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Old 11-05-2008, 11:18 PM   #1
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Default ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of them "off"

[fixed - A..]

just stating the obvious folks and i know all the "alternate timlines" makes it difficult BUT

the timeline I'M on all these people were pretty "off" in their predictions,
--since this summer theres been a lot of alarmist doom-y predictions, and almost all of them were wrong or not as severe.

the only thing that has come true is economic turmoil and any non conspiracy economist couldve told you the same over a year ago.

st clair said mcpalin would win and boasted about his track record with predictions about bush's 2 terms and the non event of y2k he called all those, clearly he was wrong about this and only now is talking about this "plan B" and said he didnt predict it because he didnt want to give energy to it (because he didnt want any responsibility for an obama presidency--yet he gives plenty of energy to earth changes/disasters, moving to the mountains advice)

deagle's and HPH's oct 7th hoedown was blown up out of proportion, yes financial poo went down, but not on the magnitude of a 9-11 disaster...we all have our jobs and theres no martial law.

"hawkeye's" october coup, disaster roth's bringing america to its knees, dissidents being carted off in fema trucks blah blah blah...none of it happened.

and then theres "looking glass" technology that showed hillary and the white house under water etc...obviously thats not happening as well.

now people can point out that "well they're seeing other timelines" well guess what theyre scaring the sh*t out of people in THIS timeline and theyre never predicting the multitude of possiblities in random timelines, its always "get ready for such and such in a week!" (in YOUR timeline)

add all this plus random predictions of joe biden dropping out, hillary replacing him etc etc and a bunch of other ridiculous speculation from iffy sources. people post whatever scary prediction they can and post in caps "LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!"

is this how people spiritually and mentally prepare themselves? is this an enlightened forum or a conspiracy version of the evening news? "this JUST in! orange juice...the SECRET killer?!...tune in at 11!!..."

absolutely NONE of this stuff has happened. yet people here endlessly speculate and/or prepare for the worst in "survival" mode--look, we all know and feel big changes coming , im just saying lets use some discernment and not get caught up in every possible horrible scenario. out of all those people discussed above the one not mentioned, david wilcock, has been the most correct yet he doesnt get much discussion here because he doesnt play the fear/doom/death/destruction/survival card.

food for thought.

Last edited by clarkkent; 11-07-2008 at 07:12 AM. Reason: topic title sp fixed
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:32 PM   #2
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

Totally Agree ..

Its ok .. The DOOMER / GLOOMERS .. they are gonna say well it was a different timeline.. O because we came out with the information we changed the outcome .. sort of thing.. and a couple months down the line .. New DOOM will enter!

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Old 11-05-2008, 11:45 PM   #3
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
...Yet people here endlessly speculate and/or prepare for the worst in "survival" mode--look, we all know and feel big changes coming , i'm just saying lets use some discernment and not get caught up in every possible horrible scenario...
Important thread. I'm glad you did it, I was thinking of creating one myself soon.

The only valuable outside preparation to do is every little steps that will makes you more independent from the system.

Namaste, Steven
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:47 PM   #4
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

well; they all can NOT be right all the time

i personally believe, that many people are
"dreaming up" a "new reality"
and, for the 80% moving in the right direction,
there are 20% who are NOT,
it is NOT as grave, as many put out there,
as, long as the greed card, is, in the game,
there are too many involved in all the rings,
that, they are NOT going to let it fall,
without a big fight !!!

so, it will be "business"/"greed", as ususal

i was right on Obama

i also wonder, if i am right about 1/29/2009 -
that, is a day of 5 aces
1 + 29 (2+9=11) in a 2009 (2+9=11 year)
so, it is the day of 1-1-1-1-1
5 aces, so, will Obama take over on 1/20/2009
and, 9 days (for completion/and, new beginnings)
and, on 1/29/2009- he will die ???

(jan 20-29/2009) 9 days
sometime, before 5am
& then what !!!
(what will occur that day ???)

i know something will happen that day,
as, i see it
(perhaps, i will be wrong)
time_lines do alter, change & shift

i do NOT believe, we have seen the last
of hillary

Predictions, are just that predictions,
NOT always will they be right,
however, the timelines will alter, change and shift
in accordance, with the collective consciousness,
of which, i believe, it can be quite dangerous,
to sit in it, however, sitting at the edges of it,
aiding, and, assisting the altering/changing and shifting of the all in all, is eXactly why many of us,
have choosen to be here in this time,
i suppose, it is time for "the many" to awaken,
and, join "the few" who are doing things,
that are assisting, in proving, many predictions,
to be "off the mark"...
there are an infinite amount of possibilities
of how, to climb up a mountain,
oft times, one way, is quicker than another,
however, all paths, will eventually lead you up
the same mountain,
and, get you to the summit...
about the only thing you can be,
is to be an authentic "card",
and, play your card...
pretty silly, to come to earth, and, NOT discover
the Who, Why, Where, When and, hoW of you !!!
so, how do you find out that,
it is quite simple, start asking,
if you ask, the answer to that, is oft times, given to you !!!

brightest blessings
susan / the eXchanger
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:06 AM   #5
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

You will not find wise men on the soapbox screaming warnings to the masses

they will answer when you go to them and ask the right questions
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:09 AM   #6
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

We learn/teach with these people.
They help shape us and we, undoubtedly, are helping to shape them.

I am feeling that we are not on a destructive path as many claim.
But a path of great change which may have some temp. turmoil.

That is what my intuition tells me.
I could be off.
But that is my 2 cents.
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:20 AM   #7
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

Predictions are just predictions, a warning, not a fate. Its fantastic that these doosmday monologues that were thrown out all at once havent come to pass - perhaps this in itself is a testament to the changes people are making in order to advert the *potential* chaos. Looking glass technology was a way of seeing a temporal and ephemeral future, not a determined one. We shouldnt be looking for predictions (and making martyrs of them) to determine our own actions, its is continually taking away from self-responsibility. Yes, we share a collective timeline (through our projections), but whether we are aware of it or not, we are interdimensional beings (we're so good at it, we can do it in our sleep!) so we are always operating on multiple (perhaps infintie) timeline or possiblilities, our dispositions attracting and adhereing us to the one which is in our likeness. Once again, not residing in fear, based on someone elses experience is so very integral to the entire universal shift. We shall not see with their eyes and hear with their ears - nothing shall be hidden from us, when we are fearless.

"Aure entuluva!" (Day shall come again!)

Thank you for starting this thread - it is a good topic to discuss.

Old 11-06-2008, 12:21 AM   #8
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

Well said Clark, even a broken clock is right twice a day (with or without a timeline change).
This timeline business is a great opt-out clause for those making predictions.
I predict some people will not be happy with that statement because 5/11/2009 divided by X =Y, if the timeline doesn't change, that is
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:30 AM   #9
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

You know what I am starting to agree ....

The problem is most people in the good part are honest and have a conscience so when they hear some of the information presented they take it as being real or "true to come" , myself included ...

There are people uprooting their lives and spending big money to relocate themselves due to this information ... myself and Orion flew all the way to Australia from Hong Kong to attend the Nexus conference and our ONLY reason for going was to go and see Bill & Kerry in person and listen to their presentation. I wanted to speak with them at length about some of the issues but we never got that far, but we did enjoy our brief dinner with you Kerry "Thanks"..

Bill & Kerry are just the messengers and they are trying to do us a service by providing a medium for this information ... But I am strongly starting to doubt the reputability of some of their sources, I am sure it is frustrating for them as well not to mention stressful..

Besides getting food & supplies I definitely will not be relocating my family anytime soon ....

I am also tired of waking up waiting for bad news or seeing what the next move is from the illuminati ... I enjoy and love the UFO / ET information to the highest degree but the doomsday stuff is wearing my psyche down.

Anyway just my thoughts .... I am sure many more feel the same.
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:33 AM   #10
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

Hi clark kent,

I mostly agree. All this timeline, prediction hoopla has gotten out of hand. I couldn't even finish the St. Clair phone conversation today because it sounded like a lot of pussy footing and excuses. Heck, why not just come right out and say, "Looks like I called that one wrong folks!" (People who get PAID for predictions rarely do that.) Although, to be fair, I've always found Michael to be very well intentioned and love oriented (in his videos and interviews, I don't know him personally).

I will say though, that I still find the work of the time monks to be very interesting and even though OCt. 7th wasn't exactly a big BANG like many of us were thinking, those boys called that one a long ways off. And I hope I'm wrong, but I think the fall out is going to be JUST AS BAD AS PREDICTED. With the rest of the time monks track record such as Katrina, Sichuan quake, tsunami, Musharraf, etc., I am watching their 'collective conscious' work closely. Plus, I like Cliffs self-effacing style and willingness to admit this may or may not come to pass. It is a computer after all.

So yes, I am stocking up on food and supplies in case of hyper-inflation, unemployment, etc. I am buying silver and gold. I am trying to stay aware of what is going on around me.

BUt most of all, I am working on myself. Meditating, journaling, reading spiritual books and remembering to live love and laugh TODAY. This might be the only day that I get.

Thanks for the thread.

Keep breathing everyone.

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Old 11-06-2008, 12:39 AM   #11
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

ahhh, but the timeline changed early last July I suspect with a little help from our friends above. And I've been saying this now for the past 3 1/2 months when it was clear that Hillary was not going to get the nomination. She was on the other time-line as prez.

And yes, time lines are real. And yes, they get altered. Given how the present stands now.. truly, the future is anyones guess because we got turned in a new direction where we really do have an active effect on how events unfolded from day to day.

The future is not set in cement.. it is an unfurling curl of ongoing creation which is "also" generated by conscious awareness.
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:39 AM   #12
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

Very good thread Clark. I have been thinking the same thing. How gullible can we be? These predictions have been coming out for years and years and when they don't come true, people then make up excuses as to why they didn't come true, amazing.
They say things like well, they didn't come true because we announced it. Where was there any shred of evidence that it was true to begin with?
When something does come true, there is a big write up about this great prediction when any one of us could have predicted the same thing.

Last edited by Spinner; 11-06-2008 at 01:20 AM.
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:59 AM   #13
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

great post clark. lets stop speculating and start acting. volunteer, participate, be a part of a solution.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:07 AM   #14
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

‘they’re more like guidelines. . .’
if you knew the end of a mystery novel, would you still read the book?
tomorrow may turn into hell, but i’m with you becky, living, loving, laughing TODAY.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:10 AM   #15
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

I believe every once in a while people see those things and get worried and then see that nothing happened. And then a new group of people sees the next "prophecies" and then get all worried, yet nothing happens. And then...

You get the idea.

I was searching the internet one day and I found some links to Alex Collier's interviews in the 90s. The guy said Japan would sink in the ocean, the Hale-Bop comet had a reptilian spaceship in its tail, etc...

We are just the new generation of truthseekers. We will create resitance to prophecies and then a new generation will come by and everything will start again.

Think of this as a vaccine (without microchips or sterilizing substances of course ).
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:10 AM   #16
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

Clark, I have to disagree with you somewhat about HPH and 10-07. This is the date that could be the beginning of the end of our economy. Yes, there are too many variables and what-ifs that can or can not happen that will determine the ultimate fate. But, if the economic data continues to move in the direction it is currently moving HPH will have a rather accurate prediction.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:22 AM   #17
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
"them" i meant...sorry typo..

just stating the obvious folks and i know all the "alternate timlines" makes it difficult BUT

the timeline I'M on all these people were pretty "off" in their predictions,
--since this summer theres been a lot of alarmist doom-y predictions, and almost all of them were wrong or not as severe.

the only thing that has come true is economic turmoil and any non conspiracy economist couldve told you the same over a year ago.

st clair said mcpalin would win and boasted about his track record with predictions about bush's 2 terms and the non event of y2k he called all those, clearly he was wrong about this and only now is talking about this "plan B" and said he didnt predict it because he didnt want to give energy to it (because he didnt want any responsibility for an obama presidency--yet he gives plenty of energy to earth changes/disasters, moving to the mountains advice)

deagle's and HPH's oct 7th hoedown was blown up out of proportion, yes financial poo went down, but not on the magnitude of a 9-11 disaster...we all have our jobs and theres no martial law.

"hawkeye's" october coup, disaster roth's bringing america to its knees, dissidents being carted off in fema trucks blah blah blah...none of it happened.

and then theres "looking glass" technology that showed hillary and the white house under water etc...obviously thats not happening as well.

now people can point out that "well they're seeing other timelines" well guess what theyre scaring the sh*t out of people in THIS timeline and theyre never predicting the multitude of possiblities in random timelines, its always "get ready for such and such in a week!" (in YOUR timeline)

add all this plus random predictions of joe biden dropping out, hillary replacing him etc etc and a bunch of other ridiculous speculation from iffy sources. people post whatever scary prediction they can and post in caps "LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!"

is this how people spiritually and mentally prepare themselves? is this an enlightened forum or a conspiracy version of the evening news? "this JUST in! orange juice...the SECRET killer?!...tune in at 11!!..."

absolutely NONE of this stuff has happened. yet people here endlessly speculate and/or prepare for the worst in "survival" mode--look, we all know and feel big changes coming , im just saying lets use some discernment and not get caught up in every possible horrible scenario. out of all those people discussed above the one not mentioned, david wilcock, has been the most correct yet he doesnt get much discussion here because he doesnt play the fear/doom/death/destruction/survival card.

food for thought.
I am off to bed then. The past 4 weeks were nervewracking. Glad it's all over.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:30 AM   #18
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

I agree with that also -- with St Clair and Deagle, we have been pretty much just asked to take their word on what they say without very much to back it up as far as I could ever tell (they each have a background story that is objectively hard to assess). In the case of sources like Hawkeye, since they are an undisclosed source that by definition can't be verified, we have to pretty much just take that on faith as well. However, in the case of HPH, Clif High at least provides a general explanation of how they do what they do, makes no promises (instead making their forecasts probabilistic, and mentioning often that they do have misses), and gets data out so that people can draw their own conclusions. I also have to admit that although the particulars didn't appear to pan out (a roughly equal combination of economic and military chaos), the timeframe of the economy beginning to publicly unravel did get hit pretty close. I am therefore taking their last report (which they give away free in exchange for a Michael Tsarion book or video receipt for anyone who doesn't know that yet) seriously, while keeping in mind that it is a forecast, not a prediction.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:44 AM   #19
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

It didn't take a rocket scientist to see the economy was going to tank ... Buffet & Gates sold all their share holdings a year ago... they have access to the best economists and accountants in the world.... who had the most to lose / gain they do ... I knew a fall was near when they cashed out.

Looking glass might need a clean!
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:44 AM   #20
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

I am still leaning to HPH being more valueable than pure prophecy. There is some actual, science behind the forecasts.
It would be the equivalent of using tech.charts for forecasting stock market trends.
I think they nailed Oct. 7th, for people to believe that we are remotely out-of-the-woods is far from the truth.
We are gonna go through some "uncomfortable" times, to say the least, over the next year.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:57 AM   #21
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

its basically at service of ariman or so, food for certain entities, grays, jing, whatever.. some folks just don't want to hear about it, no matter how often its told. luv & light folks.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:59 AM   #22
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

The interesting thing is, the Mayan Calendar named the 6th as the end of night, the 7th is the new dawn...

Putin, The Nordics, Saudi Arabia and Asia all played a part, so I myself will never shame the prophets for their warnings. The Illuminati is still standing with their mouths hanging, wondering what went wrong.

Now is the moment we should be waking up and glad the nightmare has passed. Oprah even said that a change of consciousness was happening...

It is being felt all over the world

There were many evil plans put in motion and all of them stopped...

We are meant for a brighter tomorrow...

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Old 11-06-2008, 03:11 AM   #23
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

Thanks, Clark, for saying exactly what I've been privately thinking. Maybe, in the "world" of these people, the sky is indeed falling, and disaster is looming all around them..... That's what they expect; that's most likely what they'll eventually get.

Fear is a powerful magnet. But then, so is love. Your life is, indeed, your own creation.

Funny about that.

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Old 11-06-2008, 04:38 AM   #24
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of them "off"

More evidence of their humanity, and their information sources likely being rooted in no more than humanity, as we are all fallable, and capable of "shifting timelines" w/ very simple actions (butterfly effect/chaos theory).

People like St. Clair, Deagle, and Burisch are very interesting individuals, but regardless of what Deagle would like us to believe, they are not "prophets" imho.

"Prophet" implies access to a higher intelligence/divinity than the rest of us are capable of.
As far as Deagle goes and to some extent St. Clair as well, their egos are at the forefront of their information, which does not help their overall message imo.
Burisch's ideas and informationis are a bit different, as it is more scientific in nature and as such, susceptible to human error. But those problems are easier to define and address than the message of a "prophet".

As far as HPH goes, it seems that (what I've heard from Clif at least) that the events that they have predicted/been looking for, are too subtle to be noticed en masse. Interesting, but certainly unconvincing form my perspective.

Good thread Superman...errr...Clark.
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Old 11-06-2008, 11:57 AM   #25
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Default Re: ST CLAIR, Deagle, HPH, looking glass, and "hawkeye" all of the "off"

Do you honestly see a world in which it is unnecessary to make basic preparations for "urban inconveniences" ? I agree for the most part that TEOTWAWKI (not including ascension) doesnt seem all that likely, but still getting off grid still seems to me a worthy goal.

I am not changing my plans - and have not since I joined Avalon no matter how much doom and gloom has been talked.

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