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Old 10-08-2008, 01:07 AM   #1
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Smile Nexus Conference

Howdy all,
Before I get going, I have to say a very heartfelt thank you to Duncan M. Roads (Editor: Nexus Magazine) and all the staff involved with the 2008 Nexus Conference. Without their dedication and hard work, the conference would not have been such a resounding success.
The conference was not only an avenue to see speakers from various fields, but an opportunity to meet new and wonderful people with similar views.
I had planned to to get an interview with Bill and Kerry, to which I did, but unfortunately when I went to turn on my recorder to transfer the recordings this morning, I found it totally empty. This has been a big blow to me and I deeply apologize for not being able to share it with you all.
The conference went very smoothly and there were some very good speakers, not exactly pertaining to the goals of Project Avalon, but interesting just the same.
At this point, I must mention that I met a young lady by the name of Jessica on Saturday who had flown in from Canada, but was not one of the guest speakers.
From the moment I laid eyes on her, I could sense that she was more than just a normal girl. She just radiated an aura you couldn't see, but felt very strongly. I also felt a sense of peace being next to her.
We chatted for a while and I found out that she was flown out of Canada by a friend, to whom I have forgotten his name. I deeply apologize to him if he reads this.
Jessica explained that she was a gifted girl in regards to being clairvoyant, empathic, spiritual and has an extremely deep concern of how the world and the people on it are heading for self destruction.
She strongly reminded me of Miriam Delicado.
I told Jessica that she needs to be introduced to Bill and Kerry in regards to setting up an interview.
She told me that she had not heard of Project's Camelot or Avalon, but promised to see Bill and Kerry's presentation the following day.
I found out later that Jessica was invited to the Nexus Conference, not as a speaker, but out of an urgency that she MUST attend the conference at all costs. The colleague that paid for her to come must have had a premonition.
After Bill and Kerry's presentation on Sunday afternoon, a good crowd gathered around plying them with questions. I noticed Jessica waiting to talk to Bill. I could see she was visibly shaken, so I approached her and asked if she was OK. She was close to tears and she explained to me that what Bill and Kerry had presented, was exactly what she was trying to get out to the public herself. I managed to get Kerry's attention and introduced her. They arranged to meet and talk.
Unfortunately I don't know what was arranged, but hopefully we will see Jessica in front of the Project Camelot cameras in the very near future.
Please visit Jessiaca's web site and show your support for this bright and wonderful woman.
Bill and Kerry's presentation went very well, but due to time constraints (1.5 hours), I could see it was difficult for them to squeeze many hours of information they would have liked to have presented, but I'm certain the message was received loud and clear.
They presented a ten minute video with snippets of various whistle blowers, such as: Dan Burisch, Bob Dean, Clifford Stone and others.
They also played a minute or two of the telephone conversations with Dr Bill Deagle and David Wilcock.
For anyone who has not experienced the Nexus Conference, I strongly urge you to go to the 2009 one. Its not only an eye opener, but you get to meet some really terrific people who think alike.
Here are just some of the people I met and bonded with:
Sonia (Sophie) - Our chauffer, guide and a very dear friend
Alastair (Global Nomad)
Nigel (Orion)
Pierre (I can't remember his nic, sorry bro )
Mardy and his wife who's name I've forgotten (Not yet registered)
Kathy (Suedenim) My smoking buddy
Robert (Robski)
Gilberto (Not sure if he's registered)
and many others who's names I forget, sorry.

Here's a picture taken on Saturday night:

From left to right:
Nigel (Orion), Sonia, Bill Ryan, John (Johnno), Kerry Cassidy and Pierre

Here's another:

From left to right:
John (Johnno), Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan and my son Kelvin (KellyNUTS)

I have to sign off now, as my natural high I had the whole weekend has completely worn off and I'm at my lowest ebb that I haven't experienced for many years. I deeply apologize.
Take care all and peace be with you.
Best regards,

Last edited by Johnno; 10-18-2008 at 11:44 AM.
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Old 10-08-2008, 02:15 AM   #2
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

Thanks for the brief Darkmatter. I was actually looking for any news/updates this morning on how the conference went but nothing came up on google or yahoo. Where are they holding the next one for 2009?

Please tell me they had camera's capturing the event because I would love to see the footage.

Thanks for the insight
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Old 10-08-2008, 02:27 AM   #3
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Smile Re: Nexus Conference

Thankyou Darkmatter, i too have been scanning for any feedback on how the conference went and any info on it.
Yes it's a pity about the tape, know how you feel as i had a similar thing happen to me recently as well, maybe there will be some info start to filter out to us from other sources as well now.

Thanks again for the update,

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Old 10-08-2008, 10:32 PM   #4
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

Thanks for the brief Darkmatter. I was actually looking for any news/updates this morning on how the conference went but nothing came up on google or yahoo. Where are they holding the next one for 2009?

Please tell me they had camera's capturing the event because I would love to see the footage.

Thanks for the insight
Hello Reunite,
Sorry for the late reply.
Your most welcome for the brief.
I'm pretty sure the 2009 conference will be held in Queensland once again. But probably won't know for sure until around June next year.
Yes, don't worry, they video taped the whole conference. My son asked the film crew in regards to them making a DVD and was told that individual disks will be made for each presenter. I'm guessing at a price of around $30.00 each, and a package deal for all 14, as there were that many speakers.
I will type up the itinerary and post it up here. Please give me a day or so to compile it.
Take care and thank you for your interest in the conference.
Best regards,
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Old 10-08-2008, 10:38 PM   #5
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

Thankyou Darkmatter, i too have been scanning for any feedback on how the conference went and any info on it.
Yes it's a pity about the tape, know how you feel as i had a similar thing happen to me recently as well, maybe there will be some info start to filter out to us from other sources as well now.

Thanks again for the update,

Hello Tez,
Your most welcome for the update.
I almost smashed my recorder when I found it empty, I was that ******.
I was so excited that I had Bill and Kerry on tape, similar to a Jumproom scenario. But it seems it was not meant to be.
Take care Tez and thank you for your interest in the conference.
Best regards,
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Old 10-09-2008, 08:50 AM   #6
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

Dear DM,

many thanks for sharing and briefing the Aussie GC on this conference, there were so many of us who had really wanted to attend and for various reasons could not make this trip.......last yr I had a wedding to attend, this yr I was actually working Next yr if we are all still here I would love to be able to participate and meet up with so many of the GC in the flesh!!!

Folks, should you be interested in getting your hands on copies of the discs you should purchase the latest copy of Nexus as the details for these are in there and should apparently be available in Nov this yr, ( check for prices).


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Old 10-09-2008, 12:02 PM   #7
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Smile Re: Nexus Conference

Dear DM,

many thanks for sharing and briefing the Aussie GC on this conference, there were so many of us who had really wanted to attend and for various reasons could not make this trip.......last yr I had a wedding to attend, this yr I was actually working Next yr if we are all still here I would love to be able to participate and meet up with so many of the GC in the flesh!!!
Your most welcome vesta.
I hope you can make it to next years conference, I'll definitely be going again myself.
Take care my friend and peace be with you.
Best regards,
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Old 10-10-2008, 04:29 AM   #8
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Post Re: Nexus Conference

2008 Nexus Conference Itinerary

Saturday 10-04-2008

Callum Coats (Australia) - 9:30am
Schauberger and the Magic of Water

Viktor Schauberger was a genius whose ideas and inventions were way ahead of their time. He made his reputation in the 1930's as a maverick inventor of many devices which worked by harnessing Nature's simplicity, including free energy, soil fertility, water purification, river and flood management, home-power generation and water fueled devices for transport. Researcher Callum Coats has translated and edited Schauberger books and will explain his work with water.

My Rating: None (Unfortunately I did not attend this one, but seems to relate to Project Avalon ideals. May be worth getting the DVD when it gets released)

Walter Laufs (Germany) - 11:30am
Protecting Against E-Smog

The inventor of the WillauTronic handy chip, Walter Laufs originally studied medicine and then majored in physics. He has been an alternative health practitioner since 1988 and actively pursues his passion for healing and promoting good health in his clinic in the Black Forest, Germany. A huge variety of other products in the protection against E-Smog have failed to achieve the desired results with most established scientists turning their back on this Endeavour believing it not possible. However Walter Laufs has been able to conquer the physics and mastermind the solution in his design of the E-Smog protection chip. He has developed a range of E-Smog protection devices under the brand name WillauTronic

My Rating: None (Unfortunately I did not attend this one either)

Barry Carter (USA) - 2:30pm
White Powder Gold

Barry Carter has been working with and writing about ORMUS materials since 1995. He has organised independent research and information sharing in this field via the internet and personal presentations. He has been giving presentations on the subject since 1998, and only one or two people in the world may know more about the subject than Barry. His presentation is on ORMUS materials that have been called the "White Powder of Gold", ORMUS and super deformed monatomic elements. These may be the substances that the ancients referred to as manna, shewbread, ch'i, prana, the Philosopher's Stone, shemanna and the Fountain of Youth. He discusses how they have been extracted from the air, water, soil, rock and some foods. He also describes how ORMUS researchers have observed levitation, superconductivity, biological and psychic effects associated with these materials - and believe that these materials are going to change every aspect of human life and that they are the greatest scientific discovery in human history.

My Rating: 7.5/10 (I was very impressed with the product itself, as he demonstrated the healing properties of ORMUS on a cat that had lost its tail in an accident. The tail grew back. Definitely worth getting the DVD)

Dr Harry Oldfield (UK) - 4:30pm
More Bio-energy Field Mysteries

Back by popular demand, Harry Oldfield is a scientist and inventor whose areas of successful development span the visual presentation of energy fields with computers, through to the image enhancement of microscopes and instruments utilising the special properties of crystals. Harry is an inventor of the Oldfield microscope and a Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society - and has demonstrated the microscope at the Museum of Natural History in London. He is also a Member of the Quekett Society.

My Rating: 8.0/10 (Unfortunately I only caught the tail end of his presentation, but what I did see impressed me. Worth getting his DVD)

Joshua Shaw (Australia) - 7:30pm
Negative Ions and Health

Joshua Shaw was a popular speaker last year and in 2008 has something new and revolutionary to share exclusively at the Nexus Conference. Joshua has been intimately involved in researching, designing and distributing ionisers since 1967 and has taken negative ion technology to a new dimension. With persistence, vision and dedication, he developed the ELANRA Medical Ioniser, and ioniser combining the best technology of all previous developments and incorporating many enhancements never before available.

My Rating: None (Unfortunately I did not attend this one. Was too busy talking with Bill and Kerry and other Ground Crew members. My apologies)

Sunday 10-05-2008

Gary Opit (Australia) - 9:30am
Understanding Humans, Extraterrestrials and our
Planetary Mind

Cosmological Researcher Gary Opit will review his 20 years of research from multi-disciplined fields that give us a new understanding of ourselves, our world, our universe and the extraterrestrials that interrelate with us, including the first scientific classification of thirty different extraterrestrial species. He will explore the discoveries which show that marine algae create the clouds above our heads and cause the rain to fall and that the earth acts like a super organism, with all its biological and physical systems cooperating to keep it healthy. He will discuss discoveries that prove that there are no natural explanations for the origin of Moon and there could be no advanced life forms on Earth without the moon.

My Rating: 6.0/10 (Unfortunately I already knew most of what was being said, but for the uninformed, it may be worth obtaining the DVD)

Lloyd Pye (USA) - 11:30am
Evolution and Intervention Theory

Lloyd Pye, author of "Everything You Know Is Wrong - Book One: Human Origins", will present the latest information on his Intervention Theory - a science-based alternative to human origins that combines data from ancient historical records with what modern science reveals in our own DNA. Both fields of research indicate that humans are the product of off-world Intervention. Lloyd will also display the Starchild Skull and explain the genetic heritage of both of its parents. So far, extensive testing indicates that its mother was a normal human but its father was, in all probability, something other than entirely human.

My Rating: 9.0/10 (This guy definitely knows his stuff. Extremely well presented. Doesn't really pertain to Project Avalon, but extremely fascinating just the same. I highly recommend this DVD)

Karen Mutton (Australia) - 2:30pm
Underwater Ruins from Prehistoric to Ancient Times

Previously a history teacher, Karen Mutton is an Australian author of alternative books. Karen studied Ancient History and English as well as Physical Anthropology at Sydney University. She will discuss Atlantis and the causes of submergence such as tsunami, earthquake and subsidence. Her presentation will include an overview of sunken ruins around the world from prehistoric to modern times including the latest research on controversial claims of ruins in such places as Spain, Bimini, Yonaguni and India. She is currently working on a book, Suken Realms covering these topics and also assisting a Florida death row prisoner to publish his memoirs.

My Rating: 5.0/10 (Unfortunately this was a tad boring and tedious and has nothing to do with Project Avalon ideals. This was her first presentation ever, so I'm certain she will improve as time goes on)

Project Camelot (USA) - 4:30pm
Conspiracies & the Big Picture

Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy travel widely meeting and interviewing truth-tellers in the effort to provide enlightening testimony about the true nature of our world. Bill Ryan has a BSc in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology and for 27 years was a management consultant with clients such as BAe (Systems) Ltd (formerly British Aerospace), Hewlett-Packard and Princewaterhouse Coopers. In November 2005 he inaugurated the Project Serpo website - the report of an alleged disclosure, in stages, of a US-alien exchange program which took place over 40 years ago. He resigned his management consultancy post in May 2006 and now devotes his time to Projects Camelot and Avalon.
Kerry Lynn Cassidy has a BA in English with graduate work in Sociology, an MBA certificate from UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management, and was competitively selected to attend a year of film school at the UCLA Extension Short Fiction Film Program as one of their first "hyphenates": a writer-director-producer. After 19 years in Hollywood working for major studios and independent production companies in production, development and new media, she has written a number of screenplays, acquired the movie rights to the Wingmakers story in 2003, and started work on her own UFO documentary in 2005.

My Rating: 8.0/10 (Was a hard time for Bill and Kerry: Trying to squeeze hours worth of information in a 1.5 hour time slot. Nothing new was presented, but was more orientated in getting the public in the know. Definitely worth getting the DVD)

Monday 10-06-2008

Susanna Wilkerson (Australia/USA) - 9:30am
The Champion of all Plants - Hemp

Susanna Wilkerson will present information on the most useful plant on the planet. She will explain industrial hemp and how easy it is to grow organically. It is estimated there are 50,000 uses of hemp - it can be used for food, shelter, clothing and fuel, as well as paper and building materials. Susanna will also explain the legislation surrounding hemp, why it is the most sustainable crop and how to become involved.

My Rating: 7.0/10 (Seems that hemp has great healing properties, and she demonstrated uses that I could never have imagined. I'd say worth getting the DVD)

Ian Ross Vayro (Australia) - 11:30am
God Save Us from Religion

From a farming community in Queensland, Australia, Ian Ross Vayro went on to serve in the Royal Australian Air Force and was fortunate to travel extensively early in life. Ian studied electrical engineering and then classical ancient history and archeology. He also pursued his lifelong interest and personal research into the validity of theology. The interest was also fired up very early in his life when he observed how people accepted the most implausible data when it came as part of their religious education. Ian is author of "God Save Us From Religion"; "Tears In Heaven" and "They Lied To Us In Sunday School".

My Rating: 10/10 (This guy not only knew his stuff, but he was the most entertaining speaker of all. He constantly cracked jokes that kept everyone in hysterics. If you want to know about the fallacies of religion, then this is a MUST see. Not recommended for devout religious people)

Leonid Sharashkin (Russia) - 2:30pm
The Ringing Cedars at work

Editor of the Ringing Cedars Series in English, Leonid Sharashkin is currently at the University of Missouri at Columbia writing his doctoral dissertation on the spiritual, cultural and economic significance of the Russian dacha gardening movement. After receiving a Master's degree in Natural Resources Management from Indiana University at Bloomington, he worked for two years as Program Manager at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Russia - and no, NOT to do with wrestling) in Moscow, where he also served as editor of Russia's largest environmental magazine, The Panda Times. Together with his wife, Irina Sharashkina, he has translated into Russian, "Small is Beautiful" and a"A Guide for the Perplexed" by E.F. Schumacher, "The Secret Life of Plants" by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird; "The Continuum Concept" by Jean Liedloff and "Birth Without Violence" by Frederick Leboyer.

My Rating: 4.0/10 (Unfortunately I did not find anything fascinating with this speaker. Most of the time I was dozing off. I found him that boring. Sorry for those who thought better of him. Buy the DVD at your own risk)

Paul Bailey (Australia) - 4:30pm
Science Meets Spirituality - Where Next?

Author of "Think of an Elephant", Paul Bailey initially qualified as an aircraft electrical engineer, before passing through several careers in education. He has been involved professionally with all aspects of holistic health and complimentary medicine, as well as the psychology of communication, the
meditative arts, and environmental issues. These interests have supported a varied career in business, the arts, teaching and health. Paul has an arts degree from the University of Queensland, Australia (including the study of comparative religion), and postgraduate qualifications in human resource management from the University of Western Sydney.

My Rating: 5.0/10 (Unfortunately his presentation was complex and very hard to follow, but I did feel that he had something important to say. Your best off purchasing his book: "Think of an Elephant" rather than getting his DVD)

The comments I have posted are my own personal opinions and do not reflect the opinions of others. Buy the DVD's or books at your own risk. You be the judge on what you like or dislike, and please DON’T go by what I have written.

Last edited by Johnno; 10-10-2008 at 11:29 AM.
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Old 10-10-2008, 05:16 AM   #9
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

Jessica's videos are awesome BTW. Thanks for the link.
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Old 10-10-2008, 06:07 AM   #10
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Smile Re: Nexus Conference

Jessica's videos are awesome BTW. Thanks for the link.
She's one awesome woman and I think she will have quite a bit to say if Bill and Kerry interview her.
Take care.
Best regards,
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Old 10-10-2008, 02:36 PM   #11
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Exclamation Nexus Conference


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Old 10-10-2008, 10:44 PM   #12
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Smile Re: Nexus Conference

Great stuff DarkMatter
It's fantastic to hear that you took the incentive to go out there to the Nexus and meet up with all this special people.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with the rest of the Avalon community.
Your most welcome.

I bet meeting Bill and Kerry must have been a good rush..lol
Most definitely. It felt like seeing your favorite rock star, less the screaming and swooning...lol I just felt in the midst of living legends.

That's great!
I know exactly how you feel about your film being empty..
Once I've took a whole roll of film with a very famous musician,
I was so exited but my joy was short lived for when I got home I realized that I had lost the film.. Arrrrrrhhhh...!!!
It was actually a solid state audio recorder, but I know what you mean about film problems.

Don't worry because the experience is what counts and the actual moment will be forever recorded in your heart..
Good on you man!
For sure. The experience is what counts, but would have loved to have shared that experience. Oh well, perhaps next time.
Thanks once again Pabs.
Take care my friend and peace be with you.
Best regards,

Last edited by Johnno; 10-11-2008 at 01:19 AM.
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Old 10-11-2008, 01:07 AM   #13
Bill Ryan
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

Hi, John, Everyone -

Great to see the pics, and many thanks for the report. Very sorry the recording didn't come out. We've been plagued with audio problems since Day One back in 2006 - even a Hollywood sound engineer working with us one day hit problems he'd never had before. It happens all the time.

No time now (currently passing through Byron Bay, in a coffee shop). Will keep an eye on this thread and may have nore time later.

Warmest wishes to all

Bill and Kerry
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Old 10-11-2008, 01:31 AM   #14
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Good to hear you're still around here Bill - up in my area of the state, it's hard for you to continually keep in contact with the group(s) while travelling through, but never-the-less is great to hear from you.
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Old 10-11-2008, 02:27 AM   #15
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

Looks like Bill and Kerry are travelling through some magical territory up there, enjoy guys.
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Old 10-11-2008, 03:12 AM   #16
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Default Re: Nexus Conference


Thank you so much for posting this recap of the Nexus Conference. I really enjoyed reading your posts, and it was great to see the pictures of everyone too!

I can not wait to find out what Bill and Kerry have discovered this time! Sounds like "gremlins" were attendees at the Conference too...lol

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Old 10-11-2008, 05:38 AM   #17
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

don't leave bill and kerry. hehe we aussies now claim you.
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Old 10-11-2008, 05:53 AM   #18
THE eXchanger
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Old 10-11-2008, 06:37 AM   #19
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Thumbs up Re: Nexus Conference

Originally Posted by Bill Ryan
Hi, John, Everyone -

Great to see the pics, and many thanks for the report. Very sorry the recording didn't come out. We've been plagued with audio problems since Day One back in 2006 - even a Hollywood sound engineer working with us one day hit problems he'd never had before. It happens all the time.

No time now (currently passing through Byron Bay, in a coffee shop). Will keep an eye on this thread and may have nore time later.

Warmest wishes to all

Bill and Kerry
Thanks Bill. I hope you and Kerry have a safe trip home.
Did you manage to organize an interview with Jessica???
Take care Bill and please give my regards to Kerry.
Best regards,

Last edited by Johnno; 10-11-2008 at 06:39 AM.
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Old 10-11-2008, 06:44 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Mary Lou
Thank you so much for posting this recap of the Nexus Conference. I really enjoyed reading your posts, and it was great to see the pictures of everyone too!

I can not wait to find out what Bill and Kerry have discovered this time! Sounds like "gremlins" were attendees at the Conference too...lol
Thank you Mary Lou. I'm still waiting on the other dudes with cameras to post up their pictures.
Take care.
Best regards,
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Old 10-11-2008, 06:50 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by eXchanger
Great pictures John/and, thanks for the wonderful update on the convention
It sure looks like everyone had lots of fun
(pass the tooth picks ?)
I have known, Jessica, for about 5 years, and, she is
quite an interesting person
Thank you Susan.
Your definitely right, Jessica is one gifted lady.
Have you actually met her in person??? She seems to emanate a sense of peace and calm. I've never felt it before in a person.
Take care.
Best regards,
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Old 10-17-2008, 02:12 PM   #22
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

Excellent update on the conference we're all very greatful for your time to let us in on a little more of the fun. Nice to see the photos too.

Thanks for the links to Jessica's work also, nice to read such a positive message for a change (not to mention the bonus of the photo gallery! ).

Nice to see the conference itinerary, I'll be sure to try find some new info from the speakers I'm not familiar with yet. thanks Lloyd Pye's Evolution and Intervention Theory caught my eye straight away. Being a fan of M.Tsarion's research i think that will strike a chord with Pye's.

Good to hear from Bill too seems we all in for a few updates soon with the back log from the trip. As I'm sure I'm not the only one greatly anticipating information on new leads and friends made on the trip, not to mention new interview with old friends EXCITING TIMES!!!

Even though we may be living out one tough time of change on the earth, its hard not to look forward without a big smile on my face

Take care all

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Old 10-17-2008, 02:30 PM   #23
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

DANG!....I mean

THANKS! for the homework assignment.

Great breifing! I'll be spending a lot of time this weekend looking up this great list of people!
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Old 10-17-2008, 04:01 PM   #24
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Thank You for sharing Johnno
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Old 10-17-2008, 06:42 PM   #25
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Default Re: Nexus Conference

Don' know where to post this Bu it's important if you all can help post this in the right locations

George Green will be on a live conference with our group Wed. Nov 5, @ 9:30 - PM EST. If you have specific questions for George Green please send them to: georgegreenquestions@gmail.com By no later than November 3.

Dial-In Number: 218-936-3860 Conference ID: 357 187 followed by pound sign (#)
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