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Old 01-02-2009, 07:11 PM   #276
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

this all has to be front page news
big read sooo worth it .
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Old 01-02-2009, 08:47 PM   #277
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi Astralwalker,

great lessons for all of us! Thanks for bringing this up...and yes, I'm in too.
I just sent a PM to Samarkis to put me on the list.

I see, Germany is not listed nor there is a location near my residence City (GB eventually, over the Chanel).
Our Birthcountry is not listed as well , so I will try to figure out something very speciall for this event.

By the way, I'm one of those who meditate during my normal, daily activities, always trying to monitor my thoughts and my mind.

Letting go, healing the Planet, sending my energy to all that is! Healing, Healing and nothing but Healing!!

This is my daily work and I just feel great and enlighten doing this.

As you mentioned, we ALL should take our responsibility and do what we're supposed to do.
If anyone is not certain of his/her purpose on this Planet, just let your Heart guides you. It will WORK!!!

P.S.1. Any Idea where YOU will be during this event?

P.S. 2. To all of you who eventually missed me in the last few weeks...I'm back!

WE have a lot to do and as I mentioned once on this Forum, no one leaves this Planet until our work is done

I love you all and you're to send me your love back...
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Old 01-02-2009, 08:55 PM   #278
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

wow...that took a couple days to digest

thank you astral walker for sharing all the dots you have connected along with everyone else here who is contributing to this thread and seeking to help restore mother earth...i really feel like my whole life has led to what is forming right now and i feel 09 is going to be something special indeed

i resonated with the majority of what astral walker has shared...i don't know about the hollow earth idea but i guess it makes sense with the 2 vortexes at the poles that there would be holes like a funnel but i dont know if the earth needs to be hollow in order for the double vortex to stand true but that is not really that important to me...i also don't know about the sagitarious dwarf thing for i thought that was debunked shortly afterwards...but again that is not the main thrust of this thread and overall i agree with what has been put forth

the code, geomusic and the thorough explanation of remote viewing and astral traveling was new to me and i greatly appeciate connecting those dots for me my life has been leading me towards the use of sound in healing and and i just received some fibonacci tuning forks from santa which i am going to be experimenting with them using sacred geometry...i have experienced a spontaneous healing of my ruptured ear drum during a drumming circle so i know sound can heal and i can only imagine the beneficial possibilities of where this is headed

below is a link called the rainbow serpent project which is based on similar ideas of activating the earth's chakra system:


i dont know if a website is being prepared for the gatherings or not but i feel that would make sense to have it's own website...i am thinking drunvalo could help spread the word as he has been in this line of work for some time...i am also thinking the entire gaian community would be interested in this which is a fairly large group of like minded individuals


i am curious about why the number 777 and how that relates to all of this? i am also a little confused about the selecting of the current power spots of the earth...according to drunvalo the grid is shifting and so wouldn't that mean that the power spots would be shifting to new places also? i think david wilcock mentioned this as well in divine cosmos that as the earth moves into the next density there is also a shift from one platonic solid to another which changes where the nodes connect with the earth?

well thanks again for this thread....we can do it

This is a call to all
Wake up and lucid dream
Like the time before the fall
Intent and light form a stream
Power shifting from king to queen
Forgive the masses and come out clean

This is a call from earth
Wake up and love your mama
Help the goddess light to birth
Anchored by the strength of papa
The serpent energy is changing course
Prayer and ceremony is the healing force

This is a call from sky
Wake up and live as one
The eagle and the condor fly
Send your anguish up to the sun
A message from the jungle spreads
Get into your heart and out of your heads

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Old 01-02-2009, 09:21 PM   #279
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Great to have you here Malletzky and Mickey.
Thank you for joining this ground crew .

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Old 01-02-2009, 10:52 PM   #280
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi Everyone and a question to Astralwalker....what do you think of this post? By Dan Winter on th e site below???

I cut and pasted the whole thing and here it is...


DNA Manifesto-DNA ET History+Physics&Film Egyptian Afterlife Entry
Why the History of DNA is the only way to emerge from 'groundhog day'
Implosion Group / Dan Winter - index soulinvitation.com or goldenmean.info
below is exerpted only - to see the animations (and film trailer) use:
A. It is self-evident that DNA is based on Golden Ratio and a fractal charge attractor in order to make it an electric field generator for (its most sutainable / immortalizing function) the production of its own gravity field.
B. That the COHERENCE (fractally perfected) of this DNA's charge coupling field (also called access to the collective unconscious) - is absolutely the ONLY hope of sustaining immune function, and carrying biologic (electric) memory thru death. The coherence of the bio charge field has formerly been called the KA (boat to the underworld) in EArth's tradition - from which we have our words KAthar, KAtholic, merKAba etc. Thus it is self-evident that perfecting this field effect biologically around each human ( aura coherence is measureable with clinical precision for example by GDV) - is the ultimate and final meaning and purpose of biologic incarnation- and therefore the highest purpose for Earth's governments to serve each human. (For illustration - it is for example clear - that the origin of our word FATTEN is FA-ATUN- which literally means to FEED OR CHARGE the aura / sun god in you. FA or FE mean to charge by getting PHI. All actions which do NOT FATTEN or feed your aura, should therefore be avoided by governments - or those governments should be replaced. Such crimes against humanity {forced immunization, preventing free seed selection} illustrate for example a primary legal reason for the replacement of George Bush's government. )
B. That the result of the perfection of DNA's coherence electrically (defined by BLISS / peak experience / peak perception - below) which is fractal and gravity making, allows DNA to stabilize the gravity of humans. This makes Sufi turning, lucid dreaming, and navigation at death possible - as well as creating the self steering and internal charge generating condition which is DNA's only hope of not being a parasite and not being PUSHED AROUND. Otherwise humans are condemned to parasite religions lying to them about the physics of creation / ability to compress charge, somehow suggesting this takes place OUTside the electric field of their bodies / their attention.
C. It is further self evident that a primary role DNA plays in the astrophysics of celestial bodies (like our Sun) is to stabilize the gravity enabling star maintenance / birth etc. Stars obviously do not work so hard to fabricate DNA genepools (like ours) for no return on investment (this would not be KHEMically adiabatic). Essentially what it means to inhabit a star (or any body) is to become electrically the gravity field which holds it together. Incarnation = embedding in the perfected charge distribution of fractality sometimes called 'consciousness'. The physics of embedding / perfected nesting / harmonic inclusiveness - optimized by Golden Ratio - is well articulated. In EArth's traditions this is called making SUN Gods. Recent measurement evidence includes the dramatic effect on solar flares when millions of children sing the same song, also the measured reduction of radioactivity caused by focused human attention. Biologically fractal charge compression - is the final gravity maker.
D. That most importantly DNA requires absolutely exacting environnment and nutrient in order to acheive this charge attracting, gravity making climax state: namely-
1) fractal electric charge field (traditionally called sacred space)- identified by harmonic inclusiveness when the capacitive qualities of the space are spectrum analyzed. This fractality in air - can also be measured by the Russian IGA (torsion / scalar cascade) notably measuring the residual electric field caused by life / DNA (also cf Gariev / phantom DNA etc). This principle is illustrated beautifully in the parallel way fractality in all liquids - measureable by REDOX potential - quantifies ability to support life (charge distribution) in GENERAL. This absolutely demands Earth reinvent architecture defined by the ability to build a biologic / DNA feeding - (fractal) capacitor. It is important to note how inexpensive it is to measure, prove and teach this physics - based on measuring / comparing what percentage and weight success any space (electric field) will have in germinating a dish of seeds. This then predicts the ability of that space to support all DNA and growth, human immune health, and death eliminating BLISS.
2) fractal live enzyme, genetic diversity based nutrition. It needs to be legislated a crime against humanity to cause not just genetic engineering without measuring the effect on (fractal) DNA field coherence, but also a crime against humanity to permit MONOCULTURE. This literally inhuman practice - by denying DNA's right to secure fractally implosive / harmonic rich charge acquisition / implosion-is it's only hope of become self directing (monocultured DNA is literally STUPID) by sucking charge into itself - has now made most of the wheat, corn and soy DNA on Earth measureably poisonous to human immune health ( ref - leucotrane sneeze - blood allergy measure etc- individualwellbeing.co.uk ).
3) Children need to be educated in what is the physics of a shareable thought: Namely a wave of charge which (by fractal coherence- like the neurons 'pulse stream' optimized by Golden Ratio EEG / bliss) is able to propagate non-destructively (how aura survives death for example). This will allow them to feed their aura by their choice of thought. Thus pure service and pure intention - are electrically measureable for example in aura building EKG coherence (HeartTuner uses cepstrum physics to measure EKG and thereby emotional COHERENCE). They need to understand the physics which causes their bodies to tingle each time they discover and bring into their attention - a shareable concept / pure principle. Charge acquisition by fractality enables what formerly was called GOD making - the pure self empowering physics of creation by charge compression. NO metal medium can support the physical electric power of biologic fractality which exists in DNA. This understanding spells the end of the Orion wars- where like on EAs Earth now - humanoids mistakenly and disastrously tried to inhabit (DNA and soul destroying) non-fractal METAL. (how beautiful is the fractal of that where the sad Isreali's fly the alpha DRACOnis flag on their metal tanks - only to find that one simple shaman with good DNA completely makes obsolete and wasteful even George Bush's armegeddon military budget).
In honor of the approach of the solar wind compression test (rapture) demanding fractal non-destructive compression of all biology and cities, and since the electrical action on DNA to cohere environment (see appendix- short history of DNA) is self evidently the ONLY hope to access biologic sustainability (and immortality) on this planet - we the undersigned demand URGENT action by the UN to educate cultures, and censure offending governments:
The actions required:
1. Require seed distribution and genetic engineering to prove vitality by electric coherence measure (life force) - thus enforcing free genetic diversity by law- because only that will allow DNA to cohere.
2. Start education in DNA health, - instruction for example in the physics of live enzyme maintenance- will show the cause of aging in general correlates with live enzyme death in the body. Digestion is access to charge implosion - where memory becomes shareble. Movie 'stars' who die taking 300 pounds of undigestable white flour in their intestines into their coffin - illustrate what it is to NOT become a star.
3. Educate nations - how solar biologic capacitors like stonehenge, garden of Edin, Amarna / Amenti - prevented cellular aging - permitted germination force, and electrically successful / coherent - birth and death.
4. Teach the scientific NATURE OF BLISS / Ecstasy / Peak Experience / Peak Perception / Enlightenment- which is literally the body learning to become fractal enough to attract and compress charge efficiently >
the graphics here are at the link (experted here- see links for the images:
exerpt from the end of the article (dna history)
Your soul is projected like a flame out the portal of the pyramid. The PYRAMID IS A SOUL RETREIVER - like Intiwana's (fractal ) Prism at Machu Pichu, and the Cherokee sacred burial ground hill fractal to the mountain behind it, and like the SOUL ACCELERATOR that is AMENTI. It is a paramagnetic capacitor designed to charge compress and PROJECT the electric field of your biologic aura after death. - see the measurement of the biologic charge field (the Egyptian KA - boat to the underworld= field COHERENCE) - after death - at soulinvitation.com/death . Also see - the AMENTI - soul retreival principle - so central to Akhunaton's design for Amarna. ( soulinvitation.com/heaven , soulinvitation.com/lionpath , soulinvitation.com/amenti , soulinvitation.com/ensoulment , soulinvitation.com/blackholeeffect , soulinvitation.com/salvation , soulinvitation.com/wormturning )
In order to center yourself in that field effect / your soul "Bardo Navigating"- with Dendara's ceiling for a map - you must BATTLE WITH THE 12 Snakes - THE SERPENT WITH THE BLAZING FACE. Does it not make perfect sense that the 12 snakes and the serpent with the blazing face - is precisely the FIERY MOUTH OF YOUR OWN DNA! Your genes are on fire. To enter that fire - the AG in AGni - you must understand that in the IMPLOSIVE and GRAVITY MAKING CHARGE COMPRESSING coeur of GENEs - that ONLY THE SHAREABLE WAVE SURVIVES! This means you must have sorted your memory.
The axial rotations of charge which make up your DNA - are 5 in the thin strand (cube 3 rotates into dodec 4 which is then wratcheted down the helix =total 5 superposed 'SNAKES" / axes of symmetry of charge rotation ) - then there are 7 MORE rotations in the recursive braid of that strand to its fat toroidal implosive ensoulment. The thread is braided into string, then the string to rope, then the rope into fat rope... recursively - SEVEN TIMES. Until the DNA becomes circular / toroidal / implosive / Lord of the Ring- (pics / animations at links etc especially - soulinvitation.com/12strands ). This was called "Boson Seven" at Montauk - it shows up in the power spectra of DNA (Star Wars "Micro Chloridians" in the Blood) - indicating ability to make gravity - time travel and CALL "The FORCE"! (Real Mystery of the Lord of the Ring - the Science of DNA: soulinvitation.com/ringlord ).
SO when you add the 5 superposed charge rotations (defining dimensions) in the thread- with the 7 superposed rotations in the BRAID WITHIN THE BRAID (see 7 color torus codefining 7 spins of the tetra)- YOU HAVE 12 'strands' LITERALLY TWELVE SNAKES - in your DNA (and see below literally how people see exactly THAT map when they die) !
The Egyptians were 'resurrectionists'. The KA was the boat, Amenti was the river, the hat of Osiris (pericardium) was the lens of the heart.
How suitable that the original name for Egypt was Khem - meaning 'access to the place of blackness' - from Enki/Thoth's blue black (Rigelian) blood. And that this became the origin and meaning of our terms KHEMistry and alKHEMy - literally - symmetry access to BLACK HOLE MAKING. Now we see - that penetrating the black hole in DNA - is the heart of the Egyptian mystery tradition. Compare how perfectly navigating these superposed symmetry rotations necessary to enter the coeur of your own DNA (fearless jumping in to the implosive mouth with the 'blazing face) - is exactly the symmetry pattern SEEN BY NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCERS ('Kluver Form Constants' discussed at soulinvitation.com/death ).
The short history of DNA:
In the hoary mists of time, much forgotten in the DNA decay / long memory loss - of the Orion Wars, it is clear that the fusion holy communion charge core nature of DNA was in fact understood of old.
A little context to our story - an intro to the SCIENCE: The nature of DNA's implosion core is such that a kind of enforced democracy must exist among all the planets using (DNA) this biology's finest charge propagation engine. What happens is that in the Golden Fractal heart of DNA - the well / library of survival info is constantly being upgrade among ALL DNA users. The way this works involves phase velocity recursive constructive 'heterodyning' charge waves- constantly discovering which wave can successfully propagage thru the speed of light, into the gravity well that is the electric field of the collective unconscious. Here in the fusion core of implosion, only the SHAREABLE wave can survive. The physics involves a certain test for fractal charge coherence - which precisely corresponds to what is called PURE INTENTION. See how this pure intention / heart coherence is MEASURED and taught in physics -as internal phase coherence: 'the cepstrum' in EKG / EEG : HeartTuner / BlissTuner .
This test for successful compression of charge is electrically the essential PHYSICS of successful death for example. Here waves discover literally what can SERVE all of DNA by checking which fusion wave of charge (which is the form of all biologic memory) is able to survive compression into the shareable world. Perfect fractal PHASE DISCIPLINE is the physics of entry test into the world of the shareable (sometimes called immortal pure intention). In Egypt- this physics of DNA was called encountering "the 12 strands of the snake with the fiery mouth". Dimensions are axes of symmetry superposed in DNA.The pure charge symmetry science - of the 12 DNA rotations or 'strands' vs origin of alphabets are animated at soulinvitation.com/12strands
The DNA thread -dodeca stepped or wratcheted down a helix - begins with 5 charge rotational axes superposed (3 spin cube/ rotates or 'nutates' 5 cubes around at 32 degree tilt - into the 4th symmetry axis which is the dodecahedron/ then wratcheted in the 5th spin symmetry superposed down the helix into the thread that is DNA - pics below). Then - the thread is recursively braided (thread to string to rope to fat rope) 7 times (codefined by the tetra axes - physics of codon nesting and alphabet origins) until it becomes toroidal / circular / implosive and ensouled. Entering this fiery mouth without fear (resistance to spin compression) is successful death / dream entry - as evidenced to the symmetry map of turning into DNA's mouth - "Kluver Form Constant's" geometric map to death seen by near death experiencers. ( soulinvitation.com/death ). The 12 snakes or 12 strands idea, refers only to the potentially 12 (5 plus 7 braid) axes of symmetry of charge rotation when DNA 'takes charge'. The mouth of that (DNA) snake, is fiery and fearsome only to those who have not learned the immortalizing skill of non-destructive (implosive / fusion based) charge compression. The symmetry ingredients of this DNA igniting implosive charge compression - codon tetra dance (Hebrew) into the pent DNA (Ophanic / Greek - re-penting to be saved / ) to acheive implosive charge distribution - is the origin of all sustainable (sacred) alphabets.
Now- back to the history story: The practical politics that was then required -involved legislating that all developing star systems which would utilize DNA for the en-livening of their planets- must agree to certain rules. These rules were propagated by what were then called 'Galactic Core Cultures' ( ref: vincentbridges.com and others). On the up side - this provided for a certain discipline about genetic crosses - which created a kind of mystic plan for the 'Willed Mutation of the Species' (they would evolve a new organ of perception genetically precisely when they would envision and intend - setting the phase direction / intent steers waves of charge).
Later, however a negative side of this genetic rule making emerged. The essential galactic dynamic involved a certain disagreement about the best way to propagate DNA to evolving stars. (The Ophanim vs 'fallen' Seraphim, the Aku vs Draku- became Enki vs Enlil, Atun vs Amun, Lucifer vs Michael, Luciferic vs Ahrimanic etc etc etc.. Today- Arab vs Jew.. Note how the movie GROUNDHOG DAY cannot end until education is acheived...Remember Darth Vader / Drac is Skywalkers dad. Harkonen sired MuaDib..Why does the Bird Brain sit on TOP the Snake Brain? )
The primary agent in our galactic sector, came from a fiercely survival oriented 'Dragon' family later called SERAPHIM, or URU. That culture became female dominated, whose queens were telepathic and called ASSA. The ASSA from URU in the place (DIN) of the AN(Sun God) became DIN ASSA URU ( Dinasoar) and Azores, Asuras, and URU-ASSA-EL-EM (Jerusalem) - where the Queen (ASSA) URU (Draco's) would make the PHASE SHIFT (EL) - translating the vorticity of their DNA blood charge thru light speed into star inhabiting / gravity making ensoulment. You can see now why you live in UR-ope, near the UR-als, originated by the URU-an (Romans).
The galactic history of this URU Dragon tribe is, to oversimplify- the tale of the genetic disaster which befell a certain branch of the Seraphim, Dragon family. After many warrior generations, they ended up welding and immersing their DNA into too much metal structure- artificial enviornments loss of charge fractality (the sacred) caused aging and loss of implosion in DNA. The loss of the skill to electrically ignite DNA TO IT'S NATURAL IMPLOSIVE GRAVITY MAKING IMPLOSION WAS CALLED NEPHALIM ( MEANING FALLEN ONE). Originally their queens were called MAG meaning the matrix of charge ignition (AGni) in blood. We have discussed elsewhere in great detail ( soulinvitation.com/therestofthestory )- the circumstances surrounded their migration from seratonin laced menstrual blood for (royal jelly) star making 'Messiah' nourishment of their babies, to addictive Gold Powder (the Manna, Ormes, Spice - origin of the white round wafer- holy communion). This story then includes the primary economics (support of their de-souling addiction to this gold powder habit - paid for the expensive articifial genetic engineering / mining planetoid which genetically seeded Earth multiple times).
The negative side of this rule making about DNA behavior - we referred to, arose when they forgot the essential charge dynamics of what permitted blood to remain charge implosive, gravity making and therefore hi value. They well knew that the high paying jobs were for those whose DNA was implosive / gravity bending enough to navigate faster than light star craft (the so called 'guild navigator' immersed in gold water, with the 'micro chloridian / boson 7 DNA). Their understanding of the physics of DNA was evolving - but yet - like our foolish genetic engineers, they failed to see the slow death to charge implosion in DNA - when biology was placed in metal environments. Their culture for example originally understood more of the physics to install a capacitive dolmen field to create the charge envelope microclimate (literally the GarDIN of EDIN) - which prevented cellular aging. This mining equipment became essential when they discovered how quickly their 10000+ year life spans decayed when they entered our planet environment. Here was an electric field / atmosphere - less than the fractality- to which they were (artificially) accustomed. But even the skill to maintain the implosive immortalizing charge field of these arrays (called SHEM biblically- rather mistranslated into 'altar') was gradually lost - as loss of long term memory was one of the distinct symptoms of their gold powder addicted decaying DNA. Loss of blood implosion - loss of the the AGni in mAG and drAG- eliminates independant thinking - tends to create the hive mind tendancy: the return of the borg.
Having forgotten how DNA could become implosively self steering, ignited and gravity making - all they could do was - pass rules to PREVENT DNA FROM CHANGING. This is how a deep cultural conviction arose on the fallen DRACO Nephalim star system ALPHA DRACONIS. (Home of DUNE's ARRAKEIS, the star map at Ankor Wat, and the shape of the arabic letter EL, whose logo and star battle craft hex shape became the flag of Israel.) The mistaken (and very characteristically reptilian) cultural notion was that ANY DNA THAT CHANGES IS BY DEFINITION DEFECTIVE. This failure to empower their own genes to get free- resulted in their 'Draconian' marriage laws installed later in the CASTE SYSTEM, the Jewish sex guilt, today's Mormonism, and the horrific touch inhibiting marriage laws of the Australian aboriginals. This error in understanding of the meaning and value of setting free your DNA (genetic diversity) and setting your children free - bears directly on the catastophic DNA policies (the monoculture disaster) of Earth's governments today. And also in our inability to allow our children to take responsibility for their own destiny (the George Bush - let go and let God dementia).
There is a particular part of this story relevant to our DNA short history story - we need to mention. These Draco's conquered most of the remaining inhabitable planetoids, of the largely war destroyed Orion sector. We animated elsewhere the clear morph relationship ( soulinvitation.com/invasion, soulinvitation.com/enki ) between the Draco face, and the ancient Sumerian goddess (Eve / grandma) statues from the Ubaid. Their warlike method and purpose in DNA seeding planetoids - bears directly on what happened to DNA on Earth ( our patterns of fear - and guilt around the natural sexual / charge field penetrating power of DNA).
Two major lifewaves of seeding our so called GAR-DIN (Sumerian words) are mentioned in such anthopologic works as : (pics see link soulinvitation.com/dnamanifesto )
Thanks to our Shaman Anthropolog friend in Bogota: Mariana Escribano (French and Spanish)- author of these who presented Valerie and I these - along with her explanation of Enki's role - and the dual seeding story BOTH Lumeria and Sumeria from the Dragon UR race.
< note KYN = 'kin', NYKY=Enki, GaGua=Ga Ga =The PLACE - the Saturn moon which became Pluto where Enki set up his genetic modification lab to use the Acambero statues below to modify his humanoid genetic experimental line for exagerated sexuality to potentize them against the fallen Draco empire (see below- to be clear- the part of the story of Enki / Quetzlcoatel's -Acambaro Statues changing the shape of animals - and about GaGa being Jupiters moon- becoming Pluto where Enki did this - both were suggested by Michael Heleus. Specifically - Michael's hypothesis is that the Pluto sytem's main components, Pluto and the somewhat smaller Charon, were a dual shepherd-moon at the edge of one of Saturn's rings trimming the edge of outlying debris.
Names for Hermes, and AdamKadmon are also in this book. Note- din=place of gods, DIN- ASSA- URU- Dinasaur- (Place where the Annunaki imported the Assa /queen - URU / drac DNA)
"The Return of Enki": The essential story here (acknowledgement to Michael Heleus) is that Enki / Ea / Merk / Atun / Lucider / Adonia (+son Hermes/ Thoth / Thoth moses..)- perceiving that his DNA and DNA politics were a losing fragment in the Orion wars / Empire Strikes Back - specifically the psychokinesis HE represented...chose to rebel against the conservative Draco policy forbidding the inserting of the more psychokinetic aspects of their own DNA here (in Lumeria this mistake allowed their slaves to rebel). The real bullet in the furnace was Enki's own Paa Taal (Ptah) / DNA which he had illegally used by planting his own sperm in his half sisters womb where he had inserted the Cro Magnon egg(Eve).
Below- Enki / Thoth ..(pics of emerald tablets vs tibetan vs ophanim enochian - all based on thoth in link soulinvitation.com/dnamanifesto )
conceived a plan. He took these biologic capacitors.. the Acambaro ceramic collection..statues-(below) to Gaga - Saturn moon which became Pluto . The design of these statues / biologic capacitors (like real physics behind a witch making a doll)- was such that their electric field would influence the morph direction of the DNA field. Michael, reports actual witnesses to the statues changing the shape of animals. (see 'fluted ears' below).
Many of these dolls show very exagerated penises. He suggests ( it makes so much sense)- that Enki used that biological engineering opportunity to radically over stimulate the human sex drive. He carved the paramagnetic piezoelectric trace mineral rich charge resonant clay statuary with extreme sexual gland exaggeration- to trigger that growth in our HUMAN DNA (in his seeding lab)- his experiment in rebellion from the fallen ORION Dracs! In this way he knew he could make it virtually impossible for the Draconian Drac government to turn us all into borg. (We would be too assertive).
from ANOTHER KIND OF HIERONYMUS DEVICE - AND THE INCEPTIVE CYBORG EFFECT -"If thought constructs are actual operational mechanisms, then there should be other evidence besides psychosomatic illness and the demonstrated ability of the mind to cure certain illnesses. In fact, the Hieronymus device can be used to demonstrate this point.
John Campbell, former noted editor of Analog Magazine, once built an Hieronymus device and tested it successfully. Campbell immediately recognized that present physics could not explain the functioning of the device. In an exchange with Arthur Young, Young suggested to Campbell that it was the mind of the operator that made the device function, and that it was the symbolic form of the device that dynamically functioned to make it work. This appeared particularly significant to Campbell since he had discovered he could make the device work even though disconnected from its power supply.
So Campbell decided to test this thesis. He carefully drew on paper in black India ink a schematic diagram of the amplifier, removed the actual amplifier hardware, and substituted the schematic drawing. To his absolute amazement, the device worked as well for him this way as it had previously. But from our standpoint, such a result is not unexpected and can be readily explained.
First, I should point out quite strongly that Campbell not only was well-qualified technically, but even more important, he had an open and unbiased mind. This of course is quite necessary; the negative psi effect is well known, and the negative person is most certainly not going to allow his mind to operate the Hieronymus machine, just as he will not allow himself to succeed at dowsing, and so on. - Furthermore, in constructing the electrical schema of the amplifier, Campbell was strongly impressing stable thought constructs in his own unconscious, which was fully aware of the function of each part of the drawing. And when he connected that drawing to the rest of the hardware, he understood the function of the connection. He thus built in a thought connection from his thought-form amplifier to the hardware in a cyborg device. It then functioned as well for him as had the actual device. Campbell had proved that mind and matter may be cyborged into operational devices.
Psychic use of a pendulum, a ouija board, a dowsing rod, a crystal ball, and a crystal skull are other examples of the use of inceptive cyborg psychotronic devices, as is the use of radionics equipment of all types. And of course the most outstanding example of an inceptive cyborg where mind and matter are linked into one functional device is a living biological system. - Frances Farrelly, working with Arthur Young, took part in an experiment using an ancient Mexican (Acambaro) figurine with a fluted neck. She succeeded in inducing fluted ears in a laboratory mouse. The mouse was exposed to the figurine about three feet away, arid the cage or the mouse was connected to the figurine with a wire. Physical objects, such as mice bodies and fluted figurines, are three-dimensional channel tuners for orthorotating mind energies. Given firm initiation by a talented person such as Ms. Farrelly, a selected grouping of tuners can be resonated to collect bioenergy, and kindle it into ordinary energy and then into physical..." end quote.. we would suggest words like biologic charge envelope as measured at soulinvitation.com/biophoton - instead of orthorotating mind energies- Dan W.
BELOW - the famous Mexican ACAMBARO Figurine collection. If only the biblical creationists stupidly arguing that these statues prove that Dinasaurs were created - really UNDERSTOOD - they rather prove that we were all a genetic slave project of a commercial DRAC culture. The GOOD news is that the Dragons DID bring with them some truly angelic DNA: namely - Enki's PTaa.. mothers line..(Thuth-moses, Atun, Merk, Essene, Mag, Tut, Jesus -stories have only ONE source) - this is the REASON for the cultural fascination with the Jesus / really Tut Thuth story - AND the grail physics of DNA. It is not to say we need personality worship the high winged Dragon blood of Atun / Enki's mother's line. Quite the contrary - what we must focus on is the PHYSICS which allows such blood to remain ignited / implosive / blissful with fractal charge (the absolutely deepest SCIENTIFIC meaning of the word GRAIL).
Summary - the Draconian culture from which Enki and the Sumerian Annunaki emerged - was primarily a genetic engineering / interventionist group. This is evidenced by the fact that EACH of the following appear to be primarily a GENETIC ENGINEERING SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT:
a) Hebrew Alphabet - controlling the tetra angles at which charge domains / codons nesting tetrahedrally - can be inserted into DNA to program it. - pics http://spirals.eternite.com
b) Sumerian Alphabet - as George Merkel MD showed with Mitochondrial Chondriana, and his microscopy- the Sumerian glyphs were primarily wave guides thru which coherent light would create sub-cellular organelles.
c) Acambero Figurines / Statures - biological capacitors to radiate the electric field to control the morph direction of DNA fields. - similar not just to witches making a doll, but also to "Willed Mutation of the Species"(Satprem). In this case, Enki / Hermes Quetzlcoatel and crew appeared to have been using them to morph (over-sex) the Earth human genetic experiment in a way to PREVENT the Draco culture from so freely turning us into borgs for harvest. (Jen - I believe the Axolatel was the species upon which they were tested, might account for the interest of your son).
Both of these major genetic seedings of Earth originated from Alpha Draconis. This is confirmed by the Montauk ET reports (see Swerdlow detail and links: soulinvitation.com/invasion ). This fits with many other sources, including the ASSA-URU stories from the Hopi / Morningsky (Guardians of the Grail)- as well as the Draconis star map of Ankor Watt (book:Heavens Mirror) - and even the surprisingly historical DUNE information (Arrakeis is in Alpha Draconis). We see the high Draco called Dragon, Seraphim, Uru.. the elevated ones called Ciakar, or ArKan (archangel etc). Altho we agree with Swerdlow and others who emphasize that as many as 20 major ET civilizations were involved in interfering with Earth's genepool, the hypothesis that best fitst the stories, is again that the Alpha Draconis - were the politically and genetically dominant force. (Ironic caveat here: dominant in SETTING the genetic politics/polis laws but RECESSIVE in the relationship of their genes to the monkey blood they raped: hence RH- /rhesus absent - reptilians must always INBREED- the eLIZaBETH:Lizard born). Their female dominant queen culture ASSA became our DIN(place of Annunaki)ASSa-Uru : Dinasoar, and Azores, Asauras, (as we mentioned) - even our biblical Sarah is actually the ASSa (dragon queen ) of Ra (Sun God).
- Their first genetic engineering wave we called Lumeria (Le m'UR). (The URal's of URope, were influenced by Uru-ans / romans originally from URU-ASSA-el-m / Jerusalem & Uruq/Iraq , Usuf Joseph and ASSa of RA -Sara from UR- what b'URg do you come from? )...
Here if we understand the South American shamanic data, they allowed too much of their own long living DNA into their genetic slave culture, who later rather successfully rebelled. The resulting nuclear mess - sent the reptilian / draconian elements mostly off planet, but forced the humanoid group underground for generations (and into using iron - to bond oxygen in blood - becoming the red blood - ADAM -meaning red made. The heme-oglobin bond geometry mimics chlorophyll). So when it came time for the second major investment in genetics/ and mining here: Sumeria - the draco's had rather strict rules. They wished to avoid giving their TAK(Orion)-ADAMas' (Red man slaves)- enough psychokinesis in the genes to allow them to rebel from their slave status. This became the Hebrew / Yalweh (Draconic) sex guilt, marriage laws etc. Also it is why Gilgamesh was so angry that his lack of Annunaki genetic purity disqualified him from his much wanted dose of immortalizing Gold Powder. His story - (related:Formula for Surviving Death-Gilgamesh, Annunaki, Gold, Merkabbahs, & the Incunabula ) is not just about the inner electric muscles to acheive immortality in the lucid dream, but also a lesson (like Dendara ceiling) in star navigating at death.
The second major wave of genetic intervention here, came with the arrival of An's family- Enki, Enlil - in the Annunaki / Sumerian epic. ( Annunaki timeline reprint / more context for the story : soulinvitation.com/hellsmouth ). The URU half of the IBI-URU, nIBI-URU - was Drac - the IBI half was bird / dog - as in IBERIA, and BirdTribe (see Ophanim Enochian). Here in the Sumerian episode, Enki was VERY close to disobeying those rules (keep the genetic slaves as slaves) when he tried his own sperm in the cro-mag egg he raped out of the local monkeys, to install in his half sister (Ninursag)- to make 'Adam and Eve'. So suspicious were the Drac's back in Orion - they demanded a sample for inspection (Enoch). When he returned the message from h'UR-tak (Dracs from Orion) was clear: OBEY THE HIERARCHY!
Empire Strikes Back and Terminator are REAL! - Enki in fact represented the greatest fear of the borg empire- a blood line 'the REAL desposyni' - which COULD in fact grow psychokinetic enough to seriously threaten the borg / drac machine computer controlled empire. Gardner's retelling of the chasing to death of the remnants of a (desposyni ) bloodline ("Genesis of the Grail Kings") across all the royal families of Earth - ONLY has meaning when understood in an ExtraTerrestrial context. The origin of royal was simply charge radiant enough DNA to implode - Enki's/ Atun / Hermes / Thoth - real agenda.
The Annunaki story is told richly in many places - our version is at soulinvitation.com/therestofthestory . What concerns our story about DNA politics vs. the psyche of Earth's peoples is more about what has been installed in the psyche of Earth. The overwhelming philosophy and economics of the (Draco) culture that paid for most of our DNA to be installed here (Lumeria, then Sumeria) was simply HARVEST. This is not necessarily such a horrible thing. Our grandparents generally lived where they did for some simply commercial reason. The meaning of the word Titicaca for example is essentially- tin mine. The geometry of the grail sites in Canada is simply the fractal places where mining (mineral deposits) are possible - based on grid embedding.
arcadia pic
The problem arises as the interfering Drac culture leaves its tentacles. Today - many believe the only countries on Earth which George Bush (puppet of Isreali bankers whose flag is Drac) has declared enemies are those whose central banks are NOT controlled by the (Drac?) Rothschilds. The same banking interests effectively legislated it illegal for farmers (in Iraq for example) to use their own seeds. This is 'Draconian' DNA control of the worst kind (the Monsanto induced "DNA made blind/angry/non-implosive" -hell of monoculture).
The Yalweh (Jews) / Enlil / Draco politics (guilt and fear about being self empowered) about CONTROLLING DNA in order to harvest it - originated with the Draco 'moments of conception' of most of our genepool (Lumeria / Sumeria) (the Drac / Templar origins of Insurance / Banking etc).
(pic at link soulinvitation.com/dnamanifesto )
This pic is from Stuart Swerdlow's book - as reprinted and discussed at length at soulinvitation.com/invasion
Notice the Egypt and Hebrew cultures may seem like a DNA plant from Sirius A- the Antu story. Yet really -the DRACOs planted BOTH the Lumerian AND the Sumerian genetic 'garden' of EArth. Alpha Draconis was directly responsible for what we call Lumeria, but because they paid for and set the rules (via the Drac taught Enlil / Yalweh / Michael / Amun) to the N'ibi-uru expensive gold mining planetoid - they were ALSO the puppet string operator for SUMERIA (Summaire means 'Dragon', as does Khumara). How symbolic that the fools Eisenhauer and Truman who accepted the Greys treaty on abductions had no clue those lo grade ET's - the US new vampiric ally - were in fact merely puppets of the Dracs - like the Draco 'Charley'who ran Montauk.
As the Andromedan's kindly suggested, we must show our children the DIFFERENCE between planting a forest in order to cut it down, versus planting it in order to set it free. This was the central differenc in the planetary DNA seeding philosophy which STARTED the Orion Wars. (Of which Earth history is a recent - fractal of - vaccine making - 'skirmish'. ) (pic at link above)
If LaViolette is right in "Galactic Superwave" /the 'blue star kachina' Seyfert wind of the galaxy triggering our Solar maxima / solar orgasm - puts us in the penalty box because our Solar location is right in the heart of the wound to fractality / ability to compress well (fractality enables survival)- that is the Orion wars tear in the fabric of our galaxy. This comes under the larger category of the Templar agenda of the 'repair of the fabric of time'. - see also 'Spiral Calendar' : To reestablish synchronicity / time implosion out of chaos - time must be made fractal as well as space. For physics - restoring fractality / perfected charge distribution - ALWAYS defines healing.
The Draco induced overly commercial, planetary DNA seeding only to make harvest, is a global wound in our primal genetic field - psyche. It sadly represents the OPPOSITE of setting DNA free (genetic diversity) in order that it implode, have bliss, make gravity and migrate our souls to stars. The fact is - we as a species CANNOT be self-empowered UNTIL we understand the astrophyisics / that is - the gravity and STAR MAKING power within our own DNA! (Gariaev's 'Phantom DNA' , 'Quantum DNA', 'Black Holes in DNA' references for example at soulinvitation.com/12strands ). Our blood is by definition a parasite- (not generating its own charge from gravity) and doomed to be pushed around by parasitic 'priests' (not gravity making) - until it is ignited (mAGda means 'to tower') with charge attracting BLISS. The further fact that this charge ignition of DNA into immortality and gravity making - is precisely the physics of bliss and ecstasy - make this TRUE story even MORE fun (more fractally attractive) than the 'Star Wars' that have entranced the billions of young people on Earth. If only they could now see how much MORE interesting truth is than fiction!
So our biggest job may in fact be re-educating our global psyche about the 'sacred' value and power of DNA ( I offer the screenplay to Hollywood). (This is the opposite of the 3/4 borg Stephen Hawkins announcing somberly on CNN that we must push forward our insane genetic engineers {who have not the first electrical clue to what a soul is} so that our machines don't become more intelligent than we are. For someone like him who has soullessly embedded his DNA entirely in metal / the bliss experience of soul is inconceivable - and therefore his conception of intelligence IS metallic machine. Sadly the metal monstrosities which keep him and Ariel Sharon alive - represent the PROBLEM and emphatically NOT the solution to the Orion Wars! ) In other words- in order to properly value and shepherd DNA to it's gravity making and 'bliss' making limit - we must know the physics - and translate that into the education we give our children and our politicians!
(epilog)- I have found when speaking to audiences of advanced physicists of these things, that conversation is best possible - AFTER we sort those who DO versus DO NOT remember having had an INTENSE BLISS EXPERIENCE. (Certainly if Hawkins ever did it was likely before he was entirely enmeshed in soullessly non-fractal metal. We have suggested elsewhere - soulinvitation.com/americabushraped , soulinvitation.com/hellsmouth , /bushed - that it is likely the US government can never implement the policy of strengthening DNA with the only way out of death - namely bliss - at a time when it's leader - GEORGE BUSH - obviously is lacking the biologic glandular equipment in his brain cavity to HAVE a bliss experience- something we would attribute to generations of decadence in his family. )
Dan Winter
online at

addend to earlier post
this refers to
(animations / pics / film at link

.....I'm really drawn to Dan Winters work it really coincides with allof this... L and L... Antonia
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Old 01-03-2009, 12:44 AM   #281
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Thumbs up Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thank you Atonia,
For the post and info from Dan Winter! giovonni
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Old 01-03-2009, 01:20 AM   #282
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Greetings to All.

Thankyou Astralwalker for starting this.

It is a pleasure to witness this thread in really time. Like all, digestion has taken sometime. But I would like to offer what I have been studying for the last 16 years, I hope it will help others find more keys to shed more light on the progression of this thread.

Firstly I would like to offer some background information on the intial parts of what is prementioned here. In order to progress with understanding of where this idea should go, some re-learnig of how the actual system of sacred sites and grid lines are formed.

David Flynn gave an interesting talk on the subject whch can be view on the link

I will not recite what info he has to share here, he can give you the full low doan on the vid.

Another important piece of information can be found in a book by David Hatcher Childress. He is a link to the ebook. Which I thank Jussi for.

That will help people put into perspective the grid system that we are dealing with.

As for the mechanics of this system Maurice Cotterell’s Book The Tutankhanmun Prophecies, is an excellent book concerning the Sun and its effect on this world. It can help project these ideas through to a galactic scale.

The world grid is the outer energetic construction of our planet that we share. This in turn is connected to the Earth energy lines that are mentioned in the link provided by Astralwalker


These lines have been understood since the creation of the system in which we find ourselves. In a brilliant book by Hamish Miller and Paul Broadhurst, The Serpent and the Sun, they take you on their journey of discovery into the lines and how religion and sacred standing stones play their part. This can be seen throughout the world, as examples have been given through this thread.

On my understanding of how these lines work, gives rise to many questions as to how these lines are and have been used over time. They are a grounding force for energy emitted by humans and a grounding point for external energies. The Christian church is very good example of how they replaced old ritual sites used by pre Christian religions to convert the local populous to their new religious order. Where there was a Celtic site for ritual gathering, they built a church. Therefore, when people turned up to the gathering, they now where convinced to use the new building, Church, as a focus for their energies.

This in turn would give the newly born religion, lots of devotees and more important. The underlying energy that prayer and meditation brings to these focal points.

I wonder if the same thing has happened in the US with Indian sites? I have no personal knowledge. As they say,” All roads lead to Rome”, not only the roads I feel.

Even in the smallest of villages that spread across Europe, these lines can be found. They accumulate like streams into rivers till they meet the sea, or world grid. At Lourdes in the Pyrenee Mountains there is a 64 line that can I have dowsed, which is the largest collection of lines before joining the world grid through a portal. The portal is likened to a membrane that carries out the function of osmosis of energy. But here again there is a great concentration of a religious order that uses these energies and human contribution to the same effect that this thread is trying to create.

The transformation of the energy from human, be it individual or collect intent, through to the world grid, will help the channelling aspect of the site to maintain it’s own time line and viewpoint on how things are and should be. The idea is that the devotee creates its energy though its own 7 chakras to a focal point in this case the Priest, where it is converted, or should be converted through to the higher chakras.

In reality there are 16 Chakras connected to each individual. 7 of which are personal ones which all here knows of. The following three are semi-personal, which acts as doorways to the higher energies.

The rest are chakras that have no owner as such. They are part of the great being of one consciousness
The 11th is the building blocks for all life forms
12th is the angles wings which we go through during reincarnation.
13th is the spiralling energy between this world dimension and the others.
14th is the arrangement of this energy from one dimension and another.
15th is the clarification of these energies during projection, very much like a crystal with light.
16th is all this energy concentrated into the cosmic consciousness.

So when one puts energy into these lines, the one at the portal makes the transformation into the greater consciousness.

The earth energy lines have the same make up as we do. They have layers, which go to the 14th chakra. These lines use the 7 chakras of the world. Or the alternative seven wonders. The heart being in Glastonbury. So if you want to change the world physically, bring the Mountain to Mohamed, one should base their meditation on the chakras of the world with which one desires the change.

But here we are dealing with one consciousness or a cosmic evolution. So thus to change, or evolve through this conciseness, then meditation will have to be applied to the levels with which the desire effects should take place. One thing I think should be made clear to avoid any disappointment for many involved in this. Consciousness is not a reactive formation. It is very much like a jelly. If you drop a stone into a bowl, full of set jelly. The jelly will change shape, colour with the differing light reflection, and even make a sound. But once this initial impact has been made, the jelly will return to its shape colour and toneless being.

The same will happen to a one off meditation. It will create ripples and yes the consciousness will change. But we are dealing with something that has been developed over a long period of time in our present world conscious state.

I will say now that I have chosen to stay here rather than move on with many of my friends. We are in a position where people will move from one dimension to another. Some will stay put, others will start back at the begin. Even outsiders will have to give up their hold on the earth plan ounce it has moved into its final descent through the Milky Way to the galaxy centre. This descent will take, like consciousness, and planetary system building, a long time. I have chosen, as I said to stay on the rock till we dock. I will be here only to help people through the portals and gateways. So if this is to happen like the intent is, we should not be fooled into thinking that things happen over night. We should build on what we have created and apply with regular doses. One mediation will have the same effect as a cardiac electric shock treatment has on a heart that has stopped beating. It may well start a heart, but that heart has to be regularly supplied with oxygen via the lungs.

This is the start of something new, or even old, something that will help focus a lot of minds and hearts to one intent. But we must not loose the person aspect of this intent, ones own personal journey through the evolution of the spirit that we are about to undertake.

We should listen closely to the advice and the information that the indigo people are and will bring. They are here to help with this transition. They will not lead us to the end, for that is our own journey to take.

Maybe some suggestions to get this thing rolling on all aspects. There are many organisations that have been doing very similar things for some time, Obviously fire the Grid, but also http://www.fountain-international.org These organisations should be contacted and let the butterfly effect take place.

I am in the process of trying to put some of these things aforementioned to drawings and developing a technique to connect directly to the higher chakras of the energetic world. This will then enable all to participate in such an experiment. This would mean that the connection to the grid could be down through a much more local and lesser sacred place. Not that it holds a lesser importance. The idea is to go to meet the cosmic energy, rather than have the energy come down to us through the meditation. This should bypass any portal filtering.

This is a work in progress and will update and help like we are all doing. I just hope this helps people find their own set of keys to the great situation.

Love and light

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Old 01-03-2009, 02:34 AM   #283
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

12 hours read. I ought to go to sleep. o_o

Anyway, I can sense some friction reading all this but hey, an attempt to heal the world? I'm in.

Now, I am a film-maker and the sound issues that have been discussed here are things that I have long since 'thought' of for no particular reason. It's just there so this resonates greatly with me.
If I can be of any assistance here I'd be more than glad to help.
Also, if there is more information about the connection between sound and image I'd be delighted.
I know it is here already but I haven't had the time to read through all the links yet.

Maybe these two videos can get you an idea of what I'm up to or capable of:

I am not much of an academic or scientist, that being the main reason why I haven't put down my foot on any of the hard maths fields, I'm trying to attune to this whole matter rather than be too logical about it.

Many thanks for all the info, especially regarding the sounds and remote viewing (which just flipped me upside down!) I'll be investigating further and somehow, somehow I'll remember to keep breathing and actually be aware all the time.

P.S.: No Chakra in Germany? Aw man. Glad to see another German however!
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Old 01-03-2009, 04:20 AM   #284
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

something just came to my mind. while watching earth under fire.


in the books of zacharia sitch and others. about the sumerian tales. the Anunnaki made us for labor. to mine gold. due to there dwindling atmosphere to save there planet. and seeing that there planet was on a elliptical orbit. I would think that they to would pass threw the galactic core. maybe more frequently. the story talks about them putting the gold into the atmosphere to protect them from the cosmic rays. sounds so familiar...

wow. I was on part 2 when I put this up. and at the end of the video he talks about such things.

any thoughts on this.

Last edited by dagon; 01-03-2009 at 04:54 AM.
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Old 01-03-2009, 04:54 AM   #285
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Respected Alchemikey

i also don't know about the sagitarious dwarf thing for i thought that was debunked shortly afterwards...
You do not need debunking.

You can not expect NASA or ESA to confirm this to you, because it will turn out that they were either wrong all the time or either telling lies all this time. Just as the same with the structures on the Moon and Mars.

They even live you to believe that the Great pyramid is the tallest in the word and there is no other like it, but only in China you have a region that has more then 70 pyramids and some larger then the one in the center of the world.

The list long…so if they say they debunked it, it does not mean that is false.

It means that some group overthere want you to believe that it is false.

You only need to step outside and to look into the starry night and to see that you are looking at. Its sidelook of the Mikly Way.

When you ask why this is the case…they tell you…well you know, ESA and NASA are saying that this is the case, and they are experts you know.

We have to stop relaying on what someone or some institution is claming. Most of the time the data is false. So we have to start checking the data for ourselves. Even if it means days of hard research and investigation. We can simple not trust those people. We have to find the answers for ourselves.

Anyway this is not so important. The important thing is that no mater do we belong to MW or SDG the Nexus beams will surely reach us.

I don't know about the hollow earth idea but i guess it makes sense with the 2 vortexes at the poles that there would be holes like a funnel but i dont know if the earth needs to be hollow in order for the double vortex to stand true but that is not really that important to me...

The planet is alive.

In the center there is a large shiny sphere which is the soul of our planet and it is what we call Gaia.

It is creative intelligence that connects everything on the planet, not just on the physical dimension but in all other dimensions that exist. The planet is hollow and the shiny sphere is located in the center of ancient underground city known as Shambala.

Everything that was presented about the structure of our planet is false, concerning crust, mantle, outer core and inner core is mostly false. In fact is not false, but deliberately false presented to the public.

In basic, the public arena is conviced that the composition of our planet consist of four main layers: the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core.

The crust is much thinner (0-30Km) than any of the other layers, and is composed of the least dense calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na) aluminum-silicate minerals.

Most of the Earth's mass is in the mantle (30-2900Km), which is composed of iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O) silicate compounds. In basic, the mantle is solid at over 1000 degrees C but can deform slowly in a plastic manner.

The outer core (2900-5200Km) is composed mostly of iron (Fe) and about 10% of sulfur (S) and again, according to the scientists, it is so hot there that this layer is molten. The inner core (5200-6350Km) is under such extreme pressure that it remains solid (Fe).

Which is false. Like most in our current belief systems.

O…I forgot…Lava flows ???

In fact, the evidence had shown that the origin of the lava flows is so much closer to the surface of the planet than to the center of our planet.

Nevertheless, if you ask true scientist and he/she is honest, the reply will be: “We have accumulated more data about the surface of the Sun than the depth of the Earth!”

Which is only partly true, since the elite of the scientific community that work for Shadow Government knows all about this.

The truth is this...And how the time will go by, the more evidence will come about this:

A very advanced civilization, which is the keeper of the true knowledge existed and still exists in the center of our planet.

Our planet is alive. Its one giant organism but our five sense limitation blocks the awareness of our connection with the Gaia.

Earth is dynamic and vital.

The Poles contract and expand. Just as the same on other planets. Its not a theory its a fact.

The light that is visible in the polar openings is so bright and strong that the only solid explanation is that is coming from deep inside the earth.

In fact is so bright that the NASA airbrushing can not hide it.


You can play with the pixels as much as you like, but the source of the light is so bright that is comparing to the brightness of the Sunlight … you can not darken the image because the light is extremely strong.



The same pattern is everywhere throughout our solar system but we are not seeing it because our belief system is blocking the view.

This is just the basic. Its all there, but only if you start looking.


I am curious about why the number 777 and how that relates to all of this?
Respected friend. The number 777 is not included in Solfeggio Arpeggio 396 417 528 639 741 852 963 in Music Composition and that is why most people consider it totally not important and think its nonsense.

In fact, 99% of the people would say…yes!

And that this number does not appear much anywhere because its nonsense!

Except in the signals from the galactic center.

If you came across the discovery of Physics Professor Scott Hyman you will see what I mean.

In short once again:

Dr. Hyman and his colleagues wrote in the science journal Nature that they had detected something very extraordinary at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. While analyzing low frequency radio wave images taken by the Very Large Array telescope at Socorro, New Mexico in 2002, Dr. Hyman and his his fellow researchers detected an intermittent signal that seemed intelligently directed.

The signal consisted of five highly energetic radio emissions of equal brightness that lasted 10 minutes each and appeared every 77 minutes over a 7-hour period from September 30 to October 1.

77 minutes over a 7-hour period >> 777 a Hunab Ku hidden code.

My conclusion from what I have chance to study in this direction is that the number triple six is the code of the Ultimate Darkness and the number triple seven is the code of the Ultimate Light in this Universe.

So, that is why I mentioned 777.

i am also a little confused about the selecting of the current power spots of the earth...according to drunvalo the grid is shifting and so wouldn't that mean that the power spots would be shifting to new places also? i think david wilcock mentioned this as well in divine cosmos that as the earth moves into the next density there is also a shift from one platonic solid to another which changes where the nodes connect with the earth?
They are all great researchers. But they don’t have all the answers. Non of us has all the answers. There is input that is missing to all of us, but I believe if the people unite we will figure it out together. In this moment, no one knows for sure.

But it will come in time. We are already working on it.


Last edited by Astralwalker; 01-03-2009 at 05:46 AM.
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Old 01-03-2009, 05:17 AM   #286
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi everyone,

Just to be sure I haven't added to any confusion with my own contributions so far:

1) Feb.8th is the first planned meditation

2) I will try to get the file for this out as soon as possible to collect feedback before the event and make alterations if recommended, but it will take me some time to prepare an hour-long file so it probably won't be done until the end of January-ish.

3) [NEW] I am hoping we can have some way to synchronize our clocks for this, so that we are all following the entrainment at the same time. Maybe we can synchronize to a single website that offers the exact time.

4) This first meditation file will likely not be different for anyone, it will be a single file for everyone. In the future, I am contemplating the idea of introducing regional file variations, but this can't be done until I work out the math. If the earth was a perfect sphere it would be much simpler, but since it is actually elliptical due to the force of rotation it makes things a bit more complicated.

5) We're going to try one every month and make them so effective that participation will grow every month. I'll also try modifying the techniques used in at least one way and rely on feedback at first from regular participants (remember, you don't have to necessarily catch the group event, you just have to download the files every month and compare them as they start to add up, maintaining your "favourite").

6) In the meantime we're going to try to really work with all this information collected here to map out something really practical, and not just lots of tidbits of knowledge that are hard to piece together.

7) To accomplish 6), everyone has free license to help. This is where the 2nd part of the team effort comes from (aside from participating in the meditation events and feedback).

Now that we definitely have a broad overview, let's try and focus in on stringing it all together. Good ways of doing this are:

- Short, point form sequences of condensed info

- Numbered info. in logical order

- Really addressing a particular area you have researched well all by itself

-- ------------

There are a few important things that keep coming back to my mind over and over again, that to me represent the biggest lessons I'm largely still working on in my 10 years (so far) of working towards actualization:

Above all:

1) It is simultaneously important that we do not feel there is a rush, and that we keep working towards this without letting it slacken, knowing that certainly, nothing is going to happen automatically, at the same time.

We move forward but in a casual and comfortable manner - happy to take the time we do to bring this forward.

I think it is a really really dangerous idea to think anything is going to happen "automatically", and I do not trust that the people spreading this idea know what they are really saying - I believe most of them have good intentions, but if there was any most central bit of disinformation thrust into this scene to completely neutralize it, this would be it.

To trust in some sort of "plan" that things would happen automatically - no, we have to work our way there together. The bright future we see ahead has everything to do with the willingness to pitch in together and accomplish a large scale project totally independently of "ownership" and "names" and all that.

I believe this is the real test for our part of mankind, to see if we can really believe this as the truth or prefer to just sit around feeling good about our progress spiritually or knowledge of what bad things are happening, and expect something to happen to fix everything automatically.

There are multiple futures possible, and without working towards the best one we will never have it. However by working towards it with too much urgency, we will also not have the best one - our project will not work as well when that kind of energy is mixed in.

Hopefully this message is clear, because unless we firmly establish these singular, balanced notions into the picture (and don't worry, we have all year to do it), we risk the project starting to tread water like so many efforts before it.

I have spent years studying why we have millions of different segregated efforts out there in the world, and the many people with good intentions are not coming together towards a single effort - yes, it is complex to organize, but the more important reason is that many of the projects are still in some way or another still doing their thing within the old mental constructs.

If it begins with a "feeling", what we have done so far and the first meditation should hopefully accomplish this much.

If it continues with formal definitions for the new paradigm of mindset, then we can try to get into that in the meantime before the first meditation and afterwards, as we continue to improve the files and grow participation.

I am so sure this is all about taking the time to getting the project in earnest started slowly but deliberately - if we do it right it will feel very very different from everything that has come before it.

take care everyone
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Old 01-03-2009, 05:20 AM   #287
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

The image of the astronaut's reflection is not the north pole opening, it's the reflection of the astronaut's face and the other astronaut taking the picture!
Bill "the Doctor"
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Old 01-03-2009, 05:29 AM   #288
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Thanks. I really appreciate.

Yap, I check it out. No good. I have put a red mark that the image is no good.

It does not make a difference. I’m sure someone in NASA has much better images of North and South Pole Entrance.

Who knows maybe we get lucky and that someone will decide to step forward and share them with us.

Its 6:48 AM overhear. One more night without sleep.

I guess it is time for some rest.

Last edited by Astralwalker; 01-03-2009 at 06:00 AM.
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Old 01-03-2009, 06:14 AM   #289
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But before I go…here is one interesting article about genetic research which suggests that more then a 6 Billion people currently present on Earth originate only from 2000 individuals in the past.

Following different routes out of Africa, successive waves of early humans migrated into new territories, eventually populating the entire globe save Antarctica. This map shows this complex web of migrations in their broadest strokes.

Out of Africa

Somewhere between 80,000 and 50,000 years ago, Africa saved Homo sapiens from extinction. Charting the DNA shared by more than six billion people, a population geneticist—and director of the Genographic Project—suggests what humanity "owes" its first home.

Do you think you know who you are? Maybe Irish, Italian, Jewish, Chinese, or one of the dozens of other hyphenated Americans that make up the United States melting pot? Think deeper—beyond the past few hundred years. Back beyond genealogy, where everyone loses track of his or her ancestry—back in that dark, mysterious realm we call prehistory. What if I told you every single person in America—every single person on earth—is African? With a small scrape of cells from the inside of anyone's cheek, the science of genetics can even prove it.

The human genome, the blueprint that describes how to make another version of you, is huge. It's composed of billions of sub-units called nucleotides, repeated in a long, linear code that contains all of your biological information. Skin color, hair type, the way you metabolize milk: it's all in there. You got your DNA from your parents, who got it from theirs, and so on, for millions of generations to the very beginning of life on earth. If you go far enough back, your genome connects you with bacteria, butterflies, and barracuda—the great chain of being linked together through DNA.

What about humanity, though? What about creatures you would recognize as being like you if they were peering over your shoulder right now? It turns out that every person alive today can trace his or her ancestry back to Africa. Everyone's DNA tells a story of a journey from an African homeland to wherever you live. You may be from Cambodia or County Cork, but you are carrying a map inside your genome that describes the wanderings of your ancestors as they moved from the savannas of Africa to wherever your family came from most recently.

This is thanks to genetic markers—tiny changes that arise rarely and spontaneously as our DNA is copied and passed down through the generations—which serve to unite people on ever older branches of the human family tree. If you share a marker with someone, you share an ancestor with him or her at some point in the past: the person whose DNA first had the marker that defines your shared lineage. These markers can be traced to relatively specific times and places as humans moved across the globe. The farther back in time and the closer to Africa we get, the more markers we all share.

What set these migrations in motion? Climate change—today's big threat—seems to have had a long history of tormenting our species. Around 70,000 years ago it was getting very nippy in the northern part of the globe, with ice sheets bearing down on Seattle and New York; this was the last Ice Age. At that time, though, our species, Homo sapiens, was still limited to Africa; we were very much homebodies. But the encroaching Ice Age, perhaps coupled with the eruption of a super-volcano named Toba, in Sumatra, dried out the tropics and nearly decimated the early human population.

While Homo sapiens can be traced to around 200,000 years ago in the fossil record, it is remarkably difficult to find an archaeological record of our species between 80,000 and 50,000 years ago, and genetic data suggest that the population eventually dwindled to as few as 2,000 individuals.

Yes, 2,000—fewer than fit into many symphony halls. We were on the brink of extinction.

And then something happened. It began slowly, with only a few hints of the explosion to come: The first stirrings were art—tangible evidence of advanced, abstract thought—and a significant improvement in the types of tools humans made. Then, around 50,000 years ago, all hell broke loose. The human population began to expand, first in Africa, then leaving the homeland to spread into Eurasia. Within a couple of thousand years we had reached Australia, walking along the coast of South Asia. A slightly later wave of expansion into the Middle East, around 45,000 years ago, was aided by a brief damp period in the Sahara. Within 15,000 years of the exodus from Africa our species had entered Europe, defeating the Neanderthals in the process. (Neanderthals are distant cousins, not ancestors; our evolutionary lineages have been separate for more than 500,000 years.)

We had also populated Asia, learning to live in frigid temperatures not unlike those on the Moon, and around 15,000 years ago we walked across a short-lived, icy land bridge to enter the Americas—the first hominids ever to set foot on the continents of the Western Hemisphere. Along the way we kept adapting to new climates, in some cases lost our dark tropical skin pigmentation, developed different languages, and generated the complex tapestry of human diversity we see around the world today, from Africa to Iceland to Tierra del Fuego. But the thing that set it all in motion, the thing that saved us from extinction, happened first in Africa. Some anthropologists call it the Great Leap Forward, and it marked the true origin of our species—the time when we started to behave like humans...
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Old 01-03-2009, 08:13 AM   #290
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Ok Folks!!! Here is the first Notice for our Global Meditation:

Please send this EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!

Here is the html code as well(For MYSPACE,etc):

<a href="http://s192.photobucket.com/albums/z299/Samarkis/?action=view&current=GlobalMeditationNotice-1-1-09-png.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z299/Samarkis/GlobalMeditationNotice-1-1-09-png.png" border="0" alt="Global Meditation"></a>

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Old 01-03-2009, 12:41 PM   #291
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Samarkis View Post
Ok Folks!!! Here is the first Notice for our Global Meditation:

Please send this EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!

Here is the html code as well(For MYSPACE,etc):

<a href="http://s192.photobucket.com/albums/z299/Samarkis/?action=view&current=GlobalMeditationNotice-1-1-09-png.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z299/Samarkis/GlobalMeditationNotice-1-1-09-png.png" border="0" alt="Global Meditation"></a>

please pass this on to your friends and ask them to do the same .
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Old 01-03-2009, 03:12 PM   #292
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi AstralWalker and everyone else following this great thread!

I have just finished reading through the full free ebook version of this thread and I thank you and everyone else that has made this info available. I will offer a perspective on this that perhaps has not been offered before:

To put it bluntly; If only a small portion of the scenarios painted here are but remotely true, and to me they seem highly accurate indeed, then we must all face the fact that 2012 is not about "survival". This perspective has been clear to me for some time now, and this thread with all the info here (much of which I was somewhat familiar with from before, but not all put together like this) only further confirms this notion. If anything it is like the crop circles and Existence is trying to tell us: Wake up! Life is not about "survival". It is about spiritual evolution, adventure and growing in the eternal Spirit.

No-body survives a physical incarnation after all. Accepting all this should be a great relief the way I see it. It is always good to care about the Earth as part of being a loving sensitive Being, but in the end I think that this "planetary body" is up for the same fate as all physical life-forms on it. Just like our physical body grows weary and "old", same thing with the planetary body. It has served for a long time, and now it will be allowed to totally cleanse itself, and rest for a long time without any life-forms upon it. Thus, we are not here to "save" neither our own physical body, nor the planetary body of Gaia. That all takes care of itself through natural processes. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust etc...

So why are we here/now?

At this point it is good to admit that none of us has all the answers. If we did, we would hardly be here at this time right? The "scientific" part of the book is pretty clear, but the "solutions/advice part" is more vague. This is as it should be. I will quote a small part from it that I think captures the essence of the "dilemma":

If you look with the eyes of your common sense and intellect, you see Pole Shifts, unavoidable catastrophes as result of natural cosmic conditions and laws. But if you look with the eyes of your Heart, the picture looks different, and deep inside yourself you know that in the end, everything will be OK.
It makes the whole difference does it not? It's no wonder that those totally trapped in the "physical illusion" don't want to know about these things. Death is too scary to them. This life is all there is etc... I really do not think we will have to wait until 2012 for the "beams" to arrive. I think they are already here to some degree, and that the whole process is like an exponential curve:

It builds gradually before it suddenly leaps into eternity...
This leap happens somewhere closer to 2012. Right now we are pretty close to it and everyone can feel how "time" is speeding up as it collapses more and more into the eternal continuum.

What will "happen" to us, and what to do?

This book presents a lot about the physical things that will happen that also border on the meta-physical. Ra and many other sources speaks about the coming "Harvest/Ascension" of 2012. Here it is called "the Nexus event". I don't think the elite will be all that powerful as it is presented in the book. Their power wanes as the Level of mass Consciousness of Humanity rises. A huge cleansing and uprooting is happening on that front right now as the Level of Mass Consciousness has reached unprecedented hights this year (the 14th october non-event/event being a trigger for a lot of "latent" Wanderers).

Also, the higher the level of Mass Consciousness the more the StO evolved/friendly ET's are allowed to assist. They have been assisting a lot behind the scenes for a long time already. Everything leads up to the Harvest/Ascension/Nexus event. Remember that most people drawn to these things are Wanderers with family and friends observing/guiding from the crafts that surround the Planet at this time. I really do not think these highly evolved races observing/guiding this process will allow anything too drastic to interefere with "the plan" (and with all their beloveds down here at this time). The "elite" will have just enough rope to hang themselves with... Their bunker-situation will be but a futile attempt to escape destiny.

Those that signed up for "Ascension" are gradually being prepared for a sudden shift into 4th density bodies via DNA activation and other things that are happening right now and that have been going on for a while. I really do not see a chaotic situation where everyone is floating around in chaotic dangerous "astral environment" not knowing what to do. Things simply does not work that way. The big picture is not left to "coincidences". The Light also has some say in all this, not just the little dark cabal. My assessment is that the friendly ET's will play a major part in the actual "Ascension/Harvest". They exist on higher densities and can thus travel between them. The process up to the actual moment of "Harvest/Ascension" is where we are right now. We are coming closer and closer to the higher densities in both body and Level of Consciousness. Those Ascending will escape the catastrophies etc. by simply moving into another and higher density where this physical 3rd density world can no longer affect them. They will be greeted by familiy/friends there... and this is how it will probably feel for many of us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVNTdWbVBgc

Many earth humans that do not make Ascension/Harvest because they are not evolved enough will probably die in the earth changes and be transported to a new 3rd density planet (some say "replica Earth") to continue 3rd density lessons until they are ready to move on. Essentially everyone will go where they are supposed to go. Gaia herself will evolve to a new 4th density planetary body, and leave this current one behind. Anyone that has been out of the body knows that these things are not really "far out", but rather natural. This physical reality is not all there is. Far from it. Leaving these physical bodies behind will feel as natural as removing some old clothes when the time comes... So nothing to fear but fear itself as that retards the process somewhat and creates friction in something that can go very smoothly.

How to help the process

Everyone will essentially go where they are supposed to go. It's the amount of friction that will vary from case to case. Some will go easy, while others will go kicking and screaming...

This is where we can help the process by facing up to mortality, meditate, relinquish resistance, and increase Awareness. Physical cleansing also helps of course. The amount of somewhat different, yet similar, information out there always seems to "hold something back" right? This is because we are not supposed to "know it all". Life is supposed to be adventurous and exciting, and we would hardly learn anything if everything was known all along. Much is indicated and hinted upon, but it is up to us to interpret it our own way. The state of being always in the "search/learning" or Seeker modus is much more important than to know anything. All the various information circle around the same "elephant in the room", and by this it triggers our curiousity and Seeker modus. So many people are trapped in the "I know" modus, and this is a gigantic blockage for Soul Growth and evolvement.

Anyway, that was my take on this issue for now. Looking forward to participate in the global meditations! Remember to be lighthearted and not too serious about all this also It's only one life of many after all... Only the dark cabal elite can manage to be serious on a roller coaster like this. Sitting there like they have pooped their pants the whole ride through. They will have to change their own diapers from now on...

In Love and Gratitude for this opportunity to be now/here,


Last edited by Sanat; 01-03-2009 at 06:09 PM. Reason: spelling
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Old 01-03-2009, 03:23 PM   #293
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Maybe one should add that any group effort that wants to join is also welcome. I guess this will take off only by the big meditation groups joining together.

(Referring to the poster and other 'marketing' efforts.)

Last edited by Czymra; 01-03-2009 at 10:58 PM.
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Old 01-03-2009, 05:58 PM   #294
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi Malletzky.

Hi Astralwalker,

great lessons for all of us! Thanks for bringing this up...and yes, I'm in too.
I just sent a PM to Samarkis to put me on the list.
Welcome my friend.

As you mentioned, we ALL should take our responsibility and do what we're supposed to do. If anyone is not certain of his/her purpose on this Planet, just let your Heart guides you. It will WORK!!!


This is a call to all
Wake up and lucid dream
Like the time before the fall
Intent and light form a stream
Power shifting from king to queen
Forgive the masses and come out clean

This is a call from earth
Wake up and love your mama
Help the goddess light to birth
Anchored by the strength of papa
The serpent energy is changing course
Prayer and ceremony is the healing force

This is a call from sky
Wake up and live as one
The eagle and the condor fly
Send your anguish up to the sun
A message from the jungle spreads
Get into your heart and out of your heads

Thanks my friend. I really appreciate.
Antonia - info.
I will read the info and I will tell you my opinion. From first look, it looks very good.


Thankyou Astralwalker for starting this.
Yes my friend. I have started but we all are going to finish it.


If I can be of any assistance here I'd be more than glad to help.
Yes. Everyone can be of assistance! Please do!

in the books of zacharia sitch and others. about the sumerian tales. the Anunnaki made us for labor. to mine gold. due to there dwindling atmosphere to save there planet.
I had watched many of his videos and I have read his books. There is good info there. Far from whole picture but heavy good input.


Just to be sure I haven't added to any confusion with my own contributions so far:

1) Feb.8th is the first planned meditation

2) I will try to get the file for this out as soon as possible to collect feedback before the event and make alterations if recommended, but it will take me some time to prepare an hour-long file so it probably won't be done until the end of January-ish.

3) [NEW] I am hoping we can have some way to synchronize our clocks for this, so that we are all following the entrainment at the same time. Maybe we can synchronize to a single website that offers the exact time.

4) This first meditation file will likely not be different for anyone, it will be a single file for everyone. In the future, I am contemplating the idea of introducing regional file variations, but this can't be done until I work out the math. If the earth was a perfect sphere it would be much simpler, but since it is actually elliptical due to the force of rotation it makes things a bit more complicated.

5) We're going to try one every month and make them so effective that participation will grow every month. I'll also try modifying the techniques used in at least one way and rely on feedback at first from regular participants (remember, you don't have to necessarily catch the group event, you just have to download the files every month and compare them as they start to add up, maintaining your "favourite").

6) In the meantime we're going to try to really work with all this information collected here to map out something really practical, and not just lots of tidbits of knowledge that are hard to piece together.

7) To accomplish 6), everyone has free license to help. This is where the 2nd part of the team effort comes from (aside from participating in the meditation events and feedback).

Now that we definitely have a broad overview, let's try and focus in on stringing it all together. Good ways of doing this are:

- Short, point form sequences of condensed info

- Numbered info. in logical order

- Really addressing a particular area you have researched well all by itself


There are a few important things that keep coming back to my mind over and over again, that to me represent the biggest lessons I'm largely still working on in my 10 years (so far) of working towards actualization:
I agree completely!

Above all:

1) It is simultaneously important that we do not feel there is a rush, and that we keep working towards this without letting it slacken, knowing that certainly, nothing is going to happen automatically, at the same time.

We move forward but in a casual and comfortable manner - happy to take the time we do to bring this forward.
You are right. In my opinion we are moving with the speed we suppose to. More and more human beings are tuning in, and we are already walking towards Unity.

I totally respect your opinion.

Thanks my friend. I really appreciate.
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Old 01-03-2009, 06:23 PM   #295
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AstralWalker. I would like to ask you the following question.

To the best of your ability, when do you predict the masses will awaken? And i'm talking in quantifiable terms. i.e mass populace behaviour changes.

What other predictions can you give us for this year, if your perception holds true then so will the majority of your predictions, and visa versa.

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Old 01-03-2009, 06:33 PM   #296
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Thank you Sara for your kindness!

Thank you Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan, Michael Knight, Michael St.Clair.

I thank everyone who has joined, accepted the idea and seen its vision and purpose!

I really appreciate.

Let’s do this people. Every soul is welcomed!

Let’s UNITE and let’s transform this planet to a place of Light and Harmony!

We all have come long way, and I believe that this is the final task that we have to accomplish.

No Leaders.

No Competition.

Just Oneness and intention for positive change!

Let’s heal ourselves and our Planet.

Let there be Light.

Last edited by Astralwalker; 01-04-2009 at 02:05 PM.
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Old 01-03-2009, 06:40 PM   #297
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To the best of your ability, when do you predict the masses will awaken? And i'm talking in quantifiable terms. i.e mass populace behaviour changes.

I have no clear answer.

But we are moving towards global awakening and if we maintain this course it will be soon…
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Old 01-03-2009, 06:41 PM   #298
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

This si truely a great time to be alive.

As I said I will not be going with you guys that are heading off. I will not be returning through the third dimension. I am here for the journey. I started here and I will finish here, until I get the call to another system building project.

I promise you this though. I will be at the door waving you on and making sure everyone has their pack lunches.


Love you all man,

If you need any help on the lines, I am here to keep the runways clear for take off. That is my job. I've known this for sometime. So if you need any lines cleaning or centres sparkled. Please give me a call. Any questions on energy lines or Sacred places are good.

Astralwalker? Say high to the gridkeeper for me.

Love of the hieghest order.
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Old 01-03-2009, 07:51 PM   #299
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

For info:

Today I forwarded Samarkis's leaflet announcing the " Call to all humanity" to all members on line .
That's more than a 100.
Got some very positive feedback already.
Please everyone forward this also to as many as you can of your friends and beyond.

Remember this is a team work !

Astralwalker what would you think of making a video announcing the event and post it on you tube.
Anyone having the capacities and willingness to do this down here ?
It could already been prepared and once we get the date we can post it ?
Would be great to have Phiedpiper's music to go along with it .

Blessings to you all

Last edited by mudra; 01-03-2009 at 08:05 PM.
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Old 01-03-2009, 08:03 PM   #300
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Astralwalker just wanted to let you know that some of us use the minty theme of the forum and the lights colours you use for text are sometimes very hard to read

Great thread though
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