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Old 10-15-2008, 10:27 PM   #51
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by undetected View Post
Personally I think there aren't as many illuminati here as just morons who like to mess around in forums. Maybe you can include it in the divination. ;]
Again I ask YOU to also define what YOU think an 'Illuminati' is and what you would consider a member
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Old 10-15-2008, 10:37 PM   #52
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
How many of thier posts are designed to misdirect = 2.5% of total post volume
So in other words 97.5 % of 'Illuminati' posts on this forum are designed to be helpful... Not bad

I wonder what that ratio is for non illuminate posters I bet its reversed

Hmmm 6 out of 12 ... so that's 50% Good Illuminati vs 50% Bad Illuminati

That means that 50% Bad Illuminati are posting 2.5% Disifo while 50% of Good Illuminati are posting 97.5% Good Info.. Seems the Bad are falling down on the job

Here is a big picture perspective question...
What percentage of the major news networks info is for illuminati disinformation programs? Let include NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, and Fox.
That number comes up a wopping 74%!
Totally irrelevant to this thread, and this study as main stream media is not posting here. THAT sounds like deliberate disinfo to me

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Old 10-15-2008, 10:41 PM   #53
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
ralok j, you are the winner
Sweet!! What did I win? An all expense paid trip to a FEMA camp?
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Old 10-16-2008, 12:44 AM   #54
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by zorgon View Post
So in other words 97.5 % of 'Illuminati' posts on this forum are designed to be helpful... Not bad

I wonder what that ratio is for non illuminate posters I bet its reversed

Hmmm 6 out of 12 ... so that's 50% Good Illuminati vs 50% Bad Illuminati

That means that 50% Bad Illuminati are posting 2.5% Disifo while 50% of Good Illuminati are posting 97.5% Good Info.. Seems the Bad are falling down on the job

Totally irrelevant to this thread, and this study as main stream media is not posting here. THAT sounds like deliberate disinfo to me

Your other question about define Illuminati. A member of the Illuminati under my paradigm is someone who is willingly working for either the Rockefeller or Rothschilds factions of the power structure while not being in the dark about thier Luciferian philosophies. So they are actually part of the secret society.

2.5% of all of the forum post from everyone here is where i was going with it.
So that would be 100% of the 6 bad guys posts that end up comprising the 2.5% of the total post volume.

Pehaps the 6 people that are in the illuminati and are not here to disrupt are just like everyone else and looking for answers to life that make more sence than what they have been tought. Some people are born into it and are brainwashed with it from childhood. It is a religion.

The reason I caution people to take this with discernment is because there is no logical proof of any of this. Blind faith is more than I wish to ask for from people, if they wish to give it, I wont stop them.
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Old 10-16-2008, 06:20 AM   #55
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

well my biggest guess is zorgon, from what i googled his name (reptillian) and his avatar (masonic)

that and he replied in one of my threads that white people should be worshipped, factor in his location, and that in another of his posts he could help answer a stargate question if prodded *wink* *wink*

so theres one down

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Old 10-16-2008, 06:31 AM   #56
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

He said that about white people. I am going to view all Zorgon's posts now. Not happy if you are serious Zorgon.
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Old 10-16-2008, 06:38 AM   #57
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

i wrote-
i certainly dont think its our destiny to become all blonde and blue eyed because its of a higher ET vibration or anything like that.im trying to piece together the atlantis/nazi/nordic/illuminati connection and trying to figure out why so many prominent figures on the fringe are indeed blondes and red heads.

zorgon wrote-
Ach Ja Mein Herr... das is simple... Ve are the Master race... The Vedic Gods are white (except the Blue guy) Jehovah is white... The Natives worshiped the "Great White Spirit"... The Venusians are white

But I have yet to meet a Redhead that suffers from mind control... those are feisty critters

Mind control PFFTT Can you show me proof of that? Other than the Youtube crowd of course

now while he was adding "humor" to soften the blow-he still was saying basically everyone worships white folk and it is implied by him that thats as it should be.

again people google his name and what his avatar says, keep in mind he's in vegas (military base)
and that in other posts he implies he works for covert agencies and ive seen him defending the knights of malta and other illuminati/masonic

as always look who's saying what, investigate.
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Old 10-16-2008, 06:43 AM   #58
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

I'm actually CIA, and I'm not allowed to laugh on company time
And even in the title thread:
Lets play the guessing game
is part of the secret groups...

The CIA, Illuminati, FBI, Secret Service...AND! How can I forget about the Aliens... (any other groups that are outthere???) WHAT??? Soo... THEY use Avalon as a secret HQ lol. Let me just say too THEM...In the amount of time I have been on Avalon and the amount of threads and posts I have seen, I do wonder why the world is what it is...screwed
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Old 10-16-2008, 08:30 AM   #59
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
again people google his name and what his avatar says, keep in mind he's in vegas (military base)
Well its obvious now that you are certainly on a mission to spread disinfo... but it won't work you know... you are too transparent

My 'name' has been used as a 'god' by Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, but I have no connection to Scientology

Zorgon is also a Russian name for a General of Uthar Pendragon from the Arthurian legend... which in fact my name represents in the SCA, a really nice three letter club All about Knighthood and Chivalry and Honor, something it seems you have none of as you chose the route of personal attack

My current Avatar? AMORC Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo Rosae Crucis or in English Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross or Rosicrucian... no big mystery there


Great free publication here
Mastery of Life

and that in other posts he implies he works for covert agencies
I have never implied any such thing... that is an outright lie that I would 'strongly suggest' you take back. No forum tolerates that kind of abuse of another member

I do however have many friends and contacts that DO work for many agencies that provide me with information to share freely on these forums

and ive seen him defending the knights of malta and other illuminati/masonic
And whats wrong with that? Some of those groups do great charity work. Just because you have a hatred for a particular group that you have made up your uninformed mind about does not give you the right to attack people you don't know...

Avalon is supposed to be about Love and Light... perhaps a dictionary might help you better understand that also means compassion not hatred and envy

as always look who's saying what, investigate.
Yes quite... and we shall have a close look at you

And I have to wonder about all you Mason bashers...

Has it ever occurred to you that IF indeed they were as evil and powerful as you claim... poking them with a stick is not the brightest idea....

Just a thought


Last edited by zorgon; 10-16-2008 at 08:33 AM.
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Old 10-16-2008, 08:31 AM   #60
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Rejoice that the "boat rockers" are here. Let the trouble makers be a fine measuring stick in which to measure one's own progress.

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Old 10-16-2008, 08:37 AM   #61
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
He said that about white people. I am going to view all Zorgon's posts now. Not happy if you are serious Zorgon.
As you say IF I was serious I was kinda hoping Clark Kent was the only one that would fall into that trap

But by all means please do read my other posts... after all thats why I post them so people can read and learn something
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Old 10-16-2008, 08:39 AM   #62
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

didn't do any reading zorgy.
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Old 10-16-2008, 08:45 AM   #63
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
well my biggest guess is zorgon, from what i googled his name (reptillian) and his avatar (masonic)
WOW Really? Could you link me to that reptillian 'Zorgon' link? I never saw that and the avatar is Rosicrucian not Mason... doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that

and that in another of his posts he could help answer a stargate question if prodded *wink* *wink*
So you are stalking my posts and deliberately misquoting them to stir up trouble Intersting indeed... might have to check the TandC here about that

The stargate you mention is Project Stargate... and as I do indeed know several of the key players in that affair personally... I do believe I could answer that posters questions. .
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Old 10-16-2008, 08:47 AM   #64
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
didn't do any reading zorgy.
Dagnabbit All that work wasted
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Old 10-16-2008, 08:56 AM   #65
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Your other question about define Illuminati. A member of the Illuminati under my paradigm is someone who is willingly working for either the Rockefeller or Rothschilds factions of the power structure while not being in the dark about thier Luciferian philosophies. So they are actually part of the secret society.
But see there is the problem... there are many secret (and not so secret) societies and lumping everyone into one convenient term "Illuminati" just confuses the issue.

If any group today fits what the original 'illuminati' were, it would be the Bilderburg Club based in the Netherlands. Bush is a member, so it Hillary and Obama... These are the money people... Headed by the Queen of the Netherlands.

The World Justice Court is in the Hague Netherlands

Shell Oil Co, THE biggest oil co in the world is actually Royal Dutch Shell based in the Netherlands

Its so funny really as "Illuminati" means 'enlightened one" yet its been so twisted no one has a clue... Lucifer? "Bringer of Light" a Latin word... that was only added to the bible AFTER it was translated to Greek and never mean Satan... Go find a Bible and look it up... show me where 'Lucifer' is mentioned

And while your at it tell me how many of each animal got on to the Ark

The thing about disinfo is that 'THEY' don't need agents.... people are doing a fine job of spreading that all by themselves
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Old 10-16-2008, 09:12 AM   #66
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Old 10-16-2008, 09:19 AM   #67
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by gordon View Post
(any other groups that are outthere???)
Well as a matter of fact... there are so many three letter spook agencies its a wonder they don't trip over themselves

CIA and FBI are old news... how about the DIA, NSA, NRO, DNI, DHS, INR to name a few

Wanna see some of their kewl patches? Bet this will give ya nightmares

Information Awareness Office (IAO)

AF Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities (AF TENCAP) (TC)

In 1977 Congress directed the establishment of Air Force TENCAP with three primary missions: exploiting space systems for tactical applications through rapid prototyping projects; influencing the design of future space systems for tactical applications; and educating warfighters about the capabilities and tactical utility of space systems. The SWC serves as the executive agent of AF TENCAP on behalf of warfighters and is teamed with the Space Applications Project Office to develop and provide support to Air Force agencies and the Combat and Mobility Air Forces. AF TENCAP demonstrates leading edge space technologies with potential to enhance combat capabilities of units in the field and transitions these combat systems to warfighters in a timelier manner than through traditional acquisition processes.

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

Secrets and signs

Those obsessed with Freemason conspiracy theories would probably go into orbit after learning that in 2000 the secretive National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) launched a satellite into space whose official mission patch featured a symbol nearly identical to the one on the dollar bill. While this was probably not a Freemason satellite, the “all-seeing eye” was undoubtedly intended to serve the same symbolic function as an observation satellite does in reality. More interesting to those obsessed with the NRO is the fact that the patch also features four stars hovering in the sky. Independent observers claimed that the classified satellite launched into orbit was actually the fourth of its type. Four stars. Four satellites.

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

Take for example this embroidered patch, distributed by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the US "black" space agency primarily responsible for the operation of military reconnaissance satellites (and God-knows-what-else). The patch was released by the NRO to commemorate the launch of a Titan 4B from Vandenberg Air Force Base -- one that boosted, according to the Air Force, a classified payload into orbit.

Classified, that is, unless you can read into the NRO's weird symbolism. Apparently, the patch -- right down to the angles of those boomerang shapes -- is a dead giveaway about the launch payload, that, it has now been confirmed, were four "Lacrosse" recon-satellittes, which give the U.S. military the ability to monitor problem spots around the world and accurately target weapons in almost real time.

And finally the NRO Dragon Patch

WHAT??? Soo... THEY use Avalon as a secret HQ lol. Let me just say too THEM...In the amount of time I have been on Avalon and the amount of threads and posts I have seen, I do wonder why the world is what it is...screwed
Maybe its all the screwy people in it that cause that

OOPSY Almost forgot my favorite one the NGA National Geospatial-Inteligence Agency

SPACE SPOOKS These guys are above the NRO and NSA Notcie the sneaky way they stay a 3 Letter club?

Last edited by zorgon; 10-16-2008 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 10-16-2008, 09:26 AM   #68
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

What about the DEA you forgot that Zorgy. They always mention that little one in all the tv shows.

They could make a rap song out of all those little anagrams.

PS That DEA one is probably not important enough I suppose to have a scary emblem. Those little drug catching policeman arent they.
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Old 10-16-2008, 09:28 AM   #69
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Red face Re: Lets play the guessing game

I agree with Zorgon.
And I think members looking after who's an Illuminati or not are going the wrong way. It just sounds to me like... a new witch hunt which is not doable through this forum (and any internet forum though)

We must have our own opinion about people we talk with and do not try to convince others of who is a bad guy or not.

Let your feeling bring the answer..

Ciao and bonne journée
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Old 10-16-2008, 09:34 AM   #70
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
i wrote-
zorgon wrote-
Ach Ja Mein Herr... das is simple... Ve are the Master race... The Vedic Gods are white (except the Blue guy) Jehovah is white... The Natives worshiped the "Great White Spirit"... The Venusians are white

But I have yet to meet a Redhead that suffers from mind control... those are feisty critters.
That was clearly a joke...note the German accent.
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Old 10-16-2008, 10:21 AM   #71
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

As a student of sacred geometry, such as yourself, you have surely noted that your avatar is the symbol of the 'element,' "Spirit." This immediately jumped at me since this sacred form is rotating COUNTER clockwise as your avatar. Cross cultural esoteric gnosis identifies this oscillation as DESCENDING.

You are reading to much into it. I typed dodecahedron animation into google and that is the first one I found, so I made it my avatar. I am not a student of sacred geometry. I just like the dodecahedron because scientists have now proven that that particular geometry is the background radiation of the universe.

Also, all the most prominent/leading edge faces of your Platonic pentagonal dodecahedron are inverted... quite an interesting statement, or perhaps, over sight for the serious student. Every metal fan knows what that means.
As far as I know there has to be a pentagram inside of the pentagons in order for it to actually attract negative energy. I appreciate your analysis of my avatar. It is just a neat graphic, I have studied very little of sacred geometry beyond a few google videos. I am keeping it the way it is.

I might be worried about it if it where actually a 3d shape and not a 2d animation.
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Old 10-16-2008, 10:40 AM   #72
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Why don't you do a dowse on the famous Leo Lyon Zagami. Could he be sniffin around here?

The ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - Masonic Executive Committee of Monte Carlo. High level member of the Italian Illuminati, a 33rd degree freemason

The true insider and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge.

The "prince", prepared to take over after the older Illuminati "king", Licio Gelli.

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Old 10-16-2008, 02:43 PM   #73
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by Ngai Te Rangi View Post
[COLOR="Orange"][COLOR="DarkRed"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Why don't you do a dowse on the famous Leo Lyon Zagami. Could he be sniffin around here?
This falls back into the category of violating peoples rights to privacy. Plus, I could care less if he is here. I don't know enough about him to focus on it.
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Old 10-16-2008, 03:41 PM   #74
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Why are people taking this all so seriously? I'm sure tone3 said it was just for fun.

Tell you what though, I'd love it if tone3 would do the same percentage dowsing for disinfo intention among the Camelot interviewees- that would interesting! Purely for fun of course and no names mentioned.

How about it tone3 jaguar? Up for that?

Last edited by Steve_G; 10-16-2008 at 03:43 PM.
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Old 10-16-2008, 05:10 PM   #75
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Default Re: Lets play the guessing game

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
No, please guess. This is the guessing game, not the convince the intuitive to cross the line game.
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