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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 04-27-2009, 07:22 AM   #51
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
Does it mean that Obama will end up like Lincoln?
You know what... that is a great point...

May Obama thoroughly enjoy his entire life and live a long healthy normal life.
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Old 04-27-2009, 07:27 AM   #52
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
I bet we sound pretty backwards over here!!!
if you only knew some other folk traditions in Poland...
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Old 04-27-2009, 07:52 AM   #53
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Oh... and Penny or "Penelope" means the "Weaver."

Perhaps in a MayDay celebration, or 'SOS' such as "Kathleen pointed out and "Newparadigmguy" referenced "There is a Wiccan herbal center near me which celebrates various pagan holidays thoughout the year. Every May 1 they actually set up a maypole out in the yard and a bunch of women come and run around it in circles, totally wrapping it in ribbons. The whole thing is really weird.".55

A Penny for your thoughts? A penance for Mayday! Not one Red Cent!
The Wicker man

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Old 04-27-2009, 10:30 AM   #54
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
And we in Poland do not go around a tall pole on May day.
Please understand that May day celebrations like this are hardly the norm in the USA. They are quite unusual here.
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Old 04-27-2009, 10:37 AM   #55
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
the article about Princess Diana is very informative
Have you listened to or read about any of the Rik Clay material yet? If not, I would highly recommend it. Rik must have been on to something big - people don't get "suicided" over small things...
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Old 04-27-2009, 12:31 PM   #56
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

History Sync.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday .
Both Presidents were shot in the head

Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln .

Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln , was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln , was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford.'
Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln ' made by 'Ford.'

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater..

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

And further interesting ...

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe , Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.
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Old 04-27-2009, 01:19 PM   #57
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

I was emailed this - I dont have a $20 to try so give it a go.

20 Dollars:

1) Fold a NEW PINK $20 bill in half...

2) Fold again, taking care to fold it exactly as below

3) Fold the other end, exactly as before

4) Now, simply turn it over...

What a coincidence! A simple geometric fold creates a catastrophic premonition printed on all $20 bills!!!

Here is what you've seen...
Firstly The Pentagon on fire...

Then The Twin Towers.

..And now .. look at this

9/11 = 9 + 11=$20!!
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Old 04-27-2009, 04:34 PM   #58
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Ok, i feel a repeat pattern comming on. Whenever our lives are about to change from an old job to new employment, we give a two weeks notice to our AD - Menstruation. This is what i feel is happening now with the bird flu,we are getting our two weeks notice.

Two weeks notice Part 1
Signs were placed throughout the New Orleans area, which consist of the numbers 87, and 911 , two weeks prior to the Katrina devastation. Also there was mention of a hurricane. A Hurricane is the a request to Hurry Cain,as in Cain the destructive energy of Mars.

Now we turn this two weeks notice, 360 degrees using Pi, and we get T ON ICE. This means we are getting the watered down version of the T ,or the Light, and whats actually taking place. Its nice to have some PI with this watered down T.

The truth is that we are about to get fired ,or get the Axe energy ,of the sacred feminine,and fear tactics are being implemented to channel the energy downward. We are now going through our 28 days cycles.
Ob is an anagram for the Sun and ama is the dark womb of the feminine. Obama Ad Menstruation take us through 28 day cycle of Gestation.
BULL- OCK- Taurus
of the Cryptonite.

The construct has many heads, and all people may create their own head even as they are part of the larger body.

There is nothing, really, to stop any of us from growing a new head on the construct.

What we need are the philosophical tools to maintain strength in the face of enormous planned adversity to growth, and the motivation to organize in your own ways to grow your own head.

Since we can only see what is near, perhaps it would make sense to continue into our investigations and studies so that we may be able to arrive at the Construct, and hence the Truth.

For example:

The answer to the mathematical formula of the sum of 1:4 is 10. The fourth letter of the Alphabet is D. Rotate it 90 degrees, and you have the Sun as it appears to rise on the HORIZON. That all of these statements and relations are true is obvious as one begins an inquiry into the Speculative Arts. That the word HORIZON encodes the conceptual formula of "the Letter H as the Greek Letter Pi is comprised of the ZIRO (Zero) and the On(e)" all begin to reveal the totality of "the Truth", that there is an ingenious cipher built into the language. The Sun is the O and the 1 is the "HORIZON".

However, if I just show you the Letter D, and then stop at the simple revealing of the Letter D, this simple revelation, "See! This Letter is called D, is a perfect example of what is meant by people can only see what is near and not what is far. What you see is a "letter" shared by a particular few Alphabets. You did not see the mathematical basis of the Letter (1+2+3+4 = 10). You did not see it's link to the Sunrise (or Sunset), that DE is to be born and to subtract the life DE-ADD is to be DE'ED (dead). All the manifested archetypes upon which D is caste are void from one's vision. Surely the eyes have been covered as if reality is being viewed from a mirror fogged over through the simple warmth of one's breath.

What follows is that within "reality" there exists a certain premeditated deception upon which reality is fabricated.

Things are not as they appear.


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Old 04-27-2009, 06:07 PM   #59
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

what does this make of Osama? A sun/son in the womb and what is next? he has to be born.... but what will this birth look like?
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Old 04-27-2009, 06:15 PM   #60
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
what does this make of Osama? A sun/son in the womb and what is next? he has to be born.... but what will this birth look like?
Osama is Os, or Oz ,the open eye of God.
O siris,O is always the sun.

We are trying to give birth to the God within us,while they seek to give birth to Chaos and a new world order. Both energies are working simotaneously towards the same goal.One's goal is internal, and the other is Xternal.

In the myth of Osiris,he came and freed the masses from disease and canabalism,this is symbolic of disease, being ignorance, and the canabalism is symmbolic of the ego, feeding on the soul.

They are playing the myth out literally.


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Old 04-27-2009, 07:18 PM   #61
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

777... well that actually makes total sense.

Bird above and swine below... the mirror and reflection of their distraction!
When the body is sick it has a harder time magnifying higher energy. So may everyone become enlighteningly energized all the more for their attempts of control.

Even to fly a 747 with f-16's trailing behind to scare people in NY. What did they expect for a reaction? Obviously they have exposed their MO by doing stunts and pranks on the public.

Plus whatever other stunts they are trying to pull to distract attention away from enlightening energy. May all their plans backfire for the highest and best good of all!!
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Old 04-27-2009, 07:33 PM   #62
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
777... well that actually makes total sense.

Bird above and swine below... the mirror and reflection of their distraction!
When the body is sick it has a harder time magnifying higher energy. So may everyone become enlighteningly energized all the more for their attempts of control.

Even to fly a 747 with f-16's trailing behind to scare people in NY. What did they expect for a reaction? Obviously they have exposed their MO by doing stunts and pranks on the public.

Plus whatever other stunts they are trying to pull to distract attention away from enlightening energy. May all their plans backfire for the highest and best good of all!!

Swine Flew now watch this

Flu N fluence N = 14 = two weeks Notice Nfluenza

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Old 04-27-2009, 08:26 PM   #63
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Is there a doctor in the house!!!

Zuess above and Suess below...

And now T.G.I.F.'s joins the 5 dollar meal club for May!
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Old 04-27-2009, 08:31 PM   #64
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Is there a doctor in the house!!!

Zuess above and Suess below...

And now T.G.I.F.'s joins the 5 dollar meal club for May!
The GIFT of the sacred, and nothing they will do, to scare us away from this moment ,of Zeus throwing those thunder bolts.


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Old 04-28-2009, 12:31 AM   #65
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

From 777 on page 2.....

“And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I beheld, and to a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, ‘A measure of wheat for a penny; and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine’” (Revelation 6:5-6 KJV.).

This black horse’s rider with the pair of balances in his hand symbolizes the rich men who have a major impact on world conditions through their manipulation of national economies. “The merchant uses dishonest scales; he loves to defraud” (Hosea 12:7 NIV). (LINCOLN MERCURY as in Merchants)

Another prophet, Amos, also said the merchants — the wealthy men of his day who were robbing the poor instead of helping them — “set forth wheat, making the ephah [unit of measure] small, and the shekel [price] great and falsifying the balances by deceit ... that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to fail” (Amos 8:4-6 KJV).

The black horse, then, represents famine and poverty perpetrated by the rich who refuse to share with those in need. Oil and wine, throughout the Scriptures, symbolize abundance or luxury.

The fact that the oil and wine were “hurt not” indicates a situation where wealth and luxury exist alongside famine and poverty — and the gulf between rich and poor is only growing.
JC as in Jesus Christ or JC =13 + a penney = 77.

End of quote by '777'

So is this where the older "Wheat Penny" came from!!!!
A reflection of making the "unit of measure" small?
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Old 04-28-2009, 02:16 AM   #66
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
From 777 on page 2.....

“And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I beheld, and to a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, ‘A measure of wheat for a penny; and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine’” (Revelation 6:5-6 KJV.).


This black horse’s rider with the pair of balances in his hand symbolizes the rich men who have a major impact on world conditions through their manipulation of national economies. “The merchant uses dishonest scales; he loves to defraud” (Hosea 12:7 NIV). (LINCOLN MERCURY as in Merchants)

Another prophet, Amos, also said the merchants — the wealthy men of his day who were robbing the poor instead of helping them — “set forth wheat, making the ephah [unit of measure] small, and the shekel [price] great and falsifying the balances by deceit ... that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to fail” (Amos 8:4-6 KJV).

The black horse, then, represents famine and poverty perpetrated by the rich who refuse to share with those in need. Oil and wine, throughout the Scriptures, symbolize abundance or luxury.

The fact that the oil and wine were “hurt not” indicates a situation where wealth and luxury exist alongside famine and poverty — and the gulf between rich and poor is only growing.
JC as in Jesus Christ or JC =13 + a penney = 77.

End of quote by '777'

So is this where the older "Wheat Penny" came from!!!!
A reflection of making the "unit of measure" small?
Yes , the ntire construct is on this bag of wheat thins. You get your chips ,because the wheat is thin. This the masonic philosophy of the chip off the old block in the sign of Gemini ,because the vice of attachment and letting go the ego.

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Old 04-28-2009, 04:33 AM   #67
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Let me see if I can really stretch the limits of imagination here… And feel free to poke holes in any of it.

Various quotes throughout the thread… for minor summarization.

777… This thread is to X pose the Xmen Ncryption of the forked tongue. I will insert day to day updates ,uneveiling the cryptic messages ,that involve the letter X ,and as much cryptonite news as possible. Please feel free to add images, comments, and propaganda from the dictators using dictation, to keep us from becomming Super Men, and Women. Together we will Xpose the cryptonite that we're being fed.

777…Truth is dis -covered ,or unveiled,not Dis-closed.

Iain… his thread is a great chance to go search the stories out there and bring them back here to X pose them for what the hidden info. is

Christo…. The Torch, as you have agreed, the Liberty, is in recognition of the goddess', the feminine.

Kathleen… The first day of the month of May (the 5th month) is called May Day.
May Day = S O S
Gather round the Maypole!

777... "remember Lincoln made his speech of 4 score and 7 = 11 a score is 20 and he was stung by the Scorpio. 7-4 July 4th."

Christo… Well President Obama is following the Lincoln protocol for his presidency, follow Lincoln and we can all see what is transpiring now before it occurs.

I might as well add this in... 9-11 or September 11th is also 7-11, Sept means 7.

Ian… 9/11 = 9 + 11=$20!! (9-11 is on a $20 dollar bill)

(JFK & Lincoln... the mirror and the reflection, "Reverse and Opposite")
777… Ok, i feel a repeat pattern comming on. Whenever our lives are about to change from an old job to new employment, we give a two weeks notice to our AD - Menstruation. This is what i feel is happening now with the bird flu,we are getting our two weeks notice.

Signs were placed throughout the New Orleans area, which consist of the numbers 87, and 911 , two weeks prior to the Katrina devastation.

Also there was mention of a hurricane. A Hurricane (or maybe swine flu in this case) is the a request to Hurry Cain,as in Cain the destructive energy of Mars.

Now we turn this two weeks notice, 360 degrees using Pi, and we get T ON ICE. This means we are getting the watered down version of the T ,or the Light, and whats actually taking place. Its nice to have some PI with this watered down T.

The truth is that we are about to get fired , or get the Axe energy ,of the sacred feminine,and fear tactics are being implemented to channel the energy downward. We are now going through our 28 days cycles. (2+8=10)

The Sun is the O and the 1 is the "HORIZON".
(There is a Red Torch and 'We The People" on the new $10 dollar bill )

newparadigmguy...Do you think the Chi blast will happen on Pentecost?

Christo… Even to fly a 747 (the presidents back up “Air Force One”- a twin- Gemini) with f-16's trailing behind to scare people in NY. What did they expect for a reaction? Obviously they have exposed their MO by doing stunts and pranks on the public.

…”When told of the flight, President Barack Obama was furious, a White House official said on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations…” (Obviously the president is not always in charge, or there are two Commanders in Chief, one in secret!!!)
“…They also wouldn't address why someone thought it was a wise decision to send two jets into New York City (false flag energy), all for a few photos with the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop. An administration official said the purpose of the photo op was to update file photos of the president's plane near the Lady Liberty…”

777… Flu N fluence N = 14 = two weeks Notice Nfluenza. (When pigs fly we are getting a 2 week notice for a real event?)

JC as in Jesus Christ or JC =13 + a penney = 77. (2, f-16’s… 1+6=7, 77?) 77+10=87?

New paradigmguy… There are all kinds of connections between Isis and a torch.

New paradigmguy… I think there are connections between Princess Diana and Isis. I believe a torch was installed above the tunnel where she died in France. Also, her burial took place on an island on her family's estate. There might even be a torch there, too. I'm not sure. When you fold the five dollar bill it looks like a torch floating above a little island. (France gave us the Statute of Liberty right!)

Tone3jaguar… 'May 9th-11th = Transformation of Universal Energy'


5, 9th-11th (2009=11) is that what 'they' want to interrupt... the liberty, the femi-nine energy!!! By orchestrating a real event 2 weeks from now? Hopefully this is not so.

But certainly a few days to focus in on... ‘to hold the pole’ for the highest and best good of all!!!

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Old 04-28-2009, 08:01 AM   #68
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This is some profound synchromystic insight. Below i added some other info in regards to the awakening in May.

JC as in Jesus Christ or JC =13 + a penney = 77. (2, f-16’s… 1+6=7, 77?) 77+10=87?

New paradigmguy… There are all kinds of connections between Isis and a torch.

New paradigmguy… I think there are connections between Princess Diana and Isis. I believe a torch was installed above the tunnel where she died in France. Also, her burial took place on an island on her family's estate. There might even be a torch there, too. I'm not sure. When you fold the five dollar bill it looks like a torch floating above a little island. (France gave us the Statute of Liberty right!)

Tone3jaguar… 'May 9th-11th = Transformation of Universal Energy'


5, 9th-11th (2009=11) is that what 'they' want to interrupt... the liberty, the femi-nine energy!!! By orchestrating a real event 2 weeks from now? Hopefully this is not so.

But certainly a few days to focus in on... ‘to hold the pole’ for the highest and best good of all!!!


It is in the sign of Taurus, wherein the pull of opposites, is between selfish desire, and illumination:

"Will this Taurian influence…produce the floodlight of illumination of which Taurus is the custodian, or will it simply foment desire, increase selfishness and bring humanity to the 'fiery heights of self-interest' instead of to the mountain of vision and initiation?"

<< Daniel 12 >>
King James Bible

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. 4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

"Will the Bull of desire or the Bull of divine illumined expression succeed?
The energies from the sign of Taurus induce struggle. We know that a single-minded focus on the form or material side of life causes the individual to be led by blind desire; however, the promise of this sign is reflected within its esoteric keynote, coming from the Soul: "I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light." Eventually, the vision of the individual must be lifted up and open in response to the available cosmic light.

It is under the sign of Taurus that Siddhartha Gautama achieved victory over desire, and arrived at illumination, thus attaining the consciousness of Buddha, or the "Enlightened" or "Awakened One. This i am awakening takes place under the full moon, in the month of May.


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Old 04-28-2009, 02:48 PM   #69
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

From 777...

"Will the Bull of desire or the Bull of divine illumined expression succeed?"

Is this the story of the worship of the 'Golden Calf'?

Alexander Hamilton... he's on the $10 dollar bill with a Red Torch and "We The People". Born on 1-11-1755 and took office of Secretary of the US Treasury on 9-11-1789. Favored British political systems. Mortally wounded from a duel on 7-11-1804 and died the next day.

You can go to TGIF's in May now and get two meals for their '$5 a meal deal' for $10. Unless Friday is a Bank Holiday for some reason?
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Old 04-28-2009, 03:04 PM   #70
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
5, 9th-11th (2009=11) is that what 'they' want to interrupt... the liberty, the femi-nine energy!!! By orchestrating a real event 2 weeks from now? Hopefully this is not so.
Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
This i am awakening takes place under the full moon, in the month of May.
In case anyone is interested, the full moon is May 8th, the midpoint of the sixth day of the Galactic Underworld is May 11th, and Pentecost is May 31st.
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Old 04-28-2009, 03:44 PM   #71
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
From 777...

"Will the Bull of desire or the Bull of divine illumined expression succeed?"

Is this the story of the worship of the 'Golden Calf'?

Alexander Hamilton... he's on the $10 dollar bill with a Red Torch and "We The People". Born on 1-11-1755 and took office of Secretary of the US Treasury on 9-11-1789. Favored British political systems. Mortally wounded from a duel on 7-11-1804 and died the next day.

You can go to TGIF's in May now and get two meals for their '$5 a meal deal' for $10. Unless Friday is a Bank Holiday for some reason?
Yes , this is the worship of the golden calf. Holy Sh...Holy cow and Cowabunga .

The number 22 is in reference to may 22.We are being prapared for the ritual of the dark night of the soul. The 0 and # 22 card of the tarot.As all things are done in reverse with the unseen hand,May 22 we should be in pretty deep.You can see this 22 reference in posters of the men in black movie.

In the movie the dark night ,there was bus From disrict #22 that was use to bust into the bank.

The yellow bus is symbolic of the sun entering into the sign of gemini the twins.Also the actor heathe ledger as in (cliff and grammar),died on january 22 .The report concludes, in part, "Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxy-cod-one, hydro cod-one he is the second character who played the fool in Batman, that died. Also take in mind, that the word di-strict ,is another way to say Die Hard.

Also May 22 is Friday,Pay day.

The color red as far as the 10 dollar bill is concern,is usually symbolic of Mars or the sacred feminine.

The Tin man or ten men of the wizard of OZ is the repeat of the ancient 10 kings of sorcery, from ancient Atlantis, the biblical 10 kings of Revelations.

Hey thanks for that info Newparadigmguy,i feel that early May is the trigger date, and we've been given our two weeks notice ,with the New York fly over.

keep in mind the prefix sub as in bus,sub burbs,subway,subjective,submit, submarine and SUBATOMIC PARTICLES.

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Old 04-28-2009, 04:05 PM   #72
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Any significance to the name Heath Ledger?

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Old 04-28-2009, 04:26 PM   #73
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post

Any significance to the name Heath Ledge -r?

Cliff and ledge is the same thing. So a Heath cliff or Heath ledger is the fool of the tarot ,who is author of his own mistakes ,and not afraid of leaping into the unknown.

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Old 04-28-2009, 05:27 PM   #74
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Cliff and ledge is the same thing. So a Heath cliff or Heath ledger is the fool of the tarot ,who is author of his own mistakes ,and not afraid of leaping into the unknown.

Im a Ledger just for the record
I have been called a fool before
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Old 04-28-2009, 05:47 PM   #75
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Any insight to the symbology of the name of the flu virus H1N1?
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