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Old 10-06-2008, 01:35 PM   #26
Ali Quadir
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

If someone is completely convinced about his truth then they will always be called arrogant or elitist. Blossom Goodchild is full of nonsense. The fact that she would accept screenshots of google earth glitches as evidence for alien craft is completely insane.

I can completely understand Wilcocks choice to remove this information from his forum. He uses the forum as a way to inform people. Misinformation is not helping in that goal. Especially since the posted topics will end up associated with his name.

Forums are not democracies if you've been around the internet you should know this. If you want to talk Goodchild, go to Goodchild's forum or one of the gazillion others that do attempt to take google earth glitches as alien spacecraft on the verge of revealing themselves to us.

To be honest it's rather regrettable that people NEED this kind of censorship or they will end up babbling complete nonsense. This is the twentyfirst century.. There is no excuse to not be informed or educated.

And one thing that cannot be denied is that Wilcock is incredibly informed and incredibly educated. Every claim he makes is associated with references that allow everyone with access to half his brain to check the information. He has no fluffy touchy feely word clouds. Everything is fact, referenced, cross referenced and because of it you can verify his words yourself.

When I was reading his work I often thought "Hah now I've got you. This is BS..." So I went to google to check his references and lo and behold... It was all there. I learned not because I believed. I learned because I criticised, disbelieved and then verified. If you believe you'll only learn what you already think you know.

His work is the only work on the topic that I have been able to find including the camelot/avalon work that approaches scientific standard. You know why scientific standards are so high? Because people love to babble and then parrot nonsense. And you have to protect yourself from this.

Just because we like it does not make it true. Just because everyone is repeating it, does not make it true. Just because it gives us a feeling does not make it true. Just because someone refuses to take discredited information serious does not make them arrogant or elitist. It makes them experts....
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Old 10-06-2008, 02:01 PM   #27
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

I agree. It is interesting that after Dr. Deagle's phone call, how everyone wanted to know what David Wilcock thought. I feel he is one I look to for answers on other topics as well. I feel the same towards David Icke. Both of the witnesses can back up their info with credible references or they do not publish it. David W cannot back up the Oct 14 th event so he doesn't want to go there.
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Old 10-06-2008, 02:13 PM   #28
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Just a theory... but you know he's interested in crop circles... talks about them a lot... seems to be able to translate their meaning... hmmm...

...does he have a friend called Doug...?
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Old 10-06-2008, 02:20 PM   #29
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

After listening to Bill Deagles phone recording I felt like packing all my stuff, the dog and running for the hills. The guy sounds like a mess and it's affecting his daily life it sounds like. I think he might be under psychic attack (but that's just me). Then I listened to David's recording and it was full of hope. You can almost feel the forces of good Vs evil working. One is full of doom and gloom and the other is full of positivity and holding his head up, looking at the world straight in the eye. I think David is the man.
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Old 10-06-2008, 02:33 PM   #30
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

I think Deagle was the ground zero of a psychic fear bomb. He got the full force, then the effects spread out as the interview is heard. I felt it hit me like a wave but didn't realise what had happened until the next morning. Hearing Wilcock was the balance to it, so fair play to him and very well done.

Feel genuinely sorry for Deagle, it must have been horrific for him.
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Old 10-06-2008, 07:04 PM   #31
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

David Wilcock's Forum has strange dynamics. There seems to be this whiff of arrogance permeating his site that stifles creative thinking. Personally i like David Wilcock a lot. To my mind, the man has an awful lot to say, but there is this 'David is God' sensibility prevalent throughout. Of course it's not the fault of it's membership, but the stoic censorship of it's moderators.

Last edited by symbolon; 10-06-2008 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 10-06-2008, 07:10 PM   #32
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Originally Posted by symbolon View Post
David Wilcock's Forum has strange dynamics.
I find his forum VERY boring as a result of the censorship.
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Old 10-06-2008, 08:42 PM   #33
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Regardless of David's ego, which comes off as rather large to me, I find his uplifting messages just that: uplifting. His positivity is a necessary balance to the onslaught of constant negativity spread all throughout the internet. What I DO have a problem with is his blind support for Barack Obama. It surprises me given the insight he seems to have regarding the global elite and its plans for world domination. I attempted to post up an article that I copied and pasted from another website which criticised Mr. Obama, and was shocked to see that 2 days later the article never made it onto the site. I never even received a private message to explain why the article never appeared. In my humble estimation, that is what I call censorship. It's one thing to disagree with an opinion, but it's an entirely different thing altogether to silence those who disagree. The article wasn't even an attack, it was simply a critical analysis of Barack Obama's purported policies. I have to say that Wilcock's support of Obama does put a nail into his otherwise well-inflated tire. That alone makes me weary. Double that with censoring anything that criticizes Obama. Puts a bad taste in my mouth to say the very least. Needless to say there ARE articles on the site which support Obama and his candidacy.
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Old 10-06-2008, 08:51 PM   #34
Reveling John
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Originally Posted by Wellerite View Post
apparently it is one of the rules that you can't post material by other channellers although they still post up Carla Rueckart recent stuff.
Oh, well, there you go. That explains it. For what ever reason he has a thing about channelled information coming from a source other than himself (and original Law of One).

He still has great information that he's gone to great lengths to share, but, yeah, that is kind of disturbing.
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Old 10-09-2008, 05:11 PM   #35
Josef Stubler
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

I am an avid member on David Wilcock's website and also this one. It is very easy for any website like this one and David's to become so overwhelmed with mindless and useless "junk" that it becomes increasingly difficult to wade through all of it in order to find meaningful information and opinions.

That is not so much "censorship" as it is "moderating" the websites to keep them from becoming totally diluted and meaningless. Both Project Avalon and DivineCosmos have specific mission statements.

If you want to post something that is outside of their parameters, they have every right to moderate it. You can find plenty of other websites that will let one post anything they want.
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Old 10-09-2008, 05:36 PM   #36
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Give them time,
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Old 10-09-2008, 06:08 PM   #37
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Would you want to be responsible for someone else's intuitive channeling? There has been MUCH discussion/emotion/engergy around the Oct 14th prediction and it makes sense to me that DW trying to answer in any way to Blossom Goodchild's prediction is simply not a good use of his time.

As far as Law Of One...he has studied that for years. Not the quite the same thing as commenting or trying to intrepret someone else's channel.

As far as his support of Obama...well if you want all the negative stuff on him go to McCain's site or rense. Believe me there are all sorts of sites that report his flaws.

Either way, discernment is needed. One site simply cannot fulfill one's expectations. That must be why there are so many!

I pay attention and respect all of the people Kerry & Bill interview. I don't always agree with everything I hear, but I don't expect to. I expect to come into my own solution/conclusion that works for me.
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Old 10-11-2008, 09:38 PM   #38
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

I really like his work also. But the forum being censored is resulting in the number of people participating to decline drastically. I'll continue to read David's blog but I think the forum is a waste of time. Much better on this one.
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Old 10-11-2008, 10:00 PM   #39
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
But, overall, I think he is a swell guy.
So do I....

But in all honesty I was quite shocked at his negative reaction to October

14 + + + . At the very least I would have expected him to wish the
supporters of the 'event' well. That would have been more respectful.

Also....there's the collective mind and how powerful that can be.

When something spontaneous just blasts out of practically nowhere,
like this I would expect someone like David to take proper notice.

And not be negative about it publically, even if he has reservations

But I suppose we're all human. We gratefully receive the
thoughts and knowledge from others, but at the end of the day,
we should make our own minds up about things.

It's just that some people's word carries more weight, for many
people....and with it comes more responsibility.
David is one of these people. It's a shame he didn't stay more
neutral because of this.
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Old 10-11-2008, 10:04 PM   #40
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Do you guys think this week is it for the financial meltdown? Maybe not. It certainly adds to the October surprise theory.

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Old 10-11-2008, 10:19 PM   #41
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Yes. Financial Meltdown! And consider this also:

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Old 10-11-2008, 10:48 PM   #42
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

I think it is also significant that the Pope kicked off a 24/7 week long
reading of the ENTIRE bible...to finish on October 13/14.


It was only earlier this year that the Vatican began preparing Catholics
for the reality of ETs.

You see, this is why I think it's wrong to censor the Blossom/FOL stuff.
Because it is one of the things that is converging around this date/time.
And it is OUR thing.

Maybe our coming together in mind/spirit at this time is actually vital.
In ways that we don't at the moment understand.
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Old 10-11-2008, 10:50 PM   #43
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Originally Posted by Reveling John View Post
On the dvinecosmos forum I cannot find any references to October 14th. I've tried twice to start a new thread on the subject and it isn't visible after two days. I don't know who moderates David's forums, but it's a very strange phenomenon, especially considering that David Wilcock has publicly dismissed the event and subsequently the credibility of the channeler.
Should this come as a surprise?
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Old 10-11-2008, 10:54 PM   #44
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Originally Posted by historycircus View Post
Should this come as a surprise?
What's that supposed to mean?

I was surprised to hear it. For the reasons in my last couple of posts.

Would you care to explain....rather than being all cryptic.
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:15 PM   #45
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Originally Posted by jaby View Post
What's that supposed to mean?

I was surprised to hear it. For the reasons in my last couple of posts.

Would you care to explain....rather than being all cryptic.
What historycircus is saying I think is that David Wilcock doesn't believe anything about the 14th and what's going to happen. That's my opinion of course.
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:19 PM   #46
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Nothing cryptic about it - it is a straightforward question that all those who frequent "Divine Cosmos" should ask themselves.

Is there something inherently wrong with such inquisitiveness?
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:28 PM   #47
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Nope - October 14th had not crossed my mind when making my initial post.
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:33 PM   #48
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Originally Posted by historycircus View Post
Nothing cryptic about it - it is a straightforward question that all those who frequent "Divine Cosmos" should ask themselves.

Is there something inherently wrong with such inquisitiveness?
I took your words to be more sarcastically rhetorical than having
anything to do with inquisitiveness.

Like....against David Wilcock, generally.

I said earlier I think highly of David, but I think his stance on October
14 + + +......is un-necessarily negative.

(thanks Dantheman)
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Old 10-12-2008, 12:03 AM   #49
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored

Originally Posted by jaby View Post
I took your words to be more sarcastically rhetorical than having
anything to do with inquisitiveness.
Let me just first say this (before anyone begins the "angry circus" chant), I, and dear god, I do, truly, with all positivity and goodness, mean absolutely NO DISRESPECT to you as an individual in any shape, form, or fashion. No disrespect. I am not trying to provoke you, or inject any negativity in any form to this discussion.

You are wrong jaby, about the the rehetoricism and sarcasm you percieved in the question. It is a straightforward question, designed to elicit, what I hope would be, a straightforward answer. Nothing more, nothing less.

I will add this, however, since this is an issue that inspires you to empassioned expression (if you don't like the tone of this question, I suggest you take it up with Socrates - for it is ultimately his question): What is it about yourself that, when confronted with what you percieve to be an affront to either Wilcock's spiel or his honor, promts you to express passion.

When you answer that question truthfully, even if you keep it to yourself, there is nothing that anyone could say or do, especially myself, to keep you from discovering truth.

Peace and extreme love to you,

The HistoryCircus
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Old 10-12-2008, 12:19 AM   #50
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Default Re: David Wilcock's Forum is Censored


Divinecosmos.com is david's site. If he feels that censorship is the way to go then maybe we should trust him, he has an awesome track record and maybe he is tapped in somewhat more than we think. Divinecosmos is the creative energies of Mr wilcock and who are we to judge him on HIS creativity.

If people do not like this idea then do not visit his site. Accept david for who he is ( yes-he is still in the body and will exhibit behaviors ) and think maybe he is censoring it for US.
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10-14-2008, blossom goodchild, david wilcock, divine cosmos

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