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Old 12-11-2009, 02:57 PM   #1
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Default Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

Greetings, beloveds! So glad to be back on the forum...have been keeping up with the changes at Camelot...so wonderful to watch the evolution!

I am a professional intuitive and spiritual channel, just wanted to share what came through this morning about this phenomenon in Norway.

Being slightly cynical, I really thought this was from HAARP for psy ops, but thats not what I heard. Anyway, take it or leave it, I just wanted to share.

Incidently, many things that I've channeled over the years on the collective level have come to pass, and in personal readings, the channelings are incredibly accurate, so, be that as it may, I tend to trust it. Blessings!

Channeling about spiral sky in Norway.

Humanity is being prepared to face the reality that there are beings from other star systems here and engaging on Earth for their higher good. However, many of these beings are not what you would call, “human” in that they do not appear to function organismistically as humans do.

This will be quite disconcerting to the majority of your population. Thus, it is necessary to GRADUALLY accustom your people to the introduction of phenomenon which is “out of this world.” Have you noticed the relative “calm” surrounding this event? Consider that you are being psychologically prepared to interact with other species of beings whom are here to assist you in your rebuilding efforts in the wave of emergence as the ascension continues.

Know that those who seek to maintain the status quo are being undermined in their efforts by forces of light. Be aware beloveds: this is not because you are being “rescued,” for “rescue” is quite beneath beings of your stature. You are simply EVOLVING to step into the full conscious creatorship that is your true inheritence. BE AWARE: it is YOU who are creating these empowering changes, beloveds. NO being can intercede in your evolutionary path. Therefore, understand, you do not need to be “rescued” and the “bad guys” do not need to be “taken out.” YOU are “taking them out,” by vibrating the NEED for them KARMICALLY right out of your experience-do you understand this?

And so, be at peace and continue to trust the process. All is well~OM AH HUM.
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Old 12-11-2009, 03:47 PM   #2
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

I guess most of us in Avalon are intuitive beings, Intuition being one of the atributes of the 2nd Harmonic Universe or the realm of the soul.

I am very sceptical of channelings cos there is definitevely a take over agenda in the planet and the whole of the galaxy... How can you tell when a channeler is being untruthfull to you?...in any case why evolved beings that are all powerful need to take over somebody elses body to speak to us? Isn't it strange that being so powerfull can not communicate with all of us at once? Whatever happened to telephaty we are all able to receive messages directly.

All these soapy messages give us no knowlege except to tell us that we should not concern ourselves with what "them ascended beings" are doing. Please, it is outrageous that we are patronized in this way, this is our planet and we should be asked and informed before anything happens here.

That blue spiral and the wormwhole vortex does not bode well, that it is ET intervention in my opinion there is no doubt...but what kind of ET, definitelly not friendly, they can only be the ones that have been ruling the planet to its destruction and are orchestrating the last touches for our downfall?

Beings that have our best interest at heart will not be conducting operation hidden in the night and pretend "it is not happening" they will comunicate with us and ask for our consent, not the consent of the already sold out goverments...

We are at a critical point, a make or break situation, we need to stop being gulible and ask, ask, ask and ask the right questions until we are fully satisfied that whoever is out there is not working for humanity demise or further explotation of the beings of this planet and the planet itself.

If you were Earth will you be amussed at someone beaming at you energy that hurts you?

Please do not take this personally, I know you mean well but it is about time that we stop giving our consent and energy, albeit mentally, to beings that only want the destruction of the human race and the planet

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Old 12-11-2009, 04:14 PM   #3
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

I honestly think it could be a spiritual phenonmenon. Perhaps it can explain why I've been filled with love and warmth for most of the past week. I may not have been able to show it but I definitely felt it.
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Old 12-11-2009, 04:33 PM   #4
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

I have been filled with love too but that does not necessarily mean that what they are doing with the H A A R P in Tromso has nothing to do with it. There are other phenomena happening at this time of the year that make people feel more loving.

Some calll it the spirit of xmas....

H A A R P tends to create bad weather and earthquakes...

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Old 12-11-2009, 05:10 PM   #5
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
I guess most of us in Avalon are intuitive beings, Intuition being one of the atributes of the 2nd Harmonic Universe or the realm of the soul.

I am very sceptical of channelings cos there is definitevely a take over agenda in the planet and the whole of the galaxy... How can you tell when a channeler is being untruthfull to you?...in any case why evolved beings that are all powerful need to take over somebody elses body to speak to us? Isn't it strange that being so powerfull can not communicate with all of us at once? Whatever happened to telephaty we are all able to receive messages directly.

All these soapy messages give us no knowlege except to tell us that we should not concern ourselves with what "them ascended beings" are doing. Please, it is outrageous that we are patronized in this way, this is our planet and we should be asked and informed before anything happens here.

That blue spiral and the wormwhole vortex does not bode well, that it is ET intervention in my opinion there is no doubt...but what kind of ET, definitelly not friendly, they can only be the ones that have been ruling the planet to its destruction and are orchestrating the last touches for our downfall?

Beings that have our best interest at heart will not be conducting operation hidden in the night and pretend "it is not happening" they will comunicate with us and ask for our consent, not the consent of the already sold out goverments...

We are at a critical point, a make or break situation, we need to stop being gulible and ask, ask, ask and ask the right questions until we are fully satisfied that whoever is out there is not working for humanity demise or further explotation of the beings of this planet and the planet itself.

If you were Earth will you be amussed at someone beaming at you energy that hurts you?

Please do not take this personally, I know you mean well but it is about time that we stop giving our consent and energy, albeit mentally, to beings that only want the destruction of the human race and the planet


I also mean no disrespect

I feel channeling information is of the old paradigm in which a select few may or may not be getting information on behalf of others that is accurate as it is always interpreted by the channeler and their perceptions.

I feel not only are we all intuitive but that we are all receiving information, it is more about removing that which stands in the way of hearing it.

As a rule I do not allow a label to limit who I am, rather to 'flow like water' allowing for continued evolution without being stuck into a particular mindset.

So being in the mindset of I am nothing, I know nothing keeps me available to everything, and keeps the ego from attaching itself to form and matter, opinions and predominently left brain thinking.
I am not saying this is the Truth, just what I believe and what works for me. Everyone is on their own unique path of experience

Love & Light to all
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Old 12-11-2009, 05:27 PM   #6
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

Here there is a reasonable explanation regarding what happened in Norway by Cliff High

Please follow the link to the video


It appears that it is a Russian manipulation or destruction of the ethers, not a spiritual happening

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Old 12-11-2009, 05:34 PM   #7
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Lightbulb Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

i think this whole spiral energy thing was a portal into another realm if you look

at the pictures close you see it kinda has aspects of how a galaxy spirals plus i

also noticed the waves eminating from the center were perfectly flowing out like

as the ripples from a pond and then they stop when the whole is punched

and evrything starts going back to normal
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Old 12-11-2009, 05:39 PM   #8
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

I feel it is an attempt at "project Blue Beam" to see how well the population buys into it...
they do have to try their stuff out before atemting it throughout the world... The idea will be to make us believe we are being invaded by Evil Aliens...

Check out the blue colored beam connecting the hologram to somewhere on Earth...
I wish it was the benevolent ETs because I love them and I am very connected to them being a Starseed myself...
But I jusd wasnt moved by this spiral at all...
Intuition is its man made...
Funny Obama was reiceiving the nobel peace price there the following day...
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Old 12-11-2009, 06:22 PM   #9
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

I just listened to Paola Harris on Coast to Coast and she mentioned that she feels the same way that you to Theresa

The fact that Russia has come out now and said it was a missfired missle is all hogwash

She fully believes that true exposure will be happening via the ET's themself

No government official with be involved as they are unable to do so

She also feels this is just the start of many to come. In fact she mentioned the Russian UFO incident from last month

I do not believe in "giving any free reigns" away myself. I have felt differently for a long time myself.

We are not being "saved" or "rescued" any longer. I see it as working together to save the planet and our given rights
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Old 12-11-2009, 07:53 PM   #10
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

Thanks Theresa,

My first take was wormhole and my second was crop circle in the sky.
The swampgas official explanations came soon and Doug and Dave will follow if any others see it as crop circles in the sky.

Someday we will know what it is, and for now, I am re asserting my focus on a future as I want it to be, and in fact living that future right now.

Thank you for your input,

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Old 12-11-2009, 08:15 PM   #11
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

Hogland says in his website that it is a Hyperdimensional torsion field

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Old 12-11-2009, 11:38 PM   #12
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

I just listened to Paola Harris on Coast to Coast and she mentioned that she feels the same way that you to Theresa

Yes, mntruthseeker...this is more in alignment with what I hear.

Also, Richard Hoagland saying that its a hyperdimensional torsion field does not rule out what I posted above.

I listened to the Rense link and if you listen carefully, that explanation is STILL speculation....the commentary is from really smart observers, but not from the "source" itself, if that was Russian military, etc.

The concept of a "crop circle in the sky" resonates with me too, from the point of view of its purpose.

so...the thing about channeling. Until you actually experience channeling, and I mean PROVABLE, high consciousness channeling, its very difficult to trust information that sounds too "out there." Believe me! I know!

The thing is, I've been channeling for over 8 years professionally (as in as a "healer" and counselor to hundreds of people, and the information that comes through is such accurate higher truth, on a very deep soul level, that it changes people's lives. So, thats why I tend to trust it-I've just seen it prove itself with LOVE too many times to discount it at this point.

Also, many of their global predictions that I've channeled have come to pass, but its such a huge cycle, that it will be some years until all of their information pans out.

At any rate, I appreciate everyone who contributes to this forum very much! Its a sign that the collective truly IS awakening!

Much love and many blessings! Theresa

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Old 12-11-2009, 11:50 PM   #13
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

These are exactly the thoughts and feelings that I had about the phenomenon, Theresa. Thank you so much for your insightful and optimistic message!

Yes, we know all these things - to not lose faith and keep on "fighting" the good fight, keeping the dream alive - but sometimes, it is SO VALUABLE to be reminded. It's quite easy to falter off the spiritual path or the path of unconditional love. It can be SO EASY to fall apart and lose our way, even for a moment. So I'm very appreciative, Theresa, of the extra reminder you have given all of us - it is very helpful!

Whether it's channeled or not isn't the point (although I do believe you.) - it's the fact that the words are uplifting and, when we're talking with Love, aren't we speaking through our Higher Selves, and doesn't that MEAN that we're channeling from a higher source? That's how I see it, anyway.

Well, thanks again, Theresa. Love to you!

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Old 12-12-2009, 02:22 AM   #14
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway


Beloveds, remember that we are evolving at a very fast rate of velocity now. "Velocity" is the only true word to describe it!

Every single one of us, whether we are awake to it or not, has agreed to "Be Here Now," as it were, to rediscover the mystery of Golgatha~which is beyond the Sermon on the Mount, but is the actual Ascension of the Christ within...

so, can you imagine that all of this is simply a "mystery play," being enacted for our own higher good?

Its so and its true...let your heart follow these words, my divine brothers of the sword of truth, facing the only real enemy which is the doubt of the self within!

Ok, that was a call to arms for the Templars that are reincarnated in this lifetime, in service to our Lord~the Lord of Hosts, of all that is~

This is a call to awaken and return to the fold....you know who you are!
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Old 12-12-2009, 03:14 AM   #15
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

It was no phenomenon.

It was a Russian missile, a failed missile.

When I first saw a video of it, that's exactly what I thought it was, a missile.
If you've seen a number of rocket launches, that is what you would recognize.

I spent a couple of years launching rockets made for youth, with my son, had them go a mile high. It was a blast. Many a time a rocket wouldn't "go straight". Rockets will twirl and do strange things.
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Old 12-12-2009, 03:21 AM   #16
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

The Big Spiral in the Sky means that We're Screwed!
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Old 12-12-2009, 04:27 AM   #17
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

"The Big Spiral in the Sky means that We're Screwed!"

Darling and hilarious!!
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Old 12-12-2009, 01:07 PM   #18
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
The Big Spiral in the Sky means that We're Screwed!
I can't get enough of your humor Ortho!

Welcome back Theresa! You let your heart talking and your intuition is really appreciated here.

I am not convinced it is a non-human phenomena. I still think its a kind of human secret technology. I saw the Russian event on video and it looked like something was actually launched from Earth. It makes me think about High Energy Plasma Beam because of the blue spiral and the intense light on the ground.

Anyway, thank you for your input and keep posting!

Namaste, Steven
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Old 12-12-2009, 01:32 PM   #19
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

Facts and science combined with spirituality works... That someone says that they have channeled something means nothing if it does not come with the logical explanation to support their theories... otherwise we already have enough fanatical religions in this planet

Love of course, but what kind of love? soapy co-dependant love or real love that comes from spirit and compels us to take responsibility and stop giving our power away to "self appointed ascended masters"

So Metatron comes an say he has opened a portal, and his proof please?

I am sure that gazilions of other "ascended masters" will claim that they are the ones that "opened the portal"

We have the Russians here and H A A R P, at least the starting point for a theory. What can you offer appart from the say so of Metatron...and the one that says he/she channeled Metatron?

The All Oneness gave us brains and intuition didn't it? Lets use them
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Old 12-12-2009, 06:20 PM   #20
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Old 12-12-2009, 06:46 PM   #21
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

Hi Theresa
Thank you for bringing us this message.
Can i ask if it was from your usual chanel? i.e one that you trust. From what i have gathered it is not the channeler that is to be misstrusted ( people like yourself are definitely light workers ) but sometimes a new channel can be the one doing the duping.

I feel very fortunate sometimes in that i am versed in the spiritual aspects of our awakening, but do wonder how to bring this information to the unwilling masses. Those that are watching the latest sitcom right now worried about their next mobile phone upgrade. 95% of the population where i live.
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Old 12-12-2009, 07:00 PM   #22
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

It was a wonderful display whatever it was. I hope it does follow along the line from the thread author. I'm all for inviting the positive aliens here. I'm quite tired of this existence(wars, hunger) I have a good life today but I would like to see those living in poverty get a step up. I look forward to 2012. I am going to continue leaning towards the positive, and continue the hope.
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Old 12-12-2009, 07:03 PM   #23
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

Listen to the latest interview of David Willcock where he explains in depth the many reasons the spiral is NOT created by a rocket.

I fully agree with him.. its actually laughable to think this was created by a rocket. The infrared image especially washes away that possibility..
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Old 12-12-2009, 07:19 PM   #24
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Arrow Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

Originally Posted by TheChosen View Post
Listen to the latest interview of David Willcock where he explains in depth the many reasons the spiral is NOT created by a rocket.

I fully agree with him.. its actually laughable to think this was created by a rocket. The infrared image especially washes away that possibility..

hey do you have the link for the interveiw id like to hear it thanks
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Old 12-12-2009, 07:37 PM   #25
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Default Re: Spiral Phenomenon over Norway

It resonate with me what you said here Theresa.
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