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Old 03-02-2010, 09:26 AM   #51
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Everything must change

and there are many seasons ..

all you need is forgiveness ,then

and all else turns to love and

kindness ... love and kindness rhythmmm xx
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:38 AM   #52
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Pluto in Capricorn, better get used to it, it's a looooing cycle. All will be revealed, like it or not, be prepared or not. Up to you, but that's whats on the menu. Exposure is the name of the game . If there's something rotton in Denmark, it will be known in Saginaw.

Avoid drama, take personal responsibilty and it will be easier all round.

Some people sound like they actually think they live here and B+K are their parents Individuation is an important maturing process, let go of mom and dad, they will find their own way as one must do oneself .

One thing about the new age agenda aspect of "all being one" is people have lost sensible boundaries. Lots of personal statements and speculation here mostly from people who have never even sat in a room with the mentioned parties. Amazing to behold!

Get a grip and go with YOUR flow. A life off the net is something perhaps to contemplate?
Whatever happens, life continues and whatever was learned here will be continued . best wishes to all.
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Old 03-02-2010, 11:14 AM   #53
Light and Fight
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Bill and Kerry have put a lot of information in the public arena. I think they have done a great job and probably gone through a lot of sacrifice as well as personal growth. Project Camelot is, at least in my view, a counter psy-ops project. I don’t know if it was intended that way, but that’s the kind of reality the project is exposed to. I would be very surprised if not Camelot and Avalon are at least under surveillance, if not outright infiltrared. Not only love and light will protect someone who goes right into PTB territory, you also need some experience in PTB modus to protect yourself. PTB is smart and they work cost efficient. Donīt expect open attack, expect stealth and, above all, manipulation. Manipulation is cheap and you may use people who are not even aware of that they are used. Plant some info to someone who is broke and perhaps has a mental disorder. Rig up a contact "I know this great witness". Voila.

The best way to counter manipulation is to be aware of risks. There is a project tradeoff between the need to reach out fast and quality control. I understand the intial drive to get out and spread the word. But how was the quality/quantity tradeoff managed? Perhaps this is the main reason behind todays managerial problems.

There is a lot of material on Camelot today.There is one interview that I know of (Klaus Dona) where it is possible to crosscheck and verify claims from official sources. Most interviews are built only on the implicit trust in the person interviewed. To a large extent it has to be that way, but that does not mean that the actual truth becomes irrelevant! Either you go for the truth, or you dont. Why stop the search for truth at verifying someones identity or CV? Why not continue and at least try to verify also what they say? If I had experienced, letīs say, physical time travelling and I decided to go public with this, I would welcome all methods to convince people that I am telling the truth. Witnesses might be offered a polygraph test. Itīs simple and it works. Claims that are physically verifiable should be checked, such as implants. Why not x-ray or scan someone who says he has an implant? If its possible to have 100+ translators working for free, wouldnt it be possible to find some doctor who could scan? Witnesses could be offered a cross-examination follow-up interview, where emphasis is on verification. Why not create a staff of volounteers for this? There are a lot of skilled people out there, with the right examinas and work experiences to conduct cross examinations. Put togheter a team, use skype and lets see how a witness stand up to cross examination. No need to go live, be rude or disrespectful, just publishing a protocol would do it. You might do this before an actual interview, just to establish credability. This might be a healthy way of deterring manipulators and others who are not truthful.

Witness testimonies are the very core of Project Camelot, and the project will not survive if witness quality control does not improve. I donīt think simple, basic control measures would deterr a serious witness who has a true story to share. PTB manipulators would have a much harder job and the mentally disturbed would not be encouraged to use PC as a way of avoiding their true self.

Last edited by Light and Fight; 03-02-2010 at 02:22 PM.
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Old 03-02-2010, 11:37 AM   #54
pedro m.b.
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

united we stand.

you have done amazing work together, you put in touch a lot of people alike, and after all this time, you just realise that you donīt get along?

be well, and keep doing a good work.

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Old 03-02-2010, 02:08 PM   #55
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Originally Posted by Clarityofawareness View Post
No... it's more than just that and I made a video detailing what I've known for decades concerning such challenges.

I know their secret & its YOU!

Thanks Kevin, I loved the simple message of your video~~
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Old 03-02-2010, 03:17 PM   #56
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I just watched it too, and I agree with everything you say in it, Kevin.
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Old 03-02-2010, 03:36 PM   #57
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Can something really be owned by one party or the other... They sell me water, when infact it was mine in the first place.. They sell me oil, when infact we walked though the trees brushed their leaves before they fell... They tell me its their road when we have helped paved its way.. They tell my its theirs when in fact its actually ours all a long.
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Old 03-02-2010, 04:06 PM   #58
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Originally Posted by mikey View Post
this is indeed a very sad yet reflective situation imho....it is what is happening/happened/will happen to everyone on a personal level as we start to release ourselves and break away from factions of our lives we no longer fit so comfortably within. it is also starting to be seen on a geographical, global level too.

compassion should be shown and offered by all here for both B and K in their respective ''dispute'' and we should try to avoid dividing ourselves up on a who is right and who is wrong scenario... what is done is done... and now it is.
it makes things very difficult for us to get over and move forward from such situations which affect us on some personal level (which i believe we ALL want to do)
to view things in a judgmental frame of mind in an all rather soap operatic style makes things very difficult for us to live in the now and progress out of this negative environment.

it is a shame...but it has happened.....much love and gratitude to B and K and all the love and best intentions on their journey, as well as everyone elses...on here and not.
look forth with love in our hearts and a strength of knowing that we are stronger for what we have learnt from their collaboration and use it for our own growth.

keep smiling, peace always

imo this is spot on Mikey... excellent post!!!

~ one love ~
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Old 03-02-2010, 04:35 PM   #59
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Free speech sadly does not mean what it implies, it never has, and never will.

For me, it is just a 2 word sentence, which humanity has been fighting for, for as long as we have had speech.

We would all like to believe we have free speech, but do we really? This forum is no different, as it has already been stated which direction it wants to go.

Only compassion and empathy allow free speech. Once compassion and empathy is given over to control, then it is lost once again.

I thank Bill & Kerry for their original intent, as I thank all on this forum for their time and patience that is put into this forum.

love & light
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Old 03-02-2010, 05:27 PM   #60
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Originally Posted by rosie View Post
We would all like to believe we have free speech, but do we really? This forum is no different
Maybe you haven't been to other forums where 'free speech' (which includes everything from hoaxes, to derogatory remarks) really doesn't apply. I have seen no evidence of foul play at this forum yet common human error is being dramatized. Trust me this place is very different, its true that its heading in a new direction, but this does not mean its suppressing free speech, I bet you haven't ever had any of your posts deleted at this forum, there are other places that do that very regularly and for no reason whatsoever.
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Old 03-02-2010, 07:05 PM   #61
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Personally, the position of the observer is a good one as it is also the role of the witness. The witness provides support by being present and not taking sides.
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Old 03-02-2010, 07:31 PM   #62
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Originally Posted by Light and Fight View Post
Bill and Kerry have put a lot of information in the public arena. I think they have done a great job and probably gone through a lot of sacrifice as well as personal growth. Project Camelot is, at least in my view, a counter psy-ops project. I don’t know if it was intended that way, but that’s the kind of reality the project is exposed to. I would be very surprised if not Camelot and Avalon are at least under surveillance, if not outright infiltrared. Not only love and light will protect someone who goes right into PTB territory, you also need some experience in PTB modus to protect yourself. PTB is smart and they work cost efficient. Donīt expect open attack, expect stealth and, above all, manipulation. Manipulation is cheap and you may use people who are not even aware of that they are used. Plant some info to someone who is broke and perhaps has a mental disorder.

"would be very surprised if not Camelot and Avalon are at least under surveillance, if not outright infiltrated. "

Spot on ! I worked it out in Zurich during the conference . Far too many spies around ..Even the Swiss ground crew is infiltrated . At least one young female works for the secret services . Of this I am absolutely certain . My wife and I know what happened ....

Thanks for making some very good points Light and Fight .
Another point I would like to make is this . Too many people interviewed by PC were employed sometime by the alphabet soup agencies . We know that once a spy ... always a spy . There were a couple of excellent exceptions .
We were lucky to hear two personalities without any murky background they are Klaus Dona and Patrick Geril . I enjoyed their interview immensely .
But because the majority of the whistle blowers have a shady past it is very hard to get a picture that makes sense . We even heard that our genes makes us " royalty " amongst the galactic community !
That must be one of the biggest " porky " ever told . The reality is that we are probably one of the most vile species in the universe .
This fact must be evident by how we treat each other and how many of our species suffer from hunger , preventable diseases , poverty and ignorance while a small minority live like princes . We have absolutely no respect for ourselves , nature , our species . With such behavior our genes must be garbage bin material , but this is another story .
On balance PC and Avalon present us occasionally with some pearls .
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Old 03-02-2010, 07:41 PM   #63
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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As has already been said - Some of these "Whistleblowers" seem to quote each other - Who when talking about those others - Quote the very same People quoting Them as valid Sources in the first place. Doesn't anyone see this as a more and more common theme and one that frankly We're starting to see through or get tired of at any rate ? quoting mercuriel

this is exactly what happened with the 2009 disclosure fiasco. wilcock quoting that aussie bloke and vice versa.. all hearsay being touted as fact.. i lost faith in it all when i saw this silliness occuring.
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Old 03-02-2010, 08:02 PM   #64
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Originally Posted by Light and Fight View Post
Witness testimonies are the very core of Project Camelot, and the project will not survive if witness quality control does not improve. I donīt think simple, basic control measures would deterr a serious witness who has a true story to share. PTB manipulators would have a much harder job and the mentally disturbed would not be encouraged to use PC as a way of avoiding their true self.
This sums up the free speech debate. If free speech means randomly posting anything you want at any time about any subject then we may as well change the name from project avalon to project aimlessuninintelligiblenonsense.

What we want is the ability to post conflicting opinions within a genre. (PTB, NWO, whistleblowers, our future, etc). Not unvetted wild claims about delivering books to Ingol Swan as a ghost before we were born and remote viewing the Devil hanging out with ET's in the White House basement. (See Albert Venczel, Kerry's recent super informative schizophrenic mental case unvetted radio guest. Better yet, don't bother.)

Last edited by Seafury; 03-02-2010 at 08:11 PM.
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Old 03-02-2010, 08:11 PM   #65
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

I re posted this.
Dont get me wrong I am for free speech but it can drown out truth at times.

Default Re: Why has Bill Ryan's Post on project Avalon been deleted?
I cant see why moderators are ever attacked and accused of having an agenda.
As far as I can see they do a great job and I thank every one of them.

Here is a Dr David Hawkins quote.

"We don't need more freedom of speech, we need freedom from speech"

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Old 03-02-2010, 08:15 PM   #66
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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klaus dona interview was one of the best ive seen. this is the kind of interview i like. the dude with the earings and tattos telling us things we already know is not what i watch camelot interveiws for. i like bill and people like hoagland. at first i thought oh they dont go far enough, but after 2 yeasrs down the rabbit hole fulltime i might add, youy realise that lots of stuff is just bs. i find the solid facts are amazing enough without adding frilly nonsense.
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Old 03-02-2010, 08:17 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Seafury View Post

What we want is the ability to post conflicting opinions within a genre. (PTB, NWO, whistleblowers, our future, etc). Not unvetted wild claims about delivering books to Ingol Swan as a ghost before we were born and remote viewing the Devil hanging out with ET's in the White House basement. (See Albert Venczel, Kerry's recent super informative schizophrenic mental case unvetted radio guest. Better yet, don't bother.)
yes i had to lol when i heard that crap.. insulting to my intelligence.
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Old 03-02-2010, 08:19 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
i find the solid facts are amazing enough without adding frilly nonsense.
Totally agree, the problem is many people prefer the story telling nonsense, and the thing is it can be amusing but after a while it definitely affects the credibility of those core 'facts' or elements of truth.
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Old 03-02-2010, 09:47 PM   #69
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I cant see why moderators are ever attacked and accused of having an agenda.
Everyone has an agenda....

Have mods been attacked? (verbally of course) Perhaps the word attacked is a bit over the top? Everyone is responsible for their posts and conduct and everyone is accountable for what they say and do, shouldnt this include mods? Obviously being a mod is not easy but shouldnt they have the same responsibilty and accountability as members?

I would mention one particular mod who's conduct and willingness to go beyond the call of duty in the chat room on the day the forum went down but Im not going to. Those who were there know
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:57 PM   #70
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Originally Posted by toothfairy View Post
That's just one small step from tyranny.
You are free to speak and voice your opinion - so is everyone else.
Of course, you don't have to agree with, or like what you hear - but it does
show the state of play like it or not.

That is so but there is a situation throughout the world where political correctness has bowed to free speech to the point where in some places one would be frightened to mention the word God and Im not talking about preaching. Christmas has almost disappeared because it may offend non Christians. Im not a Christian.

I dont mind anyone expressing any point of view, but free speech is a mutually agreed right and has responsibilities. Maturity is the ability to accept the consequences of ones actions. Say what you will do what you wish but every action has consequences,, hopefully good ones.

Can I have my 50p tooth fairy? I followed the instructions put it under the pillow etc
In fact you owe me for several.
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Old 03-02-2010, 11:30 PM   #71
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Originally Posted by TheChosen View Post
How can we ever hope to organise and collaborate with 6 billion people when even 2 people can't govern a simple online forum without going into a full out war with supporters on both sides.. but then again, as Ra put it .. the vast majority will repeat third density.. and for a good reason imho
this is what worries me the most, we cannot organise a tea-party for 2 and we want to save the world? So sad, so sad.
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Old 03-02-2010, 11:36 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Zeddo View Post
this is what worries me the most, we cannot organise a tea-party for 2 and we want to save the world? So sad, so sad.
You might find it interesting to visit "the ego what is it thread? how to transcend."

Ego is the only cause of disagreement, war etc.

Healthy self esteem is earned and different.

Regards to all who are concerned.
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Old 03-02-2010, 11:48 PM   #73
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Cool Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Mercuriel, your post #54 spoke my sentiments exactly! I don't usually pipe in to give a simple yay or nay to anyone... however your thoughtful words have me sending Big E-hug ! Kudos!!!
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Old 03-03-2010, 12:15 AM   #74
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Red face Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

Kerry, excuse me when I say in this thread that not exist a neutral investor- I was angry about your decision to make you work whitout Bill, I hope you find neutrals investors for you excellent job. Monique.
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Old 03-03-2010, 01:12 AM   #75
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Default Re: PROJECT AVALON -- free speech? Domain name transfer

So your replacing Bill with Jack Burns huh? Speaking of the beatles,
Jack Burns= yoko ono.
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