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Old 05-19-2009, 12:39 AM   #51
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Mankind & Earth: the Necessary Ingredients for a Responsible Love Story

Originally Posted by RaKaR View Post
Nice idealistic words, 14 Chakras.
Consider now the amount of garbage alone, which 5, 6 or 7 billion Humans produce! Daily.
Hi RaKar,

I appreciate that you see some big problems for humanity here at this time and I share your concerns. In that respect, I’m in complete agreement with you.

Things simply cannot keep going in the direction they are going because they are not sustainable as they are. More people living here in an unsustainable manner is a danger to the planet and the future of humanity, I agree.

However, as Einstein said: “You can’t solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created the problem in the first place”.

If we can agree on that, then we can agree that humanity will not solve our problems with the same kind of thinking and consciousness that has enabled us to create such an unsustainable way of living in the first place.

For example, even if we massively depopulated the earth, do you really think that the people that were left would truly be happy? There was a lot less population 2000 years ago, but about the same amount of wars that there are today.

Instead of looking at the problem being too many people, perhaps we can agree that problem is that the world cannot indefinitely support more people living the way we are currently living.

If that's how we define the problem, then if we could find a way for humanity to live in a sustainable way with our world we might be on our way to seeing that the world can indeed support large populations of people.

For example, clean free energy is a reality, it’s just not yet a collectively agreed upon reality and therefore it is not a part of our daily experience (as discussed in numerous project Camelot interviews).

Of course, it requires a very big shift in our way of living and thinking, but if we can start to see that that is a possibility for humanity to live sustainably, then population control no longer has to be the solution.

The solution can instead be, that we shift our way of being into a sustainable and harmonious manner with our environment and actually become symbiotic benefactors of our environment rather that living like (and believing) we are parasites.

Now you say this is idealistic, and indeed it is, however, it is high time we realized that there are no limitations in reality.

Humanity is controlled by the illusion that they have no power, that they are separated from the infinite and therefore are powerless victims of the world rather than co-creators of it. Through our illusion of separation and powerlessness, we have collectively created a world that we can be pessimistic about. Thankfully though, Kali Yuga is over and Now the higher consciousness within us is more than willing to create a reality to be optimistic about!

It takes pioneers in consciousness, to break through these collective illusions of separation, suffering and lack and lead the way into the promised land, the reality of Oneness and abundance for all life. (Note that Oneness is not sameness, it is awakening to the reality that we are all part of the same body of the infinite, yet we are unique and beautiful individualized expressions of that same larger Universal Loving Intelligence).

This is the true great work, and this is why many of us have embodied at this time.

We are not here to try and solve humanities problems from the same level of consciousness that created them. No, that’s what the wolves in sheep’s clothing, who are currently doing their utmost to maintain control of the collective consciousness, would like us to do.

The controllers know we sense there are problems, so they want us to keep focused on the problem and solution being outside of ourselves rather than inside of us.

We are here to bring the reality of the abundant life to planet earth by coming into Oneness with our own higher Self and letting our higher Self be the doer through us.

As Jesus said “I and my Father are one”, and “I am not the doer, it is the father [higher Self] within who does the work”. It is through our Oneness with our divine blue print, as above so below, that we will bring the abundant life to earth.

I realize this response might feel overly philosophical when talking about a linear perceived problem such as overpopulation, but I think a fair question for anyone interested in this subject is:

Should we be trying to solve the problems we are facing from the same level of consciousness that created them in the first place? Or should we focus on raising our consciousness so we can bring forth lasting solutions that create a sustainable, peaceful and increasingly abundant world?

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 05-19-2009 at 03:58 AM.
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Old 05-19-2009, 05:19 AM   #52
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Default Re: Mankind & Earth: the Necessary Ingredients for a Responsible Love Story


Hello 14 Chakras (how is it that you have twice as many as the rest of us lowly Human Beings?)

[ "However, as Einstein said: “You can’t solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created the problem in the first place”.

"If we can agree on that, then we can agree that humanity will not solve our problems with the same kind of thinking and consciousness that has enabled us to create such an unsustainable way of living in the first place." ]

"We" can certainly agree with that. The problems created from a LACK of Human Logical thinking are those where solutions have come to us from a higher realm than the Material Earth.

The solutions have been proposed from an advanced realm of the Spiritually Enlightened, and then presented to us from Human Beings from the Plejares (Pleiades) by way of Billy Meier. And again, Billy Meier himself is a very far advanced Spirit now on Earth to guide Humanity to the Truth of Creation and the Truth of the Spirit, which is the life within every Human Being. For those who study the Spiritual teachings, the false ideologies in the religious, sectarian, and political arenas become readily apparent.

Over-Population is a SYMPTOM of the wrong turn taken by those which would enslave Humanity with their false gods, false dogmas, false ideologies.

Over-Population, in turn, is the CAUSE of all the sickness in the Earth itself. More than One-Billion Humans are now at or near starvation; the resources of Earth are running out; artificial food production methods will never satisfy the increasing demands (Soylent-Green, anyone?); wars are becoming more prevalent, more deadly, and more widespread; people a immigrating away from their homelands, their "comfort-zones," in ever increasing numbers to find better lives, only to find themselves further enslaved to make the barest living standards among others who resent their presence; crimes of every kind, murders, thievery, rapes, drug abuse, alcoholism, kidnappings, piracy, malnutrition. Whole generations are being lost in apathetic madness. Whatever Genius COULD have arisen from these generations, are lost for lack of encouragement, support, or opportunity. So, do you think we should just jam more people into smaller and smaller areas?

Over-Population DOES have a Humanitarian solution, which does NOT involve mass murder in Nuclear Fire Storms or engineered Pandemics. The Global Birth-Stop initiative is the better way. Yes this will take longer to accomplish a reduction of the total population to less than One-Billion, but this is better than the mass graves of the PTB / Elite.

The Zero-Point Energy will have to be pried out of the hands of those power-hungry elite which have concealed the technology from the rest of us.

When ENOUGH Human Beings become LOGICAL THINKERS, this is the "CRITICAL-MASS" that will move us forward.


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Old 05-19-2009, 08:31 AM   #53
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Default Re: Mankind & Earth: the Necessary Ingredients for a Responsible Love Story

Greeting you all,

Thanks for your contribution and insights, 14 Chakras, J_rod 7 and all the others.

Are you by any chance familar with Wisdom? - i am asking, for i have the feeling, Wisdom Itself chose to speak with your words. On this one!:-)

14 Chakras,
No, we "should NOT be trying to solve the problems we are facing from the same level of consciousness that created them in the first place."
We "should focus on raising our consciousness so we can bring forth lasting solutions that create a sustainable, peaceful and increasingly abundant world."
To begin with.

PROPERLY understanding overpopulation, properly tackling overpopulation demands a revolutionary NEW level of consciousness: SELF RESPONSIBILITY.
We, Humans, MUST understand, acknowledge and effectively accept our responsibility for ourselves, for other species of Earth and for Mother Earth self.
The point of departure in our approach is the ultimate Oneness of Humanity in Spirit and Consciousness, hence our Responsibility for what is, was and will be with us and with our Planet.

"Instead of looking at the problem being too many people, perhaps we can agree that problem is that the world cannot indefinitely support more people living the way we are currently living."
Spot on, 14 Chakras! - what the last part concerns.

"Responsibility begins already in the dreams", said Dali, echoing Sigmund Freud and indeed, the reality, all that is - apart from the four fundamental elements - is a creation of Man; it is the cristallization, the realization of THOUGHTS and WILL .
"Be responsible of your own thoughts, master your thoughts and you could make mountains perform saltos!", i should really dare state!
We chose the way we now live; we created the current reality; yes, we are co-creators and as such we must ALSO be able to rectify, refine, add to, edit or undo THIS reality.

Now then.
We all agree, we are on a wrong track, that there is something fundamentally wrong with our world and the way we go about life.
It should also be clear, that Earth is a closed, interdependent system, where not only the quantity of energy is always stable and the same (remember the first law of thermodynamics, id est 'Principle of Conservation of Energy', entropy), but even the quantity of water is the same - it can not substantially increase, in any case - and in these circumstances, management, rational use, sound planning are indeed a matter of sheer common sense.

Or could you possibly advocate, that we unlimitedly keep bringing new Humans into such a world?
Would there be any trace of any spirituality in so doing?
Why not first fix our mess? - at least!

And to all those waving the 'Lots-of-vacant-land-around' argument, we ask:

But at which cost? What about the Flora and Fauna?

Once again, overpopulation is a reality and we would better pull our heads out of the sand!
In the choice between extinction and evacuation - we are imposing to ourselves - it might yet not be too late to strongly embrace education.

And, as you rightly pointed it out, one should certainly consider the spiritual character of being a Human more thoroughly, with more self reflection, that is neutral-positively - also with regard to overpopulation.
Allow me to quote a good friend here:

A wise Shaman once said:
"We are killing our grandchildren to feed our children."

That is what it is down to, sadly.
That is also what overpopulation exposes: the mode of temporality in consciousness in which the current Humanity dwells: focused exclusively on the here and now, narrow, vegetative, trapped in the vicious circle of fight for sole physical survival, short-sighted, materially egocentric, subjectively anthropocentric...
We have forgotten, we are infinite in time and space; that we are essentially spiritual beings and as such, the Embodiment of the Transcendental Totality in a potentially absolute mode of being and manifestation.

Earth Humans should be doing better than that.

Looking forward to your further contributions.



Sprechet zur Weisheit: "Wahrlich, du bist meine Schwester, und in dir wohnet die Klugheit, die da ist meine Freundin."
(OM 31: 271)


Last edited by RaKaR; 05-20-2009 at 05:26 AM. Reason: precision
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Old 05-30-2009, 12:03 AM   #54
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Default Re: Mankind & Earth: the Necessary Ingredients for a Responsible Love Story

Is planet earth in the third dimension really a closed system? I believe it may be a lot more interdependent with the rest of creation, and higher dimensions than we may think.

Perhaps what is happening in the material is simply a reflection of our own collective beliefs and illusions. Perhaps this planet is designed to provide the abundant life to all of it's students (7 billion people so far), that have chosen to embody at this time.

Maybe when we change our collective illusion that there is not enough to go around, then the earth itself will reflect our new realization.

What is matter made out of? What are atoms, cells and electrons made out of? I propose they may be made from consciousness.

Is consciousness finite or is it infinite? I believe an important understanding is that God, consciousness is infinite. There are no limitations in reality.

I suggest the big illusion humanity has been operating under is that there is only so much to go around.

Perhaps rather than looking at the world as a pie that can't get any bigger and we need to get the biggest piece by taking from our neighbor, we'll find that we really live in a world made of consciousness that reflects back to us whatever we are sending out. As we send out energy that helps our neighbor, we receive more positive energy from the source and creation becomes more.

Maybe there really is enough for everyone on planet earth to live an abundant life and only our collect illusions and individual illusions of lack are blocking that abundance.

Do you believe in the story of Jesus? If so, do you think when Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fishes that someone else somewhere lost them? I suggest when we connect to our source, we are able to bring in more light and abundance to this world from the infinite supply of consciousness within us, directly from the source.

That being said, if population were really our big problem, why then throughout history with much smaller populations have we always had a very large poor class of people, constant wars and a small elite ruling over a virtually enslaved population?

My guess is, no matter how much you lessen the population of the earth, provided we do not move past our illusions of separation from the infinite, we will have virtually the same percentage of elite people ruling the world, same percentage of poor destitute people and the same percentage of masses who, generally speaking, work for and are controlled by the elite. From my perspective you can just look at history to see that...

It is true though, a smaller population would make it easier for the elite to control and rule, so you'd probably see a lot more power and control in the hands of the few. Do you think less people would mean nicer rulers?

As for free energy, I don't see why we'd have to pry this from anyone's hands, because it is simply scientific fact that it is possible. Although the elite may use this technology, they don't own it because they don't own reality unless we give it to them.

It will take a shift in understanding from the masses that this technology is indeed real and they will demand it. We will not need to take it from anyone, just re-invent it, because it's possible and bring it out for the benefit of all people

P.S. I chose 14 Chakras as a name because I've recently come to believe we have at least 14 chakras. We worked on 7 in the ending age (Kali Yuga), and we're working on the next set as well in the Golden Age which is beginning now.
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Old 06-07-2009, 07:51 PM   #55
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"Dealing with the topic of overpopulation can be compared to an ocean liner that heads full speed into a group of icebergs, meanwhile":

[ · the crew and the passengers argue that the ticket prices should decrease and the employee wages should increase. ]
[ · there is criticism that the engine has the wrong colour, or that not enough fuel was acquired and it will run out before reaching the next gas station; after which reassurance is given that the problem will solve itself with a little trust in God because someone will certainly find a new source of fuel on the way. ]
[ · inside the wheel house it is discussed whether the crew must be made up of an equal number of representatives from different countries, whereas one faction absolutely insists on having the right of veto on every decision. ]
[ · journalists on board write articles on liaisons between passengers whilst some among them though are worried about the discovery of an unusual increase in the number of icebergs within their range of sight. ]

"And meanwhile the ocean liner travels straight ahead with undiminished speed. This preposterous situation corresponds in this instance not only to the actual state of the countries and governments of our Earth, but also to that of the bulk of the mass media."

Source quoted is from:


Creation is above all gods. The early gods of Earth were Human Beings themselves who came down from the Stars. Some were relatively benign, while others enslaved various groups of Earth Humans, used them to mine for Gold, used them to plant crops, used them to conduct warfare against the other gods and their subject Humans. The old gods are now all gone from the Earth, but their religions are still evident. The various religions were established to keep the people living in fear of retribution from the gods, to keep the Earth Humans subservient and docile.

You speak (write) of the great cycles in the ages of Earth, the cycles in civilizations. It is true that there are great cycles. However, if you consider the cycles called the Yugas, there are two major flaws in thinking.

The Yugas, in our terms, proceed from Gold to Silver to Bronze to Iron. Each cycle progressively shorter then the last. This is a decent in Consciousness from Spiritual to the Materialistic. We HAVE left the Iron-age Yuga, but we DO NOT jump from an Iron age directly to a Gold age. The cycle proceeds from Iron to Bronze to Silver to Gold in progressively longer periods. This is an ascension in consciousness from the Materialistic to the Spiritual. We are now in the early stage of the Bronze Yuga. This means, while Human Consciousness is beginning to achieve an awareness of the Spiritual, we are still embedded in material grasping and acquisitions.

The length of time in the period of the Yugas is also incorrect. Some while ago, I read an account of how the original concept of the duration of the Yugas became corrupted. I don't remember the name of the King in India, some 8,000-years BCE (Before Current Era), But his concern was for the future prosperity of his people and his Nation. The King called his wisest men to him for reassurance. Those men KNEW the true duration of the four periods of the Yugas spanned 12,960 total years, or one-half of the Zodiacal cycle of 25,920-years. But they gave the King the length of the Yugas 10 and 100 times their true values, so the King would rest more easily that his people would endure. These false periods of the Yugas became codified from that time forward. The more correct cycle is based on the precession of the Equinox, the cycle of 25,920-years.

As to achieving a rational control and reversal of the Global Over-Population; Along with this, will arise an ascension in Human Consciousness. By this we will no longer allow the greedy manipulative power-hungry to 'rule' over us on the Earth. Human Beings, by virtue of an increase in the Spiritual knowledge slowly superseding the Materialistic, will become aware of their own self-responsibility for personal Spiritual Evolution. This will not happen overnight. The seeds are taking root now, and will yet bear good fruit.

In the meantime, to achieve a Global order, there is a need for a true Global Peace-Force to disarm the neighboring nations which would attack one another. The United Nations in it's current configuration is ineffectual for this task. Every Nation would have to commit one-half of their own military to a common Peace-Force for this to be effective.


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Old 06-09-2009, 06:37 PM   #56
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Default Re: Mankind & Earth: the Necessary Ingredients for a Responsible Love Story

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
I don't agree with forced sterilization or anything. That sounds too much like a tactic of TPTB/NWO to me.
Hello HJ,

Personally I fully agree, but to provide incentives/removal of support after having a litter they cannot afford seems reasonable.

There's an old program called Zero population growth that the NWO seemed to have knocked out of commission in the US.

Seems it's more profitable to have GROWTH, but I did wonder what their plans for all the BOOMERS was; now it looks like disease/famine if not war.

Then pawn it off onto G-d.
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Old 06-22-2009, 05:12 AM   #57
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Good day!

I thought, that he following article, which could be seen as an appendix to the latest report of the US officials on global warming( see: http://www.care2.com/causes/global-w...arming-report/ ) deserves some serious consideration.

Also here, the conclusion indeed calls for a profound rethinking of our attitude towards ourselves and Mother Earth and urgent collective action to turn the tide - in line with the warnings of Billy Meier in different prophecies and predictions:


Adam Morton
June 19, 2009
"The ocean is warming about 50 per cent faster than reported two years ago, according to an update of the latest climate science.

A report compiling research presented at a science congress in Copenhagen in March says recent observations are near the worst-case predictions of the 2007 report by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

In the case of sea-level rise, it is happening at an even greater rate than projected - largely due to rising ocean temperatures causing thermal expansion of seawater.

Released last night at the European Policy Centre in Brussels, the report says ocean temperatures are a better indicator of global warming than air temperature as the ocean stores more heat and responds more slowly to change.

Report co-author Will Steffen, executive director of the Australian National University's Climate Change Institute, said the top 700 metres of the ocean had warmed by about 0.1 degrees over the past half-century."[...]


If one thinks of the potential consequences of such a steady change on the current physical shape of our world, our ways of life, the structure of the means of food production, the repartition of Human populations on Earth...

May reason and wisdom prevail.


Last edited by RaKaR; 06-22-2009 at 05:15 AM.
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Old 09-10-2009, 01:14 PM   #58
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The hard reality of daily life. A call for responsibility.


"We thought we could fish forever, because the sea was a limitless protein mine. But dawning now is a realization that we were wrong about that. But how naive were we? And what price will be paid? Ocean life is dying back in unexpected ways: although there are fewer fish and other sea animals, more of them are starving, while waves of 'sickness' spread as primitive microbes gain the upper hand."[...]


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Old 09-12-2009, 03:45 PM   #59
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Dear Avalonians,

2012 is at the doorstep.
It seems, that quite a lot would happen untill then and beyond.

We would need one another pretty much.

We need to be more self responsible than never before.
We need to develop peace of mind and steady purposes.

The spiritual Evolution of Earth Mankind and the ultimate awareness of the oneness of Human Consciousness can't be postponed any longer.

May reason and wisdom prevail.

Contact Report 476

Michael Horn:

" Synopsis

2012: What We Have Brought Upon Ourselves

In the following transcript of Billy Meier’s conversation with Ptaah, on February 3, 2009, information regarding the much publicized, and feared, catastrophic events now being associated with 2012 are discussed and clarified. Perhaps even more importantly, the truth about the actual depth of our climatic/environmental problems – and the direct link to the role of the endlessly greedy corporations and multinational corporations in denying it – is plainly stated. Also covered is how human thinking, especially the apocalyptic, fearful thinking prevalent among members of various fundamentalist groups, creates self-fulfilling prophecies, actually helping to bring about the negative events that they fearfully focus on.

Meier is on record as far back as 1951 in his warnings about climate change and the threat to our survival contained therein. And of course he also clearly pointed to the thoughtlessness of human behavior that could lead, and now actually has led, to our being on the brink of enormous, unprecedented upheavals and destruction. The latest news regarding warming in the Arctic can now only be ignored by the most foolish and deliberately blind of human beings.

While the bought off scientists and others tow the corporate (and political) line and promote the lies and denial, incontrovertible information about the effect of the melting of the glaciers seeps through, just like the waters from those glaciers that will raise sea levels worldwide. In the process of the glacial melting, the ever-increasing weight of the resulting great masses of water brings with it disastrous consequences, largely unforeseen and/or denied by most of our scientific “experts” This will take the form of both releasing long suppressed earthquakes, where glacial pressure once actually prevented them, and putting unprecedented pressure on the tectonic plates underneath the ocean floor, which also could lead to massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. (See scientific corroboration.)

Additionally, the possible collapse of the Antarctic Ice Sheet would also lead to huge problems that would have a worldwide effect, including putting Washington, D.C. under water; millions of environmental refugees, predicted by Meier, would be made homeless right in the U.S.

Routinely overlooked is the fact that we live on a…ball, a completely interconnected planet where, according also to the laws of cause and effect, the negative consequences of ill-considered actions eventually arrive, despite our ignorance or denial of the causal connections. Not surprisingly, Texas is experiencing the delayed effects of earlier, frequent drilling. Such appears to also be the case even in Oklahoma, where nine earthquakes occurred in a 24-hour period. It should be mentioned that oil extraction in Oklahoma first began around 1896.

Meier also introduces us to other, very unexpected, global consequences of our neglect and abuse, which may even spread out into space itself.

In addition to the following transcript, readers are advised to carefully study all of the warnings contained in Meier’s prophetic writings and their ever increasing corroboration. Unfortunately, many of the specific things he forewarned about, with the hope that humanity would awaken and take positive action to prevent them from occurring, are said to have now crossed the point of no return and to be predictions, i.e. unpreventable, inevitable events."


This is a small excerpt of the entire contact:


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Old 12-12-2009, 12:58 AM   #60
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Mankind & Earth: the Necessary Ingredients for a Responsible Love Story

There is a apprently a huge ice berg in the ocean, right now !!!

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