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Old 03-10-2009, 01:07 AM   #1151
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

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Old 03-10-2009, 01:51 AM   #1152
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thank you Mudra. Here is also the same Invitation for a planetary meditations >>

Dear brothers and sisters,

At the end of 2008 we have started a thread: “2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way”


The main objectives of this thread is to achieve synchronisation of the consciousness of humanity with Gaia i.e the consciousness of our Planet, to activate healing energies with the intention of regenerating the DNA of life and to prepare ourselves and our planet for the arrival of the Nexus 2012 Event; being a Superwave of energetic waves that will arrive from the galactic center.

For more info please also see:


In summary, this is an attempt to synchronise as many people as possible, particularly those already participating in spiritual groups in the world that are performing meditations. This single meditative stream of consciousness, carries enough psionic power to influence the basic structure of the Matrix for the benefit of humanity. Collated from the research of many respected scientists, but mostly from the respected Dr. Masaru Emoto, we now know and have factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water.


This indicates that our thoughts influence matter and the stronger our thoughts become - the stronger becomes the impact of the molecular structure of the Matrix. If the thoughts of a single human being can do this to a water molecule, can you imagine what impact on the fractal structure of the Matrix will have if millions of people from all over the world come together into a meditative Oneness.

Hence, meditating on the same positive objective and transmitting the same intention leading to a shift in reality for the better.

In our world today we are witnessing many evil agendas resulting in a negative direction. It has become obvious that we cannot trust our governments anymore, as they are just following the private agendas of the Elite, and do not care about us and our planet Earth. That is why we all have to understand the true nature of our existence, that we are in fact consciousness inside a physical body and that we can influence our environment. The impact of a planetary meditation will profoundly resonate a direct and clean positive shift in our reality.

“...It is our intention to avert any possible catastrophic scenarios that may have been set in motion. We are convinced that these possible catastrophic events can be prevented or mitigated with the power of our consciousness...”
This is because the fractal structure of the Matrix can be modified with the power of our thoughts only if they are pure enough, if they are strong enough, and if they are focused to do such a change.

This is the ultimate message that the ETs who are delivering knowledge and information via crop formations are telling us. It is up to us if we will take their messages more seriously or we will discredit them. The result of that decision will affect us all.

In this fashion we’ve begun the 1 hour long synchronized planetary meditation from our homes every Saturday 8 PM GMT. Every participant starts the global meditation according to the Time Zone of their respective location in accordance to the 8 PM GMT. Please refer to the link below for more detail.


Every time we use different music which serves to stimulate our state of consciousness, it also provides a stable connection between everyone and generates a positive emotional charge. Once the positive emotional charge is generated we can direct it externally from our bodies with the intention to lift the vibrational state of our planet.

Thus, causing a healing process of our Earth at the same time. In other words, the end result would be to balance the everyday emotional charge of millions of people that influence our current state of reality. The meditation methods will be changing as we’re progressing and growing in numbers. At this moment we are using only a basic meditation method:


We are frequently updating the music file prior to up and coming global meditational events. For updates please check:


Also one of the key objectives at this stage is to locate as many spiritual groups on every continent and to humbly ask if the group will synchronise with us. Any assistance in this direction will be greatly appreciated. For information or assistance in this direction please contact: bergmanmichael@msn.com with the subject line: nexus 2012

However, all this is preparation for global meditations to take place at sacred sites that will start on May 9th 2009. The idea is to generate as many people as possible at ancient sacred sites (the acupuncture points of our planet). http://www.healingexperiment.com/thegrid.html

This creates a stronger interaction between us and the energies that flow across our planet. Today it is well known that these energies are stronger on some places. In fact the most ancient sacred sites were built on these exact locations where the magnetic energies intercept and are most powerful. We will use geo-music for every location on the planet, as every planetary energy point resonates its very own frequency. For more info on this subject please see the Nexus thread on the Avalon forum.

Much is appreciated if you would understand and see our vision, that this is necessary to be done and that the net result is achievable. If we believe that it is possible and we want this change we will do it with resounding success. The more that participate the more powerful the intention becomes.

We feel that the time for conflict is over and that we have to move towards a new paradigm in our evolution as a race. If we look around we can see that everything is changing in great speed. Our Sun and the entire solar system are changing rapidly on every level. Humanity is changing. We are awakening from a long and deep sleep and are starting to see the bigger picture i.e. that we are only a spark of life of infinite manifestations in the Universe.

We will leave you with a message extracted from a video providing much wisdom:

http://www.healingexperiment.com/index.html. the video can also be seen on the link below:


Collective Consciousness

Momentum has pulled you here; let’s make a profound change globally,
The first small step is with-in,
Value yourself,
It all starts with you,
Step forward and take our hands,
Thoughts lead to knowledge and knowledge influences thought,
Let’s connect with millions to strengthen our energy and reflect outward,
Consciousness is Reality...Reality is Consciousness...This is the power of Intentional Creation,
The events in our Lives and of the World is feedback to our Conscious Thoughts,
Are you open to Empowering Possibilities?
Your Spirit partnered with others, for the collective strength of numbers,
Collectively and as a United Force,
We can reshape Reality, and transform our lives with Intentional Creation,
Coming from mother Earth, benefiting us all,
Starting from within, reflecting outward,
Do you want to Co-create conditions of abundance, fulfilment and happiness?
What do you want to Heal?
Let’s use the power of our Consciousness, to choose our Destiny...

Will you consider joining us and helping us in the building process of a new and better Reality?

Everyone who feels that we should do this, please contact bergmanmichael@msn.com.

Let’s transform this planet from a place of terror, guns, politics and destruction to a place of Light.

Are you with us?

Peace and Harmony with all Creation,


Last edited by Astralwalker; 03-10-2009 at 01:56 AM.
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Old 03-10-2009, 03:43 AM   #1153
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by mudra View Post

Solfeggio Harmonics

~ 174Hz - Foundation ~

~ 285Hz - Quantum Cognition ~


~ 369Hz - Liberation from Fear ~


~ 417Hz - Transmutation ~


~ 528 HZ - Miracle ~


~ 693Hz - Integrating Structures ~


~ 741Hz - Consciousness Expansion ~


~ 852Hz - Awakening Intuition ~


Enjoy these very beautifull videos from the Goldring.wetpaint.com site

Ok, after a little practice I think we are ready to move this one step further.

I’m targeting a simple method that can produce a strong effect on the planetary matrix. Even if only 2000 people participate in.

The idea is simple.

Above choice of Solfeggio Harmonics that Mudra posted on some of the previous pages, will do just fine.

Mickey or anyone overthere, ... do some of you have the time to make a single video of all those Solfeggio Harmonics video files?

Just copy/paste them and make it a single file that will last more then one hour.

The idea is that this larger video file to be offered for download or live streaming but it has to be started on exactly Saturday 8 pm GMT.

In that case meditating with open eyes and just enjoying the solfeggios music and video animations we will produce incomparable strong effect. Just remember to focus all your thoughts to a positive direction.

This is still a basic ideas but it is the second step. The next will be much more complicated. If you resonate with it and you want to give it a try please let me know.

My vision is to complete this till the end. If you believe the same, that we can directly influence the fractal structure of this Matrix...Let’s do this!

For the ones who are still swimming in NWO agendas and think of me as enemy, energy stiller or whatever I can only say one thing...for a 1000 time – I’m not an enemy, there is no secret agenda in this, the intentions are just as you read, there are no hidden agendas, no misuse or whatever imaginations some people have.


Let’s do this...make that file and put it for download or live streaming so we can test it.



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Old 03-10-2009, 06:02 AM   #1154
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

We thank everyone!! Blessings to all that enter!!

Please remember that as the moon is full (March 11th)through the Spring equinox(March 20th)- there are new gateways opening up to more & more Unconditional Love Energies!!

Please make use of this"wave" to enhance the incoming energies!!

Bless everyone and everything that you pass,especially this week!!

Much Love & Light!!

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Old 03-10-2009, 06:22 AM   #1155
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

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Old 03-10-2009, 05:39 PM   #1156
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi Astralwalker,


The idea is simple.

Above choice of Solfeggio Harmonics that Mudra posted on some of the previous pages, will do just fine.

Mickey or anyone overthere, ... do some of you have the time to make a single video of all those Solfeggio Harmonics video files?

Just copy/paste them and make it a single file that will last more then one hour.

The idea is that this larger video file to be offered for download or live streaming but it has to be started on exactly Saturday 8 pm GMT.

In that case meditating with open eyes and just enjoying the solfeggios music and video animations we will produce incomparable strong effect. Just remember to focus all your thoughts to a positive direction.

This is still a basic ideas but it is the second step. The next will be much more complicated. If you resonate with it and you want to give it a try please let me know.

I have also viewed phied Dayzero Astralwalker music in windows media player
on random (this was prior to my intrest in meditation) and found it very engaging and peaceful.
It was a simpler easier way to focus my mind when i took the next step towards meditation.

Thumbs up from me.

Love Light @ Gratitude

Last edited by Truthseeker360; 03-11-2009 at 12:27 AM.
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:30 PM   #1157
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Truthseeker360 View Post
Hi Asralwalker,

I have also viewed phied Dayzero Astralwalker music in windows media player
on random (this was prior to my intrest in meditation) and found it very engaging and peaceful.
It was a simpler easier way to focus my mind when i took the next step towards meditation.

Thumbs up from me.

Love Light @ Gratitude

There is nothing wrong with the Phied-Dayzero music. It’s wonderful and personally I really enjoyed.

But we have to move forward.

The previous meditation result is this:

- Around 2000 people had meditated, but the focus was still low.

One's thoughts stream somewhere, the other thinks of different things and after realization that his/her thoughts had slipped in different direction he/she tries to return to the meditation. This is not satisfactory.

Someone gets up in the middle leaving the meditation.

I have got feedback from many people, that they are using their own music and some are not using music at all.

Some of them press play button exactly on 8 pm GMT, some in 8:02 pm some in 8:15 pm.

Some meditate their own techniques...etc

The result is...not what we are trying to do!

I presented this only as a practice to further development.

Listening and watching to the same Solfeggio video, will do incomparable much that anything was done before. But people who would like to participate will have to have discipline to put this video file with Solfeggio harmonics - exactly on Saturday 8 pm GMT.

I would really appreciate if someone overthere will consider taking a time to create a single video file from the presented Solfeggio harmonics. If that’s not possible I will try to do this as soon as it would be possible.

I have personally been listening and watching to those video files and meditating on them from the time I discovered them on the net. I put 528Hz Miracle to play many times at home and my children to listen to this frequency and other S. Frequencies. So far my personal experience with them is great. It is the same knowledge that it was used in the ancient times and that is why I had put the connection to this to the ancient temples and the data that can be extracted from those ancient temples.

Once more, this can be done only if we combine the spiritual and technological aspect of our existence, and only we UNITE AS ONE and not just individuals doing their own things.

So this has to progress further. In this way we will all tune into the same wavelength and if we vibrate high and produce positive emotional charge we will do such a positive impact that it will be immediately shown on the graphs. It simply because we would not need to practice meditative states for years and the frequencies are already there penetrating in us - via sound.

The Consciousness receives those frequencies and our software (our subtle bodies and all the energy attach to them) vibrates with the same frequencies similar to the effect that is generated in the tuning forks when they are exposed to this sound frequencies. All that is remained is a positive orientation all along the meditation which in fact is extremely easy because the sound frequencies are doing their “magic” by default and just by listening to them.

I do not say that this is the final stage and there is not better solution. All that I say is we are ready for this.

Much pain ... but still time. – I think that we do not have years to do this ...
Once more, there are no hidden agendas in this, no hypnotic influence; no negativity...what you see is what you get. In any case if someone feels that the frequencies are too hard for him/her that it is absolutely fine to get out of it.

Despite the quality of the recorded videos is not so good, it is sufficient to serve this purpose. I’m aware that many people are new to these arts and they are confused or suspicions about every new thing that it is offered.
I guess it is still in our nature to fear the unknown.
All that I could say – have faith people. Do not search for blackness wherever you look.


Before Tuning Session

After Tuning Session

The pictures are taken using Kirlian Photography and are compliments of Laura Kaye!

This is the solution to our equation and we have to start understanding those dynamics as soon possible.


Last edited by Astralwalker; 03-10-2009 at 11:34 PM.
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:40 PM   #1158
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

hey astralwalker...i am trying to do as you suggested but i am having problems with combining the videos as i dont have software to do that...anyone that does you can download any youtube video here just by putting in the link:


i need something that can convert mp4 files into another format?

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Old 03-10-2009, 11:54 PM   #1159
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Hey Mikey,

Ok. Will do something about this.

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Old 03-11-2009, 01:43 AM   #1160
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With regard to the Solfeggio freq:

DO NOT COVERT THIS TO MP3 FORMAT AS IT LOSES ITS EFFECTIVENESS ONCE CONVERTED TO OTHER FORMATS FROM ‘.WAV’ FORMAT. IT WILL NOT WORK IF IT’S NOT IN ITS ORIGINAL .WAV. FORMAT. Try and listen to it with out tinkering the equalizer as this changes the frequency’s effectiveness. Keeping the audio options in flat would be advisable.

1. When listening for the first time, it is advised that you lie down and get to the most comfortable state and switch on the track…or get to the most relaxed position on your chair before you start.

2. Keep the volume at the maximum possible that you could handle.

3. You could feel a pounding sensation at the back of the head starting from the top of the neck to gradually ending at the brow by the time the audio finishes.

4. You “might” feel nauseated after you finish listening to the audio and may also have a head ache and pounding for sometime later as you’re basically experiencing new Neural pathways being created between both halves of the brain. As this pounding and headache reduces in a little while you’ll feel better / fresher that you have ever felt before..Enjoy this feeling! your ascension process has started. [...]
more here and also a 10 minutes file can be found at:


You can down a file there that moves through all the frequencies in original wav format, but it last only 10 minutes (100 MB). After what I hear from people 1 hour of this would perhaps be too strong for many. Perhaps the file that can be downed there can be mixed with the one we already got? Perhaps start out with that the first ten minutes to kickstart things... Just a suggestion.
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Old 03-11-2009, 01:44 AM   #1161
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I am capable of combining them although I'm not sure that those videos are optimal. You may say I'm a little too perfectionistic on that end.

I don't want to go too deep into this now as it would only make us lose precious time, and I'm aware that I'm in no position to back-mail anyone and in actuality I hope it does not come across as such.

So let me express it like this: I would like to help not only to get those videos in line and operating for the meditation, but this also coincides with a project that I am working on right now that is very similar, if not exactly what you're looking for. That would mean that I would 'hand craft' a video for this purpose over time.

However, I will do this only if we can drop all the pseudo-secrecy about 'what lays ahead' and even more so, I can only approve of my service to this undertaking once the 'protection mechanisms' that were alluded to before are being laid in the open.
We know such events like this one have been manipulated before, this was said early on in the thread and I've meanwhile done quite some research into the topic. If we want to change reality, we have to make sure that our energy is used to our intention, this also was said before.

Astralwalker, I do remember you saying that the intention behind the thought is what steers it. This may be so, but I need to know more about the how and why, especially if we are to tune into a second medium (video).

I for one do not understand why there shall be any secrecy about the how and what of these issues. If we are to step into the a bright future, surely we cannot use the same methods that the very forces we are trying to put behind us use.
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Old 03-11-2009, 02:23 AM   #1162
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I can do that... but the thing is if we could get the original files, we would lose less precious sound info.

But for the rest I can manage easily to download them and squeeze them together and make it downloadable.

I will try to start it tonight... Mikey I can maybe send it to you so you can make it available to everybodyelse.
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Old 03-11-2009, 02:46 AM   #1163
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hey perseide...yeah i hear ya...i just left a message with mountainmystic (the one who made the videos) to see if we could get the files in their original format...i did find a place to download the youtube vids to avi so i am working on that too

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Old 03-11-2009, 03:29 AM   #1164
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Czymra View Post
I am capable of combining them although I'm not sure that those videos are optimal. You may say I'm a little too perfectionistic on that end.

I don't want to go too deep into this now as it would only make us lose precious time, and I'm aware that I'm in no position to back-mail anyone and in actuality I hope it does not come across as such.

So let me express it like this: I would like to help not only to get those videos in line and operating for the meditation, but this also coincides with a project that I am working on right now that is very similar, if not exactly what you're looking for. That would mean that I would 'hand craft' a video for this purpose over time.

However, I will do this only if we can drop all the pseudo-secrecy about 'what lays ahead' and even more so, I can only approve of my service to this undertaking once the 'protection mechanisms' that were alluded to before are being laid in the open.
We know such events like this one have been manipulated before, this was said early on in the thread and I've meanwhile done quite some research into the topic. If we want to change reality, we have to make sure that our energy is used to our intention, this also was said before.

Astralwalker, I do remember you saying that the intention behind the thought is what steers it. This may be so, but I need to know more about the how and why, especially if we are to tune into a second medium (video).

I for one do not understand why there shall be any secrecy about the how and what of these issues. If we are to step into the a bright future, surely we cannot use the same methods that the very forces we are trying to put behind us use.
We are moving as fast as we can...When the time is ripe you will get the knowledge you seek...
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Old 03-11-2009, 03:32 AM   #1165
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Perseide View Post
I can do that... but the thing is if we could get the original files, we would lose less precious sound info.

Yeah I see what you mean. Please do what you can and we will see if the produced single vidio file be satisfactory.
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Old 03-11-2009, 03:36 AM   #1166
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by alchemikey View Post
...i just left a message with mountainmystic (the one who made the videos) to see if we could get the files in their original format...


If we can get those files in original form - that would be great. If not, we will do it with what we have.

Please let us know if there is some feedback from mountainmystic.
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Old 03-11-2009, 03:44 AM   #1167
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Ok Mikey I'll let you do the vid file...

For my part I decided to buy the audio files on his web site because I felt I must recognize the man's work... they are only 1.33$ a piece and if the guy is selling it, it's more appropriate that way... I need his files, he needs money just a fair game!

I made myself a One audio file with the original files I bought.

I realized also that for the one that will be doing the meditation and don't want to bother, I just have to build a playlist on Youtube...

Here is the link where you can listen to all the files in one click

Click here
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Old 03-11-2009, 03:49 AM   #1168
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By playing the file as it is in a playlist format... at least we don't lose any information like we do when we change the file into a .avi and then reformat it for download.

So here is the playlist link again for those who wants to listen to it in a single click

solfegios link here

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Old 03-11-2009, 04:33 AM   #1169
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Perseide View Post
By playing the file as it is in a playlist format... at least we don't lose any information like we do when we change the file into a .avi and then reformat it for download.

So here is the playlist link again for those who wants to listen to it in a single click

solfegios link here

This is also good idea. In the bottom line we can do this. But the problem is that not everyone has fast internet connection.

In any case let’s wait what Mikey will do and we will see afterwards.
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Old 03-11-2009, 07:44 AM   #1170
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• We have a newly refined announcement from Astralwalker regarding the ongoing Planetary Meditations being orchestrated by a group that has formed calling itself the Rainbow Warriors for world peace and healing of the planet.



Although we support these meditations--from what we understand via testimony from our witnesses such as Jake Simpson and Dan Burisch, our solar system has already entered this area of the galaxy encountering waves of energy i.e. a galactic superwave based on the research of Paul LaViolette ..."(1981 - 82): LaViolette was the first to measure the extraterrestrial material content of prehistoric polar ice. Using the neutron activation analysis technique, he found high levels of iridium and nickel in 6 out of the 8 polar ice dust samples (35k to 73k yrs BP), an indication that they contain high levels of cosmic dust. This showed that Galactic superwaves may have affected our solar system in the recent past..." and are now affecting our planet.

Some of the proposed effects are thought to act upon on our consciousness as well as our DNA. As we move into alignment with the galactic center these effects are expected to increase and to reach a sort of peak around the years 2012-2013.


I want to give my gratitude to respected Kerry Cassidy for all her understanding and support. Your help is much appreciated!


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Old 03-11-2009, 12:09 PM   #1171
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

We are a living vibrating energy field with soul rapport leading to telepathy and unified group functioning on all planes.
Clear people, strongly committed to this unified focus on inner levels will draw through the law of resonance other
dedicated people who respond to the group note.
Having a strong sense of inner purpose creates a strong energy field of a specific frequency.
The critical understanding is in knowing the difference between individual and collective empowerment, and to operate
in the dimensional folds of collective empowerment where you release ego-ownerships, ego-visions, and ego-rewards
for the sake of 5th dimensional Oneness.
To stay centered in alignment in the peaceful energy of balance we need a pure collective channel.


Heart to Heart Connections - Wayshower Teachings www.premieres.com
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Old 03-11-2009, 06:58 PM   #1172
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!


This is my first message. I have signed up today strictly for the purpose of voicing these concerns.

DISCLAIMER: Please do not take offense in any of these comments, these are meant strictly as CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, meaning I have some issues with how this works right now but I also propose solutions!

I strongly feel that the main objective at this point should be getting out the message and not overly complicating things (or at least introduce gradation, i.e. have this as an option for those that like to experiment, but accept each has their own best method).

We need to unite around the intent and simplify it for everyone or we will loose a lot of people!!!


1. Web site

a) Lack of structure
SOLUTION: clean up the interface, revise and implement a better menu structure, include a language menu for easier access to language-specific content

b) Difficult coordination of participative content creation
SOLUTION: start with implementing a CMS with rights/permissions and/or Wiki so that more people can participate in creating the content!

b) Heavy content
SOLUTION: strive towards a slim diet with content (i.e. don't put large images and embedded videos on each page), move videos to a dedicated section and/or a linked Youtube channel

c) Information overload
SOLUTION revise the text content to be more digestable, introduce gradation - there are people who already know most of this science, they just need to know the intent and how to participate if they are willing!

2. Forum discussion

I think at this point the Healing Experiment must go beyond Project Avalon and this demands, among other things, its own discussion forum. We need input from as many people as possible!

3. Promotion

a) Promotional materials - there is no (one page!) leaflet nor a poster to promote the event and the invitation created by Astralwalker is IMHO way too much for someone who has let's say less than 1 minute to find out what this is all about (let's say they're passing by a poster or reading a leaflet they just picked up.. hmm?)

SOLUTION: I'm including a draft poster created by my lovely talented wife - our aim was a clear message presented in a simple visual form; this could well be adapted into a leaflet and even design of a hopefully more readable web site. I suggest the rest of the text from the original invitation should be edited into its own article, to be posted on the revised website

b) Coordinating "spreading the message" - this needs more discussion (perhaps on the new forum!), but basically I think in order to reach as many people as possible (or needed!) we need to find a way to coordinate this work more efficiently.

4. Secrecy

This "shroud of secrecy" no longer can serve any purpose but to loose people!!! (who will either run scared or laugh it off as "holier-than-thou" talk). There needs to be ABSOLUTE TRANSPARENCY, anything less is NOT ACCEPTABLE, neither are one liner answers.

P.S. I have started a new thread for this discussion @ http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=11995
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Old 03-11-2009, 09:33 PM   #1173
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by technoshamanic View Post

This is my first message. I have signed up today strictly for the purpose of voicing these concerns.

DISCLAIMER: Please do not take offense in any of these comments, these are meant strictly as CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, meaning I have some issues with how this works right now but I also propose solutions!

I strongly feel that the main objective at this point should be getting out the message and not overly complicating things (or at least introduce gradation, i.e. have this as an option for those that like to experiment, but accept each has their own best method).

We need to unite around the intent and simplify it for everyone or we will loose a lot of people!!!
I'm in full alignment with all of your points.
But maybe we've both just done media/marketing for too long?

Last edited by Kathleen; 03-11-2009 at 10:08 PM. Reason: entire post was copied, can be viewed on this page
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Old 03-11-2009, 10:01 PM   #1174
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Technoshamanic, Thanks for the suggestions...some of them are very reasonable but we are doing just fine...


Mikey is working on the file, but there is also a possibility of the live streaming option directly from Youtube – the one Perseide suggested.


There is autoplay option (playlist) and we can do it directly from there.

But let’s wait little longer.

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Old 03-11-2009, 10:11 PM   #1175
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

but we are doing just fine...
You are kidding me right? Something tells me that organising any kind of overview is actually not in your interest at all.
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