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Old 01-15-2010, 09:03 PM   #1
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Default It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say Prepare
By Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Jan 11, 2010

First, let us go over what will NOT happen.
1) The world will not end; life goes on - but the rules have changed.
2) The date December 21st 2010 will be no different than December 19th or 22nd. This is to say the shift that is occurring has already begun, and reflects that of a 'bell curve' than a 'point'.
3) We are not being punished for our failure to live in peace; we are being re-directed to help in our maturation process.
4) We are not powerless in our destiny; we do and will have a choice.
5) The journey to enlightenment (or higher self), does not come on a fluffy cloud; for many of us it will a variable level of discomfort. The goal is to bring us back to our true selves.

Note: Both Carlos and I have come down with flu-like symptoms. Coincidence? - Who is to say? I can tell you this, I am quit sure the intensity and maintenance of integrity must surely have something to do with it.

As a result of great fatigue, I will have to make this a two part article. What I will tell you for now, is that many of the issues we have spoken of before are now here. I will attempt to give you a very brief overview of some items. The escalation of earthquakes, tSunamis, and volcanoes are here. This is to say areas such as the New Madrid fault, the Cascadia Subduction Zone, the Puerto Rico Subduction Zone, Cascadia Volcanic Range, and yes - Yellowstone are now 'in play'.

I will post two recent articles which emphasis the ever increasing marriage between 'ancient text', and 'modern science'. This is absolutely necessary to present the credibility needed to separate from the fanatical woo-woo's and Hollywood. Play-time is over - reality is here and not to be feared, but to be acutely aware of our surroundings and more importantly, who we truly are, and where we wish to go. Not geographically, but reflectively. The question we should now very seriously ask ourselves is: "Is our behavior, beliefs and actions - taking us towards our personal goals, or are they harmful and self-defeating?"

There is no one answer for any specific race, gender, religion, creed, tribe - it is an individual quest for ones' personal truth.

Cascadia Subduction Zone Quakes - http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquak...240_45_eqs.php

Puerto Rico Subduction Zone Quakes - http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquak...290_20_eqs.php

No; this is not a time to panic and run down the street with our hair on fire. However, it is a time to give significant contemplation of who we are, who we wish to surround ourselves with, am I comforted in quest of fulfilling what I believe my journey to be?

- Now back to the science:

Sun May Soon Send Magnetic Storms Toward Earth
Solar eruptions can send billions of tons of magnetically charged particles into space at high speed. If those particle clouds, called plasma, collide with the Earth's magnetic field, they can create dramatic effects ranging from a beautiful aurora borealis to a devastating electrical blackout. The Sun's volatile magnetic fields can become so severely twisted that they snap and then reconnect, producing a flash called a solar flare and a plasma eruption. If the plasma's magnetic field collides with the Earth's own magnetic field, they connect with another powerful snap.

Solar plasma (charged particles) physically compresses the Earth's magnetic field so much that it's smaller than the orbit of some satellites and celestial orbs. Without the magnetic field to orient the upper atmosphere, certain animals, birds, and weather patterns, extreme weather phenomena and radiation would occur. One example is United Airlines diverted 26 flights from their normal polar routes in January 2005 during Cycle 23's second sever round during the 'apex' (top of bell curve) to avoid harmful solar storms.

FULL ARTICLE: http://earthchangesmedia.com/secure/...9162527273.php

Correlations Between Charged Particles, Earthquakes, and the Earth's Core
Recent scientific research confirms a connection between high energy charged particles and earthquakes. Results suggest the importance of coordinated and simultaneous ground-based and space-based investigations specifically dedicated to charged particles and the Earth's core is warranted. NASA has teamed up with ESA (European Space Agency) to investigate a possible space-based early warning system.

One study looked at over 100 earthquakes with magnitudes of 5.0 or larger in Taiwan over several decades. The researchers found that almost all of the earthquakes down to a depth of about 35km were preceded by distinct electrical disturbances in the ionosphere. A new model uses satellite data from the past nine years to show how sudden fluid motions within the Earth's core can alter the magnetic envelope around our planet. This represents the first time that researchers have been able to detect such rapid magnetic field changes taking place over just a few months.

FULL ARTICLE: http://earthchangesmedia.com/secure/...9162527278.php

NASA Says "Quiet Sun Cause of Current Cooling Trend in Climate Change"
New measurements from a NASA satellite show a dramatic cooling in the upper atmosphere that correlates with the declining phase of the current solar cycle. For the first time, researchers can show a timely link between the Sun and the climate of Earth's thermosphere, the region above 100 km, an essential step in making accurate predictions of climate change in the high atmosphere.

The NASA Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) mission was developed to explore the Earth's atmosphere above 60 km altitude and was launched in December 2001. The TIMED data provide a climate record for validation of upper atmosphere climate models, which is an essential step in making accurate predictions of climate change in the high atmosphere. SABER provides the first long-term measurements of natural variability in key terms of the upper atmosphere climate.

FULL ARTICLE: http://earthchangesmedia.com/secure/...9162527274.php
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:16 PM   #2
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Perhaps its time to remind ourselves...

Hopi Elders Prayer

From the Hopi Elders

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.

Here are the things that must be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?

Know our garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.

Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel like they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off toward the middle
of the river,
keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
See who is there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of
all ourselves!
For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lonely wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:18 PM   #3
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Arrow Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say Prepare
By Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Jan 11, 2010

First, let us go over what will NOT happen.
1) The world will not end; life goes on - but the rules have changed.
2) The date December 21st 2010 will be no different than December 19th or 22nd. This is to say the shift that is occurring has already begun, and reflects that of a 'bell curve' than a 'point'.
3) We are not being punished for our failure to live in peace; we are being re-directed to help in our maturation process.
4) We are not powerless in our destiny; we do and will have a choice.
5) The journey to enlightenment (or higher self), does not come on a fluffy cloud; for many of us it will a variable level of discomfort. The goal is to bring us back to our true selves.
Wise words I can't wait to see how this all plays out. Somethings looming in

the horizon. One thing is for sure 20 years from know, whether 2012 happens

or not this world is gonna be a much different place.
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:21 PM   #4
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
Sun May Soon Send Magnetic Storms Toward Earth
This is the only one I find plausible.

Otherwise I'm on the ascension-side of things.
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:21 PM   #5
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Yes, I am feeling the same. The earthquakes are here. I heard "6.3" in my dream yesterday morning. Now, as to where? I will continue to pay attention. On a side note, I have followed Mitch Battros for years and years. Why in the world does he choose to live in Seattle, I wonder? I have family there, and the recent swarms of quakes cannot be dismissed easily. I am continuing to monitor my awareness of the rumblings...the New Madrid fault would affect our area. A 2.6 quake was felt in N. Georgia two weeks ago, and small quakes (3 to 4.5) have been happening for the past couple of years in this southern appalachian area. We need to speak to earth, tell her that we love her, imagining calm. The Phoenix Kukulkan, is very much alive. Let's keep our fear in check and our awareness at the ready. Those lists for preparation should be printed on paper, and heeded now, as our beloved net may be disrupted. Let the birth of Phoenix come in a good, kind, and gentle way. Linda
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:31 PM   #6
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Originally Posted by lindabaker View Post
I heard "6.3" in my dream yesterday morning
Well if you're tuning into the MSM news as often as most (unfortunately anyway), they've been doing lots of coverage on this Haiti disaster earthquake 7.0, so maybe that's where your subconscious is getting that from, and hence dreaming a number.

I'm wondering why the media are giving so much coverage to this, they always have an ulterior motive and an intent to deflect our attention from something else. Though don't get me wrong, I do feel bad for the people suffering there beside the point earlier.
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:36 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Majorion View Post
This is the only one I find plausible.

Otherwise I'm on the ascension-side of things.
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. At the end your come out some

were in the middle.
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:50 PM   #8
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Majorion: No, I have not watched tv, as it creates such a low vibe for lack of a better term. I certainly don't want the 6.3 number to be one that is coming, so I want to believe that you are correct. Peace to our earth...no more rumblings.
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Old 01-18-2010, 08:11 PM   #9
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

TRANCOSO, i hope you dont mind but here are a small selection of threads regarding tectonic activity of late.....i didnt add haiti as that has already been mentioned. i agree with the elders, time to brace but also to live, i intend to enjoy this life as much as poss dispite the earth changes......live in love, there is not much we can do with the natural flow of things, but be in the now. so as the pendulum swings and the cogs within cogs turn, remember (sammasati) as above so below.......






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Old 01-18-2010, 08:38 PM   #10
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Originally Posted by morguana View Post
TRANCOSO, i hope you dont mind but here are a small selection of threads regarding tectonic activity of late.....i didnt add haiti as that has already been mentioned. i agree with the elders, time to brace but also to live, i intend to enjoy this life as much as poss dispite the earth changes......live in love, there is not much we can do with the natural flow of things, but be in the now. so as the pendulum swings and the cogs within cogs turn, remember (sammasati) as above so below.......
Not at all!
By the way, I really(!) liked your 'Jung-test' post. Thanx!
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Old 01-18-2010, 08:42 PM   #11
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Right, no use living in fear......whatever happens will happen........
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Old 01-18-2010, 09:45 PM   #12
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Originally Posted by morguana View Post

This chart has been around for awhile and research has questioned its accuracy. Here is a link to it. Not trying to take away from this thread but do want to point out this issue. The Horizon Project took their info from the USGS, so I am not blaming them. But there is something wrong somewhere.


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Old 01-18-2010, 09:50 PM   #13
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Originally Posted by micjer View Post
This chart has been around for awhile and research has questioned its accuracy. Here is a link to it. Not trying to take away from this thread but do want to point out this issue. The Horizon Project took their info from the USGS, so I am not blaming them. But there is something wrong somewhere.


no probs, and cheers one should always seek balence and truth where ever one can
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Old 01-20-2010, 03:44 PM   #14
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Here is a more accurate chart. Still shows an increase.

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Old 01-20-2010, 03:57 PM   #15
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Just found this ...

9.0 + Magnitude to come !!!!!

Subject: Wish I Had Better News - Mayan Interview Complete ...

I just had a second interview with Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder of the the 'Clan de Aguila' (the Eagle clan). As part of my personal learning curve, I need to be very careful how I present breaking news events, and even more so when I present prophecy and predictions.

Why? Because the prophecy and predictions I present here on ECM has a high accuracy rate. This is not by coincidence - it is by devoting endless hours to research, and maintaining the highest level of credibility and integrity. In other words, if you read it here you will know it came from the highest ranking officials in the science community. Just as importantly is my association with the astronomical community - which btw detects some 90 percent of bolides coming our way.

Remember: Our discussion and my message to you came before two of the events had occurred.

1) Haiti which is near the Puerto Rico Subduction Zone. But note: this event is not the one which has been envisioned. It will be a larger quake measuring in the 9 + magnitude on the east side of Puerto Rico directly along the line of the Subduction Zone. A tsunami will be created and travel northeast towards the US east coast.

2) The closest asteroid ever recorded occurred just days after our interview and notice to the public. It was no more than 24 hours before it was detected.

Now please ... also remember that Carlos and every elder of many ancient tribes I have spoke with or studied have all left this message: "Change is coming, but we are not helpless. We have the power to change the path of our personal and collective journey."

My personal view is events will happen for a specific reason. The events to come are not here to 'punish' us; it is here to 'help' us. It will bring us back to a healthy state of community. Perhaps the events are a necessary step directing us back to the pathway of finding "the purpose of the human being."

I also need to say I do not depend on ancient prophecy or prediction as I make my personal decisions for myself and family. I maintain a healthy dependence on science and research. It is when the two come together which directs my attention and choices. Please consider these words.

You can see a list of endorsements for my research from agencies such as NASA, NOAA, European Space Agency (ESA), US Naval Observatory, and Royal Observatory to name a few.

You also know that I am humbled (and maybe just lucky); to be acquainted with highly respected elders of descendants from ancient tribes. You might have heard of a few such as Hopi elder Thomas Banyacya, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe and of course Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder of the 'Clan de Aguila' (the Eagle can).

All this to say one thing ... It is important to be discerning with information that is presented to you. What I am about to tell you is uncomfortable; it is also potential dangerous to those who are prone to become overwhelmed or trigger past trauma's. There really is such a thing as "disaster fatigue". Although disaster fatigue is most often directed to the person "in the event", it can also affect those who witness it ... and yes, this means even by television, computer, or newspaper.

Here are the topics we discussed. This is where it gets a little uncomfortable:

* More earth changes are coming this year. Unusual or larger earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, typhoons.

* Nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India

* Second more costly phase of economic crash

* Near miss asteroid with less than 72 hour notice

"It Has Begun" was one of the first things Carlos said in our first interview which occurred "before" Haiti. He mentioned it again in our second. I have put the two audios together, putting part of the second interview in the front. Carlos starts with a prayer spoken in the Mayan native tongue. He later explained much of the prayer is to bring harmony, to us as individuals, collectively as a nation, and to mother earth.

"We are out of balance. We need to say a prayer for the Earth. She is warning us - and we are out of time". Carlos tells us 2010 shows a distinct progression in earth changing events. "There will be more earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, typhoons this year. We need to pray for harmony - This is the purpose of our current transition."

Carlos went on to say something which grabbed my attention. "We need to find the purpose of the human being." It was the way he said it, and the context in which it was presented. It's not really new; we have heard the saying for many years: "we are spiritual beings having a human experience." Maybe it is because we are so much closer to experience 'the experience' that it just feels different.


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Old 01-20-2010, 04:23 PM   #16
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Who were the geniuses that translated the hieroglyphics and languages of all of these ancient people? How accurate can they possibly be, and what are they leaving out? I’ve spoken to elders from different parts of the globe and they all have their own versions of the story.

My point…
Be very careful feeding into any of this, it all could very well be an elaborate setup which took decades or even centuries to plan. Do you want to manifest something you do not want? If everyone’s focus is on unconfirmed philosophies then there’s a good chance that we will be responsible for conjuring up these demons/aliens and our own demise.

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Old 01-20-2010, 06:52 PM   #17
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Did anyone actually predict the quake in Haiti????
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Old 01-20-2010, 07:01 PM   #18
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
Not at all!
By the way, I really(!) liked your 'Jung-test' post. Thanx!
I had a dream on Jan. 5th and I told a talk show host about it- it was quite detailed- only I thought it was the West Coast even though it was a third world city by the ocean in the dream I did not think of Haiti......
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Old 01-20-2010, 07:37 PM   #19
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

I didn't predict the quake. I kept getting the feeling of a massive devastation to infrastructure prior to it.

I still have that feeling even now. It's almost like Haiti is a side show of some sort. Like an appetizer before the main meal. Just a weird feeling of the worse being yet to come.
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Old 01-20-2010, 07:58 PM   #20
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I heard the quake well in advance, but had no idea where it would happen. It seems I had about a day of lead in time. If I hear the sound again, I'll post about it and see if I can get any locational pointers. I haven't gotten warnings about any other quakes before, and I'm not sure of what use it really is. Who's going to believe a quake is coming their way?

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Old 01-20-2010, 08:55 PM   #21
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
I heard the quake well in advance, but had no idea where it would happen. It seems I had about a day of lead in time. If I hear the sound again, I'll post about it and see if I can get any locational pointers. I haven't gotten warnings about any other quakes before, and I'm not sure of what use it really is. Who's going to believe a quake is coming their way?


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Old 01-21-2010, 12:06 AM   #22
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Originally Posted by viking View Post

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Old 01-21-2010, 01:57 AM   #23
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

are planes disoriented ???

two friends who are pilots called me today
claiming instruments/ground/and, computer-they don't think
are in sync ???

what exactly does that mean ???
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Old 01-21-2010, 02:02 AM   #24
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Default Re: It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say: "Prepare!"

Susan, where were they flying? Could it be magnetic changes that are happening now anyhow?
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Old 01-21-2010, 02:28 AM   #25
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CANADA; into toronto airport

everything is off here; it feels like april / and, it's january

crashes out west / saskatoon; i think

weird stuff - totally and completely weird
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