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Old 11-21-2009, 04:51 PM   #51
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce View Post
A quick update

Today is flush 6 and another batch have just come out and these are the largest ones I have so far produced... unfortunately OR fortunately (for you guys) I'm having digital camera issues currently... one was 40mm+ better out than in I say... I have captured some photos on a cameraphone but the optical quality won't be up to scratch sorry Photos may follow...
Are these stones coming from the GB...if so, how can so many stones fit in such a small pouch? Is this possible?
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Old 11-22-2009, 02:28 AM   #52
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

Good question. Also, how will you know when you are finished?

Another question, I just completed a 60-day water only fast. I did occasionally have raw lemon juice with some olive oil added to it, but it was about a gallon of water a day and nothing else for 60 days. I had to stop when the in-laws moved in for the winter and will start again in the Spring.

Would a long fast such as what I did get rid of the liver fats and stones by eating them up because I am aware my body was very busy burning up the toxic wastes and passing whatever it could not extract nutrients from on its way out.

There was also some deep healing response and I am no longer diagnosed as "pre-diabetic".

Got rid of all the cellulite doing that and felt GREAT!! the whole time. Eating is really a drag now.

I never had any stones come out because with the long fast method the body would have re-absorbed them and extracted any possible nutrients locked up in them. That's the theory anyway.

Here is the instruction I followed while on the Long Fast: http://www.falconblanco.com/health/fasting.htmhttp://www.falconblanco.com/health/fasting.htm
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Old 11-26-2009, 12:36 AM   #53
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
Are these stones coming from the GB...if so, how can so many stones fit in such a small pouch? Is this possible?
My understanding from the book is the light brown stones come from the gallbladder and tend to come out first if you have a GB issue but the green stones I've been (mostly) getting are from deep within the liver channels.

The process flushes both the Gall Bladder and the liver.
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Old 11-26-2009, 12:44 AM   #54
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Good question. Also, how will you know when you are finished?

Another question, I just completed a 60-day water only fast. I did occasionally have raw lemon juice with some olive oil added to it, but it was about a gallon of water a day and nothing else for 60 days. I had to stop when the in-laws moved in for the winter and will start again in the Spring.

Would a long fast such as what I did get rid of the liver fats and stones by eating them up because I am aware my body was very busy burning up the toxic wastes and passing whatever it could not extract nutrients from on its way out.

There was also some deep healing response and I am no longer diagnosed as "pre-diabetic".

Got rid of all the cellulite doing that and felt GREAT!! the whole time. Eating is really a drag now.

I never had any stones come out because with the long fast method the body would have re-absorbed them and extracted any possible nutrients locked up in them. That's the theory anyway.

Here is the instruction I followed while on the Long Fast: http://www.falconblanco.com/health/fasting.htmhttp://www.falconblanco.com/health/fasting.htm
When two flushes on the trot do not produce any stones you have finished. 6-14 flushes. One every 3-4 weeks means a lengthy process.

I would guess you're not far off being a breathenarian with fasting for that long. I have no experience of fasting for that long so can't comment. It does say in the book stopping eating actually produces GB and liver stones, but I doubt that applies to long term fasting... I think he was meaning short term starving one's self to loose weight.

I know I've lost ~4 kg now since doing the flush, but this wasn't the reason but a nice side effect of flushing...

Why did you have to stop just because of the in-law's??? Did they force feed you?
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:20 PM   #55
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

I have the book and have completed about 7 or 8 flushes. Many times hundreds of stones came out. The last time maybe only 30. I am doing it again this weekend. Highly recommend the book referenced.
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Old 02-22-2010, 01:47 PM   #56
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

Hi Conkroach,

I'm on my 8th flush also and it will be this weekend coming

Apple juice with a splash of organic cyder apple vinegar
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Old 02-22-2010, 07:36 PM   #57
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

I have done a total of 3 liver/gb flushes to date. The first one was
last June, and the other two were within the past month.

I am using the protocol here-which is similiar to most(apple juice, olive oil, epsom salt) with
some proprietary changes: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/l...r-cleanse.html

I intend to do one more for a total of 3 back to back with a week
in-between each to rest.

The first and second flushes produced quite a few "stones", some
rather large. Experienced quite a bit of nausea while they were being
passed. This last time less stones were passed and they were smaller.
Also less nausea, which I take as a sign the cleanses are working
and my liver is getting cleaned out.
but getting these out is like an emotional release as we are said to store our emotions in our livers
No kidding! The second cleanse, I experienced a great deal of ANGER and was
thinking "WTF?" until I realized it was related to the cleanse,

This stuff isn't any fun, but the benefits are worth it!

Last edited by FIIISH; 02-22-2010 at 07:44 PM.
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Old 02-22-2010, 10:54 PM   #58
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Just finished my 5th this past weekend, had to miss the new moon, but still on track. It seems to get easier each time, if you follow the regime
The first time, almost passed out on the head it was so intense, so not to worry, it does get easier.
I think I'll need a couple more goes before I can go to the six month plan
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Old 02-22-2010, 11:28 PM   #59
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

I've today got an e-mail from a friend from Andreas Moritz with regards Amazon and the reviews on his books someone is leaving negative reviews on his books... It is strange the length they will go to to try and prevent the truth coming out...If anyone has done a flush and gained benefits from the Andreas book it may be worth leaving a comment on Amazon... below are the details from Andreas M...


Dear *****,

I would like to ask you a personal favor if I may.

About 8 months ago, my work and books were attacked by a well-financed organization of bloggers, headed by a person with the name M**** H*****. This group is part of a larger organization which works for the pharmaceutical industry to discredit anyone who dares to challenge the current medical model and the "science" upheld by the profit-driven phama/medical industry.

If you have read any of my books and articles, you may know why I could be considered a threat to these establishments.

Several days ago, I managed to have the blog site of Mr H****** removed by the popular blog host site World Press, in violation of their rules. This unleashed a massive campaign with intention to discredit everything I have done and written.

If you do a Google on Andreas Moritz, the second link and some others below open their new blog sites with all the comments by their team members.

Their campaign includes writing negative 1-star reviews about my books on Amazon.com to deter anyone from buying them. And this brings up my personal request to you : In case you have benefited from reading my books and you would be willing to write a review about it, I would profoundly appreciate that.

Please visit www.amazon.com, and search "Andreas Moritz." Or open the following link:

This will show you the list of all my books. The top ones are the most widely read. Please click on the ones you would like to write a review about, or to comment on one of the reviews made by these individuals. If you scroll down the page, there is the option to do that.

Once again, I would be most grateful if you could do me this favor.

Andreas Moritz



I've removed the guys name just in case... I'm sure Andreas would mind me posting this here... I think a few hundred people have benefited here from the info...

Kind regards

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Old 02-23-2010, 04:37 AM   #60
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

Pardon me... as I consider, myself, and how inconvenient it is to posit against the Thread's premise... I am As compelled to share as is the thread starter.

You might consider why it is that most prescribed protocols recommend a practice of cleanse not to exceed 5 to 7 days. That amt of time is sufficient to "cleanse" ones self, liver/gall bladder etc (that is the premise).

I chalenge ConnectingWithSauce to extend his/her liver OR gall bladder cleanse, either one, to one month minimum and report back....

See what keeps coming out of your colon during that prolonged period of time (if you accept the challenge).
You will find that the "appearance" of "stones" will continue, no matter how long you practice the method.

The combination of ingredients will ensure that!

My premise is this: you are creating the "stones" that you are releasing & posting w/photos. Don't believe me? Then just keep up with the cleanse for twice as long or three times as long as is recommended by whatever protocol you are following.

The ingredients that are taken will CAUSE a coagulation and formation of those "soft" clots that are shown in your photos as stones.

GallStones/LiverStones have a different constitution than what comes out your A$$$ in those photos.

Some, a few, maybe many, people are open to the truth and will recognize truth when they look into a subject long enough to see clearly.

The cleanses that are spoken of here on this thread, will not hurt you...but they do Not do what is claimed. Period. Please check further than a few mere google surfaced searches and Do check into the warnings even the quackwatch sites... gather your information.

You can chit orbs of oily orbs all you want via the ingredients, it does Not mean your organs are full of that, the numbers of what comes out woudl kill you if they were existent to begin with.... THINK.

If you don't think that the search engines are orchestrated, then you are so wrong... look and see from this one simple search how the New Age has taken over the top search engines....

Don't seek what it is that you want to see...
seek the truth and notice your gratitude to find out!

Ponder this: that the alterntives health venues, yes, it's real, that probably 75% of the "holistic health industry" is just as amiss as conventional medicine... that is My experience of 30 yrs.

So, ConnectingWithSauce... your challenge is to continue the 5 days cleanse to a longer regime'.... see if you still chit soft orbs that you might wish to continue to call '"stones"...

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Old 02-23-2010, 05:04 AM   #61
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...


Are you having a bad day? Speaking of bile....

The issues you have raised are common criticisms
of these cleanses.

It may be true that the "orbs" that appear in movements
did not exist in the body in the same shape and size as when
they leave it, those who believe in these cleanses believe the orbs
ARE composed of toxic bile.

The fact that one can continue expelling the orbs if the protocol is
continued is not itself proof that the orbs are not toxic bile and other
matter that is expelled from the liver and gallbladder during the cleanse.
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Old 02-23-2010, 11:14 AM   #62
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

Hi Moxie,

I'm John. So I'm a him I understand your view on this, but have you actually done a liver flush? Or is this view just based on what you've read from the internet including these quack watch sites?

You will see on post number #34 http://projectavalon.net/forum/showp...5&postcount=34 That towards the end of the 5th liver flush a load of white parasite-like dead objects came out of my colon… This was not any food, oil or salt! The only thing I can explain this is that they were inside my liver blocked by the fat balls which were in there for a long time, i.e. not made over night… The final part of the cleanse involves a fast AND having empty bowels so it isn't food...

My Girlfriend on her first flush past a whole sieve full of brown gallbladder stones, her mum and grandmother have both had their gallbladders removed by surgery! ...from what came out I'm sure she was on her way to the same if she hadn't done the flush. The brown stones how are they made in the oil/salt mix theory???

I did 3 flushes in 3 weeks (one per week for the 1st 3 flushes) when I first did the 2 following weeks were not as many stones out more brown style grit (the pictures are on this thread). i.e. no green stones, I think the liver rotates through its ducts (just my own theory from observations)...

My mother also started to produce the green stones during the week of apple juice as this loosens the stones and softens them, some fall out before they are pushed/flushed out… This leads to some people expelling them during the week of just apple juice, like my Mum… before the oil or salt is taken. How do the quack watch people explain this?

>>I challenge ConnectingWithSauce to extend his/her liver OR gall bladder cleanse, either one, to one month minimum and report back....

How would I do that? Drink apple juice for 3 weeks? The actual cleanse it's self is just one evening/morning. I would not want to do this every day for 4 weeks? Moxie have you read the book or looked at the links?? I did one flush per week for the first 3 weeks… and the process itself involves quiet time and fitting one in every 3-4 weeks is a struggle so I can't really accept the challenge, sorry… And also can't see the benefit in taking the challenge as I don't feel I need to prove anything. I do however want to clarify my points hence this reply.

I know personally 10 people who have all produced stones loads of them and felt better post the flush and seen health benefits. This is in addition to the people on this thread who have decided to take their health into their own hands and help boost their immune system.

>>Some, a few, maybe many, people are open to the truth and will recognize truth when they look into a subject long enough to see clearly.

I've looked into this topic quite extensively already… I've read a lot of health books and think I'm on the right track for me… I look forward to seeing the truth though, if I have indeed got it wrong.

>>So, ConnectingWithSauce... your challenge is to continue the 5 days cleanse to a longer regime'

I've been detoxing and cleansing for months… I started the thread after the 3rd week, I was doing a lot of stuff before I started flushing… So 4 months so far doing flushes. With what I'm finding out, detoxing is a continual job i.e. the best way is just to make it part of your routine… clean water, clean fresh food, good fats, low sugar/carbs, organic pasture fed meats, regular exercise, relaxing, detoxing, etc, and a clean mind… With the times we are in this is quite difficult… and getting a balance is important.

Moxie, My challenge to you is to try one for yourself and see how you feel… I'm guessing but I think you'll be converted, after you do one...

Either way take care in this journey we call life...
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Old 03-12-2010, 11:36 AM   #63
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

I did my first liverflush 9 years ago and got out hundreds of gallstones
since then I've done the cleanse every year, getting out nearly as much every time
it's been a blessing to get rid of so much shi*
I've done it after Hulda Clark's recipe
first time I followed the recipe, but later I've simplified it down to three ingredients :
epsomsalt, oliveoil and grapefruitjuice
as you get used to doing this, it's really a piece of cake
really worth the few hours it takes
good luck
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:29 AM   #64
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

"clean water, clean fresh food, good fats, low sugar/carbs, organic pasture fed meats, regular exercise, relaxing, detoxing, etc, and a clean mind…"

Most excellent advice Sauce.

There are lab documents online, that show how the stones were sliced and diced, and analyzed. They contained much more than a simple combination of grapefruit juice and olive oil. I know that when I was struggling with my gallbladder pain, a flush would help immensely. Like night and day, the pain difference from one day to the next. I eventually lost my gallbladder. The dog found it and.... I had stored particular negative emotions in it and it had to go. Wish I'd learned that before the knife.

I just had a lightbulb moment...I'm going to mix up the concoction of juice and oil and let it sit out, maybe put some hydrochloric acid and bile salts in it and see if it coagulates. What do you think? A little unofficial test?
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Old 03-14-2010, 01:04 PM   #65
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

I just finished my first liver cleanse today, having followed the book's guidelines exactly.

Not a single stone came out
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Old 03-14-2010, 10:31 PM   #66
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

Originally Posted by Bloodoftheberry View Post
I just finished my first liver cleanse today, having followed the book's guidelines exactly.

Not a single stone came out
6 litre of apple juice over 6 days, no fat on the last day and a bit, 2 x 6 oz of Epsom salts 6pm, 8pm followed by OO / GF mix at 10pm? following morning 2 more salts... Did you do enema's or hydro therapy before the OO 'flush' or on the evening of the flush between the salts?

I do know someone who had very slow digestion and the stones came out 2 and a bit days later! large tan gallbladder stones... some were ~25-30mm!
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Old 03-15-2010, 06:47 PM   #67
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Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce View Post
6 litre of apple juice over 6 days, no fat on the last day and a bit, 2 x 6 oz of Epsom salts 6pm, 8pm followed by OO / GF mix at 10pm? following morning 2 more salts... Did you do enema's or hydro therapy before the OO 'flush' or on the evening of the flush between the salts?

I do know someone who had very slow digestion and the stones came out 2 and a bit days later! large tan gallbladder stones... some were ~25-30mm!
Yes, in fact I usually perform at least one enema a week, in general.

I even followed Moritz's additional advice of drinking lemon juice every morning to stimulate the gall bladder, and placing a cloth saturated with warm apple cyder vinegar over the liver area during the actual cleanse.
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