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Old 09-18-2008, 06:20 PM   #176
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Let's try to OBE the wolves of DC! To infiltrate their minds with doubt and fear!
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:21 PM   #177
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir


Maybe you need to take action. Get out of your head and the headlines and do some action that is positive for you and your future. That's what all this community building is about!

As someone said on this thread, I'm so glad I'm immortal right now.
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:26 PM   #178
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Originally Posted by doodah View Post

Maybe you need to take action. Get out of your head and the headlines and do some action that is positive for you and your future. That's what all this community building is about!

As someone said on this thread, I'm so glad I'm immortal right now.
I wish i knew what i could do. If there was anything i could do i would be out there doing it right now. I admire Bill and Kerry so much for this.. I dont have the financial backing that they would have because im only young.

And i know if i was doing something i wouldnt care what would happen, id be happy that i made an effort.. i just can figure out what there is i can do.

Originally Posted by doodah View Post
As someone said on this thread, I'm so glad I'm immortal right now.
I like that, im going to use that as my signature.
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:27 PM   #179
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

peace for all is here.
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:44 PM   #180
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Inquire, rather, whether we have any Radiant Zoners in ISRAEL who are privy to what the Mossad are doing!

I am Kayak, and I pray for peace.
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:51 PM   #181
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Originally Posted by 2infinityandbeyond View Post
I wish i knew what i could do. If there was anything i could do i would be out there doing it right now. I admire Bill and Kerry so much for this.. I dont have the financial backing that they would have because im only young.

And i know if i was doing something i wouldnt care what would happen, id be happy that i made an effort.. i just can figure out what there is i can do.

I like that, im going to use that as my signature.

2infinity ... there is a help thread somewhere around here in this forum, about feelings and such. Maybe those people could help a bit. Don't know, but it's worth a try. Your energy is definitely on the down side right now, because of the frustration you're feeling, but it would turn if you felt useful.

If nothing else, put yourself out there, volunteer for some helping organization in your town. You don't need money for that ... and by the way, as I understand it, Kerry and Bill have for years done all this on a shoestring, by themselves, doing all the work. It's only just recently that they've expanded and have organized teams of people to help out. Most of it is still volunteer. If you can volunteer any help to them through Project Camelot, maybe that would be something you could do to be involved. I volunteer, doing some of the video transciptions so that people with old computers, or deaf people, can read the text of the videos.

When you feel a little better, start thinking peace!

Best wishes to you!
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:54 PM   #182
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

I was having thoughts that the declaration of war did pass, but when actions are taken, they fail.

I was having thoughts of nukes getting dropped but not detonating. Also, numerous military pilots refusing orders, and it becoming public that military personnel are refusing to start needless war.

But take heed, these are just thoughts I send out.

I think the best idea would be to give a gun to every political leader in the world, known and unknown, after they're all armed with deadly weapons. Stand them in circles designated for each of their ideas... Let them fight their OWN wars. I very seriously doubt that a single shot would be fired, I think ALL of them would be like "I'm rich powerful and I don't wana die, I like it here."

War is brought on by one fearing another and thinking that it should end the threat before the threat ends you. When neither side wants to fight, but are forced to by fear of eachother. Get over fear, and you shall get over many other obsticals in turn.
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:02 PM   #183
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Anyone want to own that quote: I'm so glad I'm immortal right now?

It's way back up in this thread somewhere.
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:14 PM   #184
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Catch you guys later. Keep up the good work here. I've got to go do a few things ... take my money out of the bank [just kidding].

Peace be unto you, all heads of state and military thinkers. You are now experiencing a sudden inexplicable loosening around your heart. You are thinking compassionately of your own children and those of others. You have decided that you like life in its many forms.
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:24 PM   #185
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Originally Posted by 2infinityandbeyond View Post
Please excuse my negativity right now. I understand quantom physics but i also understand variables and probabilities.
Hello Infinity,

Have you read the book "The Field" by L. McTaggart? It covers it in that.

Also look up "water meditations" "water crystals" intention is everything.

The water mediated on with love / thank you / friendship etc forms beautiful crystals... Hate /war / anger etc forms distorted! FROM THE SAME SOURCE OF WATER!!!!

We are ~80% water, the planet is mostly water we are living on one huge LOVE PLANET waking to be energised by intention. We need to steer it in the direction of LOVE, CARING and SHARING )))

I'm sending you positive light to steer this thread back on track

Positivity is everything as we can steer this world we are on onto another time line of love and harmony.

I got goose bumps all down my spine with the ladies story about the car accident... I recently gave someone reiki for 20 minutes or so after I passed a scene as I felt fear and negativity there and wanted the light to help all involved.

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Old 09-18-2008, 07:29 PM   #186
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

I understand how people can feel totally down and hopeless right now. I have a few things to say to that, and a few things to say about whether 'prayer' works or not.


I am a twentysomething who has no savings, do not own anything worth anything (just a bunch of books and clothes), all I have is my family and friends whom I love dearly. I have been on this rollercoaster ride just like everyone else, wondering if it's all over, if there's any point to trying, etc. I know what it's like to feel desperation. I know what it's like to feel as though there is nothing you can do.


I do not understand the point of view though, that because it appears as though the future is set in stone, therefore I should not try to change it. I should not do anything, I should not try to do anything, I should feel sad and hopeless because that's how things are.

Ok! But even if you feel that way, you should still TRY to improve things in whatever small way you can, even if the chance of having an actual effect is next to zero!

If you believe you CAN'T do something, then you CAN'T! If you won't even entertain the possibility of something GOOD happening, then how will you ever expect to feel good again??

So, basically, my point is, even if you think THE WORLD IS ENDING, HOPE ANYWAY!

Intend for peace, intend for an end to conflict, feel the peace NOW.

And for those who believe our 'prayers' have no effect - there are a LOT (a lot a lot a lot) of scientific studies done to demonstrate otherwise. Again, The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart occurring this whole week is BASED on that research! Prayer = intention. Check out the website for more info: http://www.thepeaceintentionexperiment.com/

Whether you believe it or not, who is it hurting if you TRY?

If you don't try, and it IS true, isn't that worse than if it's NOT true and you DO try???


I feel as desperate as everyone else, but I am not going to give in to the doom, I do not believe that 'what's coming is coming', and I will not give away my power. This is way too important to give up now.

(I apologise if this comes off harsh! I'm just really passionate and I really do wish to encourage people who are reluctant/fearful/disbelieving to please, please do it anyway.)

Last edited by Morgan; 09-18-2008 at 07:31 PM.
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:32 PM   #187
mas mow
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

First of all: A big Thank You to the founders of this website and forum.

This site is a new chapter in the story of mankind.
A chapter full of hope and Victory.
For we are humans and we want to do good.
So, we show 'them' what we've got. And that's a whole lotta Love!

All humans must know that all animals and plants are with us.
They all have an unique name.
Life forms with Soul.
Sparks of the Creation.
Light of the All Is One.

Like many of us; I've been investigating the 'real world',
before Internet was here and before the electronic banking via PIN cards.
Studying all the media available.
Books, Radio, TV, Newspapers, Gossip magazine's.etcetera.
Looking for answers.
Like a puzzle.
About this subject on world affairs behind curtains.

When I saw this forum with all the people worldwide;
It touched my heart deep.
I hope the word goes out all over the world:
We Want Peace Now!

I agree with the eXchanger;
'We need to intend peace'.

I would like to add:
Visualize Peace.
Like it's already here and now.
Like it's for real.

We; mankind, do not know worldwide peace.
So it's hard to 'see peace'.

For this; Visualize.

The strongest seed that exist in us; is growing.
This is the seed of Love
and shall become the tree of Life
of the family of mankind.

John Lennon said:

Last edited by mas mow; 09-18-2008 at 07:39 PM.
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:36 PM   #188
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce View Post

I'm sending you positive light to steer this thread back on track

I got goose bumps all down my spine with the ladies story about the car accident... I recently gave someone reiki for 20 minutes or so after I passed a scene as I felt fear and negativity there and wanted the light to help all involved.


Thank you, Sauce [love your screen name!]. Can you keep things on track while I'm away for a while? If not Sauce, anyone?

It's easy to get distracted and forget that when speaking of negatives, one's mind HOLDS negative images for that time, unless you also see the negatives morphing. This thread is meant to draw forth positive thoughts and images.
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:45 PM   #189
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Here is an article off rense.com


in which it states:

'This week the US Congress is debating two non-binding resolutions which, if passed, will greatly increase the likelihood of military intervention against Iran. They call on the US president to "increase economic, political and diplomatic pressure on Iran to verifiably suspend its nuclear enrichment activities", and demand "stringent inspection requirements" of all goods entering or leaving Iran and an embargo of refined petroleum products to Iran. Although both resolutions exclude authorisation for military action, the embargo will require a naval blockade. Such a blockade could result in skirmishes with the Iranian navy which could rapidly escalate.

The US is massing the largest armada of warships in the Gulf since 2003.'

(my emphasis)
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:46 PM   #190
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Just logged in. Not sure if this already posted, but Henry Deacon said today: I have No information to demonstrate that any country is about to be attacked.. That includes Iran.

PLEASE understand this.
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:46 PM   #191
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Praying in minnesota for peace & love
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:49 PM   #192
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

wow! what a wonderful gathering!

i choose peace

i choose peace

i choose peace

in the eternal now, in the constant joy of newness that we are

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Old 09-18-2008, 07:51 PM   #193
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Arrow Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Originally Posted by FoxForceFive View Post
Not to be a wet blanket or anything, but what good will praying do? It's the illusion of religion that is partly responsible for the mess we're in to begin with. The function of religion is to mask our true origins and the reality of our existence. David Icke (whom will be interviewed by Camelot soon) for example, writes about the role of religion in the matrix of humanity. Sure, it's all fine and good to project positive outcomes via our thoughts as a collective consciousness, but praying as such... I don't buy into it.
Ever here of Fire the Grid?

It is a proven fact that when a symbiotic collective conciousness comes together to unite under a possitive common focal cause, it is understood that the negative sphere of influence is undermined, and harmonic balance entails from it. Crime slows down, etc. WE ALL need to come together on this, and if it was up to me, I'd like all 2000+ people on here to go to their sacred places nightly for 10 to 15 minutes, and project love and healing for those warped minds that are destroying our biosphere and killing off what's left of the HUMAN that is BEING. Love those that Hate, Help those that Hurt, Find good where there was Bad, RADIATE like a central sun.... the peace, harmony, and well being of all life on Gaia. There is a thred on here were others have discussed this matter, and have moved toward this.

Blessings to all.

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Old 09-18-2008, 07:57 PM   #194
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Give peace a chance!
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Old 09-18-2008, 08:04 PM   #195
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The way I word my prayer is: 'I choose to join the reality in which even the threat of war is always defeated/defused/transformed into positive action'...and wish to let all those who desire war and its effects choose a Separate Reality in which they may experience that'. In my experience, you get better returns on prayers when you avoid forcing your will on any other...
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Old 09-18-2008, 08:06 PM   #196
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all these predictions and prophesies and when they dont happen its : thankfully because of our power of consciousness and prayer the disaster was averted. but many parts of the prophesy did come true but we were able to focuz our minds together to prevent catastrophe. hooray for us!
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Old 09-18-2008, 08:08 PM   #197
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
Just logged in. Not sure if this already posted, but Henry Deacon said today: I have No information to demonstrate that any country is about to be attacked.. That includes Iran.

PLEASE understand this.
I also only saw a website that said that 1000 GBU-39 bunker busters will be delivered to Israel. Which, if true, is NOT good news of course. But it's not immediately proof of an attack either ...

As far as meditation or prayers goes:
A local TM expert explained to me recently that group meditation is considered group-wise if done under one roof.
I asked him explicitly what that means ... The answer was not very exact because a roof seems not explicitly involved.
The opposite was more clear ... if individuals meditate at the same time but in different places it's not as powerful as group-meditation.

The remark about physically meeting somebody in a previous post struck a chord and made me remember this.

So go out meet and pray or meditate in groups instead of keep sitting behind the computer seems to be the advice.

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Old 09-18-2008, 08:11 PM   #198
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

There isn't even a word, "war" in my reality.
No need for peace because that's all we know.

Somewhen... somewhen soon we'll get this right.

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Old 09-18-2008, 08:15 PM   #199
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

I hope this is not true but i keep thinking that Kerry could be right, the last bad recession in America was in 1929, this instigated the second world war!
I pray history is not going to repeat itself.
But it seems this is they way they go, how on earth in a recession they can orchestrate a war with millions that have to poured in to one, you have to laugh because where do they get the money to do that?
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Old 09-18-2008, 08:18 PM   #200
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Default Re: PRAY FOR PEACE PEOPLE... Kerry just posted that the Idiots are going to attack Ir

I don't think that this will happen (till Irani planes hit the Empire State Building )
If they state this now, at this particuliar time, I even could imagine that the G.I.s would lay down their weapons and would say "Nay, do your dirty job alone!"

I think in the moment, without a Pearl Harbour, they have no chance to realize this. Wether how strong they wish it.
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