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Old 12-14-2009, 09:50 AM   #1
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Default The ego what is it? How to transcend?

I would like to start this thread but would like initial comment from others before i enter into it.
Welcome to all who would like to contribute.

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Old 12-14-2009, 11:02 AM   #2
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Im interested in your thread greybeard. I understand the ego to be the same as the personality cut off from the spiritual Self. In 'cut off' I mean unaware.


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Old 12-14-2009, 12:01 PM   #3
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Here is my starter for you - one way of many of looking at it. The ego is from the part of my mind that thinks "I", typically it only exists while the clock is ticking.

Transcending it requires the removal of the clock ticking - no past, no future, no ego, just the moment.

Last edited by Anchor; 12-14-2009 at 12:13 PM.
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Old 12-14-2009, 12:05 PM   #4
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Thank you Carmen for your reply.
What you say is so.

The ego is not the enemy and was necessary to our survival.
It was born out of the need to see this and that as seperate fom our true self. ie what is edible what is not, what leads to pleasure what leads to pain. What is dangerous to us.
Unforunately the useful servant became a bad master.

In short it is a seperation device.
It grows stronger by percieving an enemy.
It would die for its point of view.
All wars come out of a difference of opinion.
I am right therfore you must be wrong is typical of the egoic thought.

In symplicity the ego is just self buying into and believing in the me story in the head.

Ego is all belief systems all programing all positionality.

The moment a position is held its an identification with an illusion.

its ok to have a point of view but its a mistake to believe that it is more valid than other possible points of view.

What is left when the ego is transcended?
Enlightenment is what is left.
An egoless state.

Thank you also Anchor

Looking forward to other points of view.

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Old 12-14-2009, 12:29 PM   #5
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

The ego is just a dimensional frame of reference (coordinates) from wich the observer (consciousness) sees experience. It is needed, and required, if you really wanna experience humanness fully; it is needed, it is required, if you wanna experience something in the first place, no matter what, even your illusory idea of "egoless" state, no matter if you lose your boundaries temporarily, you are still where you started, in the point of an observer. That ego can travel (change coordinates), and change the thing experienced, in time, space, and dimensionality, and probably beyond, of that what i can imagine. Force of will do so. You dont trascend your ego, you change it. You experience metamorphosis as blissful depending on the nature of the transformation. You are your responsability, you are ego manifested, then power is the manifestation on the degree of accountability you put on it, the less if you separate yourself from it, the more if you take charge to change what you dislike of it.

The ego is the possibility of being a source inside a source inside a source, period, infinity´s mirror.
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Old 12-14-2009, 12:48 PM   #6
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?


The ego believes there is a this causing a that ---- Dualty.

My understanding is that the way the Creator set it up is, all life has potential which is unique to that individual form
Nothing is causing anything to happen. ( how the ego loves to believe it is in control)

We are brought up to believe we and others cause things to happen - no we have a way of reacting to a situation a potential to react in our own way, no one or anything causes us to react in a definate way. No one cause us to be angry or happy that is our choice. The reaction comes from us alone.

An example.
The Marigold seed has the potential to grow into a marigold flower.
Rain soil sunlight create the enviroment for that potential to be realised but does not cause the flower to blossom. It may or may not realise its full potential.

We may or may not realise our full potential to realise what we truly are.
The ego is an obstacle to be trnscended in order to do that.

The clouds may obscure the sun but never the less it is allways there.

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Old 12-14-2009, 12:57 PM   #7
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Im not talking about being in control, but you otherwise cannot pinpoint exactly, and definitively, if whe are out of it or not, you dont even know what truly potential you have, yet, your own thoughts are your own life experience sentences, your own creativity, your own responsability, and its sad to avoid to take your power by the excuse of "duality-causality"; im tired of all that, sorry. You encourage disempowerment. You want to trascend ego to be what, nothing?, to experience good emotions?, to be unbalanced forever then, if you wanna experience, forever, good emotional states, you have to set up yourself again in the desperate need of trascendence, ergo, experience pain again?, i dont get it, i think you dont know yourself enough to understand , what i do about what we are, but, anyway, i could be wrong.

I dont buy all the "we dont have any control over anything", because we have control over our decisions. Given a circumstance, we can choose how to react. And we do have control when we take responsability of our actions, otherwise it´s not how an adult human should act.

But i see you havent understood at all my idea of ego though. Ego has been demonized for throusands of years , that´s the result..... its like demonizing sex... it´s dividing yourself, to reject a part of what you are. Perfect for the powers that be plans, really. Divide an conquer, as old as ****ting.
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Old 12-14-2009, 01:10 PM   #8
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by Leunamros View Post
Im not talking about being in control, but you otherwise cannot pinpoint exactly, and definitively, if whe are out of it or not, you dont even know what truly potential you have, yet, your own thoughts are your own life experience sentences, your own creativity, your own responsability, and its sad to avoid to take your power by the excuse of "duality-causality"; im tired of all that, sorry. You encourage disempowerment. You want to trascend ego to be what, nothing?, to experience good emotions?, to be unbalanced forever then, if you wanna experience, forever, good emotional states?, i think you dont know yourself enough to understand , what i do about what we are, but, anyway, i could be wrong.

I dont buy all the "we dont have any control over anything", because we have control over our decisions. Given a circumstance, we can choose how to react.

But i see you havent understood at all my idea of ego though.
Dear Leunamros
Of course you are correct.
You have complete control over what you do within your own potential.

I would like to be a great piano player but that not a choice open to me,

My understanding is that the ego actually limits a person by bringing all kinds of cant do this fear up.
Ego less is free of fear there for able to enjoy life to the full.
There is so much miss understanding regarding this subject which is why I brought it up.
Good self esteem is very healthy that is not being a big headed ego.
Its a statment of fact to say that a person excells at whatever they choose to do.

Bear in mind Im not saying im right about anything its just my understanding of the moment, which may well change.

Regards Chris
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Old 12-14-2009, 01:14 PM   #9
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Keep in mind we both are right, even if some of us were, apparently, terribly wrong in something. Why, because you are a creator and that is your power, your responsability, so, how you elaborate your view of the world, is how you will experience it.

So, all points of view, are right, but, some, are better than others.

For me, in fact, the issue of the ego is just how to develop (then, metamorph the ego) the adequate mental and spiritual technology to make me do things i couldn´t do bfore, just the analogy of the material space.
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Old 12-14-2009, 01:36 PM   #10
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Im away for a while to play music with friends.
Think we have made a good start to the thread.
Its our thread not mine. Im here to learn too.
Its a very complex subject.
One book I read just on this is over 300 pages.
Thanks to all contributors -- keep it coming.

Regards Chris
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Old 12-14-2009, 02:50 PM   #11
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Thumbs up Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by Leunamros View Post
Keep in mind we both are right, even if some of us were, apparently, terribly wrong in something. Why, because you are a creator and that is your power, your responsability, so, how you elaborate your view of the world, is how you will experience it.

So, all points of view, are right, but, some, are better than others.

For me, in fact, the issue of the ego is just how to develop (then, metamorph the ego) the adequate mental and spiritual technology to make me do things i couldn´t do bfore, just the analogy of the material space.
Brilliant Wonderful thread graybeard!

One~ does not have to lose their personality (ego/self) > too be.

Love should be unconditional, but friendship is not~

No one should adapt to another's belief system > too become (accepted as) an enlightened spiritual being.

Each of us (will) have different experiences and paths along the way, but it should be our objective to end up together > one in love and consciousness.

Last edited by giovonni; 12-14-2009 at 04:29 PM.
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Old 12-14-2009, 03:42 PM   #12
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Smile Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

The EGO is a part of the genetic design that makes us feel better when where better then others. This is not part of our spirit.

Its a build in reward system that releases a drug in to the system makes you feel good and you want more and more of it.
Because of this system people who think there smart getting this feeling of being better than you are offended by others who have a lower IQ and still know more then them.

This will tricker another respones by make the person look bad in front of others, by making so called smart comments to other to show that he is smarter when he is not.
And it is worse when he is with his Wife or girl friend, because he can lose here to him if so. If the girl is atracted in some way to the so called ""lesser person". otherwise it wil not happen as bad when men are with men only.

They modded the female and male species to fit the darwin theory profile so what we see is belief . Thats how we got intrapped in the BS.

If you explain how a female species function to a women then they will dislike you, because it is another threat to them as well with out there knowledge they are reacting to a build in program.

In another word female and male species on this planet are not natural,but designed to make conflict. its part of the lie that we are a bunce of monkeys who needed to survive. Its the same with wild animals ,because normal life would not be like that.

Falling in love with a women or man if your women is not love !!!! its a stupid program make you feel good when your program has desided that she or he is the better genetic one. Drags belief system build in to US.

Addiction leeds to one thing and that is death............
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Old 12-14-2009, 04:47 PM   #13
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

It depends how far and how deep a person wants to go into the subject of ego.
We are not the ego, which is thought based, anything that comes and goes is not what we truly are.
We as consciouness experience , it is possible to experience without judging or evaluating or comentating ,labeling or puting our experience into words. One can be left speachless on experiencing a beautiful sunset.
The words are not the sunset experience which is subjective.

As the ego is transcended life is experieced to the full with less and less fear less and less judgment. More and more acceptance of what is, more peace, more aliveness.

An apropriate prayer might be.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Courage to change the things I can.
And wisdom to know the difference.

In an egoless state the enlightened one dosent mind what happens but right action will ocour.
The persona is still there.

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Old 12-14-2009, 05:34 PM   #14
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

We as a spirit have probably have choicen to experience this. Only to found out that it totaly trapped us as a spritual being, because the drags helped us to go further down the drain. By switching off our past life memorys.

It was simple after we had mixed the drag genetics and to only thing we had to do is to go to war. Whitch with our new gens it was easyer and it caused us to fall in light and enything that could have been overwriten with our spritual light would have been replace with a new genetic design.

As spritual being we can rewrite our own DNA, but if where lost our light we cannot. And after a war they simply could have modded us using GMO food.
With the food they can chance your DNA.

To put it simple they used our own emotion against us, if we didn't got outside help we as a race would have been inslaved. And caused a lot tyriany in the future. Alex collier contact happend because of this and other race higher spritual beings who are working with us to end this experience.

There is no one to blame, it is simple they way it happend because of freewill. everything is simple a result of freewill.

the beings are only helping us the remember who we really are, so we can make a real choice instead of believing a lie that result in the destruction of mankind.
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Old 12-14-2009, 05:47 PM   #15
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

A lovely thread greybeard, with some thoughtful answers. The ego/personality is not destroyed in the quest for an expanded consciousness/understanding, it is transformed, it is renovated. It becomes subject to the spirit in us and I think it is rather relieved once its given up arguing its point! It can be very sneaky though, and can be reborn as 'spiritual ego' Each one of us, I think, has this problem for quite some time after iniatially 'awakening'. Anyway, the quest is a marvellous one and the only one worth taking as we evolve ourselves.


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Old 12-14-2009, 06:32 PM   #16
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

To me, the entire point of the spiritual journey, of the Truth that will set us Free, of where humanity needs to go, all revolves around the illusion of the separate self that is the human ego.

To me the human ego is the character that was created by the illusion that we are separate and not one. Oneness is reality, but Oneness is not sameness. The ego can never understand this, because it is born of the illusion of separation. In separation we are separated from our source, from Life itSelf. We seek our self confidence outside of us, based on how we are compared to others. The ego does not seek the benefit of the whole, rather only to benefit oneself compared to others.

When we feel separate from each other and from God, suffering occurs. This is our current state in the world. Run by the ego, seeking acceptance, love, being better than our neighbor all by seeking outside of ourselves.

When we are in Oneness, we are in Oneness with our source, with the Divine. We have the ultimate Self worth, ultimate Self confidence because we are One with the infinite, I and my Father are One. We also see the infinite lives in our neighbor, and we are interconnected, we are One, so we wish only to benefit the Divine in All Life. We celebrate each other and raise up the whole rather than working to push down others, which pushes down the whole, and raises up our separate self relative to the whole.

The ego is the thinker, I think I am this or that, that is how it survives.

Pure Being is "heaven". When we are Being, we are letting the Divine in us express itSelf through us, because it is who we really are. We are the Master, not the victim. We are the co-creator.

The ego is simply unconsciousness. We sleep while it lives our life for us, and leads us to continuous karmic cycles of death and suffering, peaks and valleys, but the peaks are so far below what life is like when we are Being.

To take back control of our world, we need to take back control of our own consciousness. Be fully conscious Now. The illusion of the seperate self is what stands in the way of our own God victory.

However, the ego is not our enemy, we are not here to fight it, only the ego would fight because it would increase our seperation rather than Oneness. To overcome ego, we simply must become More conscious.

When we observe the voice in our head, the thinker, we transmute it. Simply by Being here Now, the ego is Being transmuted, Divine Alchemy is taking place.

My "I" is not my ego, my "I" is who I AM. But as soon as I am this or that, that is my ego. In my state of Being, I AM always transcending mySelf, always becoming More. My sense of identity is always expanding, One day I will be a Sun ~ a Galaxy even, Always transcending forever More. This is who I AM and I Will Be what I will Be.

Only the ego, seeks security in no-change. But Life is a river and it is always moving and becoming More. Change is cosmic law. Everything must transcend itself. Suffering results from attachment to non-transcendence, to keeping things the way they are. This is not possible, because everything must become More in the game of Life.

For me, I have committed to surrendering the ego, letting the human ego die. I have made a vow, I happily do so, to Be reborn as a caterpillar into a butterfly or even as the Phoenix that rises from it's ashes.

Beyond ego is who you and I AM. The Divine ego, that is not based on separation, rather it is based on Oneness ~ Not sameness ~ Divine Individuality ~ our Divine Blueprint in Oneness ~

Each one of us is unique and beautiful Divine Flame of God.

We are Co-Creators with God / the Infinite and we are not separated from our source. Let us remember by Being Love Now ~ who we really are ~ Mighty Co-Creators in Being in Oneness and together we will raise up All Life on this planet and fix the apparent problems we face now.

Take dominion over your planet, by letting the infinite within you take dominion over you ~ Because you see clearly this is who you really are ~ the Divine Self ~ Being below all you are above.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 12-14-2009 at 06:46 PM.
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Old 12-14-2009, 06:37 PM   #17
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by Carmen View Post
A lovely thread greybeard, with some thoughtful answers. The ego/personality is not destroyed in the quest for an expanded consciousness/understanding, it is transformed, it is renovated. It becomes subject to the spirit in us and I think it is rather relieved once its given up arguing its point! It can be very sneaky though, and can be reborn as 'spiritual ego' Each one of us, I think, has this problem for quite some time after iniatially 'awakening'. Anyway, the quest is a marvellous one and the only one worth taking as we evolve ourselves.


Thanks Carmen

Yes its not about killing it off.
There is a famous series of Zen pictures training wild ox, portraying the civilizing of the ego.
We are not the ego it comes with the package of being a human but we are responsible for it.

A good way of looking at is as an amusing pet that needs discipline.

In ultimate reality there is no ego it is just the thoughts we identify with as being me.

However it is helpful to see it as that pet.

Ramana said. Use the thorn to remove the thorn then throw both away.
In other words the mind is used to remove the mind then it is let go of.

Incidently Ramana also said tthat you can tell the progress you have made (spiritually) by the degree of silence of the mind.

The ego thrives on drama which is mainly of the past or future.
There is no problem in the present moment -- chalenge maybe.

As said here allready here. The ego cant survive in the present moment.

Love Chris
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Old 12-14-2009, 06:42 PM   #18
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
To me, the entire point of the spiritual journey, of the Truth that will set us Free, of where humanity needs to go, all revolves around the illusion of the separate self that is the human ego.

To me the human ego is the character that was created by the illusion that we are separate and not one. Oneness is reality, but Oneness is not sameness. The ego can never understand this, because it is born of the illusion of separation. In separation we are separated from our source, from Life itSelf. We seek our self confidence outside of us, based on how we are compared to others. The ego does not seek the benefit of the whole, rather only to benefit oneself compared to others.

When we feel separate from each other and from God, suffering occurs. This is our current state in the world. Run by the ego, seeking acceptance, love, being better than our neighbor all by seeking outside of ourselves.

When we are in Oneness, we are in Oneness with our source, with the Divine. We have the ultimate Self worth, ultimate Self confidence because we are One with the infinite, I and my Father are One. We also see the infinite lives in our neighbor, and we are interconnected, we are One, so we wish only to benefit the Divine in All Life. We celebrate each other and raise up the whole rather than working to push down others, which pushes down the whole, and raises up our separate self relative to the whole.

The ego is the thinker, I think I am this or that, that is how it survives.

Pure Being is "heaven". When we are Being, we are letting the Divine in us express itSelf through us, because it is who we really are. We are the Master, not the victim. We are the co-creator.

The ego is simply unconsciousness. We sleep while it lives our life for us, and leads us to continuous karmic cycles of death and suffering, peaks and valleys, but the peaks are so far below what life is like when we are Being.

To take back control of our world, we need to take back control of our own consciousness. Be fully conscious Now. The illusion of the seperate self is what stands in the way of our own God victory.

However, the ego is not our enemy, we are not here to fight it, only the ego would fight because it would increase our seperation rather than Oneness. To overcome ego, we simply must become More conscious.

When we observe the voice in our head, the thinker, we transmute it. Simply by Being here Now, the ego is Being transmuted, Divine Alchemy is taking place.

My "I" is not my ego, my "I" is who I AM. But as soon as I am this or that, that is my ego. In my state of Being, I AM always transcending mySelf, always becoming More. My sense of identity is always expanding, One day I will be a Sun ~ a Galaxy even, Always transcending forever More. This is who I AM and I Will Be what I will Be.

Only the ego, seeks security in no-change. But Life is a river and it is always moving and becoming More. Change is cosmic law. Everything must transcend itself. Suffering results from attachment to non-transcendence, to keeping things the way they are. This is not possible, because everything must become More in the game of Life.

For me, I have commuted to surrendering the ego, letting the human ego die. I have made a vow, I happilly do so, to Be reborn as a caterpillar into a butterfly or even as the Phoenix that rises from it's ashes.

Beyond ego is who you and I AM. The Divine ego, that is not based on separation, rather it is based on Oneness ~ Not sameness ~ Divine Individuality ~ our Divine Blueprint in Oneness ~

Each one of us is unique and beautiful Divine Flame of God.

We are Co-Creators with God / the Infinite and we are not separated from our source. Let us remember by Being Love Now ~ who we really are ~ Mighty Co-Creators in Being in Oneness and together we will raise up All Life on this planet and fix the apparent problems we face now.

Take dominion over your planet, by letting the infinite within you take dominion over you ~ Because you see clearly this is who you really are ~ the Divine Self ~ Being below all you are above.

Thak you.
Beautifully put 14 Chakras

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Old 12-14-2009, 06:59 PM   #19
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

When this I shall die, than I know who am I.

Paramahansa Yogananda.

He also said that the ego was a great obstruction to higher states of consciousness.

And yes 14 Chakras you write very eloquently.


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Old 12-14-2009, 07:25 PM   #20
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by kriya View Post
When this I shall die, than I know who am I.

Paramahansa Yogananda.

He also said that the ego was a great obstruction to higher states of consciousness.

And yes 14 Chakras you write very eloquently.


Thanks Kriya (as in Yoga?)

I have read several books by Yogananda.
"Divine romance" moved me to tears

Think Jesus said you have to die to yourself - to be born again ?
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Old 12-14-2009, 07:36 PM   #21
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
Thanks Kriya (as in Yoga?)

I have read several books by Yogananda.
"Divine romance" moved me to tears

Think Jesus said you have to die to yourself - to be born again ?
Yes I love Yogananda a lot and yes as in Yoga. He also met Ramana Mahashi and said that if he would have spent just half an hour more with him he would never have left. I think Ramana was the probably the greatest sage/saint of the 20th Century.

I believe Jesus was talking of the ego too. For if you can dissolve the ego you can be reborn as a God conscious being.

But transcending it is very difficult, because of our conditioning ,and needs upmost vigilence. Analysing your thoughts is very important I believe. As well as trying to treat and love all beings as your brother and sister, very tricky...
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Old 12-14-2009, 07:49 PM   #22
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

So how to transcend the ego.

Mine is work in progress.

What I have found greatly increased peace of mind and therfore the degree of silence is the following.

Find a quiet place in nature, for me it was a loch, I spent time watching ducks without comenting labeling, totaly in the moment, fully present.
Of course my mind wasent to happy with this and tried to get my attention. It took time a lot of it, many visits, to get to a degree of single minded ness.
I was amazed to find how much more alive the experience was because I refrained from talking to myself about it,

Next stage was in meditation, first to be totaly aware of the energy in the body, to feel the course of the breath moving in the body.

I had a very stressfull life having been in buisness and at night my mind was full of past and future, it literalily exhausted me. I was advised to stop talking to myself. Was there two of me. Well two voices in the head, one I had control over, the other the ego. So when my other mind was in action reminding me of what I had to do and failed to do I just let it be, dident feed it with atention dident ignore it just let it be. It kicked and strugled screamed and shouted like a little child. (not literalily just painting pictures) bit by bit it gave up shouting for attention.

It helps if you can see it also as having two minds, one being the working practical mind and the other being emotional/egoic,
The practical mind will allways be there.

I have let go of having to be right, what a relief that is, try it for just one day and see what happens, I asked myself would I rather be right than happy. No contest. Somtimes I am right and happy but thats effortless -- nothing to prove.

Anyway enough for now.
Chris ---- whatever he is
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Old 12-14-2009, 08:18 PM   #23
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Yes greybeard, just to let everything 'Be' with no comment, in the "Now", thats where and when all can be revealed. Doesnt need to be fixed, judged or anything, just observed! Although with people still playing the game of action/ reaction, it really pisses them off. As Ramtha says, 'it causes them to blow their spiritual noses'. Allowing all to 'Be' just as it is, is very 'Freeing'.

The test for us learning to go beyond the ego state is whether any of our 'buttons' are being pushed. If they are then there, right 'there' is the learning. We should hug people who rattle our cages, they are our teachers. That is where intense 'self inquiry' comes in. Our world and all in it are 'us', aspects of 'us'. Our job is to understand all this. Then our consciousness can expand into All that Is.


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Old 12-14-2009, 08:26 PM   #24
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by Carmen View Post
Yes greybeard, just to let everything 'Be' with no comment, in the "Now"
Agree - that is what I was alluding to earlier.

The theory is the easy part - the practice is the hard part

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Old 12-14-2009, 08:36 PM   #25
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by Carmen View Post
just to let everything 'Be' with no comment, in the "Now", thats where and when all can be revealed.
I actually don't agree with this (with upmost respect and without judgement). I believe you have to say no to injustice etc... For me the key is to not be attached or become emotionally involved in difficult situations. I know I may have it wrong as acceptance and surrender are extremely important, however there is righteous anger (like Jesus with the money lenders).


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