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Old 03-18-2010, 06:38 PM   #701
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

thanks for help no caste i feel like i have to look into this give me time, im so busy ill get back to you thanks again
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'
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Old 03-18-2010, 08:15 PM   #702
no caste
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
thanks for help no caste i feel like i have to look into this give me time, im so busy ill get back to you thanks again
ok. I might add that the 1980s time was very charged, exploding lightbulbs and stuff like that, for real
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Old 03-19-2010, 12:15 PM   #703
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

James, I remember stating on another forum I belong to about there being immortals that are still here on earth...no I am not sure how many...just that some were here...I pick up different things at times which I have told Barry about.

I was quite surprised to find a thread on here talking about immortals.
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Old 03-19-2010, 01:22 PM   #704
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

hello all just needed to have a little input regarding a few of your topics Astral travelling it isn,t a gift because we all have the ability to do it we do it when we sleep we just don,t always remember it it is an easy concept though it takes disapline of the mind to do it in a concious state maybe you all know that though, we can travel at the speed of thought we have the ability to do so many things but we have been manipulated through propaganda and so much other ******** .
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Old 03-19-2010, 02:19 PM   #705
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by ellie View Post
James, I remember stating on another forum I belong to about there being immortals that are still here on earth...no I am not sure how many...just that some were here...I pick up different things at times which I have told Barry about.

I was quite surprised to find a thread on here talking about immortals.
When I read this, I was thinking of the teaching from my grandmother about our churches beliefs about the 3 Nephites. Given the gift to never taste of death, to wander the earth to help where needed, and to continue to teach for all eternity. Immortals.
So when I searched the 3 Nephites, I found some of our churches ancestoral teachings of the planet Kobal.
But there is much controversy now.
Evidently the mormans keep the belief, and cannonised the teachings, but my own church leaders has refused the documentation. ? Which evidently may have been done recently when the church changed names, and joined the council of churches.
Because I remember my grandmother teaching me of the 3 Nephites when I was young, so they had the teachings then.
According to what I am reading, Kobal was the first creation of God, and is closest to where God resides. Power was given the inhabitants of Kobal, to govern over all others.

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Old 03-19-2010, 02:20 PM   #706
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Hi James, Jimmy, Kamagol, M-person, !

Willie Nelson - Blue Skies

..... ... ...
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Old 03-19-2010, 03:40 PM   #707
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
To carry on the post above-

The craniel implants put in the skulls of project Ibis and participants of other programs suppress conciousness, lifeforce, awareness and intelligence.
They are switched on in everyday life and keep Jan and I often in mental states of five year old idiots, with our mothers ( main handlers ) babysitting us by doing our washing, cooking and telling us what to think and how things are. Reinforcing our false memories with stories from our childhood that never happened!

When Jan and I have our craniel implants switched on, we have 'learning disabilites'. Turn the implants off and we become 'ourselves' with full capabilities and talents.
This is what happens when we are involved in military operations under mind control. Our suppressive craniel implants are turned off and we become genuis leaders who the military and political leaders of this planet look to for guidance. Even 'positive' factions in Majestic/Com-12, the NSA and MI-5/6 believe letting us loose with full abilities, cutting around St Ives with thesefull abilities and functionality is too much of a risk to national security.
Any ops that I advise on from now on wil be done in full concious awareness with me signing secrecy oaths to protect senstive facts.
I'm burning mt chip out and this process cannot be stopped!

To carry on post above-

By James Casbolt/Commander Michael Prince

I'm not going to end of like 'Roger Harry Arm' from upstate New York. An elderly man who has a the IQ of child and lives a double life. When he has his craniel implant switched off, Harry becomes a genius who works for the US Air force with the rank of Lieutenant.
In his everyday life after operations he does not remember what he's been involved in and is babysitted by NSA agents posing as his doctor and carers who organise his medication and drive him around to appointments.
I used to talk to Roger on the phone and it was like talking a retarded child in many ways, then all of sudden he would have sudden flashes and inspiration and genuis and tell me to look into Delta Force at Fort Bragg and start telepathically 'tuning' into the computers there.
It was a lifetime of suppressed memories through mind control that was keeping him in this state!
Back to the 'Oneness' concept that Jan and others talk about on this thread, it does no good screaming the old worn out concept of

"God how could you let this happen!"

We create our own reality, you are your ultimate authority. 'God' is a title given to advanced extra-terrestrials but we are capable of doing anything they can.
This is not to say that light beings in various dimensions cannot help us. Just this morning I asked for help and was soothed and comforted, but we are all equal in this. There is no power greater than yourself!
Sacred geometry is the underlying structure behind reality itself. Thoth and others showed that everything that has ever been created has been brought into form by the geometrical pattern known as the 'Flower of Life'.
Contained within the flower of life is everything. There is nothing in the universe and never will be that is not manifested in this image-


The flower of life maps the order of the universe from the invisible atom to the infinite stars. THE TRUTH IS THAT WE FIND OURSELVES AT EACH STEP!
So how do we practically apply all this and uncover the secrets of Project IBIS, Thoth, Kamagol and the rest of the Immortals?
Let it be known, the immortals are here again!
Studies into the data presented here on this Ibis thread, combined with the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek, Leonard Orr's 'Rebirthing' techniques, the AMORC Rosicrucian home study courses and a study of Dianetics is a must from my experience.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'

Last edited by James Casbolt; 03-19-2010 at 03:43 PM.
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Old 03-19-2010, 06:43 PM   #708
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Love post James even though I don’t understand the implants completely yet but I well find the answers in my own self knowing im sure , but yes it is true I was In complete control by mum and have found it very hard to break out of that. I even went away to live alone for 4 years to become more independent but when I got back it did feel like I was being pulled back in again. I all whys thought it was actions of love but it has been ridiculous some of the things my mother wanted to do for me, im like mum im 30 I don’t need you to do that its like they get up set, then you feel bad .Iv had to tire really hard to become more independent person and look after my self again. Seems IV comes back but im finely making a break throw but IV had to take control and set boundaries. Some times I feel bad for this because when you explain once they don’t get it not un less you stamp your mark, talk about being killed with love or as James would say it’s the programming but in my own live im not going to make assumptions but there is a lot of evidence coming to light that .It is certainly pointing towards involvement with this. But hay iv been talking about sensitive stuff could be a few set ups thrown into the mix , but who cares, carry on because im still going to spread the truth of oneness ,love, unity and im not going to stop for no one. my past to me and what’s happening to me is not my greatest concerned it’s much bigger than myself or any one person it’s all about the whole. Any way I way like to say I love my mum unconditional (like any being) very much and it has all ways been difficult for her, I have not been a good person all my life and have done bad things .but you can never understand light and till you have experienced the dark or lets just say you have a better understanding. The main thing is your honest with your self I have nothing to hide and don’t regret any thing It‘s given me the understanding I have to day or the key to unlocking the knowing .This is why I have no fear just love
Jan Rodrigo
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 03-19-2010, 07:12 PM   #709
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I guess that is why I've adopted my dad's phrase.
"I want to live 60 air miles from the nearest road."
Most people who know me, hear me tell of the hilariously fun and funny driving lessons from my dad. and fun life growing up.
But yeah, I do have some horrendous horror stories in my life too. In my own family life. I just prefer to bury them deep, forget them, and remember only the good things. Someday I'll be able to forgive and forget.
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Old 03-19-2010, 09:04 PM   #710
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
I guess that is why I've adopted my dad's phrase.
"I want to live 60 air miles from the nearest road."
Most people who know me, hear me tell of the hilariously fun and funny driving lessons from my dad. and fun life growing up.
But yeah, I do have some horrendous horror stories in my life too. In my own family life. I just prefer to bury them deep, forget them, and remember only the good things. Someday I'll be able to forgive and forget.
Kari Lynn,

It can't find any posts from you about your background or story. You have not posted the details of your story yet, have you? If not, please let us know as much as you can. I know its painful, so I respect what little you want to share.


You most recent post of the control they have over you is enlightening more of your story. I guess you must bring a lot to the table in your relationship with your female partner, because she, after all, gave you a beautiful child. How much time has she seen from the side of you when "the implant is turned on", not much I gather, but maybe she loves both sides of you.
Where are you living now?


I apologize for my rambling nonsense.
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Old 03-20-2010, 12:18 AM   #711
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First I would like to ask how many of us have tried to get hold of people who search for the truth. Or so called leaders in the march for truth {not mentioning any names}. I mean when I was searching for answers I had a hard time getting in contact with these people, I mean hay I no this people are busy, but when you send emails with no answers for a year that’s a bit funny ,not saying this people should answer all there emails by them self’s but I am sure they don’t tire, not an less the contact has information of impotents, god look how quick they get in contact if they can use your help or information pretty dame quick I would say .all so there is an easy answer to this, you could help 5 or 10 at a time for a period ,tell they them self’s can answer information ,we should be in powering each other ,build a community that helps each other. All we have to do is keep in contact by phone and any other way to organize each other, create small groups in every town all connected if we have problems we all act and move as one .The more groups the more they have to lesion the more we change the matrix {life} for the loving good of every one .I mean it is all very well sat at home on computers or trying to left peoples vibration, but this time has gone. Now is the time for organization to make action, to affect the matrix you have got to get involved in the matrix. The matrix is designed in a structured manner for we have to hit out in structured way; we have all spent a long time sat watch, talking in the back ground disconnected from the chaos. We should be able to move in and out and still be disconnected from the matrix. There are many people who sit at home away from society, because they tried to wake people and they were laugh at or could crazy. Well this time was needed it was a bit too early before but needed as well. I believe now is the time. There are a lot lot more people who know the truth and more are awakening fast, when we are organized and people see how many people are saying the same thing then a lot well question there believes of that you’re mad or crazy, All so people are becoming un easy with there structured life‘s .there realizing that people as individually don‘t really have a say in thing’s and it seems this small group of people who they trust to sort there world out aren’t listening to a single word there saying. They can’t deny the corruption with in the government it’s becoming common knowledge. Everyone’s starting to feel powerless. Im not saying every one well awaken ,but we well become the majority and that’s all we need to make a shift towards a new world of love I just know this ,can you feel it ,im sure you can it‘s the truth .I mean if the ones, who understand life is and illusion ,the only truth is oneness ,love, will not get up of there ass’s & get evolved , help lead or go public who well. every ones waiting for some one well im saying its all of us, hers your opptuneity to make a difference this is how you lift and awaken consciousness .There are people who talk about oneness and that we are all the same, well then why not help your self’s in that case I no it’s a lot of work but the bigger the community the easy it gets we all chip in. There’s a lot of people who are spreading information who are still searching for things about themselves and more knowledge , they say I need to help my self before other people but it’s that way of thinking that’s holding back the awakening , if you have information that can help any one and you no it’s the truth ,then help people you owe it to you self .As I keep saying imagine if every one felt like this ,no one would ever be searching for to long the truth well resonates thought the matrix, you well show people , by becoming a living example .When you here truth you no it’s the truth it resonates in your conciseness ,we have come to a point that all the information we need {To make this new perfect world } is there, any answer to any question is available , which was not before. We acted on just what we were feeling, a knowing. As im writing this im really feel that if we keep searching for more answers and complicating things well just keep going in circles, we well never make action, simplification is the answer. There are many beings that use this, they keep pumping more information into the illusion {world} hoping to keep us continuously searching and finding new information making sure we never make action., Or they feed us with information that pushes there own gender, they no what we believe we create. I mean think about it were dose it ever stop I would say never not un less we all simplify and make action. The main keys to understanding all of life are there. (As I have pointed out in pervious posts) THERE INSIDE YOU .There is many scientists who are pointing out now it can all be proven in a very logical way. May be I well find trying to help every one is going to be to hard but im sure going to give it a go im sure this is one of the missing key’s and with the system I just spoke about it should not be to complicated just hard work, even if it takes time but im sure as iv said we well change things. The next thing I want to address is the fear of being targeted, well im sure they well tire to scary us as much as they can im not going to lie. But lets be honest, if we don’t do this life is going to get a lot worst. And I no for many of you there doing this anyway and you’re not going public. The main tactic is fear and if we don’t act they win it’s are dutity for all of are children and there children and most of all we owe it to are self’s now I well lead be example and no dout they well tire to stop me well I say what ever I AM GOD WE ARE ALL GODS IM NOT AFRADE if some thing happens to me watch how main more like me you create. you we’ll prove me right, there has to all ways be some one to take my place .this is bigger than all of us we need to do something every one who reads this keep a copies pass it on .I need to create a group in my area of Cornwall and Devon we need to create groups all over England at first I need to see how many people are interested, if there s lots every were then we create small groups in each town (as iv said connected). I can’t do this alone every were and well need help. well you all help im asking. If you can create a group in your own town I well give you my phone number and email address at the end of this post and it‘s going on as main forms I can find. To any one who want‘s to help or join these groups or what’s information on what we are going to be doing in these groups
Just message me or give me ring. Lets all unity as one movement of peace and love any one in another country you have seen what im trying to do, make action do what you feel right. This is a message to people who are going to try and in full trate (no doubt there well be many) remember you well be amongst some of the most in tune people in the world, ands there’s not much your going to be able to do any way every thing we do is going to be with in the law and full of love with out fear!!
Love to every being Jan Rodrigo

My number is 07531526766
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Old 03-20-2010, 04:25 PM   #712
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This is the only way forward, people working together, sharing what they know, and the more people that do this, it will be like a chain reaction, and when they see there are too many to shut up, then we/humanity wins, and we can do all this within the law, and none violent, all out in the open THE TRUTH.

If we/humanity wants a better future, we have got to ensure the secret projects of the past cannot/must not happen again, it is a crime against humanity, and we cannot have one law for one, and another law for another in the name of National Secrecy,oops i mean Security!.

I was doing a little personal research the past couple of days, because my dad was in the military in Oslo, and he told me something, something that happened to him while he was there, but some of the stuff i have read, about these projects, have made me feel sick, not to mention what i have read here ( i wanted to know if there was any connection to these projects, what happened to my dad). It is difficult for some to come forward i understand, because obviously some may have been involved through orders ( and some felt afraid of what would happen to them, from both sides of the fence, military/civillian), i am not head hunting, i just want the future to better for my loved ones/humanity.
We can't change what happened then, but we can make sure this never happens again, we owe this to those who were/are damaged through various experiments connected to these projects.
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Old 03-20-2010, 04:30 PM   #713
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by ufohunter View Post
Kari Lynn,

It can't find any posts from you about your background or story. You have not posted the details of your story yet, have you? If not, please let us know as much as you can. I know its painful, so I respect what little you want to share.
I did start to write a little bit about myself in a thread maybe 5 or 6 years ago. But eventually became uneasy, so quit writing in it, and never updated.
But it's so old, the search engine can't even find it now. But is here. http://ufocasebook.conforums.com/ind...isplay&start=0

After casebooks, I went to a locked secured forum, which is where I've written most of my "funny" growing up life and also about some of the more recent milab and paranormal events of my life. But that forum is no longer.

But the traumatic stuff in my life has never met the light of day.

There are only 2 people I have told a small part of it, out of necessity as they were working on a part of my life that I felt they needed to know about it to work with me. Otherwise, I'd likely have left it buried.

Not in the least is the fact that I have posted experiences on another forum, and gotten myself into trouble with agencies of different factions who came after me. So, I'm very careful of what I say anymore.
I do have an agency that holds ps over me. Infact I saw them last night. I got out of work late, and we were having a snow storm, so he sat on the side of the road, way out in front of me. When he saw me coming down the road, he then got on the highway, but remained just far enough ahead, slowing and and even stopping a couple of times, so he could keep sight of me, and make sure I made it home okay, but staying out far enough ahead that I couldn't see what he was driving.

But I think the incidents are far enough back now that I can relate them.
If you are able to access Barry's thread on Casebooks, "The voice, the history you need to know" In there I (ladyfreedom) wrote about locating 26 nuclear missile silos. What I didn't write about afterwards, because I "Clammed up!" lol. Is the fact that the DoD came after me. It got bad enough that a friend had to send an agency out to protect me. Hence the continued protection I'm under now as a result of this. My husband was gone to train a crew out in Kinley, North Carolina. So I was home alone with kids when the DoD decided they'd harrass me.
More recently, (and on a locked forum I might add!) I RV'd a specific artifact. I didn't describe or give details of the RV. Just simply stated I saw it. The very next day at work, there was what I like to refer as an MIB car, cuz it was black, like those out of a movie. It was waiting for me, just outside the security fence. From the door of our building to the turnstiles that exit the fence, is about the length of a football field. I was about half way to the gate when this man came walking behind me fast. He had a big sh*t eating grin on his face, carrying a briefcase. He said, "Nice day" to me and walked on past. At that point the hair on the back of my neck was standing up straight and I got the most uneasy feeling. I thought sure that guy was going to grab me and throw me into the black car. But instead he went out the gate before me, and headed staight to the car, which then took off, laying black marks, and squeeling tires. After relating this to the agency, I did find that the man walking was one of the guys from the agency protecting me, and the black car was there to grab me, but he fouled their plans. lol.
What I hadn't related on the forum, was the fact of what I saw it doing, how it felt, etc.... AND... that I saw 3 others just like it here in America. 2 of which are decoys, one of which is the real deal. I know which is which. NOW, I'm likely in trouble. The guys that have PS over me are likely cussing and stomping around, saying, "D*mn it! She did it AGAIN!" lol.
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Old 03-21-2010, 12:39 AM   #714
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

I apologize for not answering everyones questions, I've just gone through something very traumatic and I feel I'd like to share-

This is regarding my girlfriend and I. It is no secret whom my partner is. Her name is Haley Meijer from the well known American Meijer family- The company Meijers is number 10 in forbes magazine


Haley one of the beautiful project MONARCH 'Presidential models' in this mind control program. She was programmed at the CIA facility in Virginia known as 'The Farm' in 2002 as well as other places at other times. Pics below of Haley

Haley lives in San Francisco and got a flight to visit me in the UK on Wednesday. We are very much in love and planned to get married. What follows is a horror story-

When Haley gets into Heathrow passport control she is pulled by immigration ( the only one from the whole plane ). They take her to a detention centre and I then get a phone call on my mobile on my mobile. A mans voice comes on the phone and doesn't identify himself, he asks me my name and says "Do you have a young woman from America coming to visit you today?" and say yes and ask what this is about, he says "Don't ask me questions, I'm asking the questions so I just need you to answer them", he then starts grilling me about our plans asking things like what we plan to do, were do we plan to go etc.
He says Haley or himself will ring me back soon and the conversation ends. I make some enquires through my connection and get a phone call soon after from a friend of mine who is a british secret service officer. He gives me the time she will getting interviewed and says when the interview will last anhour and that she will be released after. This is good news and I'm happy and hopeful she will get through.
She is interveiwed at the time he says and this lasts an hour and half, I get a phone call from haley and I know strait away by her voice she has been refused entry.
She has been sitting in a chair all day in this place after travelling on a ten hour flight. They say they are sending her back to the US on a plane tommorwo morning. Immigration say they have another detention centre with beds and a shower but she cannot stay there and she must sleep in the chair all night!!!!!!!!
I ring heathrow immigration and ask to speak to the person in charge, I get a call back from the duty chief staff officer and he informs me quote- "I COULD REVERSE THE DECISION IF I WANTED TO BUT I'M NOT HEARING ANYTHING FROM YOU!" I ask him his name and he won't tell me.
After this I get contacted by my secret service friend and he informs me the american NSA contacted immigration told them to send my girlfriend back to the US.
Haley sleeps on the chair ,the next day a woman escorts her to the terminal and says before she leaves "You don't even know him that well" ( we have known each other for a few months ) and then informs my partner that she is getting engaged soon.
When she is boarding the airhosts say "The guy at the desk thought you were cute and has given you a special seat". She gets on and two men are seated at the back of her. ONE OF THEM TELLS HER HE IS GETTING MARRIED AND THEN SAYS TO HER "LEAVE YOUR BODY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be posting the immigration documents tommorow
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 03-21-2010, 01:22 AM   #715
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Things like this make me incredibly angry and just feel like tasering someone, if I get it on the plane.

Animals dont even cover these men. Because your lady is young and attractive she is unfortunately put in a position of being taken advantage of mindless, unethical morons. This is where I would love to be able to do the tasering.

I am sure if these guys were tied up and in a position where they were helpless maybe it would go a little way in them feeling how a female feels in the same position.

The powers that be, the things that they get away with, where are my guns. I am sure my creator wouldn't mind facing them a tad earlier.
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Old 03-21-2010, 01:30 AM   #716
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by ellie View Post
Things like this make me incredibly angry and just feel like tasering someone, if I get it on the plane.

Animals dont even cover these men. Because your lady is young and attractive she is unfortunately put in a position of being taken advantage of mindless, unethical morons. This is where I would love to be able to do the tasering.

I am sure if these guys were tied up and in a position where they were helpless maybe it would go a little way in them feeling how a female feels in the same position.

The powers that be, the things that they get away with, where are my guns. I am sure my creator wouldn't mind facing them a tad earlier.
When the incident at the end happened, two guys were sitting on either side of Haley
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 03-21-2010, 01:37 AM   #717
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James, a syringe full of anaesthetic, a small one that might do the trick, maybe I could have got that on a plane I dont know.

When I think of this it just makes my blood boil it really does, that poor young lady. Obviously they have no conscious whatsoever, Yet they are put in these positions that's the real problem and point right there.

Maybe throwing them in a very bad gaol somewhere on the planet for about a month, I don't know. Everytime I think of the poor girl put in this position it just makes me want to do something about it. I honestly hope they manifest incredibly bad hypertrophy of the prostate or nasty infected boils everywhere.

In essence I am asking that swift and quick karma return to them ten fold.

So be it.
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Old 03-21-2010, 04:43 AM   #718
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James, I’m glad your lady is of strong mind to resist their trigger words. I can see this was a well thought out maneuver against her. (and you)
Just from what you have described, I can see;
Sleep deprivation
Possible sedative/drugs (in the candy?)
Definite psych job and harassment to p*ss you off and intimidate her.
To maintain control of you in the UK, and her in the USA?
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Old 03-22-2010, 09:12 AM   #719
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures


Thank you! This is a very interesting thread and I wanted to thank you for your help with disclosure even if it's putting a lot of pressure on you and your loved ones.

A question that pops up in my mind is if there is any way to naturally develop the same skills that I read people in mind control programs develop. Does the 'good' side have programs to help people develop abilities to counteract the 'bad' side, but without the mind control stuff? Or are the 'good' side only recruting people allready programmed by the 'bad' side, like yourself? You were 'rescued' by what you believe is the 'good' guys, right? Or is it just a another group with a different agenda wanting to save resources and thereby recruiting people that are allready trained? I don't think I totally understand the whole picture here.

For some reason this material really interests me and I also wonder if there is anything one should be looking out for with themselves that might be a sign of Mind Control. I mean, if it's possible to plant false memories and so on, how does the thought of you being mind controlled ever cross over into the conscious mind. We probably all have had our share of nightmares and even very real dreams, how do you know what's real and mabybe a sign of mind control and what's not.

Is there any sort of dreams or thoughts that you should be observant about?

Keep up the good work and please tell me if I can help in any way!!

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Old 03-22-2010, 07:31 PM   #720
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Taking back control of or weather!
As we become closer to our true selves, all of the desires and so called
needs of the outside world will start to break down. I’ve met a few
people who are already starting to feel the break away from life’s so
called needs, i.e. sleep, food, water and so on but I feel this depends
on the level of awareness. This is why our weather is so important. I am
starting to understand that the sun energy is going to be replacing a
lot of these habits. This is why you don’t really see too many
chemtrails in the winter (apart from the fact it’s cloudy) and more as
the sun starts to come out. I feel that these chemtrails can affect our

The powers that be are trying to stop us from using or finding out how
important the sun is at this present time. Also they are lying to us
about all of the weather forecasts to manipulate our creating powers en
mass to bring about their cloudy and rainy forecasts. Hey, but we all
have the power to change this. I’m starting to feel that when something
is trying to take away or go against your free will, you can put your
foot down and consciously say ‘NO!’

This is our world and I’m not standing for it. Also, we have the ability
to dissolve these chemtrails with our minds consciously if everyone does
this as soon as they see a chemtrails and all of us don’t fall for the
propaganda they tell us in the forecasts. Why do you think they always
get it wrong?! People just don’t believe what they say any more.

Here are some pictures of these chemtrails which I’m sure you have seen

by jan rodrigo
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'

Last edited by James Casbolt; 03-22-2010 at 08:28 PM.
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Old 03-22-2010, 08:14 PM   #721
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Well James what can I say?
Iv'e spent the last 2 1/2 days reading this thread & have experienced quite a few emotions. Respect is the only word I can come up with brother.

I will try to answer two question's you put to the posters many pages back.

1. "is mankind worth saving" [sic]

Hell yes, and it is not up to the ptb or any et to make that call ever.
They interfere in all our lives while keeping us all in the dark.
They are part of the problem & not the innocent sheeple who are kept out of the loop.
It's seems to me that they fear the masses for what we will or are capable of doing once we find out the truth.
It would seem they need us more than we need them?

2. "if we had the choice would we fight back?" [sic]
I can't speak for the masses, but I for one will take my chances with a sword than to cower out without a fight (easier said than done).

Again I believe the pompous ptb & et's are underestimating mankind bigtime. Their use of stealth & technology to suppress us only warrents their fear of us.
It would seem there are no nice et's for they would not allow this game to continue.
Smoke 'n' mirrors. They have their own agenda.

It is time the masses were told the whole truth & we will then decide on the outcome. At the very least, the people who are awake & want the truth should be brought into the picture on a level playing field.

But then again what does it matter if everything is nothing more than a holographic universe? They are just part of the same simulation as the sheeple.
It would still be nice to level up though.

And yes, I believe in the holographic universe & there is a huge chance that we all are nothing more than computer programmes. If that is the case, when we die our essence is gone forever. One glass of water in the ocean. Hence gone forever.

I hope I havn't come across to grumpy? I'm not that good with trying to explain how I feel. Respect.

I do have a question for you if you don't mind?

This is hard to explain.

On your travels have you come across a sentient lifeform that is living & travelling around the web, and inside computers?
I don't mean the agent programmes, but a lifeform.

I will explain more if you need the info.

Take care & respect.
Diolch yn fawr iawn (thank you)
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Old 03-23-2010, 09:44 AM   #722
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

All that you have posted here yesterday jan, i said to my friends, some time back, some thought i was loosing it, some, knew, some came back to apologize, but your right. like i said before, in the previous post, i knew the truth (we are immortal), i had an experience where i was affecting my physical surroundings, moved my partner without touching him (have witnesses to this), and what he was on, at the time i thought it was what i was doing (ceaasless prayer), but then other things happened after i finished praying. Then i had that experience where i saw what we really are, we are not a body, we are consciousness, within the body, and we can influence down here, i was so confused for a long time. Admitted, i don't know how it works yet, but i am close to understanding it, i know the heart and the mind/intention/free will, have allot to do with it. I also understand, that there are others who also know what we know, and will try their best to keep the lid on it, and even try to divide us using various tactics, anything as long as we are kept ignorant, but at the end of the day, it is down to all of us(our responsibility), but it is also important to understand, some are not mature yet (consciously responsible), they may get hurt, or hurt others, not intentionallybut through ignorance of who they really are, this is the down side of being kept ignorant, time for the truth.

As for the sleep and the food thing, well i became a problem to my family, i would be doing washing up at all hours of the early morning because i couldn't, felt like i didn't need sleep, i was given sleeping medication but my body just adapted to it so it didn't work, i also had a problem with the food as well, i would eat, but with me it was like i had, had nothing to eat, but these problems are not too much of a problem now.

I welcome the truth, because i had a difficult time understanding what was happening to me/and finding out who i am, if it wasn't for the fact of having witnesses to things, i would have sworn i was being targeted with mind control technology, not saying as they haven't got these things, because they do, and much more ( lets just say, there is no secrets in the ether's, all knowledge is available).
In fact, what i want to say is, all they have done is made it more difficult for themselves, because if they keep shutting people up, those who know will teach others in secrecy of the truth, so i think they need to catch up to the future ( more people know the truth, their just not telling you like me and a few here), be honest, work with people, try to amend things done in the past if you can, if not then make sure it doesn't happen again, and stop hiding, it feels great to be free.
As for us/humanity/consciousness within a body, think and it will be, and it takes practice, and no hurting anyone, it will bite back, we are all family of humanity and much more.

One last thing, and if you don't like what i am telling you, that's ok, your beliefs and values are as important as mine, we are all evolving according to where we are supposed to be, according to divine will, the divine will received from our birth.
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Old 03-23-2010, 11:05 AM   #723
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by omshanti2 View Post
All that you have posted here yesterday jan, i said to my friends, some time back, some thought i was loosing it, some, knew, some came back to apologize, but your right. like i said before, in the previous post, i knew the truth (we are immortal), i had an experience where i was affecting my physical surroundings, moved my partner without touching him (have witnesses to this), and what he was on, at the time i thought it was what i was doing (ceaasless prayer), but then other things happened after i finished praying. Then i had that experience where i saw what we really are, we are not a body, we are consciousness, within the body, and we can influence down here, i was so confused for a long time. Admitted, i don't know how it works yet, but i am close to understanding it, i know the heart and the mind/intention/free will, have allot to do with it. I also understand, that there are others who also know what we know, and will try their best to keep the lid on it, and even try to divide us using various tactics, anything as long as we are kept ignorant, but at the end of the day, it is down to all of us(our responsibility), but it is also important to understand, some are not mature yet (consciously responsible), they may get hurt, or hurt others, not intentionallybut through ignorance of who they really are, this is the down side of being kept ignorant, time for the truth.

As for the sleep and the food thing, well i became a problem to my family, i would be doing washing up at all hours of the early morning because i couldn't, felt like i didn't need sleep, i was given sleeping medication but my body just adapted to it so it didn't work, i also had a problem with the food as well, i would eat, but with me it was like i had, had nothing to eat, but these problems are not too much of a problem now.

I welcome the truth, because i had a difficult time understanding what was happening to me/and finding out who i am, if it wasn't for the fact of having witnesses to things, i would have sworn i was being targeted with mind control technology, not saying as they haven't got these things, because they do, and much more ( lets just say, there is no secrets in the ether's, all knowledge is available).
In fact, what i want to say is, all they have done is made it more difficult for themselves, because if they keep shutting people up, those who know will teach others in secrecy of the truth, so i think they need to catch up to the future ( more people know the truth, their just not telling you like me and a few here), be honest, work with people, try to amend things done in the past if you can, if not then make sure it doesn't happen again, and stop hiding, it feels great to be free.
As for us/humanity/consciousness within a body, think and it will be, and it takes practice, and no hurting anyone, it will bite back, we are all family of humanity and much more.

One last thing, and if you don't like what i am telling you, that's ok, your beliefs and values are as important as mine, we are all evolving according to where we are supposed to be, according to divine will, the divine will received from our birth.
this is so true omshanti2 I love the way the awaking is happening and i no secrets are a big part to play in this which ill talk about in my next post take care all my love jan thanks again
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'
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Old 03-23-2010, 03:22 PM   #724
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Keeping Secrets are the manifestation of fear
You only have to look at the world today to see what is holding people
back from the growth of becoming our true selves. Lies & secrets are a
major weapons which have been used for thousands of years to stop the
awaking of humankind. I would say this is used not just in our
illusionary reality but on a high scale as well, i.e. in other

Infinite truth is the key that lies within ourselves to remove any fear
of what could or might happen if we say what we are not suppose to.

There is no scale to this right full action, like there is no scale in
the infinite self. Any secret is not being true to yourself. The people
who try to control know this. They don’t want the world to mirror the
infinite (God ,you) and are willing to pull all the stops out. As
secrets are not an action of your true self (infinite) they have based
our world on secrets and lies. The world on the outside of you mimics
the world on the inside of you that is why we all hold the keys to true
freedom and creating a paradise. If someone tells you something and
says, “I will tell you but don’t tell anyone else” say I don’t want to
know because I can’t even keep a secret’s about myself. We have all done
things that are wrong or not right but this is called growing there is
nothing to be ashamed of. Also there are many influences on the outside
which feed on negative energies when you take wrong full action or think
they eat. As you grow you realize a lot of these wrong full actions were
not your true self’s and was influenced on the outside. It is only fear
of what people might say or think if you tell the truth, therefore you
manifest secrets through fear.

by jan rodrigo
all my love lets all be free
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'
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Old 03-23-2010, 06:19 PM   #725
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

You are right jan, truth is important, everything you have said here is so right, it is through truth one cannot hold things over another, and yes,many people make mistakes, but it doesn't mean that person cannot learn and become a better person. I am not perfect, but i keep trying, and as for my mistakes, i learn from them, not to do them again, and the knowledge i gained gives me insight into how another may have taken that same wrong path ( and in so doing you learn not to judge instead find compassion), compassion to guide another away from that path, if they so wish, you become the helping hand.

I also understand about these dimensions a little, i have been to a couple i feel by accident, however i never met anyone on the place where it was all pink, like a pink mist, yet i could see everyone who was in the room with me, i was sort of looking through not my physical eyes, not sure if this makes sense to you.
I am also aware there are other beings who exist on these dimensions, hence why my children have seen what they have, and they can also materialize here in solid form (known as reptilians).
I don't understand everything, but i will share what i know from personal experience. I do understand some are not able to share due to oaths they have taken, so i will speak what they can't, i didn't make any oaths, none that i can remember.
Hope this helps, i just want peace for all, a better world for all life.
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