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Old 10-24-2009, 04:40 AM   #1776
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Default Re: Able to Love

YouTube - Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa October 23 2009

We see that the good news about the coming announcement travels fast, and it has been received by many with great joy. It is as though a load has been lifted from your minds, and now you sit back a bit easier as you wait for what will be the first of many revelations. The start is always the most important time, and is why the timing has been so critical. The truth about us and other visitors to your Earth, has to counteract the dark forces and their present attempt to bring doubt and fear into your minds where Swine Flu is concerned. You need an alternative subject to focus your attention on, and what could be better than the promise of the commencement of our activities revealing the truth about us. It will carry you forward on the crest of a wave of expectation, and firmly plant in your minds that the first contact has begun. It is then a matter of how quickly you understand how we will work with you, for commencement of the plan, covering the cleansing of Earth and your upliftment. Certainly the picture will be clearly given so that every soul can decide whether or not to accept us. In spite of the completely positive nature of our message, there will still be some who prefer to remain in your present dimension. However, we expect more of you will find comfort and hope in our messages, and the answers to the problems that wrack Earth at this time.

Our venture lies in your spiritual progress, whilst at the same time ensuring that your physical needs are met. It is to be a quick conversion from the restraints of the dark Ones, by removing them from power and ensuring that as soon as possible your sovereignty is restored. You are to enter the last phase in your preparation in readiness for Ascension. Remarkable times are so to say just around the corner, and once we can openly address you the details will be made known. These are the moments we have all been waiting for and have meticulously worked at over many years. To change your mindset after such a long period of domination and deliberate manipulation has not been easy, but you have responded well to the wake up call.

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Old 10-24-2009, 04:41 AM   #1777
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Old 10-24-2009, 04:49 AM   #1778
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:03 AM   #1779
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:04 AM   #1780
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:05 AM   #1781
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:06 AM   #1782
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:06 AM   #1783
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:07 AM   #1784
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:07 AM   #1785
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:08 AM   #1786
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:12 AM   #1787
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:14 AM   #1788
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:20 AM   #1789
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:20 AM   #1790
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Old 10-24-2009, 05:22 AM   #1791
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Old 10-24-2009, 06:07 AM   #1792
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Default Re: Able to Love

YouTube - Galactic Federation Of Light Metatron October 23 2009

It is a day of new beginnings. It is the dawn of a new era. It is the light of hope shining brightly to restore your faith in the path that has led you through the mire of human mis-creation. I AM Metatron, greeting you in your vibrational home, that of the 5th dimension.

Welcome warriors.

We, the holders of light and keepers of the flame, come forth this day and on this unprecedented occasion to present each of you with your well-earned robes of honor!

You, those who read these words and take them deep into the inner recesses of your lighted heart flames, step forth in the name of oneness to herald the new day.

Our beloved countenance has fallen upon you and you have risen to claim it. You have held your composure in the name of adversity & great human strife. You have sown the seeds of new life. You have healed the great divide in separation consciousness, and you have worn your dignity well.

You, the first wave warriors, are the new leaders, the bright lights that will shine upon the darkest hours. You are the fallen angels, resurrected and reborn into your rightful place as forerunners, path-pavers and pioneers of a new earth.

Brothers and sisters of light, pray tell.

We are your family... we are the realm that you now inhabit and we come with you, to walk hand in hand into this familiar, yet foreign land. This new territory that you have dutifully claimed as your own now holds you in vibrational alignment with all that is God's glory.

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Old 10-24-2009, 06:09 AM   #1793
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YouTube - Galactic Federation Of Light Pleiadian Transmission October 22-23 2009

Dearest Peoples of Terra, as we stream our thoughts and loving energy from our dimension into yours, we see the awesome beauty of your planet, and we speak today on the necessity of connecting deeply with her as part of your ascension process.

The majority of you who hear these words are on the path of awakening, and within your process you have incorporated the concept of grounding. You understand that it is necessary to have your feet on the ground in order for your spiritual paths to unfold but there is a deeper understanding of this that we impart now. Your willingness to hear our words, and more significantly, to act upon them, brings so much joy in our dimension. We indeed see you incorporating these teachings into your beings already, as we can project along your time-line into your future, and we thank you in advance for your openness and willingness to learn new ways that bring joy and power!

We have spoken on vertical connection; on your ability to connect upwards into the heart of your galaxy and downwards into the heart of Gaia. We observe that many children of the Light on Terra have a preference for connecting in the upward direction. Many of you have experienced deep loneliness and isolation on your planet, and for some this has included a knowing that your home is in a particular location in the star systems or higher dimensions, which leads you to you look upwards for connection.

We say now that the pain you have experienced is not necessarily because you do not belong on Terra - for you have chosen to be here at this exact time through your love for her! The majority of you have however been disconnected from her through the ploys of the Manipulators, and the time is now for your joyful reconnection with her.

Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 01-12-2010 at 10:06 PM.
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Old 10-24-2009, 01:57 PM   #1794
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YouTube - Part 1 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael October 23 2009

Greetings!! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Welcome to the monthly messages.
The Creator sends you Love Waves to wrap around yourselves. Imagine this Love Wave as a etheric luxurious Creators Pink Fuzzy Robe Gift that you put on and relax in; Close your eyes and just feel the softness of the robe material, smell the rose scent embedded into the fabric, feel the weight of the garment as you put it around your shoulders. Sense and feel the Love that The Creator has imbued within this robe, just for you. Allow this Creators gift to sooth you on all levels of your Essence. Remember this gift and enjoy it. Wear it whenever you need a lift of spirit.
You are seeing time speed up along with more and more chaos forming around you.
When major stress impacts your life, it puts a damper on your spiritual frequency levels as well as damages your physical body, unless it is cleared.
YouTube - Part 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael October 23 2009

Upon reaching the top step, you peer off to the side as you turn to view what is on top of the mountain. Your Angels tell you that you are now in your Garden of Serenity. They tell you that you are to create this garden along with the complete journey within your minds eye or imagination. It can look however you wish to see it. Does it have trees or plants? Perhaps there is grass or maybe waterfalls? Does your garden have animals and what do they look like? Your Angel taps you on the shoulder to show you a white unicorn; can you picture it there to your left? Take a whiff of the air what fragrances do you smell? The Angels hear birds calling over head they ask you what types of birds have you selected for your garden. Linger only a moment longer as you know you can return here anytime you choose, now that you have remembered the way. You will constantly be adding things each time you visit your Angels tell you.
Walking through your garden you imagine in front of you a path. In the distance about a 100 feet ahead you notice a large crystal palace emerging in the air, sparkling and glistening in the sun light. It glows and feels so warm and loving just to look at it shimmering there. Walking closer now you see at the entry there are two white marble columns. The Angels tell you that all of your incarnated birth dates are inscribed on each column.
Between the columns is the palace doorway. As you look closer you see the door is made of solid gold. A closer look still and you see your name as it is in this incarnation. Under your current incarnated name is the name that you were gifted with, when you were birthed into your initial creation of the Universe. What does it say? Underneath that name, there are hundreds of other names that you have assumed throughout your many past lifetimes and incarnations. Some maybe in languages that you do not understand, symbols or markings that you do not recognize. Do not be concerned if you do not see any other names but the one that you presently hold. If you do not see any other names do not be concerned this information is not ready for you yet and it will come forth again when the moment is appropriate.
You turn the handle on the golden door and step inside. It looks however you desire it to be. It is beautiful beyond compare filled with all the gifts and wealth that are yours to hold. The light is filtering into the inner hall area refracting all the wondrous colors of the rainbow from all the facets of the crystal walls above. The crystals refracting light is causing rainbow spots of color on the floor before you. You can walk and stand in each color if you like. Feel the differences between each color as each carries its own energies and attributes. You will know just the right one to stand in and when. That knowing and remembering is all coming back to you now.
YouTube - Part 3 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael October 23 2009

That process finished your Angels have you stand again on the golden circle so that they can once again gage your spiritual frequency levels. The crystal wand glows completely this time and Yes the Angels say it is now perfect.
They tell you that you have done so very well and should be feeling much better. You nod and thank them for their help. You indicate to them that you are feeling so much better.
A nice dip in the healing pool will be your last step the Angels tell you. Your Angels point to a dressing room and tell you that there is a bathing suit waiting for you there, go change so that you can enjoy this beautiful healing pool. You go and change and to your sheer delight this bathing suit fits perfectly and makes you look fabulous.
The Angles tell you that the stress of your daily physical life has contributed to your feeling very harried and drained. Allow yourself the glorious privilege of stepping into the healing pool. You see the steps leading down; as you step into the pool feel that luscious warm and inviting emerald green water slide over your body as you walk down the descending pool steps. A water raft that is gold and pink is waiting for you to lie on. You hop up on the raft and lay back. If you like, invite those you asked for support to join you now around the pool. You might also ask Archangel Uriel, Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Raphael to join you as well. Allow them to surround your pool and beam their healing and loving energies into your pool to help you re-energize and revitalize.
so much un-verifiable positive information

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Old 10-24-2009, 02:12 PM   #1795
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Old 10-24-2009, 02:39 PM   #1796
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Old 10-24-2009, 02:41 PM   #1797
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Old 10-24-2009, 02:42 PM   #1798
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Old 10-25-2009, 08:10 AM   #1799
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Welcome to 2012 The Greatest Show on Earth.

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Old 10-25-2009, 11:04 AM   #1800
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Now thats exceptional!
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