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Old 02-16-2010, 05:32 PM   #1
Peace of mind
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Default Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilization?

The following may seem like a rant but it’s not, merely my observation weighing in on an uncertain future. So don't take it personal...even if you think it applies to you.

As I see it…our morals and priorities are totally screwed up big time. We have become a parasite to the planet, we’ve become unconsciously selfish, we bicker over nonsense and return to hiding when the bigger obvious issues manifest themselves, we are afraid of our own governments and will make up any elaborate excuse to justify its constant failures. We acknowledge that our way of life is lacking, hinders spiritual and innovative growth. We watch others suffer then go on by our merry own way. We hardly practice what we preach; for the most part…we are too afraid of change.
All the talk, criticism, and ideas for a brighter tomorrow is nothing but a dream and nice words…because there is no true action put into play to achieve a brighter tomorrow. We wait around for other species to rescue us from our own people. I’m even under the impression that a few feel they are worthy of ascending while they know there are innocents being manipulated to their deaths. The common rebuttals “everything is for a reason, it’s meant to be this way so we can learn, aliens are controlling the elites” sounds like spineless rhetoric to me.

If I was an outsider looking in on this civilization…I wouldn’t lift a finger or tentacle to help a cowardly selfish race until they start removing the very few of their own kind that is oppressing them. Alien Intervention before this happens will only create more problems for the rescuing party. I doubt if anyone will ascend knowing innocents die constantly by the people we elected (so we all are partly responsible as well). I would keep this planet in quarantine until the intelligent species occupying it become brave responsible beings. The laws of nature dictate that we always get what we deserve and in no way do we deserve to ascend into beauty when we only display beauty on hidden stages…the love I witness here is no where near what actually exist in the real world. so It makes no sense granting irresponsible species more power when they can’t even face the few wicked humans ruling them.
This is why I see no advancement for Earth bound humans…hopefully I’m wrong but there is nothing logical suggesting that they do.
Typical human thinking…always wanting something for nothing.
We are running out of time...but on schedule for extinction...

I like how Michio Kaku explains it here…

The following is a copy and paste…

A CLASS 0 CIVILIZATION is one which uses the local, regional, fossil, wind, water and other natural and man-made sources of energy to provide the means of technologically "powering" such a civilization. This is where our current terrestrial civilization (since the re-establishment of human civilization, in 9644 B.C., following what the U.S. Geophysical Service [USGS] and geophysicists call the "Gothenburg Double Event", which occurred from 9654-9644 B.C.) is today - a CLASS 0 civilization, or one that is "starting over from scratch", following a cataclysmic destruction OF the previous civilization. As I have noted elsewhere in the pages of this website, in quoting famous Historian-Anthropologist Dr. Joseph Jochmans (see Father Jerome's Lectures), human civilization on this planet Earth has endured through over 100,000 civilizations, punctuated by the natural and man-made catastrophes that have brought them all down! As Dr. Jochmans has implied (and which is, according to the Records of Human History, so very true!), even though our current civilization is starting over and is Class 0, there have been previous human civilizations of Earth which have matured beyond Class 0 and have, literally, "gone to the stars". Such is the reason that it has been said that "earlier" Humanity is "out there", among the stars, waiting for us - the re-emerging civilization - to join them!

A CLASS I CIVILIZATION is one which uses the entire planetary resources of their planet to technologically "power" their unified, world-wide civilization. A Class 1 civilization may have just started to explore and travel to other planets of their solar/star system.

A CLASS II CIVILIZATION is one which uses the entire solar resources of their star system to "power" their star-system civilization (like Dyson's Sphere). They may have just started to explore and travel to other star systems.

A CLASS III CIVILIZATION is a human civilization that uses the entire galactic resources of the individual galaxy in which they are resident. They may have started to explore and travel to other galaxies of the Universe.

A CLASS IV CIVILIZATION is a human civilization that uses the entire resources of the Universe. Such a human civilization is usually beginning to explore transdimensional space and beyond.

And finally, a CLASS V CIVILIZATION is a human civilization that uses the entire resources of the Cosmos. Such a civilization is well transdimensional and beyond, traversing between various Cosmos' with ease.


Last edited by Peace of mind; 02-16-2010 at 05:36 PM.
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Old 02-16-2010, 05:42 PM   #2
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Bank on It...

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Old 02-16-2010, 05:48 PM   #3
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

we are experiencing a frequency split that seems very obvious now.,..those who continue to exploit,hate and control are having a VERY tough time now...much purging will happen over bthe next few years as our planet gets bombarded with "evolutionary" energies...those who are open to receiving and learning from these energies are on the ascension path,thosde who fight it and don't accept Divine Will are headed for a tougher time.

The frequency split will become more and more obvious soon...more people will join together(mentally and physically) in to higher vibrating groups and locations and you will see how these groups are much less effected by the coming drastic changes.

This is a very complicated issue,but there are "transit stations" being set up now where people will go to in the Higher realms depending on their frequency,the ascension plan changes alot as it is very dependant on Humans taking responsibility for their own evolution...sadly much of the new-age is manipulated by the "controllers" and people keep expecting others to save them...this is a huge issue but basically it gets back to Self Sovereignty and responsibility.
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Old 02-16-2010, 05:49 PM   #4
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

I tend to agree with you Peace! We get a F for failure as a supposedly intelligent species. We seem to have lost the courage and the moral fortitude to stand up to our oppressers, preferring to stay in denial, and bask in our technology luxuries & toys that serves to further enslave us.

But I have to add in defense of humanity, a good part of our demise has been deliberately engineered by our captors. For this we should be forgiven. The question to me is, are there enough of us who still have some semblance of ability to think clearly & come to terms with our situation; followed by the courage to step away from the prison left? A minority of these awakend ones is not going to make a difference imo. From what I observe globally, most of humanity has now been successfully dumbed down, rendered as slaves.

If it is truly up to all of us to awaken & break out of this matrix (without any help from outsiders) then I then we've lost the plot already.

So I am counting on the activation of our DNA coupled with the new waves of light that are reaching us to carry us all out of this & onto ascension. This planet is evolving & one way or another so are we.
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Old 02-16-2010, 05:57 PM   #5
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Exclamation Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Always remember - You get what You Focus on...

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Old 02-16-2010, 06:01 PM   #6
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

This is a very timely thread as this is something we were discussing this morning. The issue is will humans make the jump to a class ZERO/ONE civilization?

Let's examine this from several perspectives. For example, if everything continues as it is where information is censored and/or distorted, no, humans will not get to a class ZERO/ONE civilization. However, if the truth, the whole truth including all of the black ops secret government operations, space operations, off-world operations, time-travel operations, collaboration with other alien civilizations were made public and became common knowledge, yes, after a period of adjustment, rage against those who have been snookering the general populace world-wide, and introduction of opportunities that have been limited to the elite/secret government, humans would advance rapidly to a class ZERO/ONE civilization.

The way to start this process is with schools by providing training for off-world assignments, classes in Exopolotics being offered in high school and colleges; and daily news reports on progress being made in various space, off-world and alien collaboration projects. Can you imagine a lottery for people to go to Mars? or the Moon? What about a lottery to ride in some of these new space ships? Or even a time-travel trip to view the crucifixion of Christ or various historical events? Then there is the whole issue of teleportation to different destinations that has been going on since the 60s that Andrew Basiago was doing. Can you even possibly imagine how many people would being lining up at teleport stations to travel around the world instantaneously arriving at their destination within minutes anywhere on the planet.

We also know from a variety of social and educational experiments in the past when students were treated like gifted students they excelled. It didn't matter if they were gifted or not. It was because the teachers thought they were gifted that made it work. If the human population was treated with respect and like intelligent beings, they too would get up to speed faster then a tick on a dog.
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Old 02-16-2010, 06:18 PM   #7
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To say the earth will not make it to A class 1 civilization is the same as saying

the human race is going to be destroyed. I think most of us on Avalon know the

human race will not be destroyed it is too precious. Human kind will eventually

reach higher levels of civilizations, it is our destiny. The facts our we were

created for a reason and we are going to evolve, it just takes time. You really

think these beings of infinite knowledge just created us to let us fail, come on

use your common sense and stop letting all the negativity cloud your judgment.
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Old 02-16-2010, 06:21 PM   #8
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

In fact - You didn't create You to fail either and so therfore You won't let You fail right ?

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Old 02-16-2010, 06:26 PM   #9
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Arrow Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Originally Posted by Mercuriel View Post
In fact - You didn't create You to fail either and so therfore You won't let You fail right ?

We are not here to fail, we are her to experience and learn and the learning

process is never ending there fore you can not really fail just learn.
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Old 02-16-2010, 06:33 PM   #10
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Right, and so at varying Levels - You will do what is necessary to achieve that continued Learning - Whatever that may be...

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Old 02-16-2010, 06:33 PM   #11
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Thought we'd already done it.
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Old 02-16-2010, 07:16 PM   #12
Peace of mind
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

We are a class zero civilization on the cusp of class one…but we are holding ourselves back...

Focusing on beauty in a chaotic world will leave you looking like an outcast. I’m growing tired of waking up people to the BS, especially when the awakened chooses to go back to sleep. I’m not one to sit at home all the time so I’m constantly dealing with negative personalities. The truth is we are failing. How can you function in a world where the people in your vicinity don’t care about the world? They only care about self. When governments shut down outlets and promote fear in alleged light workers/warriors, I tend to be a little skeptical about the whole thing. I used to think there would be a day where zombies will walk the planet, but never imagine it this way. I can manifest a great reality for myself but have serious problems getting people in my surrounding to do the same. When there isn’t a benevolent force out in public promoting what is talked about here…how can the specie survive? I’m tired of seeing good people perish, tired of the restraints placed on genius minds. We are purposely being held back by letting only a few prosper. Too many secrets, too many lies, too many excuses, too many ideas cut down because they aren’t economically sound…for TPTB. Everything is behind schedule (as far as civilization) because of paper, slices of dead trees with no value other then what WE give it.
If we participate in this kind of society then we are also part of the problem…and should be held accountable. Where is the whistleblowers undeniable proof? Where’s the proof that will ultimately change the minds of the masses. How are they able to stir up such a commotion with no facts to share?

From my point of view, most of them are attention seekers and/or are self serving groups looking for opportunities to make it in a system they claim is corrupt. Are we duping ourselves (again) by giving into unconfirmed testimonies of a few people who also doesn’t like the world as it is? I agree with a lot of the sentiments on this forum but these thoughts/feelings/realizations needs to make it to the populace. I can’t do it alone. There is much unofficial talk about who created us but that’s cool, I just don’t get the gullibility. Sitting around waiting for an unconfirmed supernatural event is insanity. Although I admire the fantasy of it all…there is no proof just wishful thinking. You have proof? Do share please.

Common sense should tell everyone that the problem is our stagnated attitudes. Focusing on the unknown and possible lies can put us in deeper submission. If you take this thread as being negative then I suggest you look deeper into your own soul, getting offended because I’m pointing out obvious issues doesn’t sound like righteousness to me. I may dwell outside the box and indulge in fantasies of ascension and the like, but I’m a true realist and mostly speak about the truth…I don’t know Alice nor have I ever been to wonderland....but, If you have any tickets to sell…I’ll gladly purchase a few. We have to take this fight public if we want a real proven opportunity to advance the species. Relying on myths and good sounding probabilities is a little too risky and reckless. Real talk...

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Old 02-16-2010, 07:46 PM   #13
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

I think its only natural. The big issue with imagining it right now, is because in one way or another, each of us in our own way, is attached to some form of concern/worry about how, when, who, and what a paradigm shift will entail. Its not something to get to "serious" about in the classical and out dated sense of the word.

I really do believe that we are in our baby stage as a society. I know after so long!!!! lol. We still have our temper tantrums and cry. But there are more who are embracing in the humor and curiosity of life and connecting with flow of things. Which is really just everything that happens without the burden of the past and the worry of the future.

As far as innovation goes, I'm very happy for people like Brian O'Leary and Dan Winter. Even though we sometimes forget they are not alone, merely those who are in the spotlight for our benefit, given the current social suppressions.
OH the injustice!!!!! ha ha.

I would like to know if anybody thinks that one of these days, a small industry business in mechanical physics is gonna crack the free energy field and by some luck or perhaps even greed, makes the right or wrong move, and slips out something really attainable through 3D mechanics?

That would be very cool.

Until then, it should be comforting in a numbing sort of way, that the doors are getting bigger for us to step through the more we journey into our selfs. Keep remembering that holographic contradiction. That duality is the key in my eyes, and remembering that its just a hologram mirror.

Good innovative philosophy right there.


Last edited by Firstlook; 02-16-2010 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 02-16-2010, 08:21 PM   #14
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Originally Posted by Peace of mind View Post
We are a class zero civilization on the cusp of class one…but we are holding ourselves back...

Sitting around waiting for an unconfirmed supernatural event is insanity. Although I admire the fantasy of it all…there is no proof just wishful thinking. You have proof? Do share please.
Sitting around waiting and hoping that something will straighten things up is the problem

Most people like the idea of ascension but do not want to get their feet wet and dig deep into the things that are discordant to their beliefs yet, it is the beliefs that have been handed over generations that keep us paralized and unable to do anything for fear of not fitting in

The problem is simple:
1)We are but a handfull in the mist of billions
2)Most ordinary people are not interested
3)The planet is in a state that one can call "lunatic asylum" or Circus, nothing works for the greater good

The solution is simple too, if we want to help we can
1)Live by principles that are pro life and harmonious with source
2)Respect ourselves and respect the free will of others
3)Become responsible for all that we are creating
4)Learn about energy and how to manage our own energy, where our energy is going,where our energy comes from, why we feel so disempowered
5)raise our frequency, this one is key because this is the one that can help others awaken, I mean raise one's frequency seriously
6)re conect with our own divinity so we can have direct guidance

We can not force others to change and governments are not going to listen to us. Our only chance is to heal ourselves and raise our frequency but for that we have to educate ourselve on what is frequency and vibration. Love, light and clulessness has taken us this far, now it is time to find solutions and those start by healing ourselves inside

Societes are composed by individuals, if the individual change societes have to change too

We have to be like Gandhi, single minded and fearless; we have to be the change rather than expect others to change and while it is important to know what is happening out there, it is more important to know what it is happening inside ourselves

Just some thoughts

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Old 02-16-2010, 08:27 PM   #15
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Is it rude or arrogant to say that society needs more art?

I think abstraction is a great motivator and venue for self discovery. Keep supporting things like the arts (In any form, offensive and none alike), and i do believe it will help this process along very much so.

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Old 02-16-2010, 08:28 PM   #16
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Originally Posted by Mercuriel View Post
Always remember - You get what You Focus on...

I couldn't agree more.

IMHO a classification based solely on how the material resources are exploited is extremely limited ... And whose classification is it anyway? Even if the whole planet subscribed to this idea, we're gonna have to take a look at how the Galaxy-class and/or higher-dimensions authorities classify things, if they do at all. After all, what would happen if tomorrow we find an ants' own classification of ant communities? Some will marvel at such unexpected cultural feat of a lower species, while most will have a hell of a laugh - for about a week before they forget about it.

And, don't forget that the notice board with such information might be located in a basement of such authority's building, where the stairway has collapsed and there is a starved tiger on the loose ... In other words, it is a Vogon-style classification (^__~ )
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Old 02-16-2010, 08:46 PM   #17
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From what I have learned we live in a infinite universe, there are an infinite

number timelines that are occurring at every moment. The way you perceive the

world and the way your frequency resonates, determines what timelines you fall

off and on too. In a way you fall onto different timelines, that resonate most

with you, and you are the creator of your own future no one else.
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Old 02-16-2010, 09:02 PM   #18
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Hi Peace of Mind
please have a look at the last page of "the ego what is it how to transcend" thread.
It echoes your post
.Posted it before I saw your thread.
Regards Chris
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Old 02-16-2010, 09:03 PM   #19
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

I have to dis-agree a bit Joe, unless you can explain to me why my life is good but the lives of the people around me are not… much of what is being said here is like preaching to the choir, I’m not the one in need of convincing…

I totally agree about being the change you want to see. But there seems to be something written in the program that is rocking the awakened back to sleep. It almost feels like a lost cause leading by example. It would be so much easier to say “to hell with it” but that’s not in my nature. I struggle with patience mainly because of hypocrisy, and deceit. Duality may be a device for learning, but the only real time I’ve really experience it was in my youth. As an adult I’ve learned to project positivity and my desires, but can’t seem to stabilize it in a community. Perhaps this is my duality experience, and if so then it is under the control of others…which leads me to posting what I posted above.
I’m completely perplexed to the notion of accepting something I did not want or think about. If I can just manifest happy productive communities this will all be worth it…but there is no proof of what’s to come so people ignore most of what is spoken here and continue to play the me, me, me game.
I feel I’m beyond duality and I don’t know why others accept this as an excuse in their lives. Could this theory be something drummed up by the same entities keeping us down?
Perhaps I was born in the wrong time, I shouldn’t have to suffer because of others, and I shouldn’t have to witness suffering when I already understand it. It hurts living in this time and age. Its way past the time for change and I’m sure people realize this too, but there is very little being done because of fear, and that’s just the God honest truth. I no longer wish to live amongst the procrastinators. It’s been fun in the beginning, but now it’s just getting ridiculous. I must have gotten the time and coordinates wrong when deciding to incarnate into a physical realm. There’s no question that I have unconditional love for people but they don’t have an ample amount of love for them selves to say “enough is enough”.

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Old 02-16-2010, 09:19 PM   #20
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Originally Posted by Peace of mind View Post
I have to dis-agree a bit Joe, unless you can explain to me why my life is good but the lives of the people around me are not… much of what is being said here is like preaching to the choir, I’m not the one in need of convincing…

I totally agree about being the change you want to see. But there seems to be something written in the program that is rocking the awakened back to sleep. It almost feels like a lost cause leading by example. It would be so much easier to say “to hell with it” but that’s not in my nature. I struggle with patience mainly because of hypocrisy, and deceit. Duality may be a device for learning, but the only real time I’ve really experience it was in my youth. As an adult I’ve learned to project positivity and my desires, but can’t seem to stabilize it in a community.
Fair enough. But live in the moment and you wont need to be preached by the choir.

We all need these pep talks. Cause when you are really trying to find a way, your not that confused by the situation. Its just accepted as the thing we call struggle. Its a evolutionary struggle now, of the mind being instantaneous with action. Thats when we evolve in all fields. Can you see the general reason why questions like these are being answered by individuals like Joe with posts like his. Were all working towards that poetry of words to help examine symbols and make them universally understandable. A working field of something socially logical, yet still individually specific and variable.

other then that, I hope you find some useful answers in this thread.

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Old 02-16-2010, 09:37 PM   #21
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I see were you guys are coming from. I guess I try to focus more inwardly in

my own reality, rather then being caught up in other peoples realities, because

I see the outside world as a distraction. I think of it like this, when it comes

down to it it is all about individual learning. It does not matter what is going

on in the world as long as you are learning, because learning and growing on an

individual level is what it is all about. That is just how I see things I am sure

people have different views and that is fine too. .
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Old 02-16-2010, 09:38 PM   #22
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Hi Peace of Mind,

It seems that you are having some some serious existential issues and they are not easily solved. I can tell you that they WILL NOT be assuaged by anyone here but by yourself. Had you stopped to consider your incarnation here as a possible vector towards learning the futility of working on others?

Perhaps in another life you had incarnated and had much success influencing others, leading by example and such...but perhaps its not for this time, this place in which you currently exist.

You are like many of us asking....Whats wrong!? Something is wrong with this world...many serious things are wrong...and everything that am told to do in order to help, everything I'm told by sages, mystics, scientists, and philosophers doesn't really seem to effect things all that much.

I try and tell people at first, and then realize the futility of telling people anything...crying out in the darkness. I therefore decide to work on myself, leading by conduct and by example. Still, is this affecting anything? The effects are hard to observe.

There is an old saying "The treasure is in the question, not the answer"

What does that even mean? Perhaps it means that everything is about Potential Just as the word "car" isn't a car, but the potential for one is there as soon as the word is spoken.

I think our development as a planetary society is about potential. Its there. All the pontential is there...will it ignite like a brushfire? Will we spring the trap and run free? Or will we fall further into the sleep of forgetfulness? Mankind becoming once again nothing more than a clever animal chasing eachother like rats in the dark.

The potenial is there....and that is a GREAT GIFT. To have potential---no matter how slight. Is it natural to express frustration at the percieved lack of progress? Of course. Yet as a little flower presses up through a crack in the cement so are we. We have our potential, and that is the treasure....the question that within each of our minds.

Do not be concerned. It is not being naive to adhere to :Consider the lilies of the field...." Those lillys are perfect. They are busy being Lily's so cannot worry.

What are you going to be busy being? Thats your choice and no one can help you with it.
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Old 02-16-2010, 09:45 PM   #23
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Originally Posted by Peace of mind View Post
The following may seem like a rant but it’s not, merely my observation weighing in on an uncertain future. So don't take it personal...even if you think it applies to you.

I thought I was reading one of my own posts here. If you want, just look up my "inaction equals complicity posts.

LL&P (Always)

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Old 02-16-2010, 09:53 PM   #24
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Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
and you are the creator of your own future no one else.
I would like to agree with you but find that I am unable to.There isa only one time line, and that is the NOW.

The NOW that we are experiencing is really messed up and doing the ostrich will not help. The condition as described is where we find ourselves and this condition is the reality of the herd reality. The condition will prevail until the scales are tipped and we come to our senses and understand that 6 plus billion different realities will not work. There has to be a modicum of Constance, a point we all touch in unity and this point is the understanding that every action, thought and word of mine has ramifications down the line. The mindset we hold now is reflected back at us with the current condition.
So what am I saying? I agree, we are the creators of our own futures, but I do not agree that no-one else is. We create each others futures also due to the simple fact that we share this space and time with other soul travelers. We are RESPONSIBLE for each other and trying to deny this, only has profound negative ramifications.

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Old 02-16-2010, 09:56 PM   #25
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 421
Default Re: Do you think Earth bound humans will ever make it pass class ZERO/ONE civilizatio

If we weren't going to make it we wouldn't be here.
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