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Old 01-05-2010, 02:37 AM   #1
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Default Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Found this site with videos of some of the worlds "smartest kids". It is a definite possibility that these are some of the new breed of humans coming into life on this planet. Born using more of their brain/DNA than anyone has used in millennia.

The smartest kids in the world
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Old 01-05-2010, 03:12 AM   #2
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Indigo children and crystal children are a bit different from each other; the first is sensitive and bright with a warrior personality, which they need for changing old systems. This is essentially what they came for. Crystals on the other hand have all the gifts of an indigo and beyond, most of them are more in tune with the universe, lot more at ease with everything around them. They radiate love and peace, rather than being warriors. They are here to finish the job we have started.
I believe that she is a young crystal and it is great that more and more of them are here. They are the answers to our collective prayers for a better future.
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Old 01-05-2010, 04:24 AM   #3
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Many of us are watching very closely but holding ground " not to allow" the system to slide backwards all while "system busting" which opens doors for anew. ITs TiMe ... Don't you feel for us to Ascend along with Mother Earth and our space bro/sisters.

Feel free to join us for metaphysical conversations!!

http://indigorising.net/phpBB2/index.php (this cyber space has been a meeting ground since 01) (its full of amazing beings) we are collectively being guided by our sacred space within the heart!! the Beat of ONE!!

To a rise in Consciousness
with much
love, light and laughter
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:20 PM   #4
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

I can't help but wonder if they were here before?


Or how exactly this information fits into all the other puzzle pieces discussed here at PC..

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Old 01-06-2010, 11:58 AM   #5
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Pah I don't believe in Indigo Children
Everyone's equal like it or not.
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Old 01-06-2010, 12:05 PM   #6
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?


Hmmm Swanny, i will agree we all deserve equal rights and opportunity....

But equal??

Not in my opinion..

Do you really feel "equal" to everyone? and everything?

i have met people and even animals that i am in awe of....does that make me "inferior"?

Sorry if i am nit picking...

Guess i am on a pet peeve rant
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Old 01-06-2010, 12:12 PM   #7
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Do you really think that some people are less equal than others???
We are all souls on our journeys through life living out different karma issues, what makes you think one is better than another????
There is no one on this planet better or worst than me, we are all perfection at work, whether or not you agree with the paths people take is a different matter
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Old 01-06-2010, 12:16 PM   #8
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Do you really think that some people are less equal than others???
We are all souls on our journeys through life living out different karma issues, what makes you think one is better than another????
There is no one on this planet better or worst than me, we are all perfection at work, whether or not you agree with the paths people take is a different matter
Perhaps i think this way because i do NOT equate, superior with "better"

Or inferior with "bad"

Just because i am inferior in one way or another to you, does NOT make you a better person..
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Old 01-06-2010, 07:26 PM   #9
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

That's what I'm saying, no one is better than anyone else. Some people are more skilled in certain areas than others but that doesn't make them better or worst.
We are all equal
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Old 01-06-2010, 07:36 PM   #10
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Come to think of it, I just don't believe that we should put others on a pedestal like this.

We all are capable of changing things. Why should groups of children be the only ones who could do so?
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:11 PM   #11
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

I dont like things being put in boxes and labeled.
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:12 PM   #12
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

maybe they are more able to change things because they have not been brainwashed like older people ?? Maybe they are here to help increasing the vibrations of earth? But how can you say they don't exist when we see everywhere some of them going against authority etc .. I don't know but I think they exist and it has nothing to do with superior or inferior. They even take everybody as equal. Children are less racist, they do not follow authority etc. In 1960, students in class were listening to their teachers, not necessarly now... Maybe they do not exist but there is definately a change somewhere.
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:21 PM   #13
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

everyone, has a cystalline light-body, NOT just indigos/or crystals

you could, all ask, to awaken YOURS
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:25 PM   #14
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

I must yet disagree with swanny . We are indeed equal as souls on our journey to perfection and reuniting with the source , but as human incarnations we are only equal in opportunities . Even in that case , very few us are even conscious of it. But again, as human incarnations we are born different depending on what experience we need to assimilate and what purpose we have. As you said , we have different " skills " , different knowledge, different abilities and different capabilities . That is what makes indigo , star , and crystal children somewhat "different" . In the end, it's just a matter of perspective . I don't wish you to understand this as a contradictory argument, but just as a slightly different opinion, not trying to convince you of anything.

Always remember to stay open-minded

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Old 01-06-2010, 09:34 PM   #15
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by chelmostef View Post
I dont like things being put in boxes and labeled.
PRECiSELY, we do NOT come in boxes,
NOR, do we come with operating instructions,
or, destined, to fall into the hands,
of man-or-woman/handlers , or, any form, of The ills,
who try, to do that

WE are ALL, precisely, the same things !!!

(although your consciousness units,
could vary, depending on where you originally come from)
and, what you might of allowed, to come into your matriX

The nicest things, about them, are, the ones,
that are 'pure' in 'origin' are already, onboard equipment...
and, the ones, that are NOT,
they simply require you, to toss them from your matriX,
which is NOT a hard thing to do,
ask them, in a telling sort of way,
by, commanding/and, demanding them,
to leave

You are, your own gatekeeper
~the one who should be,
in full control, of all your 13 aspects !!!
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Old 01-07-2010, 12:36 AM   #16
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Perplex being different doesn't make you better.
Indigo is just a name made up by parents that want to make their kids sound better than all the others running around.
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Old 01-07-2010, 01:27 AM   #17
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

We are consciousness experiencing itself; moving into, through and out of form.

It would be beneficial if we stopped looking for our differences and started to look for our similarities. I have never met a light worker identifying as indigo, crystal, and way shower, star seed, some more and all of the above as being higher in any hierarchy system than other entities.
We are walking on the path of ascension. We do not make ourselves different, but our spirituality and wisdom, which we are remembering and projecting perceived with fear by others does.
In my humble opinion; terms used such as indigo, crystal, star seed, light worker are only terms used to somehow express the similarity in experience and natural talents, between like minded and gifted individuals. These terms are only words trying to explain a feeling and experience that groups of souls are having in their current incarnation.

Energy is constantly moving into, through and out of form. You and I are one in spirit; what holds us apart are the individual body temple, our thoughts, feelings and choices; the energy that we submit into this holographic universe, which we experience as our reality.
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Old 01-07-2010, 01:53 AM   #18
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Default "Indigo Children"? (IMPORTANT for LA to Western Nevada Desert Journey-folk!!!)

Gotta keep this short and concise due to recent (first week of December) NDE and major DOT WITNESSING. As many of you know, contact - even the most benign, heaven-sent, can, as part of the loooooong-hall cleansing process, awaken Kundalini - full - and sudden - BLAST!

Kerry, Tommy and good ground crew are working, step-by-step, on a good introduction and (optiional(?)) guided path to Light Warrior concerns).

The future is (in part to say the LEAST) literarlly - in the palms of our hands - if our hands are guided by a higher LOVE, not fear of lossing control.

Leslie (my calvary!!!) just pulled up and it's veggie pizzia time (with non-forgered, REAL discount couponds!).

Wish yallz here, my dearz,

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Old 01-07-2010, 04:57 AM   #19
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Pah I don't believe in Indigo Children
Everyone's equal like it or not.
Equal in spirit, soul, rights, and many other things yes, but equal in talent, no.

Equality changes definition depending on what is being discussed when being used. For example Einstein and myself are definitely NOT equals when it comes to knowledge.

Certain people have gifts for a reason. If you were given a choice between two people to teach your child how to play the violin, and your choices were me or a seasoned lifetime violin player, which would you choose? By your reasoning we are equal so it doesnt matter.

Would you also say that you dont believe in people such as susan who channel, psychics, or any other people who have gifts?

Your thinking also leads to people not being motivated to better themselves. If no matter what the do, or how they improve, they are equal to everyone else, then why improve yourself?
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Old 01-07-2010, 05:01 AM   #20
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
Come to think of it, I just don't believe that we should put others on a pedestal like this.

We all are capable of changing things. Why should groups of children be the only ones who could do so?
There is a difference between putting someone on a pedestal and acknowledging their achievements and encouraging them on their path. Which one their parents/media are doing, it's hard to say since we don't know their home life.

If I had a child which showed heightened intelligence, gifts, etc you can bet your last dollar I would do everything in my power to help them maximize it. At the same time I would teach them to be humble and understand that it is something that does not make then better than anyone else.
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Old 01-07-2010, 05:06 AM   #21
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Perplex being different doesn't make you better.
Indigo is just a name made up by parents that want to make their kids sound better than all the others running around.
Swanny. Firstly Perplex never said anyone was better than anyone, so be nice and back off him please

Second, you don't know what the motives of their parents are, and these parents didn't even label theirs as Indigo children, I merely stated that in my post. As I stated in a previous post, we do not know what goes on in their home life so I think it's a bit rude to assume such things even of people who say that their children are "Indigo Children".
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Old 01-07-2010, 05:33 AM   #22
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Perplex being different doesn't make you better.
Indigo is just a name made up by parents that want to make their kids sound better than all the others running around.
I was a contributing author in the first book "The Indigo Children". When the call went out for contributors - there was nothing high or mighty about it. These children were different, they were warrior spirits and they they were being put on ritalin to subdue them and force them to fit an outdated school system (and every other outdated social structure.)

It is not a name made up by parents. There was a lady who saw the "life color" of people and this was a color she had not seen before. The life color tests are quite fun.
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Old 01-07-2010, 05:40 AM   #23
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
I was a contributing author in the first book "The Indigo Children". When the call went out for contributors - there was nothing high or mighty about it. These children were different, they were warrior spirits and they they were being put on ritalin to subdue them and force them to fit an outdated school system (and every other outdated social structure.)

It is not a name made up by parents. There was a lady who saw the "life color" of people and this was a color she had not seen before. The life color tests are quite fun.
Thank you Karen for your first hand experience and knowledge. How exactly did you contribute? What is your expertise and experience?

As far as ritalin and other such drugs, I feel that is one of the problems with the youth of this nation(USA). Children who were bored with school, games, etc because they were holding them back were diagnosed with ADHD and basically sedated. It is very sad.
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Old 01-07-2010, 05:43 AM   #24
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by chelmostef View Post
I dont like things being put in boxes and labeled.
Ahhhhh, we speak in language, and descriptive words are boxes for everything.

There is a child box, and adult box.
There is a table box and a chair box, and you can throw them together in the dinette box.
There is red chair box, and all things red box.

Without the word "indigo" and the wonderful work of the people who told us about them, many more would be being forced into the ritalin box. There would lots of cranky parents trying to force their children in to old-fashioned boxes.

Now there are new school boxes that take different approaches to different types of children. Some kids fit the artist box. Some fit the scientist box. Put them all together and we are back to the children box. Throw in the adults and we have the human box.

We could have a lot of fun with boxes instead of damning them.

Last edited by Karen; 01-07-2010 at 06:01 AM.
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Old 01-07-2010, 06:00 AM   #25
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
Thank you Karen for your first hand experience and knowledge. How exactly did you contribute? What is your expertise and experience?
Mine was about a nutritional answer for ADD and ADHD. Give the child all the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and every other type of nutrient their particular body needs, and 90-95% of the time, the child or person has no need for any drugs at all.

Our food supply has been so horribly adulterated that all the chemical, food coloring and sugars contribute to bad and even criminal behavior.

My chapter was "A Nutritional Answer" and highlighted a product called "Smart Start" which unfortunately because of a company merger is no longer being made. Further research through the years has brought to my attention metabolic typing as all humans do not have the same nutritional needs, and different types of brain training.

One of the most important things is to let a child crawl around - to help make the connections between the left and right brain. The list is huge ... almost every type of behavior problem has a solution. Many, many autistic children can be cured with an individualized approach - the first step is to try a diet with zero gluten (from wheat and other grains) and zero casein (from milk) . Even babies with Down Syndrome (no S on Down) are not born retarded. Who discovered this? A mother who adopted a baby girl with Down Syndrome. There is now a nutritional and physical therapy program where other than the facial features, these children can develop normal or near normal intelligence.

I trained as a Medical Technologist (medical laboratory testing) worked in that field for 13 years and have gone on to become self-taught in as many nutritional and alternative therapies as I can keep cramming into my brain. I am like a big directory of therapies, specializing in none.
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