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Old 02-28-2010, 03:20 AM   #176
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Grr!!!! why does SaLuSa from Sirius write such long posts, he knows my attention span only lets me read a couple of lines before I get bored
And where does Mike Quinsey finds the time to channel (make up) & write down all these nonsense. Mind you, there's a new SaLuSa adventure nearly every other day!

By the way, how does channeling work?
Like this?
Or more like this, this, this,
or this

And do you need a license, or can just about anybody call himself Channeler of the Galactic Federation of Lies?

And if so, isn't it time to put a ferm halt to it, dear Admiral friend.
Like this, this, or this
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Old 02-28-2010, 04:41 AM   #177
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

I wondered if anyone had actually read this book on the Ashtar Command


It contains drawings of Ashtar

One of them has a garment on him with a logo of a pyramid with an eye at the centre.

I found this extremely interesting.

I do not own this book, but I saw it upon visiting a house of a friends relative.

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Old 02-28-2010, 11:52 AM   #178
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post

And do you need a license, or can just about anybody call himself Channeler of the Galactic Federation of Lies?
No license needed. I'm channelling right now
Don't blame the channellers they are lapping up the attention it's the silly buggers that believe the rubbish that you should feel sorry for
Sadly some people need something to believe in to make their lives feel better So someone like Mike Quinsey uses their insecurity to make some money. He is the evil one

SaLuSa from Sirius

Wake up people they are taking the pi55 out of you
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Old 03-03-2010, 08:44 PM   #179
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

For all the fans (Admiral...): A new adventure of SaLuSa!!!

SaLuSa 3-March-2010

We know that some of you question why we repeat a lot of the information, and we are pleased to clarify the situation. It is mainly because humans do not have a full memory recall, and it is therefore necessary to make frequent references to important information. In this way it permeates your subconscious memory, and you have a general understanding without knowing precisely how or why. At this time channelled messages are becoming very much in agreement, in the way they foresee the immediate future. Of course there will always be some that disagree with the more generally accepted beliefs, but that is healthy if it causes you to think more deeply about them. We will always recommend that you follow your own intuitive feelings, and that will be right for you. If later you change your beliefs that will suggest you have found a more acceptable understanding. Clearly as you keep evolving, you will expand your thinking to embrace a greater degree of truth.

There has never been a better time to expand your consciousness, with many channels and spiritually evolved beings incarnating on Earth. It is a special time that calls for intense attention to the information coming from so many different sources. How else will you grow sufficiently to reach those levels of consciousness required to see you achieve Ascension. The Divine Plan is calling upon many souls incarnate upon Earth, to come into their own and be the leaders that they are already. There are so many souls standing at the crossroads right now, that can helped to move onto the path of Light. They do need guidance and their Guides will do all they can to make sure they take the right path. Bear in mind Dear Ones, your Guides know what you set as your targets, and they want you to be successful. Freedom of choice is very much observed, and you can be sure that in the end you will have been allowed to make your decisions.

Each of you is quite unique and what suits one will not be the same for another. Yet in general there is something to be gained from the various sources that will help all of you. Once you find a reliable one, keep with it until the need arises to move on. Often you will find yourselves moving in circles of friends where there is a mutual interest in spiritual matters, and by supporting each other much progress can be gained. This does not happen by accident, and people will come together because that is the way they planned it. If you are uncertain as to which direction you are going in, take time to find those peaceful periods when you can go within. Put out the thought that you need guidance, and surely somehow it will come to you. Do not however set lines as to how that may be, as they will be limiting your possibilities of direct help. Simply be aware as to what is happening around you, and hopefully you will not miss a chance intended for you.

There are great times to come when the interference of the dark Ones will have been removed. Then you shall see those spiritual souls that are waiting for such an opportunity, to pass on their knowledge to speed up the process of Ascension. The Elders have ensured that there is no shortage of attention to your needs, and the end times are meticulously planned for total success. So Dear Ones do not let doubt creep in, and keep to your path of enlightenment. This will protect you against the lower energies, and you will remain quite safe from their presence.

The financial systems of the world are teetering on the brink of collapse, and it can be expected because they are no longer adequate or sustainable to overcome your problems. Behind the scenes everything is prepared and in readiness for a new system, and it will be implemented when it is exactly right to introduce you to it. It will overcome all of the frailties and drawbacks that devalued the system in more ways than one. You want stability and what you can appropriately call “value for money”, and as you know it is to backed by gold and other precious metals. No longer will it be used to serve the greed of the banking fraternity, who will be required to observe a fair and honourable code of practice. There will be no place for the old system, and it will be quickly changed for the good of all.

Many changes continue to move forward in anticipation of being announced without too much delay. It will be an unsettling time until this point is reached, but just remember what benefits will arise out of the chaos. Once you get into the new stages you will look back, and it will not have seemed as difficult as you thought. It is the uncertainty and lack of clear information that makes it all seem an interminable period of time. However, we cannot be more enlightening as all is in a state of flux. Having the privilege of being able to view the overall picture, we can however tell you all proceeds well. There is always going to be just the one outcome, and it will be your victory for the Light.

Let things flow in your lives, and take them as they come. There is little you can do in advance of the announcements, except to keep visualising what the future holds by looking at all that is positive. That way you will continue to empower the Light, and hasten the day it will banish the dark Ones from the Earth. There is no force involved in this action, but there will be a time when nothing of the lower vibrations will be able to exist in your dimension. It will have been lifted up beyond their reach, and they will find a place at their own level.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I am one just representative of the Galactic Federation. This year like recent ones is speeding by and that draws you closer to the first of many changes. We will continue to be seen more often in your skies as we find our presence more acceptable to you. It is with our duties in mind that we do so, as we continue to monitor what is happening to Earth and its people. We do as much as possible to prevent matters getting out of hand, as the dark Ones have no regard for your approaching Ascension. They listen to no one except their inner urge to destroy all that stands in their way. That will not lead to any conclusion except that they will fail. The Creator has decreed your victory and so be it.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.
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Old 03-04-2010, 10:48 AM   #180
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Cheers Mike you loony
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Old 03-04-2010, 11:19 AM   #181
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Ashtar Command scam has been around since at least 1986.
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Old 03-04-2010, 11:24 AM   #182
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by K626 View Post
Ashtar Command scam has been around since at least 1986.

A scam????
How dare you say such things.
The GFL are real and will be paying you a special visit for your insolence

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Old 03-05-2010, 03:47 AM   #183
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post

A scam????
How dare you say such things.
The GFL are real and will be paying you a special visit for your insolence

I second that, Admirall
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:19 PM   #184
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

SaLuSa 5-March-2010

Dear Ones as we have noted previously, the tragedies that you have recently been experiencing have brought out immense compassion for those involved. The response more than outweighs the fear caused by such happenings. Out of something that the dark Ones calculated would cause great confusion, has come a massive outpouring of Light. It has also brought about an awakening as to the Oneness of Mankind, and rather than create more separation has brought people together. This shows you that as a result of such major calamities, the expansion of Light more than compensates for them. It has taken a series of events to bring you to this point, and it means that the attempts by the dark Ones to prevent your onward progress to Ascension are failing. This situation will ensure that the Light remains the dominant force on Earth. With the continuing bursts of Light reaching you from sources outside of it, you are assured of reaching the desired levels of consciousness to ascend.

The Light you are anchoring upon Earth is bringing the manifestation of the new Earth ever nearer as planned. We have asked you to be patient, but in fact you have responded marvellously to the hold ups over quite a period of time. You have accepted that they will not alter the end result in anyway at all. This is immensely pleasing and indicates how well informed you have become. We would say that in the space of some fifty years your way of thinking has changed considerably. Your awareness of Self and your power to manifest the future you have visualised, is a powerful weapon against any attempts to prevent it. As long as you hold true to your vision, nothing can hold it back and you are amongst millions of enlightened souls doing so. Success is yours, and you will not be denied this opportunity to move out of duality.

Our allies are clearer than ever as to the nature of their tasks, and we help guide them to fulfilment. More of the those souls doing the bidding of the dark Ones are questioning their roles, and realise that they have been the unsuspecting dupes that are being used against the people. Such a breakdown amongst their ranks is causing some disarray, and it will continue to grow. The end is surely in sight, and an assertive move will soon edge you nearer the time of Disclosure. Once their ranks start to fall, it will snowball into a serious break in their chain of command. We are ready to take advantage of it to promote our own plan for your release from them. We are consequently quite occupied with many moves to bring the result that we all need.

We are long time members of the Galactic Federation, and well used to confronting problems such as you present us. There is never any sense of panic or concern, as in reality we are in charge of events taking place on Earth. However we cannot do just as we like, and obey Universal Law which prevents outright interference. We are not allowed to stop the unfolding of karma that has been brought about by the actions of Man on Earth. If we did, we would be denying you an opportunity to learn from your mistakes, and we ourselves would incur karma. We are too wise to even consider it, but can often lessen the effects of the outcome. Our action is often beyond your understanding and operates on a Galactic level, and we are very much involved in the use and control of energies to bring balance to Earth.

The dark Ones are like babies throwing things out of their crib when they cannot get their own way, but unlike babies they are dangerous with no regard for human life. However, they shall not harm you or Mother Earth for much longer and shall be disarmed and placed where they cannot cause any more mayhem. Is it not ironic Dear Ones, that the dark forces have concentration camps ready to imprison those who oppose them, yet it is they who shall end up incarcerated. Oh yes, we know of their plans and are more than equal to any attempts to isolate you in their prisons. In time all of those Beings sequestered by them to carry out their covert operations, shall be released and returned to their families. We mean from everywhere including Mars where there are underground bases. One has to perhaps admire the audacity of the dark Ones, to think that they could get away with their plan for world control. However they reckoned without the forces of Light that have come to your aid.

The nightmare of living through duality has shown you so much associated with lower vibrations, and almost every one of you will have touched the depths at some time. Many souls were, and are still sucked into the morass of the heaviness of the dark energies. Certainly it is difficult to lift out of such overpowering darkness, but you are never given up for lost and Beings of Light work incessantly to lift you up. This example of the type of problems that exist, will perhaps open your eyes and heart centre to feel compassion without judgment for such souls. When you can love all souls in this way, you will truly have found your Higher Self and share a place with God. These are matters that you will address as you evolve higher and higher, until you are One with All That is.

You are learning fast but have much more to experience before you can be called a Master. That is your destiny and duality has gone a long way to teaching you the lessons that lead you to it. You can go backwards, but that is rarely a problem and only short lived. Evolution continually carries you forwards, and the pace increases the higher you get. Many of you can look back over your present life, and see how in a relatively short time you have taken a great step onto the path of Light and Love. Such a quick response is even more likely now that the vibrations are rapidly increasing. Take your chance with both hands and believe in your ability to reach your goal, because you can do it. The Golden Age awaits the new Man of Earth who is rising up like the Phoenix from the ashes of duality.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so happy to be directly involved with your Ascension. It is so fulfilling for one to know that by your efforts souls have become enlightened as to their true selves. Through the great Grace of God may you be shown the way to freedom and everlasting Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:27 AM   #185
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by lightblue View Post
thanks very much for this barron..where is the excerpt from?
also and from what you know: are the ones with the mission (already on earth physically) aware of it? do they know what they are here to do? i know the text says some do some don't - the ones that don't (yet) : how are they to find out?

i would really like to know what do you know about the IRDIM? thanks.

best l


It is from www.iamuniversity.org and formerly on the late Dr Joshua David Stone's website and info. You may like his book:

Hidden Mysteries: ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension

Good ET info and section on the AC.

Yes, many ground crew are VERY aware of their purpose here and now. There is no need to worry about finding out about your mission for when the timing is right i promise you will know! For some it is their presence, their being, their vibration and the space that they are "holding" which is their contribution.


PS If you wish to know more PM me and i'll point you in the directions where you will be able to learn more on this.

Last edited by Barron; 03-06-2010 at 07:31 AM.
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Old 03-06-2010, 09:39 AM   #186
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

And I bring you some of the GFL

Here's naughty Nancy

Big Bad Bob

Mad Mike

And Ulla Hulla from Mallula

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Old 03-06-2010, 09:48 AM   #187
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

If you would like a made up reading they can do that for only $100

Get your channelled reading here http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/...ngs_return.htm

The Master Made Up Readings will be given in text form. Email your 6 questions to naughty Nancy at madeupchannellings@yahoo.com, and she will type the reading into the keyboard. she will then email the reading to you with an attached file.

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Old 03-06-2010, 03:27 PM   #188
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

It's that lady with the funny voice again!!

I don't think the elocution lessons are working!!!...

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Old 03-06-2010, 03:58 PM   #189
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Just to say that the crystal temples she is refering are the underground illuminaty bases that they are intending to activate and will cause more events like haiti and the chilean earthquake and tsunami

If I were you I will not join on their meditations because they need the encryption of the human DNA to make their activations possible, specially the Indigo's encryption

But I doubt many will listen

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Old 03-06-2010, 04:05 PM   #190
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

This is from the Benjamin Fullford blog posted on the 3rd of March

Japanese auto-makers threaten to leave the US

In response to harassment by US authorities Japanese auto-makers have begun making plans to shut down their US operations, according to a Japanese government source. The US market is considered by them to be a sunset market and they would rather write off their investments there than submit to arbitrary fines and confiscation.

Meanwhile, outrage at the repeated use of HAARP is reaching dangerous levels. The attack on Chile was a crude and failed attempt at intimidation but the nations of the world are ready to withstand earthquakes and tsunamis in the name of freedom. It must also be noted that all military and civilian personnel involved in ordering and carrying out the HAARP attacks will be hunted for the rest of their lives unless they repent, according to underground sources in Latin America and Asia.

Here is a link to evidence about HAARP for those readers who still do not understand how criminally insane the Washington D.C. crime syndicate has become:

Add 2 + 2


PS I am not sure is HAARP specifically it could be ANY of the around 60 facilities in the world or any combination so don't know which team is causing what, there are two factions
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Old 03-06-2010, 05:14 PM   #191
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
Just to say that the crystal temples she is refering are the underground illuminaty bases that they are intending to activate and will cause more events like haiti and the chilean earthquake and tsunami

If I were you I will not join on their meditations because they need the encryption of the human DNA to make their activations possible, specially the Indigo's encryption

But I doubt many will listen

Darn good advice stardust.
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Old 03-06-2010, 08:58 PM   #192
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
If you would like a made up reading they can do that for only $100

Get your channelled reading here http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/...ngs_return.htm

The Master Made Up Readings will be given in text form. Email your 6 questions to naughty Nancy at madeupchannellings@yahoo.com, and she will type the reading into the keyboard. she will then email the reading to you with an attached file.


Cheap readings by SaLuSa's twinsisters LaSuLa, SaLuLu, LuSaSa, LuSaLu, SuLaSu, LaSuSu, SuLaLa, LuLuSa, LaLaSu, SaSaLu & SuSuLa!!!

Available soon!!!
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Old 03-07-2010, 04:35 PM   #193
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Where is Admiral Swani?
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Old 03-07-2010, 05:15 PM   #194
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Here why what's up???

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Old 03-07-2010, 05:17 PM   #195
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Here why what's up???

Oh not much, I read somewhere that you killed the wabbit but I see you are still looking for it

Also I love your sense of humor, it comes handy in a day like this

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Old 03-07-2010, 05:36 PM   #196
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

I'm taking a break from hunting the wabbit.
Think the forum needs a smile or two especially at the moment with all the nonsense going on

Trans you missed SuSuSu from LuLuLu. You remember her the GoGoGo dancer
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Old 03-07-2010, 06:02 PM   #197
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post

I'm taking a break from hunting the wabbit.
Think the forum needs a smile or two especially at the moment with all the nonsense going on

Trans you missed SuSuSu from LuLuLu. You remember her the GoGoGo dancer
By the way SuSuSu is all BlahBlahBlah, in my unhumble opinion.

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Old 03-07-2010, 08:45 PM   #198
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post

I'm taking a break from hunting the wabbit.
Think the forum needs a smile or two especially at the moment with all the nonsense going on

Trans you missed SuSuSu from LuLuLu. You remember her the GoGoGo dancer

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Old 03-07-2010, 10:26 PM   #199
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:30 PM   #200
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Wink Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post

that was your gogogo girls song swanny, sorry i didnt make that clear, but also felt it apropriate as someone gets much dosh from 'channelled' stuff....
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