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Old 03-08-2010, 10:56 PM   #1
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Default Bible Related Psychic Attack???

I have only ever told this to one person and never sought opinion from someone 'in the know'. It is related to a rather traumatic period of my life and something I have kept to myself for personal reasons, yet with all the trouble related to Abraxasina and psychic attacks, I thought I'd tell my story and see what people thought.

About eight to ten years ago I was in a spiritual mess. I had found Wicca... drifted away from it... found Ceremonial Magick... drifted in and out of it... found this, found that... got bored and then decided to start researching the beginnings of religion and spirituality... Egyptian, Jewish, Babylonian etc.

I will admit I was mentally vulnerable but had decided that if I were to understand where Christians were coming from I had better read the Bible. I had no desire to become Christian and no leanings that way at all but figured it was necessary to get a grasp on it's affects on history and today's society. So read it I did...

One morning after a few weeks going through the Old Testament and probably half way through the New, I awoke to a painfully powerful sense of dread. I have been scared and frightened over different things in my time but this was in a whole different league. Absolute dread... and the one thing that dread was telling me was that the Bible was absolutely true, no error and the written word of God.(!?!)

I was terrified... I stumbled around for three days (symbolic?) with the knowledge that something was with me, watching every move and thought I made, waiting for me to get down and worship it.

Sure enough the effect was enough for me to search out different Church's and try to find the denomination I should join to get it right.

As I said, the sense of a presence being with me lasted three days but I considered myself Christian for about 8 months before I realised no Church was right for me and that Christianity had too many holes in it for it to be right (for me).

Whilst I fully respect anyone who considers Christ to be their saviour, I know that path never has been, and never will be mine (I know... never say never)

My questions are:

Does this sound like a psychic attack?

Has anyone every heard of anything quite like this.. ie. Bible related, because the idea of an entity invoking such horror to get me to follow the Bible just doesn't sound right if the Bible is 'good'. I would expect the loving embrace of Christ if anything... and that definitely wasn't there...

I never experienced anything like it before or since but it is one helluva weird chapter and would value any thoughts on it.

Many thanks

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Old 03-08-2010, 11:08 PM   #2
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Bible Related Psychic Attack???

the old testamont is likely the most evilest book ever written
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Old 03-08-2010, 11:35 PM   #3
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Default Re: Bible Related Psychic Attack???

You need to ask DR. Deagle - he'll straighten you out.
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Old 03-08-2010, 11:39 PM   #4
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Default Re: Bible Related Psychic Attack???

Sounds like a dark entity was trying to get you to worship it -- an external god -- rather than the true God within you. They'll do anything to get you to give away your power.

Originally Posted by fr66ajc View Post
I have only ever told this to one person and never sought opinion from someone 'in the know'. It is related to a rather traumatic period of my life and something I have kept to myself for personal reasons, yet with all the trouble related to Abraxasina and psychic attacks, I thought I'd tell my story and see what people thought.

About eight to ten years ago I was in a spiritual mess. I had found Wicca... drifted away from it... found Ceremonial Magick... drifted in and out of it... found this, found that... got bored and then decided to start researching the beginnings of religion and spirituality... Egyptian, Jewish, Babylonian etc.

I will admit I was mentally vulnerable but had decided that if I were to understand where Christians were coming from I had better read the Bible. I had no desire to become Christian and no leanings that way at all but figured it was necessary to get a grasp on it's affects on history and today's society. So read it I did...

One morning after a few weeks going through the Old Testament and probably half way through the New, I awoke to a painfully powerful sense of dread. I have been scared and frightened over different things in my time but this was in a whole different league. Absolute dread... and the one thing that dread was telling me was that the Bible was absolutely true, no error and the written word of God.(!?!)

I was terrified... I stumbled around for three days (symbolic?) with the knowledge that something was with me, watching every move and thought I made, waiting for me to get down and worship it.

Sure enough the effect was enough for me to search out different Church's and try to find the denomination I should join to get it right.

As I said, the sense of a presence being with me lasted three days but I considered myself Christian for about 8 months before I realised no Church was right for me and that Christianity had too many holes in it for it to be right (for me).

Whilst I fully respect anyone who considers Christ to be their saviour, I know that path never has been, and never will be mine (I know... never say never)

My questions are:

Does this sound like a psychic attack?

Has anyone every heard of anything quite like this.. ie. Bible related, because the idea of an entity invoking such horror to get me to follow the Bible just doesn't sound right if the Bible is 'good'. I would expect the loving embrace of Christ if anything... and that definitely wasn't there...

I never experienced anything like it before or since but it is one helluva weird chapter and would value any thoughts on it.

Many thanks

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Old 03-08-2010, 11:56 PM   #5
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Default Re: Bible Related Psychic Attack???

I've come to the conclusion that the Bible is a mixture of good and evil...and that the actual words attributed to Jesus are the best part. Here are some links to some irreverent threads which express some of my rambling non-authoritative thoughts on the subject.

1. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...orthodoxymoron

2. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...orthodoxymoron

3. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...orthodoxymoron

4. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...orthodoxymoron

5. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15878

6. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...a+intelligence

7. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...rldwide+church

8. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...179#post163179

9. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...745#post167745

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 03-09-2010 at 03:19 AM.
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Old 03-09-2010, 01:13 AM   #6
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Default Re: Bible Related Psychic Attack???

Originally Posted by fr66ajc View Post
About eight to ten years ago I was in a spiritual mess. I had found Wicca... drifted away from it... found Ceremonial Magick... drifted in and out of it... found this, found that... got bored and then decided to start researching the beginnings of religion and spirituality... Egyptian, Jewish, Babylonian etc.

One morning after a few weeks going through the Old Testament and probably half way through the New, I awoke to a painfully powerful sense of dread. I have been scared and frightened over different things in my time but this was in a whole different league. Absolute dread... and the one thing that dread was telling me was that the Bible was absolutely true, no error and the written word of God.(!?!)

I was terrified... I stumbled around for three days (symbolic?) with the knowledge that something was with me, watching every move and thought I made, waiting for me to get down and worship it.

Sure enough the effect was enough for me to search out different Church's and try to find the denomination I should join to get it right.

As I said, the sense of a presence being with me lasted three days but I considered myself Christian for about 8 months before I realised no Church was right for me and that Christianity had too many holes in it for it to be right (for me).

Whilst I fully respect anyone who considers Christ to be their saviour, I know that path never has been, and never will be mine (I know... never say never)

My questions are:

Does this sound like a psychic attack?

Has anyone every heard of anything quite like this.. ie. Bible related, because the idea of an entity invoking such horror to get me to follow the Bible just doesn't sound right if the Bible is 'good'. I would expect the loving embrace of Christ if anything... and that definitely wasn't there...

I never experienced anything like it before or since but it is one helluva weird chapter and would value any thoughts on it.

Many thanks

93 93/93

Yours is a strange story.

And yet, I wonder at the terror you experienced. Oddly enough it would appear that it saved you. It made you pause. If I read your post correctly, you were about to make a tragic mistake in life. You were seeking out that 'perfect' religious denomination upon which to hang everything - your very soul itself even - blindly.

But instead, you appear to have come to realise that there are elements of truth in all of the major religions, and even minor ones, and that life itself is far more complex than you imagined. Perhaps the fear was a warning, in which case it was to your advantage. Seek diligently my meaning.

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Old 03-09-2010, 01:42 AM   #7
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Default Re: Bible Related Psychic Attack???

Originally Posted by Lightpotential View Post
You were seeking out that 'perfect' religious denomination upon which to hang everything - your very soul itself even -

the Passion of Perfection

the Christ did it

the Saints do it

the honest in heart are working on it

the pretenders do lip service to it

the seekers are searching for it

where will we find it

the Passion of Perfection
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Old 03-09-2010, 01:54 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by fr66ajc View Post
I would expect the loving embrace of Christ if anything...And that definitely wasn't there...
Many have - And have found the same. The Book at one time was meant to convey great Truths but versions of It such as that have long since gone into dusty dread vaults - Locked away.

Now - We only have an Imitation of It and due to Control(s) - We have little of that left. That said - The Message still resonates from All of the Faiths if You Sift the Chaff from the Wheat.

As a Poster said above with more words than I - This caused You to seek within Yourself for the Truth and that was certainly the message before It got corrupted - The Path is within. You found the Truth divided and through that - Further Truth. Some would say - Excellent - Now You're learning...

Christ is not a Person per se - It is an Ideal to attain and always has been in experienceable Density. You can be Christed - In Christ Consciousness or One with It but to be the whole CC Mass Consciousness Complex would be redundant in Itself. What would be left for other Aspects of Source to attain in Their Path back to Source ?

As We are (At base level) Consciousness - Experiencing Matter as Fragments of First Source - It is then Christ Consciousness - The seeking of the "Highest and Best Good of All Concerned in All Things at All Times" - That We are All Truly seeking. If not, for those Who don't - The only other choice is to seek Separation through Hierarchy in experiencing Knowledge into Wisdom. Simply put - When We are ready to come home - We do...

To further state this - The corruption of Language was one of the many deceptions far back in Our collective past and It has taken well. That is - The deliberate confusion as to the exact origin and meaning of certain words and phrases all through-out most of the World's various Languages has clouded things Immensely. Don't let the Baggage other People have given terms cloud the Original Construct.

When We seek the Original Construct - We seek the Truth of a Thing. A Wise Person once said ; Don't throw the Baby out with the Bathwater. There are many levels of Understanding in that Metaphor...

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Old 03-09-2010, 02:34 AM   #9
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Where there is law, there is no love and, where there is love, there is no law.

Where there is commerce, there is no dominion and, where there is dominion, there is no commerce.
In the first 2 pages of the KJV of the Holy Bible, there is dominion, thus, freedom and, in the remaining 1506 pages, there is law and commerce.

When we know who we are, we operate in love and we have freedom and, when we do not know who we are, we operate in law, without love, and we have commerce, without freedom.
Mary Elizabeth Croft

Our mind is of 3 categories: what we know, what we don’t know, and what we don’t know we don’t know. Not knowing is unfortunate; not knowing that we don’t know is tragic. – W. Erhart.
Seek not to change the world; seek only to change your mind about the world. – ACIM
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Old 03-09-2010, 04:27 AM   #10
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ever heard of walking with the angels?

imagine driving your car to work one day and have someone start talking to you from your back seat. Swerving over to the side of the road and looking back finding no one there.

Dreams are where heaven and earth meet and what you experienced was an attack that woke you up and an angel stepping in beside you to keep you protected.

You were protected until the evil was purged...

Ever notice when people are in a position that there is no way out, driving off a cliff at 60MPH the first words to cross your lips are "OH GOD"... Doesn't matter who you are it is just something programmed inside of each of us.

I've been saved by angels more times than I can count.

Driving home from skiing at 65 MPH on black ice rounding a corner and finding a 50 car accident in front of me, without a thought pointed for the meridian and launched....

I landed like on a cloud sliding through the ditch sideways at 60 MPH when suddenly I realized I was heading for a cement embankment... I crushed the pedal to the floor caught traction and launched out of the ditch over the front car in the accident spinning down the highway until I came to a stop facing the accident.

Thank you thank you thank you... heart racing...

I was a ski patrol and drove back to the accident and tended someones wound that might have died if not handled immediately...

Everyone just stood with their mouths hanging not knowing what to say...
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Old 03-09-2010, 04:32 AM   #11
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Default Re: Bible Related Psychic Attack???

888 posts rocky, wow, thanks for sharing that story, it was gr8
you should write
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Old 03-09-2010, 04:56 AM   #12
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still living the book and don't know the ending...
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Old 03-09-2010, 04:57 AM   #13
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Default Re: Bible Related Psychic Attack???

Originally Posted by HORIZONS View Post
Sounds like a dark entity was trying to get you to worship it -- an external god -- rather than the true God within you. They'll do anything to get you to give away your power.
Will they even choke you in your sleep?

That's more related to night terrors but you mentioned dark entities and they do lurk at night.
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Old 03-09-2010, 05:27 AM   #14
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I think it was a manifestation that your mind and your heart were not in alignment... beliefs are SO deep seated that we tend to dismiss ownership... are not really aware of how deep they reside within us...

you were stunned into confrontation of the conflict, and deemed it an outside attack... our inner core self is the last place we want to look and admit (let in) exists... belief without foundation was blasted to smithereens.

That was my initial "take" what you wrote
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Old 03-09-2010, 06:55 AM   #15
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People are creators, we're always creating whether it's conscious or unconscious.

The reality is, that when enough people worship a god outside of themself, and agree on a religion, the religion itself, the god outside of themself, becomes a conscious entity, like a computer that always wants more energy from followers. They've quite literally created a false god in their own image.

The conscious entity in terms of the book of revelations is called a Beast. These beast and energies can work through 'their people' or 'their territory' in order to get more worshippers to give them their energy. Sure, they feed on fear, pride, worship of the false god outside of oneself in general. The more powerless and sinners like people feel, the better for this beast. People are batteries for all sorts of nasty things. We receive energy directly from the source, Pure Divine energy.

We are Divine Beings yet we have forgotten our True identity. And under this illusion of seperation, the illusions of the ego, we continuously give up our light to something outside of ourselves, such as an angry god in the sky, or some religion that says if you follow such and such rules, you'll get to heaven.

Whereas the only Way to get to Heaven is to see that God isn't outside, that God is inside, that we are an individualization of the One and that we can connect to God inside for all of our needs, rather than following the false outer path and giving up our energy to false outer beast and beings.

The 'entity' that attacked sounds very much like one of these religious beast that roam around looking for followers to come worship in fear based churches that collectively agree on illusions about god being outside of themselves.

All that being said, it's not so much different with wicca or shamanism or whatever else. The path of Freedom is narrow, the path of giving up our energy to forces outside of our self is wide, the narrow path is the path of Self realization, surrender to the Divine direction within, surrender of the ego and awakening to our True identity in Oneness with "God" rather than separate from everybody else and god.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 03-09-2010 at 07:01 AM.
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:11 AM   #16
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Default Re: Bible Related Psychic Attack???

Thanks for everyones insights so far.

It ceratinly is a strange one.

I realise I didn't emphasize something about the experience... it was late at night when I started the thread.

Whatever the 'entity' was, it was threatening and malevolent. It was as if it was angry with me for doubting the Book. The dread I felt was firstly 'Oh my God the Bible is true, I have been wrong about it for so long' (because of the entity) and secondly the feeling of being followed around by whatever the entity was.

Relief came 3 days later when he entity seemed to disappear, and 8 months later when I finally came to terms with the fact (for me) that the Bible could never be a sole source of truth.

Moxie's comment about the mind in conflict sounds very plausible. Maybe I drempt something that first night and the following 8 months was the result? I am rarely aware I am dreaming, or have drempt anything but I guess it is possible.

For me the Bible has some worthy parts in it, purely from a spritual truth point of view, but I wouldn't want to rely on it for any 'faith'. I have no faith, only knowledge and experience, and that knowledge is being expanded on and corrected as the years go by.

The one thing I eventually came away with was a certainty that there is something out there, but what it is I have no idea. What I came across was scary to say the least.

Hey... maybe the PTB were trying to enslave me to corporate religion and get me to tow the line.... I guess I'll never truely know...

The mental vulnerability has long since gone and I am a much stronger person now with a better grasp on things. I have experienced energies and influences that are 'light' rather than 'darkness' which this original experience was full of so I am confident that I came to the right conclusions.

Peace and thanks to all

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Old 03-09-2010, 07:19 AM   #17
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@14 Chakras

You posted as I posted there...

Very good points... I had not considered one thing you alluded too. The beasties created by the energy given to them by the believers are what I know of as egregores. In Ceremonial Magick they are created intentionally by the group as a sort of energy store that can be tapped by the group as and when they need it. Under proper control they are harmless but with such mass and varied belief being applied over millennia and from so many different and untrained directions I could imagine it being a bit of a horror.

Now that makes sense to me... The false God finding a weakness in me whilst I was reading the Book that allowed it the be created, and jumping in to try and brow beat me into submission... hmm... I wonder...

Thank you for reminding me of things I had forgotten I already knew

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Old 03-11-2010, 01:02 AM   #18
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Christ was a real person.. his holigraphic experience of the crucifixton and resurection is recorded and classified, and others have witnessed it. Andrew Basiago has spoken about this on several of his interviews.

Next, following the resurection ~ Christ does exist on various spiritual planes and does visit folks, even folks who do/did not believe in him. I am a witness and I personally know others who are withness to this phenomenon. Chist's gift is compassion and when the heart opens he appears to those who resonate at his vibrational frequency. However, he may also appear to those who seek and cry out for his help and has also been known to help comfort in times of distress.

Next, psychic attacks are a real phenomenon as well and not something to be ignored. I often think when this happens the people involved are being tested. Unfortunatley this did happen to a number of moderators in 2008 when a number of them ended up quitting moderating as a result of what was going on. Believe it or not, there are some people who are used to open a doorway to the dark side. I would also like to add that to say one will find the light in the dark is ridiculous unless one is looking at their own light that they brought into the darkness with them.

Now, I have a confession to make. When the other moderators were reporting that they were under psychic attack and had identified who it was that was the doorway, I thought they were being a bit dramatic and spending too much time at the computer. I didn't realize at the time that what was happening was real and tended to discount it because I wasn't personally experiencing what they were experiencing. These various moderators were scattered around the globe and most of them were all experiencing identical symptoms.

That is why the disclaimer is posted in one of the recent threads. Unfortunately, this forum from time-to-time has become a doorway to allowing some of these negative entities through to the members who out the people who open the doorway. Psychic attacks are real. This happens for multiple reasons. The first one is just to silence the dissenters who can see through to the truth of the matter. I also think some of this happens because people being attacked are also being tested, given a choice as to which path they are going to follow. Subsequently, if one fights the negative entities and moves toward the light they end up becoming a spiritual warrior. Basically, one must claim their own power as a spiritual warrior being to deal with this type of situation.

For example, last year, a portal opened in my home where two very negative entities tried to enter. I sent them packing and closed the portal but didn't realize how it had opened or who had opened it until a few days later. Then we had to deal with the stick aftermath which took the life of multiple pets and also months to clean all of that negative energy from our home. So given what went on in the past on the forum, along with my own experiences with fighting negative entities I'd like to pass on a few tips on what to do when something like this happens. And I would also like to invite the other spiritual warriors on this forum to share their tips as well.

First, one must remember one is a co-creator with the Divine. This is key..

Next, one must claim their own inner spiritual power and own it. A simple exercise is just to stand in front of the mirror, gaze back at one self and keep exclaiming out loud until it is felt within on a feeling level, "I am a powerful spiritual being and I am claiming my spiritual power." This allows one to move past fear of who they think they are and instead claim who they really are.

As a spiritual being one has dominion over the angels and can request angelic assistance. The first order of business is to provide a safe place for oneself and loved ones. As a co-creator this can be accomplished numerous ways.

For example, one can manifest a golden globe of energy to surround oneself and one's sacred space.

Next, one can call upon the angels to help guard this space from intruders.

One can also assert in a very strong voice that no one may enter this space unless invited. Just a side note, I got rid of those nasty entities my commanding them to go and calling in angelic assistance to help keep guard.

As co-creators with the Divine, we humans are very, very powerful beings and are capable of creating pretty much anything we can think up. Remember this. Remember this at all times.

Another thing that these nasty entities really, really hate is to pray for them and send them light. Showing them heart-felt compassion by sending love and light really sends them off the deep end as these entities are committed to the darkside, to creating dissention, chaos, confusion, anger and numerous other negative emotions that they can feed off of.

I also like to use the vibrational frequency of Christ to scatter them. This is easy to do if one allows onesself to go into the heart energy. Place a hand upon the heart. The flow of energy from the hand to heart helps activate it. Think of something or someone you love.

Next, hold in the minds eye an image of the loved one (preferably Christ, an angelic spiritual being, an ascended master) and imagine the top of the crown chakra opening. Imagine the higher heavenly spiritual energy flowing down in through the top of the head and then out through the heart to whomever one is sending this powerful flow of energy too. This method can also be used in healing as well as getting rid of unwanted entities. One is just being a conduit between the different spiritual dimensions while receiving and disbursing light energy.

If one asks for angelic assistance be sure to thank those beings who helped. That is giving love and gratitude back to them.

If anyone needs assistance please feel free to PM me.

The goal is to learn how to recieve the light, release fear, lot go of aniexty and experience deep inner peace by claiming one's own birthright as a spritual being.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198

Last edited by Carol; 03-11-2010 at 01:16 AM.
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Old 03-11-2010, 01:34 AM   #19
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Default Re: Bible Related Psychic Attack???

Originally Posted by Carol View Post
Christ was a real person..
Yes, Yeshu ben Pandera. Son of the panthera lineage.

What I like about the islamic point of view about Jesus is that he is a prime character of the al Qur'ān (Coran). Very respected and appreciated by many of the Muslim community.

The version of Jesus in the islamic tradition is rather very interesting and in my opinion, as not been corrupted by the European old families (our dear elite).

Certainly underestimate by our civilization.

Namaste, Steven
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Old 03-11-2010, 02:20 AM   #20
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" Originally Posted by Carol View Post
Christ was a real person.."

Perhaps Christ is a consciousness rather than an individual. A consciousness that Jesus embodied and that many more who truly follow the Way will now embody ~ those who choose to BE ~ Christ Beings ~


I agree with you Carol: humanity are meant to be Co-creators with God.

That is our True identity. Unfortunately, we've used our co-creative powers to create our own false sense of identity, the human ego, that is the combination of illusions that have taken on a life of their own as our shadow self that is keeping us separated from the Kingdom within and creating all sorts of nasty stuff for us to deal with on a daily basis (hence my post above re. each religion having a beast that it's members have inadvertently created and continue to feed with their own light).
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Old 03-11-2010, 04:57 AM   #21
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What I was posting previously is that through time-travel those traveling back and those using Looking Glass technology literally saw Christ and even have holographic documentation, something like film footage of the events. I've listened to over 15 hours of testimony and read countless reports on this. When Christ resurrected there were two angels present and his body levitated during the rejuvenation. Christ is not an alien but there will be those who claim this is the case and this is at the root of the great deception.

Christ was/is authentic. This is not just a theoretical concept. Christ consciousness also exists as this was the message manifested by his presence which still exists today in this dimension and the upper spiritual dimensions. Christ appeared to me 34 years ago and at that time I experienced his embrace which transformed and expanded my reality on multiple levels allowing me access to the upper spiritual dimensions. Christ's embrace alters the moleculear structure of those he touches where the experience is of "zero point quantum physics multiple-dimensional location, where every particle of the soul awakes to wholeness of existence, existing in all places (multiverse simultaneously). This means one also feels at home anywhere because this experience also allows one to know that Christ dwells within the heart just, as the soul dwells within the heart of Christ. Christ consciousness is experienced as one ~ is one with Christ. By being held within Christ's embrace there is an experience of all of the love that exists in free flow through mental/emotional/physical/spiritual beingness. All sense of self at multiple levels of existance is charged with this energy.

This is an experience that others of other religions who never even believed in Christ also had and shared with me personally. One resonates at the frequence of Christ throughout contact. Subsequently, once experienced one can access this nexus frequency at will and use it for manifestation at multiple levels ~ including stepping outside of time and space to create something in the physical world. Bascially, the impossible becomes possible. One is only limited by the constructs of the mind.

With respect to the false sense of self, ego and defense mechanisms these must be shattered generally prior to such an experience of Christ consciousness. One's intention must be on enlightenment back up by spiritual practice on a daily basis ~ often for years. One must live in alignment with one's own spiritual integrity or at least willing to make the inner adjustments moving in the direction of union with the Divine. And then there are those who are filled with grace and may have such an experience without years of intention, yet obviously blessed in some remarkable way.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198
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