I wrong? We need to understand that transcendence is not some airy-fairy new agey feel good gooey hooey thing.

It actually means to attain greater levels of consciousness. How do we do this? Ah, easy, we screw up then let some star-studded cast come down in light ships and whisk us away? Like hell. We, we need to take responsibility and to realise that untill we learn to take ownership of our lives in a responsible manner, as guardians to each and every soul that shares this planet ON THIS planet, we are going nowhere other than back to the starting line to do it ALL OVER AGAIN until we get it right.
While this sounds good it dose not mean there is no federation with an agenda. There appears to be something going on with this beautiful earth I also will not get into a debate about the truth status of the GFL it will speak for it self I'm am guessing soon but im in the middle of the mix too.

Originally Posted by Zeddo View Post
Phew, all that so early in the morning.......it's going to be a great day.

Beam me up Spotty, I want to see Bergundia's cats also.
ha now thats funny peace jt!
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Old 03-12-2010, 07:38 PM   #66
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post

who are you? Just a bloke

who do you work for!!! Myself

YOU ARE OFF THE TEAM!!! No idea what that means

PEACE MATE!!! Thanks same to you

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Old 03-12-2010, 07:49 PM   #67
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post

who are you? Just a bloke

who do you work for!!! Myself

YOU ARE OFF THE TEAM!!! No idea what that means

PEACE MATE!!! Thanks same to you .

And you never will!!!

Don't even speak to me any more!!! Seeing as how you are rude and ignorant and don't want my help anyway!!!

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Old 03-12-2010, 08:54 PM   #68
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Haha wtf is that all about??
I don't know why you think I am rude and ignorant???
Help with what??

Chill out mate you seem to have gotten the wrong idea somewhere along the line.

Last edited by Swanny; 03-12-2010 at 08:58 PM.
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Old 03-12-2010, 09:54 PM   #69
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

What happened to being 'Able to Love' jester?!
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:08 PM   #70
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by gita View Post
What happened to being 'Able to Love' jester?!
I guess i've just completely lost it

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Old 03-12-2010, 10:21 PM   #71
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post
I guess i've just completely lost it

I'm guessing you're right. Don't worry though it seems almost everyone has lost it on this forum but I've not come across one who sussed it as fast as you have. I'm impressed Jester - you do talk the talk and walk the walk. if only everyone could do the same so quickly there're be no limits.
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:23 PM   #72
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Does this mean I'm back in the team???
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:25 PM   #73
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Does this mean I'm back in the team???
You never left my team to start with.
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:53 PM   #74
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Does this mean I'm back in the team???
NO!!! I told you not to speak to me anymore!!!

Now you want on my team oh this is just great!!!

What was it you said...

Thanks but we don't want your help
the GFL is complete and utter bollocks
How can you prove that?! I can't prove it and have stated that all messages I posted are as is from listed sources.

And the one in discussion is about EVACUATION. Which I have heard of from my own sources. Peace.

Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 03-12-2010 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 03-12-2010, 11:44 PM   #75
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Default Re: The GFL says we must prepare to board the ships....

Originally Posted by gita View Post
I'm guessing you're right. Don't worry though it seems almost everyone has lost it on this forum but I've not come across one who sussed it as fast as you have. I'm impressed Jester - you do talk the talk and walk the walk. if only everyone could do the same so quickly there're be no limits.

Have to eat my own words now...

'Not Able to Love'

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