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View Poll Results: Will you support “The Restore America Plan”?
1) Yes 15 78.95%
2) No 2 10.53%
3) I don’t care either way 2 10.53%
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Old 02-04-2010, 07:36 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 44
Default “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

IMPORTANT WARNING (Posted Mar-03-2010):

Hi everyone, I have just found (Mar-01-2010) a web site where they criticize the “Restore America Plan” by Sam Kennedy & Co., and they even say it could be a hoax, or that Sam Kennedy could be an infiltrated agent, but I must clearly state that I do not know if that criticism is right or wrong (see my following clarifications bellow). This is the site:
Criticising The Restore America Plan (TRAP)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
That being said, I must clarify the following:
1.- I did not know about the “Restore American Plan” before I posted it in this forum. This type of material was new to me.

2.- I posted it in this forum because I read Sam’s letters explaining it, I listened to one of his radio programs (in Rumormillnews, by Rayelan Allan), and I thought it could be a good initiative to help restore law, order and peace in the USA in a peaceful way.

3.- However, legal matters are not my field of expertise, so I am not in a position to asses the validity of this Plan.

4.- Even though the above web site criticizes the “Restore America Plan”, I really do not know if that criticism is right or wrong. But since I posted this info in this forum in the first place, I think it is my obligation to let everybody know about that criticism, so that you can research it and discern it for yourselves.

5.- I would like to research this issue further for myself, but I simply do not have the time right now to do so, so that’s why I give you this warning.
Regarding if the criticism is right or wrong, I can think of two broad options:
A) The criticism is right. In that case, let's warn other people about it.

B) The criticism is wrong. In that case, let’s try not to harm the credibility of the “Restore America Plan” and let's tell everybody about it.
Those of you who are in a position to discern this issue, please, do it and inform others about it. Thanks.


The following text was originally posted Feb-04-2010:

Hi everyone, the first 3 posts of this thread were originally posted on the “Bill Ryan's thread” (questions to Bill Ryan), but some people thought it was better to open a new thread for it. And since this issue is, in my opinion, so extremely important, here I include the posts as they were originally posted on Bill’s thread:

Hi everyone, this is another question-suggestion to everybody.

The following radio program is probably, in my opinion, one of the most important ones ever broadcasted, because it offers a realistic and peaceful plan to help end this madness, a plan which is based on the rights provided to people by the US Declaration of Independence.

But there is one important requirement for this plan to work:
Will you people (Bill, Kerry, white hats-insiders, whistleblowers, and everybody else) support it?

Will you spread the word so that everybody can know about it and take action?

This plan is explained in these links:


Open letter from Sam Kennedy, from http://republicbroadcasting.org/
  • To my Friends, Fellow Patriots and Lovers of Freedom - worldwide,

    Some time ago I promised a final remedy to enslavement at the hands of corporations posing as legitimate government. Well, the time has finally arrived. This is the most important email I have ever written and it represents an end, once and for all, at the source, to the swat teams, arrests, foreclosures, garnishments, seizures, tax prosecutions and hardships which result from failing to pray to corporate institutions or exhibit evidence of subject-class citizenship.

    This Sunday night at 8 PM on TAKE NO PRISONERS (REPUBLIC BROADCASTING NETWORK), I will be joined by the leaders of the freedom movement for the high honor of bringing you - without commercial interruption - an end to economic warfare and political terror by MARCH 31, 2010. In two months, we can, and WILL, BE FREE, with your assistance!

    The Restore America Plan is not a patriot scheme. IT WAS PROPOSED TO US BY THE MILITARY MORE THAN A YEAR AGO. Having developed the necessary tools, we are now ready to execute the plan beginning Sunday night!

    If you truly desire to restore the posterity and end your problems once and for all, I invite you to tune in Sunday Night, and more importantly, to contact every one on your freedom email list. Sunday night we begin the methodical process of reinhabiting the original de jure institutions (which never ceased to exist) of the free American republics quickly, quietly, efficiently and peacefully and without the need for re-educating the unconscious public loud proclamations that are sure to evoke resistance and violence.

    Very simply, the Restore America Plan will reverse the wicked deeds of 1933 and 1865 BEHIND THE SCENES, with the same cleverness the bankers used to remove money, law and dignity, and without disturbing the peace. We, the sovereign People, will be in charge as the ONE AND ONLY LAWFUL AUTHORITY ON THE LAND. Not just in name, but in reality.

    Even if the plan had not been proposed by the military, the very nature of re-inhabiting the lawful de jure institutions of government is itself the victory we have all been seeking. Actors throughout the United States Federal Corporation understand they must ultimately defer to the de jure authority on the land when properly assembled and credentialed in sufficient number.

    And so does the military –which is why they made the offer. The responsibility is enormous - and so are the risks if we fail. THE MILITARY HAS CHARGED US WITH THE HIGHEST RESPONSIBILITY OF ENDING THE SPIRAL TO WORLD WAR III being orchestrated by the Rulers of Evil. Never have men borne such responsibility. We are the last best hope for mankind!!!!

    Essentially, we have been asked to provide the military with an alternative to a corporate CEO as their commander, and to re-inhabit all the de jure institutions that have been pre-empted from governance.

    And…we…will. Folks, it is time to step-up to the plate. It is time to be part of the solution instead of the list of perpetual victims. YOUR FUTURE AND THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHILDREN ARE IN YOUR HANDS. A line has been drawn in the sand. If we fail to come together and accept responsibility, there will be no one else to blame. There will be no more excuses. The future IS ours to create. Either we seize the brass ring or slink way into obscurity.

    That is what we are bringing you Sunday night on TAKE NO PRISONERS at 8 PM Eastern time. No less than a moment of epochal importance in the world history. That is why the network so graciously dropped commercial messages. All of the details and materials have been planned, worked-out and implemented from first presentation to enforcement. We are ready to close the deal. I hope you will join me and my very special guests for this live commercial-free broadcast.

    TAKE NO PRISONERS is carried live every Sunday night at 8 PM EST on FM stations around the nation, on Shoutcast (using the free Shoutcast application on iPhones and other handhelds), and live on the internet at:


    Wishing you a blessed day and tomorrow.

    Sam Kennedy


The radio program can be listened at link:

Sam Kennedy on the Republic Broadcasting Network


For more information about how we all can help with this plan:
E-mail: therestoreamericaplan@gmail.com

The plan is based on the following text:

* United States Declaration of Independence

The United States Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies then at war with Great Britain were now independent states, and thus no longer a part of the British Empire.


The next section, the famous preamble, includes the ideas and ideals that were principles of the Declaration. It is also an assertion of what is known as the "right of revolution": that is, people have certain rights, and when a government violates these rights, the people have the right to "alter or abolish" that government.[70]
  • We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


Current (2010) definition of the United States Federal Corporation
U.S. Code. 28usc3002. Paragraph 15

  • (15) “United States” means—

    (A) a Federal corporation;
    (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
    (C) an instrumentality of the United States.

Last edited by qbeac; 03-04-2010 at 07:47 PM.
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Old 02-04-2010, 07:39 PM   #2
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 44
Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Hi everyone, this is an update to my previous post 659, pag. 27, because Sam Kennedy is giving written instructions and clarifications about the Restore America Plan. Please, everyone, spread this info far and wide. Thanks.

Open letter from Sam Kennedy - UPDATE ON THE RESTORE AMERICA PLAN

Posted By: RumorMail <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 3-Feb-2010 13:53:56
Link: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin...gi?read=166112

In Response To: TAKE NO PRISONERS radio broadcast of Jan. 31-2010 available here (NaturalWisdom)

Note... If you don't know what this is about... you have to listen to the radio show in the above post, or here.

For questions, please send your email to restore.america@hotmail.com

To my fellow patriots,

America has spoken! Hundreds of you volunteered to join the De jure Grand Juries before Sunday night’s broadcast of TAKE NO PRISONERS was finished. Men and women just like yourself, who love freedom and wish to embrace the posterity for their children and grandchildren took not a moment to decide that this was the time to reinhabit the original de jure institutions of their forefathers. The message is that you are not alone. Thousands of you already realize that YOUR fate is finally in YOUR hands, and that it is NO LONGER NECESSARY to beg others for your blessings, to grovel before false prophets, to plead with corporate actors for scraps from the table, to delay your life any longer due to hollow promises, to crawl like snakes on your belly for the privileges of the bar association legal franchise. All of that, the shameful era of corporate worship, is to be concluded, peacefully, quietly, honorably, by men and women of good faith just like yourself, BY YOUR OWN DECLARATION, within the next couple of months. We welcome each and every one of you to the freedom buffet.

A few important points to read carefully:

1. Those of you who have ALREADY JOINED ASSEMBLIES ARE VERY WELCOME to take the covenant of office for the Guardians of the Free Republics and the De jure Grand Juries. In this way, you can enjoy direct participation in restoring sovereign control over the institutions of YOUR government without the sort of public pronouncements and local provocations that incite resistance and violence.

2. THOSE WHO CAN MUSTER AN ENTIRE BAND OF AT LEAST 25 PEOPLE ready to go for this cause, please send an email to: TheRestoreAmericaPlan@gmail.com with the following message in the subject line:

HAVE ENTIRE ASSEMBLY – Name of your republic

3. Other than the above, IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT AN EMAIL TO TheRestoreAmericaPlan@gmail.com volunteering to join or coordinate, or requesting more information, please do NOT SEND ANOTHER. We are hard at work processing all of the requests and organizing them republic by republic. Please sit tight, confident in knowing that you will not be forgotten. We are on the job.

You see folks, once you understand that the REMEDY IS GLOBAL ACROSS THE NATION and does NOT REQUIRE THE BLESSINGS OF THE ACTORS, and does NOT require each man and women to continue fighting their battles as islands in the wind, you should understand that the only thing that matters at this time is that we assemble a certain minimum number of courageous people according to our plan and bring forth the remedy behind the scenes.

4. IF YOU CONTACTED ME, PERSONALLY, AT my own email address (Restore.America@hotmail.com) instead of at TheRestoreAmericaPlan@gmail.com, then PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL to: TheRestoreAmericaPlan@gmail.com so your request is sure to wind up properly processed. Please mark the subject line as the case may be:

WISH TO JOIN – Name of your republic

WISH TO COORDINATE - Name of your republic, or

HAVE ENTIRE ASSEMBLY – Name of your republic

5. IF YOU HAVE NOT CONTACTED US BUT WISH TO JOIN THE GRAND JURIES, please send an email as in step 2 above.

6. SHOULD YOU VOLUNTEER? Your life does not hinge on whether or not you volunteer at this particular time. The remedy will be available for ALL members of the sovereign People since it is THE DE FACTO INSTITUTIONS THAT WILL BE ADJUSTING GLOBALLY, rather than the sovereign People. May I suggest you begin to adjust your mindset to once again being masters of your own domains.

7. INSPECTING THE DOCUMENTS. The final complete Declaration document will be available ONLY through the state and/or regional coordinators for inspection so that the integrity of our strategy is preserved. Many of the details of The Restore America Plan will remain classified to preserve the strategy. But permit me to refer you to last Sunday night’s broadcast (January 31, 2010) for an extensive overview of the Plan. Apparently our disclosures, and your knowledge of my guests, were sufficient to convince hundreds of you to consider signing-up. As you might expect, members of the de jure grand juries must take a traditional grand juror's pledge of secrecy to protect the public. And as you may know from the broadcast, we are NOT planning public proclamations, nor do we covet the limelight.

Permit me to clarify some of that information. Initially, the de facto insurance bonds of certain public officials will be attached rendering the respective offices subject to re-absorption into their de jure counterparts. Actors will have three days to comply or be removed as they will no longer have the pretense of authority in the face of de jure governance. Using a progression of specific writs, our first priority is to terminate foreclosure actions, collection procedures, tax prosecutions and prosecutions without an injured party on the state and national levels. Simultaneously, sovereign identification will be designed by the public institutions responsible for such items. Police databases will be adjusted. Certain trappings of government will be modified to reflect the return of lawful government as notice to the public. Subtle notice for sure, just like in 1933. I hope you agree that is a worthy start to the reconstruction.

In the second phase, the D.C. courts will be reabsorbed into the Article III institutions. And so on. The specific methodology must remain classified for strategic purposes.

Some of these events will occur DIRECTLY THROUGH PUBLIC ACTORS, and others will occur through military liaison. If you study military history and publications, you probably understand that the military’s duty to obey proper civilian authority is an intrinsic part of their consciousness. The United States Army and Navy Manual of Military Government and Civil Affairs outlines military authority to recover domestic territory from enemy occupation, restore civilian government, retain proper civilian laws, high-ranking political officials from office, supervise civilian courts, protect money, promote banking and release political prisoners. So the military’s offer was not just happenstance. They understand we have been under occupation since 1861, and in a perpetual state of corporate national emergency since 1933 by declaration of every single CEO of the United States Federal Corporation since then, permitting those CEOs the luxury of unbridled powers outside normal constitutional limiations (Senate Report 93-549).

8. SELF-ACTUALIZING REMEDY. Notwithstanding, the military is NOT necessary for your remedy. You do not need yet another champion you cannot control. Do NOT shift your hopes and desires to yet again another Caesar. The power rests with YOU, with all of the collective members of the sovereign People who make a simple collective decision to preserve their divine energy from corporate trespass by assembling within the very eloquent and elegant unanimous Declaration of the sovereign People of 2010. The very act of regulating the Guardians of the Free Republics in all fifty republics and re-inhabiting the de jure grand juries comprises the remedy. Not just in theory. The one tactical element understood better than all others by the corporate bureaucrats is fear. They have used it recklessly to subjugate the People on behalf of the banking cartels. When confronted with men and women who occupy the authentic lawful institutions of government IN FACT, their conscious fear of liability, in and of itself, is like the artillery reigning down on the Iraqi Republican Guard. These are, after all, attorneys-at-law, men schooled in legal process, the fabric of which is woven from limited liability. The liability of those who would impede lawful governance is no less than insurrection and treason – across the land. And...they...know...it. The story of Regan Dwayne which I shared with you on Sunday’s broadcast is one of many such examples.

So in essence, YOU are the remedy. And the long patriot tradition of seeking remedy in the promises and glorious speeches of others, in the handouts from bureaucrats, in the demonic corporate statutes, in the discretion of corporate actors who would just as soon grind you to dust than face the Law, can come to an end. The remedy is in the choices YOU make over the next few weeks. Isn’t it time to retrieve our dignity?

The Guardian Elders are but four men who have made a decision to facilitate the end of economic warfare against the sovereign People by bringing you a wake up call. What else could we do as our brothers and sisters continue to suffer such hardship at the hands of a corporation posing as a legitimate government. Our name signifies nothing other than our willingness to bear the brunt of the task, but we do not hold ourselves out as prophets or promisors of dreams, glory or wealth beyond imagination. We do not wish to be glorified or idolized or distract you from the realization that the remedy lies within you. It is up to YOU to come together and reclaim your birth right in the presence of the Lord.

9. LINKS TO BROADCAST. Here are some links to download both hours of a recording of tonight’s broadcast provided by a listener. As time is of the essence, I hope you will give it a listen as soon as possible:

Hour 1:

Hour 2:

We will continue our discussion of The Restore America Plan next Sunday night on TAKE NO PRISONERS at 8 PM Eastern time, 7 PM Central time, 6 PM Mountain time and 5 PM Pacific time. You can listen on the Internet at:


As you may know, the massive audience Sunday night brought the network down. I am assured that is being remedied as we speak. Please note that the call-in phone number listed at the Republic Broadcasting Network website is NOT NOT NOT for listening to the program, but for callers to ask questions and participate. The best way to listen is on the internet either at the RBN website or through Shoutcast. The Shoutcast app on iPhones and Blackberry’s is another way to listen live. Just search for Republic Broadcasting Network through the app.

On behalf of the Guardian Elders, we thank you for reading, and ask if you would kindly circulate this email far and wide if you are of a mind.

God bless,

Sam Kennedy


Dr. Sam Kennedy
Republic Broadcasting network
The Save America Crusade


The information provided by Sam is longer than the above text and can be seen at link:


Last edited by qbeac; 02-04-2010 at 10:59 PM.
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Old 02-04-2010, 07:40 PM   #3
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 44
Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Originally Posted by Dougall View Post
Qbeac - This thread is for Questions to Bill and (When he gets time) answers from him. I think the best thing would be for you to start a new thread titled "Open letter to Sam" and post it there. Also IMHO the yellow and or red text is unreadable especially on long posts. Anyway my question for Bill is, What do you think of the yellow text? Ha ha just kidding.
Hi Dougall and everybody else,

It's not my intention to divert from the purpose of this thread which is “Questions to Bill Ryan”, but I also hope that purpose would allow for a certain amount of flexibility when it comes to really important matters as, for example, this one: The Restore America Plan.

I believe the open letter Sam Kennedy has written is worth while posting it as an attachment and clarification to what Sam explained in his radio program (31-jan-10).

In any case, the intention of this information about “The Restore America Plan” is to ask Bill Ryan, Kerry Cassidy and everybody else, a question:
Will you (everybody) please take notice of this plan, spread the word and take action?

Would it be possible for you, Bill and Kerry (Project Camelot), to interview Sam Kennedy, or at least publish in your web site “The Restore America Plan”?
Furthermore, I am a big follower and supporter of Project Camelot (I’ve seen just about all their videos and MP3s) and I know PC has done several interviews with patriots from the American Militia movement (Ex: Dr John Waterman, etc.) and also with high level insiders (from the US military, etc.) who are willing to intervene (maybe with guns) if the situation in the USA worsens.

So, in that sense, Sam Kennedy is also a good candidate for an interview with Project Camelot. Also, “The Restore America Plan” and the “American Militia movement” and high level insiders could perhaps collaborate and help each others. We need to work “together”, oneness and union-unity are very important.

But in my personal opinion, Sam Kennedy’s Plan, if it works (if people support it), would be an ideal Plan because it does not require violence nor guns.

The Restore America Plan is a PEACEFUL and LAWFUL Plan, and that’s one of the great things about it.


Another subject: Nowadays, the world has two distinct problems:
a) A corrupt ruling elite (illuminati, Club Bilderberg, etc.).

b) A bunch of sleeping people (or misinformed, frightened, scared, brain washed, selfish, passive, or whatever) who do nothing about it (about point a).
At first (5 years ago), when I learned about all these things, I thought the problem was only the first one (a). But latter I have realized, with surprise, that part “a” is only half of the problem (50%). The other half (50%) is “b”: that some people don’t do anything about it.

Jordan Maxwell (see his lasts interviews with PC) also lamented himself about the same thing, that many people don’t care, or don’t do anything about it. And that’s sad.

So, here is a great opportunity for people to do SOMETHING about it:
The PEACEFUL and LAWFUL Restore America Plan.
Very recently (January 28-2010), Kerry Cassidy did an interview with Albert Venczel, who said, with these words or similar ones:
Planet earth is a “zero level” planet (zero = 0), because we have allowed for a corrupt shadowy government to rule us.
And in my opinion, Albert Venczel is totally correct. We don’t even qualify for level 1, we are still a level 0 (zero) civilization. And we’ll stay in that level until we wake up (or at least the critical mass) and take action.

It’s not exactly that the top of the pyramid of power of this world maintains or enslaves the bottom. It’s the bottom which maintains and tolerates the top. If the level of human consciousness would rise, the problem would quickly dissolve. The current corrupt situation (elite, shadowy government, etc.) could not be maintained if the critical mass of people would wake up and do something about it.

Some quotes:
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
(Edmund Burke)

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
(Albert Einstein)

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
(Martin Luther King)

Text colours: which colour do you prefer?

The reason why I used a different colour other than white, is to differentiate my own text and ideas from somebody else’s. When I read things on the Internet, I like to clearly and quickly identify whose text I am reading from. That’s why I try to include all the links, so that everybody can verify the origin of the info.

But if you prefer some other colour, which one do you prefer? Is light blue better?

Last edited by qbeac; 02-04-2010 at 11:07 PM.
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Old 03-01-2010, 08:04 PM   #4
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 44
Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Hi everyone, the following information is an important update about "The Restore America Plan", by Sam Kennedy, and it has been posted on Benjamin Fulford's blog by a user called selagenella on March-1-2010. I copy and paste the whole selagenella's post here:

Comment posted by selagenella on March 1, 2010 @ 12:53 pm on Benjamin Fulford's blog
(Report on negotiations with the illuminati in Italy)

Everyone should know that very soon,the Pentagon will rise up against Washington; if fact, they already have. Here is a good place to start:


Everything is as Benjamin writes. Today, in my state, we completed our task of forming the du jure grand jury. The conference call tonight confirmed the guardians have done every thing but the finishing touches on Phase One. There may be a few states which still have room for a few more jurors.

Those in America can go to the website to sign up. The second phase is soon to come.

I wish to make a special point to anyone whose loved one,or friend, is languishing in an American Gulag (prison,) to sign up and write “urgent,” as lists are now being made of all those who are political prisoners….which includes any statue “crime.” Very soon, these unfortunate souls will be unceremoniously released.

I wish everyone could have heard the emotional 2 hour broadcast tonight. In a couple days the link will be posted to the recorded version. I am also pasting below just a couple of the recent newsletters (emails) from the guardians. Information in these will direct anyone interested to the broadcast information, which is every Sunday at 8 PM EST (New York time) at
http://republicbroadcasting.org/?page_id=3. the show is also available on shortwave.

So, cheer up. There are Americans who are definitely taking action and if you want to be a part of history, you can!

************************************************** *******

To all patriots, state coordinators and guardians,

The Guardian Elders will be bringing you a critical announcement this Sunday night, February 28, 2010 (8 PM EST), on TAKE NO PRISONERS at the Republic Broadcasting Network. The message is as important, if not more so, than the January 31 unveiling of The Restore America Plan. The network has once again agreed to limited commercial interruption. It is safe to say that the lives of your children are at stake.

I hope to convey additional information to you by tomorrow.


In the meantime, here’s a link to an interview I gave last night on the Texas Broadcasting network. The recording is archived on the right side of the page under “Best Of.” I believe every one of you will find it interesting.


That’s this Sunday night, February 28, 2010, on TAKE NO PRISONERS at the Republic Broadcasting Network. TAKE NO PRISONERS can be heard on FM and shortwave stations around the world, and on the internet via Shoutcast or directly through the network website at:


Thank you for reading and would you please CIRCULATE THIS EMAIL FAR AND WIDE.

Peace and Grace to all,

Sam Kennedy
the Guardian Elders



P.S. Here are links to the January 31, 2010 broadcast sent in by listeners:

Hour 1:

Hour 2:

You can also download the broadcast or listen on the internet at:


Or listen in real time at:


Final Remedy_Sam Kennedy.htm
************************************************** *******

Ladies and gentlemen,

In anticipation of Sunday nights broadcast of TAKE NO PRISONERS (February 28, 2010, 8 PM EST, Republic Broadcasting Network), PLEASE TAKE SPECIAL NOTE of the following information pertaining to events that are about to change your life forever shortly after March 31. YOUR decisions over the next couple of weeks will determine how this Machiavellian global drama plays out.


On or about Feb 12, the Greek economy imploded causing an UNINTENDED destabilization of the Euro at the very height of the Vatican’s plan to replace the dollar as the dominant world currency. This stunning wakeup call has shaken the Scarlet City, the European Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and the Bank of International Settlements (the central banks clearing house), all of whom now realize that containing the collapse of the dollar is impossible. Faced with an epochal disaster beyond their control, they are deeply concerned with the consequences of centuries of greed and human sacrifice. Finally, they believe the prophesies of John and recognize their own mortality.


For the first time since 1933, the Vatican and European Jesuits have entered an alliance. THE LAST SUCH ALLIANCE UNLEASHED THEIR THIRST FOR HUMAN SACRIFICE AS WORLD WAR II. Among the Jesuits, the death cry of the dying are believed to provide insight into the supernatural. With this demonic joining, the global dominance of the American Jesuits through Georgetown U, the Fed and the United States military has ended. Suddenly, as events spin out of control, OUR MILITARY IS UNSHACKLED TO END THE DESCENT INTO WORLD WAR III, but ironically, THEY NEED US, THE SOVEREIGN PEOPLE, to grant them the authority. Respect for civilian authority is as ingrained in military circles as saluting. Who among us will sit on their hands debating the merits of counties and judicial districts while Rome is burned to the ground?


The recent announcement by Citibank of a seven day withdrawal moratorium option to COMMENCE APRIL 1 is your second notice of things to come (see below*). However, the impending collapse has outstripped the plan. In 1933, the money brokers intentionally replaced the system of money with credit. Having terribly mismanaged the markets, it is beyond their control to forestall the collapse. THE NEED TO IMPLEMENT THE RESTORE AMERICA PLAN BY MARCH 31 IS SELF-EVIDENT. The banking community isn’t distributing those warnings for nothing.


Last month, Congress began investigating the SEC. Simultaneously, various State attorneys general petitioned to audit the Fed. All of this is part of a LARGER BACKROOM DRAMA. The audit is actually underway right now as part of a civil lawsuit against the Fed for which the Guardian Elders acted as consultant during 2009. The audit is being conducted by a Washington attorney well known to the Elders who is being paid $50K an hour. The goal is to support indictments against SEC officers for securities fraud AND IDENTITY THEFT. Yes, the jig is up regarding the conversion of your labor and identity into book entry trust accounts. AND THE POLITICIANS ARE HEADING FOR THE EXITS with their pockets stuffed. Unknown to most everyone, congressmen receive the benefit of an $100M investment bond after only two years of service. THEY ARE CASHING OUT, folks, by RAIDING YOUR LEGACY ACCOUNTS and blaming SEC officials. Now you know why the DTC process is stalled. The question is

Do YOU have an exit strategy? Do YOU have a plan to ensure the people’s wealth? Or are you content to argue and bicker over grammar and definitions? IMAGINE HOW FOOLISH IT MUST LOOK WHEN WE CLAIM TO BE SOVEREIGN AND THEN PROCLAIM OUR IMPOTENCE UNDER CORPORATE REGULATIONS TO DECLARE OUR FREEDOM AND INHABIT THE OFFICES OF OUR FOREFATHERS!

In fact, you DO have a plan…THE RESTORE AMERICA PLAN. And when the last of the republics is on board, the People will be manning the exits.


Earlier this week, fifty-one Turkish generals including the former commanders of the army and navy were arrested as part of a military conspiracy to wrest Turkish government from corporate control on behalf of the Turkish People. Operation Sledgehammer, has been underway for seven years. The sudden timing of the arrests IS NO ACCIDENT. They were triggered by people VERY close to home (your home), ON YOUR BEHALF.

The Turkish incident comprises PUBLIC NOTICE regarding the dangers of complacency. History has repeated the lesson many times. It was the military that tried to oust Hitler and Mussolini. But in America, their hands are tied by their oath.

Remember, even a single sovereign man or woman in every state comprises more lawful authority than 300 million incorporated U.S. citizen trust accounts.


In October 2008, a lone agent was dispatched to the Midwest to infiltrate and distract the only two communities that had the ability to reinhabit the de jure republics and render them impotent. Promising wealth beyond imagination, he implemented a brilliant strategy to exploit the patriot community’s legendary affinity for cannibalizing itself.

This drama is unfolding behind the scenes at this very moment. Here’s an email report which arrived earlier today. While I cannot discuss our hard intel, even the many soft reports like this reveal the troubling nationwide trend.…

“Hang in there Sam, we are praying for you and yours. I have a little news for you to pass on to the knot heads that are dragging their feet on whether or not to sign a sheet of paper, the chickens. I have information from a military contact that things will start happening in about 30 days if something does not change their plan. The words I was told is possible martial law just to start with. I was also told that all military people with special abilities, like my friend, that are not on active duty are being recalled into service. Something big is about to pop was what I was told. It appears they are fishing for a way to crash the economy in this country by way of the peoples actions, I guess so they can blame us for it. My contact could not tell me more. I was told some things to do to help myself but this person is very guarded right now in what they will/can say to me. I guess the bottom line to our talk was that there are big plans brewing and that we will not like them. R—“

Folks, there are many in government betting against us. They believe we will succumb to bickering, turf wars, and egotism. In fact, they are counting on it.

But so far, in 44 states, WE HAVE PROVEN THEM WRONG. And we are determined to complete the rest before the deadline expires.

Each of you is blessed by the opportunity to DIRECTLY IMPACT HISTORY. As men and women of free will, you can choose to sit on your counties embracing anger, hatred, controversy and battle, and listening to those who cherish your fear and worship. Or you can sleep in your homesteads much as your great grandparents dozed during ’33. Or you can take a modest hand in saving the world by choosing peace, restoration and sovereignty.

Either way, OUR TIME HAS RUN OUT. There are no more excuses. No more tomorrows. It is time to remove the mark of the beast or suffer the consequences.

Ask NOT about the risks of signing a piece of paper with 1300 other noncorporate children of the Lord.

Ask instead about the risks of not signing.

Last edited by qbeac; 03-01-2010 at 09:19 PM.
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Old 03-03-2010, 08:26 PM   #5
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Hi everyone, I have just added (Mar-03-2010) an IMPORTANT WARNING about the “Restore America Plan” in the first post of this thread.
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Old 03-03-2010, 08:40 PM   #6
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Hi everybody, the following information looks kind of similar to the Restore America Plan, at least in concept, but I am not sure if it is the same thing or not, or whether it is a good thing or not, you may judge it by yourselves.

This web site looks kind of similar to The Restore America Plan:

The following is an EXCELENT VÍDEO. This young fellow talks brilliantly about the problems of the economical situation in the USA and proposes a solution for it.
The Solution part 1
Part 1 of 11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9zldMZujyw

Last edited by qbeac; 03-04-2010 at 07:40 PM.
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Old 03-03-2010, 09:20 PM   #7
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Originally Posted by qbeac View Post
[indent]IMPORTANT WARNING (Posted Mar-03-2010):


The radio program can be listened at link:

Sam Kennedy on the Republic Broadcasting Network


For more information about how we all can help with this plan:
E-mail: therestoreamericaplan@gmail.com
hmmm the dates were wrong on when the Fed took over America, but then again the broadcast is 2 days beyond leap year...
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Old 03-03-2010, 11:31 PM   #8
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
hmmm the dates were wrong on when the Fed took over America, but then again the broadcast is 2 days beyond leap year...
Sorry, the date "Feb-31" was a mistake I made, it should have said:

TAKE NO PRISONERS radio broadcast of Jan. 31-10 available here
Posted By: NaturalWisdom <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 1-Feb-2010 20:48:50

I'll correct it in post 1
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Old 03-04-2010, 07:33 PM   #9
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

it is all a very good read, does anyone have info on what went on in Turkey and if the military that was removed was under the direction of Iran?

Or was this the removal of the final ones capable of stopping the next revolution to put in place those who answer to Iran's Grand Ayasolla?
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Old 03-04-2010, 07:36 PM   #10
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ahhh I guess Iran just expanded... 2nd largest military in the Middle east is now under their command.

Turkey is moving into uncharted territory, causing deep anxiety among millions of secular Turks who fear prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan – a former Islamist who won 47 per cent of the vote in the last election – will trample on their rights.

That worry deepened this week, when Turkish authorities made two more controversial arrests – of an active duty general and a state prosecutor who had investigated Islamic networks.

How Turkey resolves this identity crisis will reverberate beyond its borders. It has the second-largest army in Nato after America. It is strategically placed, with Russia to the north and the Middle East to the south. It is a candidate for membership in the European Union. Decades of growth have made it the seventh-largest economy in Europe.

Last week's detentions and arrests capped a month of high political drama that began on 22 January, when a small liberal newspaper, Taraf, published what it said were military documents from a 2003 meeting describing preparations for a coup. The documents, said the paper, were in a suitcase and included diagrams of two Istanbul mosques that were to have small bombs go off in their courtyards, creating an emergency that would justify a military takeover. The military acknowledged a meeting took place, but denied plans for bombings or a coup. Even so, on Monday of last week, Turkish authorities began detaining officers and by the end of the week had more than 60 in custody, including two retired generals. "Now the army is pacified, eliminated as a power from the political scene," said Haldun Solmazturk, also a retired general. "Now the military is touchable."


from your post above

Earlier this week, fifty-one Turkish generals including the former commanders of the army and navy were arrested as part of a military conspiracy to wrest Turkish government from corporate control on behalf of the Turkish People. Operation Sledgehammer, has been underway for seven years. The sudden timing of the arrests IS NO ACCIDENT. They were triggered by people VERY close to home (your home), ON YOUR BEHALF.

The Turkish incident comprises PUBLIC NOTICE regarding the dangers of complacency. History has repeated the lesson many times. It was the military that tried to oust Hitler and Mussolini. But in America, their hands are tied by their oath.

Remember, even a single sovereign man or woman in every state comprises more lawful authority than 300 million incorporated U.S. citizen trust accounts.
This move was not done for America, unless you consider the dooms day clock moving two steps closer is in our interest.

Last edited by Rocky_Shorz; 03-04-2010 at 07:48 PM.
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Old 03-04-2010, 08:08 PM   #11
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

The legitimacy of the RAP is not clear yet. The main concern would be the # of Jesuits in high military positions and/or in the RAP high guardians. As with any society, social religion or the like, it could be lead by the Jesuits to rally people for purposes quite different than publicized. One audio indicated that at least one of the people claiming Military connections was not telling the truth. However others do still claim military authority. One of the audios also referenced Tupper Saucey ("Rulers of Evil") which would indicate a clear awareness of the Jesuits.

The proof is never in what is said, the proof is in what is done and what is not done. If the clock is genuinely turned back to pre-civil war and Common Law is restored 100%, it means no property tax, no traffic tickets, no drivers licenses, no income tax, no tax and licensing scams, no false laws, no corporate government and corporate judiciary. If that happens all the better but if not then it won't be real. It will be a manipulation for another agenda.

For those not familiar with the Jesuits -- There's a brief summary ---
The Jesuits where formed by the Vatican as a counter to the Protestant Reformation. Soon they where much hated and despised throughout Europe and by the late 1700s England was completely opposed to the Jesuits and the Vatican. In fact there was a "kill a Jesuit, no questions asked policy" in England. England and the States where Protestant and Catholics had no voting rights. A Catholic swears allegiance to a foreign power and that power, the Pope / Black Pope (Jesuit General) believe all the world is theirs and governments have no sovereignty. So by definition a Catholic is a foreign agent, a spy and can never be trusted. To dispel that "image" the Jesuits staged a false flag operation against themselves including the Vatican banning them in 1773. The Jesuit General Ricci was imprisons then apparently came to American and started up the Revolutionary war to facilitate an end to the protestant America and Protestant England. Then he established "Freedom of Religion" and "Separation of Church and State" in the US Constitution so that Catholicism could thrive in politics and the Judiciary. After all, there where no more Jesuits so there wasn't a Catholic problem, or so the world thought. Those countries that cheered when the Jesuits where officially abolished by the Pope include Germany and Spain and Italy which where punished in WWII. By the mid 1800s the Jesuits where reinstated after they had colonized the USA and England. Then they began the Civil war to instigate Corporate America. etc., etc., etc..

One other point about the Jesuits - Organizations like the Freemasons ultimately owe allegiance to an unknown Supreme leader and indirectly take orders from that person. That person, at least for several hundred years has been the Jesuit General. This is likely true of all Social Religions like Mormons as well.

So far as I can tell. The RAP seems to be well intended an seems to be the best shot out there for a return to sanity. Again, the proof is in both what happens and what doesn't and we should be seeing the results with the next two months.
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Old 03-26-2010, 12:52 PM   #12
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

UDPATE on the Restore America Plan (March-26-2010)

From Rumormillnews
Reader fen: "2010-3-23 NWO Defeated NOW as Success of RESTORE AMERICA PLAN Done Deal now"
Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 23-Mar-2010 23:24:32

(Thanks, fen. :)

Reader fen sends us the following 10-minute YouTube clip, derived from an mp3 of a Restore America Plan conference call, beginning at about 3:11 into the call.

"Even if Sam Kennedy or somebody else disappeared, THIS PLAN GOES FORWARD." ... "As soon as the paperwork is served on all the governments, things start moving forward" ... "All of the pieces of the puzzle are in place" ... "This has the backing of foreign international courts" ... "The foreclosure situation will be addressed in the very near future" ... "Political prisoners like Sherry Peel Jackson will [soon] be out" ... "The IRS will be gone as of February 2011"

The complete 4-1/2 hour audio file is here:


Thanks to YouTuber ThankYouWhiteKnights.




From Benjamin Fulfords's blog. March-26-2010

The N.W.O. Cabal is collapsing; the signs are everywhere

The following group contacted the Black Dragon Society promising the Federal Reserve Board and the Washington D.C. crime syndicates will soon lose power. They sent me an audio file but I got the message “this file cannot be opened at this domain.” However, I found the audio here:

[The Restore America Plan]

Several people, including a direct envoy from the Chinese Politburo and a member of the British Royal family have told me a similar tale of imminent change. The gist of all their stories is that soon vast amounts of new government-controlled funding will become available and that the Federal Reserve Board and the Internal Revenue Service will be dismantled...........etc.


I have a question for anybody who may know it:

I have heard some criticism against Sam Kennedy and The Restores America Plan (see my warning in Post 1 of page 1). But I don’t know if that criticism is well founded or not. I mean, is the criticism just misinformation to try to damage the credibility of the Plan, or not?

Please, does anybody know anything about it? Thanks.
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Old 03-26-2010, 02:34 PM   #13
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I appreciate your efforts to post meaningful information and to ask for help arriving at the truth.

I have listened to Dr Sam Kennedy and tried to research The Restore America Plan and the idea of "de jure grand juries." I have an associates degree in legal assisting yet this stuff is hard for me to understand and be confident about.

I don't know about the criticism of Dr Kennedy. My gut feeling is that he is legitimate.

I believe that the plan is to go into operation on Monday, March 29. Is that your understanding, as well?
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Old 03-28-2010, 02:11 PM   #14
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

this is interesting stuff.

as much attention as i pay to alt media, this is the first i've heard of the RAP. i will be digging into this for sure.
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Old 03-28-2010, 08:33 PM   #15
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post

I appreciate your efforts to post meaningful information and to ask for help arriving at the truth.
I believe that the plan is to go into operation on Monday, March 29. Is that your understanding, as well?
Thank you, Seashore, and yes, I’ve also heard that the plan will start to operate on Monday, 29, 2010.

Let’s hope that’s true and that this plan is not a hoax for the elite to buy time.

So, let’s remain cautiously optimistic and, in the mean time, keep spreading all the suppressed info far and wide.
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Old 03-31-2010, 09:30 AM   #16
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This feels right to me I have checked and triangulated the info. It would cut the head off the snake that has us half way digested.
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Old 03-31-2010, 10:52 AM   #17
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Originally Posted by qbeac View Post
Thank you, Seashore, and yes, I’ve also heard that the plan will start to operate on Monday, 29, 2010.

Let’s hope that’s true and that this plan is not a hoax for the elite to buy time.

So, let’s remain cautiously optimistic and, in the mean time, keep spreading all the suppressed info far and wide.

Do you think we will have to wait until this Sunday's "Take No Prisoners" to find out what happened Monday?
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Old 04-01-2010, 12:19 PM   #18
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post

Do you think we will have to wait until this Sunday's "Take No Prisoners" to find out what happened Monday?
Hi Seashore and everyone else, the following is some more info I’ve found about The Restore America Plan. It’s a criticism to the RAM and Sam Kennedy done by Jack and Margy. I’ve seen it in the Benjamin Fulford’s forum (see link bellow), in the comments section, since it was posted by a user nicked named “miriam”.

I’ll give my “temporary” opinion about it (because I may change it if I find more data about it):

Right now I don’t think the criticism by Jack and Margy is, as a whole, too compelling or well founded. The things they say are not, in my opinion, definitive proof one way or the other. For instance, they criticize that Sam Kennedy’s plan relies too much on the US military, and Jack and Margy don’t like that because, according to them, the US military cannot be trusted (because they’ve done bad things on the past, etc.).

Well, in my opinion, that’s a generalization, and generalizations could be true or false. You would have to be more precise and delve deeper into the matter, because inside the US military you could perhaps find dark people and good people (white-hats). So, unless you know specifically who inside the US military is supporting the Restore America Plan, you cannot reach to any definitive conclusions, one way or another.

I guess it depends heavily on the specific persons from high places (inside the US military or the secret government) who may be supporting the RAM. If those people are dark people, that’s bad news. But if those people are good people (white-hats), then it may work.

Some people like, for instance, David Wilcock, or Benjamin Fulford, Sheldan Nidle, etc., say there has been a split inside the secret government and that there is a good faction who is fighting against the dark faction. Is that true? Let’s hope so, but we (regular people) are not sure about it.

So, let’s stay tuned and alert to see how things develop.

This is the info:

Comments about The Restore America Plan.
Comment by miriam on March 31, 2010 @ 9:44 pm


I have been skeptical about TRAP and this letter let’s me know to trust my guts.
Also The Article of Confederation group.
I did not sign their petition.
Still I hoped for the best with their work.
I have e-mailed with someone who told me that Sam Kennedy had done grievous harm to others thru his advice. And while we are responsible for our own actions, when someone incompetent is advising many people incorrectly how to challenge a rigged legal system, it is also that person’s responsibility.

Please read this and make up your own mind about it.

To: NESARA101@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [NESARA101] Citizens of the American Constitution – News-Letter – March 30, 2010

I am passing on this newsletter from Jack and Margy Flynn at their request in response to the email circulating that “it is official” and we are going back to constitutional law through grand juries and the military. Please read to the end and give this consideration.

Thank you

Jack and Margy Flynn
Citizens of the American Constitution
C/o P.O. Box 292
Bingham, Maine [04920]

News-Letter – March 30th, 2010

Fellow Citizens and Patriots:

Margy and I encourage all of you to send this News-Letter and all News-Letters you receive from us to all of those on your email lists and encourage them to send them out in the same way. There is no charge for this News-Letter, nor is it copy written, so we humbly ask you to spread it as far, deep and wide as possible.

As most of you well know, America is in a very precarious position and has been for some time. It is up to the People, themselves, to take responsibility, on their own, or within small or even large groups, to make the differences and necessary changes which must come about if we are to save ourselves, our nation and our posterity from absolute tyranny and the evil so prevalent in all institutional systems on this earth, within all governments in this country and in most of the world.

Many among you may have been following with interest announcements by the delegates of the CC2009 regarding their Articles of Freedom, as well as the efforts by Sam Kennedy and his associates in the Restore America Plan. While it is true that efforts to restore America to De Jure government and to hold public officers accountable and responsible to the People are sorely needed, we have some reservations about CC2009’s efforts and serious reservations about the Restore America Plan.

Drastic changes back to Constitutional government are needed IMMEDIATELY, and the longer the People wait for “someone else” to do their work in this regard and assume their responsibilities, America will get worse by the hour! If you disbelieve this, take a very quick look at the multitude of freedoms that have been stolen from us since the JFK assassination in 1963. Obviously, one can go to the very beginnings of this nation to see the ongoing loss of freedoms, but we want to put this in a more contemporary and relative perspective. The loss of freedoms since the first “Emperor” Bush won the presidency have escalated rapidly to the present day, and the question we have asked many times is what are YOU, personally, doing about this? Not your neighbor, not your brother, not your leader – but what are you doing about this?

Personal responsibility in areas of importance is absolutely necessary if anything valuable and viable is to be accomplished and preserved. Remember, God helps those who help themselves and those who help others. In a like vein, the Constitution helps those who help themselves and those who help others. How many of you could truthfully face your God and say that you have helped yourselves and others to restore freedom and justice to this nation, by and through enforcing the Constitution(s) on reluctant governments? Those of you who have done this deserve the sincere gratitude of the American People.

This is not meant to be an accusation or criticism of anyone, who has not done so, but those of you who know us, know that Margy and I are completely truthful, blunt, and do not mince words, especially when it comes to saving our nation. We know this offends some people, but in our view, it will not offend those who know the truth and who realize that only the People can save America, and if they do not act, now, then, our America is truly gone. All anyone needs to do is look at what has been going on in Washington, D.C. for the past year or so, up to the present, most recent “OBAMINATION” to see that the thugs-and-thieves-in-suits, whom we pay royally for their “service”, do not give a damn about America or her People.

People will ask: “What can I do?” As Margy is fond of quoting, Margaret Mead’s statement, made a long time ago, will give them direction: “Never forget that a small group of committed Citizens can change the world; in fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” If you, dear reader, are a sincere, true American Patriot and a believer in the founding documents of this nation, starting with the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, inclusive of the Bill of Rights, then, you know who and what you are and what you must do. To begin this, you could gather one or two others, who share your views and who are willing to ACT UPON THEM, who would then gather one or two more, and so on, and meet regularly each week or several times a month to practice and enforce the Constitutional methods that Margy and I have been teaching virtually all our lives.

When we began presenting seminars outside of New Mexico, we expected the seminar attendees to use these methods in their own areas and to reach the amount of success that we and our group were able to reach in New Mexico. As stated, enforcing the Constitution against evil is not easy, but if one is dedicated to that position, because that position upholds all that is right, just and Godly in this world, then it can be done. Jesus was all about freedom, truth and justice, as well as love and compassion. How can anyone claim to have love and compassion for his fellow humans, if he is unwilling to stand up for truth, justice and freedom? Remember, God helps those who help themselves and the Constitution helps those who enforce it.

We met Sam Kennedy, by and through Pastor Massad, over three and a half years ago, and we appeared together on several radio talk shows. Margy and I have presented many seminars in New England, and Sam attended the first one we presented in Massachusetts. As you well know, we are strictly Constitutional, but Sam went in a different direction. In a theoretically free country, anyone can do anything he wants, provided he does not harm others. The Constitution helps people, it does not harm them, but the methods that Sam and others have taught for years have not appeared to help people, and, in fact, have harmed many.

Sam called us in early March to see if we would consider coming “on board” with the Restore America Plan. The letter below was our answer to Sam, and we hope you will read it to have better understanding of our positions. During the preparation time for this Plan, we did not want to present this letter to the patriot community to influence anyone in one way or another. Each has to make his own choice, based upon his personal beliefs. However, since the due date for presentation of this Plan, as announced by Sam, himself, was yesterday, March 29th, and since everything would be resolved by March 31st, again, according to Sam, we now feel it is incumbent upon us to release this letter.

Yesterday evening, we listened on rbn.com to the John Stadtmiller “Intel Report” over which Sam, Ralph Winterrowd, John, and another fellow named Ron McDonald discussed the Restore America Plan. If these four people are an example of the “leaders” of the patriot community in this nation, then, this nation will never recover. People should choose their leaders wisely. The leaders who choose themselves and impose their “leadership” upon the People are not the true leaders. Remember Plato’s Republic in which leadership is given to the man who does not seek or want it. Beware of those who covet leadership and claim to represent your best interests.

During yesterday’s radio program, we heard so much equivocation, mostly from Sam, grand standing, from just about everyone, argumentation, pettiness and outright crap, that it was a waste of two hours of our valuable time! Exaggeration, off point remarks, unanswered questions, obliquely posed questions, and obscure positions abounded. It sounded like four unruly kids arguing over who was going to have control of the toys and not the remarks of erudite, well spoken presenters based in anything of substance. Sam announced, some time ago, that everything would be resolved by the 31st of March, but in “answer” to a few questions, he said that people have to be “patient” and wait another “30 to 60 days”, and then we will see changes within the next “one to two years”. That is not what he originally stated when he previously announced that everything would be resolved by March 31st. He also stated that the De Jure grand juries would not indict any politicians or government officers in the de facto governments for their actions, but rather the Plan’s intent is to show compassion, forgiveness and mercy, unless the governors, purportedly put on notice, yesterday, that their bonds have been arrested, refuse to take their oaths to support the De Jure government allegedly being restored. However, he did not say that, in that event, the grand juries would indict. He said nothing of the military role and when pressed as to how this plan would be enforced, would this be done by military force, he refused to give details, claiming that to do so could put people in jeopardy. When Sam was pressed as to who or what gave him the authority to write these orders to be presented to the governors, he danced around the question, spouted about sovereignty and being a “child of God”, equivocated that he “just signed the cover letter” that accompanied the orders, when he has stated before that he wrote the orders.

Sam made claims that the Federal Reserve Bank is being dismantled “as we speak” and that the IRS is basically “going out”. These claims, if true, would be absolutely wonderful, but Sam presented no evidence, whatsoever, to support his claims, nor is any evidence apparent of these actions having taken place. On another point, concerning Sam’s claims that the governors of all fifty states had been served notice of the intent of the Restore America Plan regarding restoration of De Jure governments, oaths and bonds, etc., Ralph Winterrowd stated emphatically that he had spoken with the office of the governor of Alaska, on several occasions, and that he was told that the governor had never heard of the Restore America Plan. Ralph did say that this could have been a false statement, but he appeared very skeptical and contentious about the Plan. How do we know if any governors have been served or not, and who is going to confirm this, if “secrecy” must be maintained to “protect people”? This whole thing sounds like wishful thinking and fantasy. Sam also mentioned in that broadcast that some of the “elite” and some of the “banksters” are “on board” with his Plan, because they know that the system cannot continue on its present course. He even claimed that the Vatican and others in the “elite” are on board because the present course will no longer benefit them. These evil entities have profited enormously from the suffering, warfare, financial shenanigans, fraud, taxation, etc. perpetrated by all of them against the People, for centuries, so why would they suddenly just abandon something so lucrative for this “Plan”? Again, folks, things just don’t add up here.

While most of us would like to see such things take place, as have been represented by Sam, the likelihood of these tyrants giving up their “gig” is, in our view, slim to zero, especially based upon the work and “orders” of approximately only 1300 or so American Citizens. Do these Citizens, no matter how well intended, speak for you? And if so, under what lawful authority? Did you extend your authority to them and give them permission to speak for you?

Those of you who have been true to the Constitution(s) and those of you willing to go back to them, can go to our website to learn the very simple, easy and direct methods we advocate and, hopefully, apply them in your own communities, wherever needed, to restore just Constitutional governance. For those of you who are interested, we have CDs of these methods, taken from a case Margy prevailed, twice, against the fourth largest holding company in America, and we also have DVDs of some of our seminars. Donations in any amount are always welcome and greatly appreciated.

The letter we sent to Sam is presented below.

Best regards,

Jack and Margy

Wed, March 3, 2010 1:06:47 PM

: John Adams [Chat now]

To: The Guardian Elders

Dear Sam,

It was good to have heard from you, though, to be candid, rather surprising, after three and a half years or so. As you said in your email, it has been “toooo long”, so let’s not make it another three years before we communicate again!

Following our brief phone conversation, yesterday, I discussed with Jack the information you conveyed to me, and, last night, we reviewed all of the material you sent by email, which, per your request, has not been shared with anyone else. Since the documents were quite lengthy, and since some were in old-style type, which conveys dignity to the documents, but can be hard to decipher, it took some time read and digest them, so we decided to “sleep on them” before conveying our honest comments and observations to you, today. You explained that your time frame is an urgent one, so we wish to be as clear, succinct and direct as possible.

Sam, as you likely know, Jack and I have been in the battle for lawful governance since we were teenagers, so for some fifty plus years we have been aware of, exposing and overcoming the egregious fraud which has passed for “government”, at all levels in this country, by holding “public servants” to their oaths and the Constitutional mandates thereof. Over the past 11 years, in New Mexico, we and our group have won hundreds of victories, using our Constitutional methods, in court, administratively and in public forums. We have been urging our fellow Americans to get involved and be responsible for their freedom, so we applaud the efforts anyone makes to restore righteous governance to America.

Many people have asked us our opinion of what you and your colleagues are trying to accomplish for America. Since you attended one of our seminars and you thus know that Margy and I are direct and to the point, we will tell you essentially what we told them. Although we agree with the principles encompassed within your materials, we do not support the approach. In the first place, from what you said, your approach was birthed by and relies heavily upon military support. As avowed supporters of the Supreme Law of the Land, which is also the founding political document of this nation, we cannot, in any way, whatsoever, support and condone anyone or any faction that came up through the ranks of an evil military that has demonstrated its evilness from the very inception of this nation, not only against people of other nations, but also, on numerous occasions, against members of its own and upon the American People. This evil American institution supports and enforces the unlawful, pernicious and destructive policies of the very evil entities that have controlled this nation from its inception. Anyone who relies upon the military to do anything Constitutional or just, is sadly mistaken and puts himself at risk. Sam, you have a lot of intelligence, so we urge you to take a strong second look at this entire position, which appears to be dependent upon military might.

One of our dear friends is a retired Air Force Major, who loves the Law and the Constitution. He told us, when the subject of the “Oath Keepers” arose, that, as far as his direct experience goes, he has never seen a solider who would not obey an order from his superior, even if that order were to shoot American Citizens. Orders like this have been issued to the military from the beginning, and the military has complied. We presented a seminar in San Diego, last summer, attended by a large number of higher echelon military, including SEALS, etc., and although they do not approve of what is going on in the government, they confirmed the same thing our friend said. The military is not now, nor has ever been, a friend to the American People. In a seminar we presented, last year, Sheriff Richard Mack, who has been somewhat involved with the Oath Keepers, was a guest speaker. Richard is a real patriot and his case, Printz and Mack v. U.S., was a victory before the Supreme Court regarding the Brady Bill and States Rights. When we told him what history shows the military would likely do, when given orders detrimental to the American People, he was silent. Good people do bad things under evil orders, and always have. Remember Nazi Germany and what the Germans said at Nuremberg about an order being an order? We wish we could say that people have evolved beyond their lemming-like consciousness, but evidence demonstrates that they have devolved, rather than evolved. We wish it were otherwise.

Beyond the military concerns, the specific methods you are using to accomplish your objective we do not condone or support. These rely very heavily upon forming De Jure Grand Juries in every state and then having the juries issue orders, which apparently come from a preconceived position, to Governors of each state. Do you and your colleagues actually believe that any governor in this country, who is the product of the fraud and the servant of evil, will ever abide by “canned orders” given by 26 or 27 “ordinary” Citizens who call themselves a De Jure Grand Jury? Sam, dear friend, this sounds to us like fantasy. Have you and your people really thought this out and considered the serious and potentially dire consequences involved?

In our considered opinion, no governor will abide by any such orders, let alone give them any real credibility, except to consider the possibility of incarceration of those grand jurors for … you pick the “crimes” and charges. These hypocritical, thugs-and-thieves-in-suits invent them as they go along, and add to their already enormous load of crap, with more crap! Sam, this is the real world, and for the past fifty-odd years, we have lived in the obnoxious reality of this world. When the governors fail to abide by the grand juries’ orders, will your military people be on hand to enforce those orders? Do you have military people in all fifty states and in D.C. whom you can trust to actively and immediately support the grand juries and enforce their orders? If not, what makes you think that the governors or the bureaucrats you named, or anyone else, will accede to these orders? Even if you did have military in fifty states who would try to enforce the orders, what do you think would happen? Have you considered the consequences? Again, Sam, this is the real world and in the real world, what happens is controlled and orchestrated by evil and pretty much always has been.

Whatever military faction claims to be your support base, will not do what you think they will, and even if they attempt it, they would be arrested and shot for treason against the “government of the United States”. In the real world, how could it be otherwise? Even if the support went to the very top, which we have a hard time believing, the same would happen. Let us say it came from the top, and everything they promised came true, do you actually believe that faction would surrender control to civilian authority? When in this real world of real evil has this ever happened?

The grand jury members would put themselves at extreme risk and so would you and your colleagues for advocating such measures. As we said, we support your principles, but not your methods. Since the beginning of our Constitutional activities, we have been quite successful, and in New Mexico, for the past 11 years, very successful in removing politicians from office, stopping major corporations and winning hundreds of cases on Constitutional grounds. Our group there was very small, but it was composed of sincere, dedicated Constitutionalists, and these victories were gained against one of the most evil corrupt governments in this nation. The retiring FBI Bureau Chief, during his final public broadcast over CBS to the People of New Mexico, said that New Mexico is the most corrupt state in the country; yet, we won against that corruption, by using the Constitution.

You may recall that I (Margy) was foreman of the San Miguel County Grand Jury in New Mexico and encountered enormous fraud, criminal actions, deceit, etc. by the entire jurisdiction, including the D.A., his office and prosecutors, the police, the courts and the prisons. When I challenged this entire system for these actions, the system was totally dumbfounded, because it had never been challenged in its entire history. Rather than acknowledge and correct the unconstitutional criminal actions, the system’s “answer” was to cancel all remaining grand jury sessions in which I would have been foreman, which amounted to about four months. Because of what took place, we campaigned against that crooked D.A. and he lost his bid for reelection, which is very unusual for well-entrenched, drug connected D.A.s in New Mexico. The head judge was forced into retirement and we also campaigned against the state attorney general, who lost her election.

Since we left New Mexico, a few dedicated members of that group are continuing the efforts, which, thankfully, have been very successful. One of our former group members, and our friend, Russell Means, is running for governor of New Mexico on a write-in campaign and does not want to be beholden to either major party. He also ran for president of the Lakota Sioux Nation, and when we saw him just before we left New Mexico, he told us that he got 45% of the vote in a very corrupt election. Had the election been honest, he would now be president. He was one of the original activists in A.I.M., has been battling corrupt federal authorities for years, and spent time in federal prison for his courageous actions against injustice. He is a Constitutionalist and will use that document to support the People and to, hopefully, win the election.

A few other members of our New Mexico group have been very vociferous about the Constitution, especially in their efforts to stop what was thought to be a “shoo in” by major well-invested, financially and politically well-connected corporations who want to drill for oil and natural gas throughout the area of New Mexico where we used to live. Those few people have stopped this drilling, cold, by and through use of the Constitution. One of our members just spoke before the New Mexico legislature on this and other matters, and, believe it or not, received a standing ovation, which was reported over state radio stations. Yes, the Constitution is difficult to enforce, because of the evil, corrupt, vile nature of the American political and judicial systems, but with strong dedication and earnest commitment from the courageous few willing to enforce it, it can be very effective. Even the peon mentality so prevalent in the People of New Mexico can grasp this, since it is the ONLY thing that has ever won them any victories and is the only thing that can pull them out of their slavery.

A brief comment on the above: the American military decimated the ancestors of these People and stole New Mexico from the true owners. Factions of the American military deserted in droves, because of the absolutely inhumane treatment they received, especially the Irish, and joined the Mexicans’ fight for their freedom in a brigade known as the “San Patricios” to stop the hated American military. When Mexico fell, that hated American military tortured and killed the remaining members of the San Patricios, so don’t ever speak to us, to Russell Means, to A.I.M., to any true freedom movement, to any true American patriot, or the People of New Mexico about the hated American military.

As we said, Sam, we present things exactly as we see them. Diplomacy is not our strong suit, but truth is, so we hope you understand the positions from which we come. If you would like our suggestions, from a Constitutional position, regarding your well-intended goals, we would be very happy to provide approaches that have been successful for the past fifty-odd years. If true Constitutional advocates, in the many thousands and, hopefully, millions, all over this nation, were to adopt these very simple Constitutional methods and enforce them upon reluctant local, state, and federal governments, en masse, then, maybe what we have done in a small way, all our lives, can be done on the national scene. Please let us know. Further, if you would like us to speak to other people in Maine who may have interest in joining your plan, we would be happy to do so. We look forward to hearing from you. It is best to communicate to this email than by phone.

One final note: You and many others, such as Jack Smith, Winston Shrout, Barton Butz, and scores of other people going back to the late thirties, forties and fifties, have been teaching various sundry combinations of Commercial/Maritime/Admiralty/Redemption/UCC methods, etc., etc. to the American People, which, to the extreme detriment of America, has taken the focus of hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, who could have acted as true patriots and true Constitutionalists, and embroiled them in these off-track, mercenary methods, which basically appear more interested in personal gain than in restoration of Constitutional governance in this nation. Whether you and the others believe that what you were doing was correct, or not, the results are the same. As you may know, “government” cleverly sets up “opposition” to its programs, replete with shills and provocateurs, to ensure that any real patriotic efforts are distracted from their objectives, enticed with “a pot of gold at the end”, insidiously divided and eventually disbanded.

The above referenced methods were not designed to be effective or successful. In our view, they were designed to deceive, which is why there have been so few real victories over many, many years, despite rigorous efforts by their proponents. Proponents and their followers unwittingly did the bidding of their enemies, which is typical in this upside down world. How sad for these people and how devastatingly unfortunate for America. Evil is very, very clever, extremely enticing and so successful at manipulating even the very best minds. Sam, in our considered opinions and gut instincts, the circumstances indicate that you are being duped, and in the process, you are unwittingly duping others. We sincerely hope we are wrong, but from our past record, our guts usually prove correct.

Had the early movements been and remained Constitutionally based and had those movements been picked up, extended, and spread throughout the country to enforce the Constitution upon every aspect of errant, de facto government throughout this nation, then, we would not be facing the diabolical, satanic, evil rule which controls virtually every aspect of American and planetary life. We expanded our seminar presentations out of New Mexico nearly four years ago to warn the People that, in our opinion, we only had about 5 to 6 years to change things Constitutionally and restore just government to America. Had you and the other groups emphatically and enthusiastically supported the Constitution, instead of focusing upon methods for monetary gain, America could be a lot safer and freer, today.

Best regards,

Jack and Margy

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Old 04-01-2010, 12:21 PM   #19
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

sorry, this post was a system's error. Please, can somebody erase it? Thanks

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Old 04-01-2010, 12:27 PM   #20
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

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Old 04-01-2010, 12:39 PM   #21
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Originally Posted by qbeac View Post
For instance, they criticize that Sam Kennedy’s plan relies too much on the US military...
Sam Kennedy's plan involving the military is what I LOVE about the plan!!

It's the military DEFENDING the U.S. Constitution that we need, for God's sake.
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Old 04-02-2010, 08:20 PM   #22
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Hi everyone, according to the following “official” news, it seems the Restore America Plan (RAP) is moving forward. But, will it succeed? In my opinion, its success will depend on how it is organized and who are the people who back it up, who support it, who enforce it, especially high level people (from the military, secret government, etc.). If the RAP is organized, supported and enforced by dark high level people, that would be bad news, and vice versa.

Capitol locked down in wake of threats
By Geoff Dornan

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

State workers and visitors to the Nevada Capitol were surprised Wednesday morning to find all but the front door locked and metal detectors for both packages and people set up at the entrance.

The Capitol was locked down late Tuesday after the FBI advised the governors of all 50 states they would be receiving letters from an extremist group demanding their resignations.

The letters advises those governors that, if they don't resign, members of the group will come and “commandeer” their offices. It was received by the Capitol Police at noon Monday and immediately turned over to FBI investigators.

The letters are apparently from an organization allied with Sovereign Citizens, which the Anti-Defamation League identifies as a collection of anti-government groups advocating an anarchist ideology. Its followers believe every level of government in the United States is illegitimate and should be eliminated. One of the ideology's adherents was Terry Nichols, accomplice of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

The Department of Public Safety could not be reached for comment on the situation.

Lynn Hettrick, Deputy Chief of Staff to Gov. Jim Gibbons, said the decision by the governor's office and Public Safety was to "err on the side of caution" and implement tough security measures since the Capitol houses offices of not only the governor but lieutenant governor, secretary of state, controller and treasurer.

Not only were six of the seven doors into the building locked down, a buildings and grounds crew used heavy equipment to strategically place large boulders at the ungated entrances to the Capitol grounds, blocking vehicles but allowing pedestrian access.

Hettrick said Nevada apparently wasn't singled out, that every governor's office in the country received one of the letters.


Users' comments:

RestoreAmericaPlan wrote:

For THE REAL STORY, please see:

The complete 4-1/2 hour audio detailis are here:

Active movement to restore America and toshake off the corporate United States, restoring true sovereign citizenship toall her citizens.

The package mentioned, sent to the States Governors included the Declaration of Liberty, which was signed by 26 Grand Jurors.

Sunday Night at 8PM EST on The Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN)

The Restore America Plan is a bold achievable strategy for behind-the-scenes peaceful reconstruction of the de jure institutions of government without controversy, violence or civil war. After consultation with high ranking members of the United States armed forces, the Plan is in the process of assembling the Guardians of the Free Republics.
3/31/2010 8:25:33 PM on nevadaappeal.com


epete22 wrote:

Hello Fellow Law Abiding Citizens.

I am happy to inform you the Above Story is true - but do not let the media spin this legal operation. Read more about it here. Support the Restore American Plan. Educate yourself on criminal activity in the US Media/Gov directed at US citizens for pol/monetary gain.

For THE REAL STORY, please see:

The complete 4-1/2 hour audio detailis are here:

3/31/2010 10:01:07 PM on nevadaappeal.com


Comment by wbstreck on April 3, 2010 @ 3:28 am

Hi Ben and all those patriots and pilgrims doing their best to keep the peoples of the world safe from oppression and exploitation. The Drudge Report, MSNBC internet news, a local tv news cahnnel all reported that 30 Governors received their civil notice to decease and desist from the duties of their offie.The FBI said that this movement , altough peaceful, may incite riot.

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Old 04-02-2010, 08:22 PM   #23
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Hi everybody, it seems the "Restore America Plan" (RAP) is, at least, alive and active, judging by how much the corrupt Main Stream Media (MSM) is attacking and spinning it.

Now then, will it work? Again, that depends, in my opinion, on whether it is being backed up by negative or positive high level people (in the military and secret government). I wish we knew if they are positive or negative, cause, besides other technical factors (its legal legitimacy, etc.), that’s one of the key ones (IMHO).

Another possibility we shouldn’t discard is that the RAP is an operation of infiltrated agents to try to demonize the legitimate constitutionalist movement, identify its members and, even worse, restrict liberties to prevent further attempts; although I don’t “think” (?) that’s the case in this case, but I am not sure. I mention it just in case, so that everybody is on the watch. Also, from now on, let’s be alert for possible false flag operations to try to demonize the RAP and their supporters.

These are some official news about the RAP that a good friend has sent me, notice how they try to demonize it and spin it (Ex: MSM calls them “extremists” and other similar lies):

News and info in English:
* The Restore America Plan, general description:

* Washington Post

* Guardian de Londres

* Yahoo.com

* Daily News de Nueva York

* The Detroit News

* The Restore America Plan, debate:

* FBI, DHS probe ‘Guardians’ who demanded governors resign
Stephen C. Webster. Raw Story. April 4, 2010

* Will Feds Use Letter Sent by Sovereign Citizen Group to Stage False Flag?
Kurt Nimmo. Infowars.com. April 3, 2010

* Extremist group demands governors resign, FBI says
CNN. April 3, 2010
News and info in Spanish:
* El mismo artículo en español en Gonzi.com

Last edited by qbeac; 04-04-2010 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 04-05-2010, 01:09 AM   #24
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

More interesting info about the RAP:


Min. 0:00 to 0:15. Political prisoners like Sherry Peel Jackson will be out of jail.

Min. 3:00 to 3:50. Sherry Peel Jackson will be one of the very first people who will be free from jail.
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Old 04-06-2010, 08:45 PM   #25
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Default Re: “The Restore America Plan”: Peaceful solution to end US corruption

Hi everyone, this is another update about the RAP, and once again I must clarify that I don’t know if this information is true or false. Whoever is in a position to discern it, please, help us to do so.

Restore America Plan - Update 4/6/10
Inside Information. Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Inside Information Update 4/6/10 – Restore America Plan

The following comes from several ‘real’ intelligence resources, my research and insider sources.

1. There is no shortage of funds for future recovery. Trusts have been established for every administration and these trust funds are available for proper disbursement.

There are vast sums in very high trillions available for Social Security which will not be affected.

2. The military has already informed obama that he is no longer Commander-in-Chief.
3. The closed door emergency meeting of the Federal Reserve on Monday 4/5/10 did discuss the financial default and how to respond to the people’s declaration. They are in panic.
4. There is a “Gag Order” on the governors and other officials who are served. If they say anything, they lose there option to sign on or resign. In short, they will be removed by the military.
5. We are simply sovereigns. Beware of any article using “sovereign citizens”. This is propaganda by the PTB.
6. FBI at high levels were informed about the plan before delivery.
7. Fulford is aware of activities and a participant on worldwide recovery on an international level.
8. There is an international participation in the program(s) which will become more evident in the next few weeks.
9. Bonding will not be available for corporate entities. They will have to operate in the de jour government under the constitution.
10. Corporate government and entities cannot access the C.A.F.R. funds without the bonds.
11. All Bonds have been “arrested” by the republic and cannot be used by the corporate government and entities. The arrest of the bonds-from the U.S. Corporation down to the smallest country will cause a stoppage in all activities. They cannot conduct business as they are not ‘bondable’.
12. Corporate Courts cannot conduct any business without bonds.

Remember – If it looks like Nesara, acts like Nesara and functions like Nesara but spelled
differently ---- IT IS THE RESTORE PLAN
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