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Old 08-24-2009, 06:41 AM   #51
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

what was this thread about again
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Old 08-24-2009, 07:36 AM   #52
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

Originally Posted by Neo View Post
what was this thread about again
Myplanet has a valid point, and it is voiced in EXACTLY the right part of the forum in my opinion.

I agree with it almost in its entirety, except that as some others have pointed out, it leaves little room for the idea that the path is long and we are all different lengths along it in our progress.

Camelot and the whistle blower thing will always be a useful source of information for those that still need to see the nature of the game we are being played at, and perhaps will help them to take control and play that game properly instead of being controlled, lied to, defrauded and cheated at every turn.

Everything has a reason, including this forum!

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Old 08-24-2009, 07:43 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Neo View Post
what was this thread about again

I am not kidding... When I say I cannot really GET what it started out as but since I seem to be posting at the last part of it hopefully it may die.

B&K are doing the job they are doing, as best as they can, and still be having some form of a "life".

The FEAR thing is something that THEY BOTH agree can and should be avoided. As I have stated again and again. If you "buy into" the whole idea that "THEY" and you can fill that (they) in with whom or whatever you want to are out to "get us" that we must buy gold, or stock up huge amounts of food or any other number of the things we are being told then "they win".

We each have a body (which you can make choices of what you will do with it or what you will let be put in it)... IT is YOUR body to feed food, bath and care for.

You have a mind which you make choices of what you are going to put in that, and what you will do with your body. ( take care of it or let it go to waste ) Your mind maybe hard to control but if you make the choice to control your mind and stay out of the fear state your body and mind will both be much better off.

This body and mind has a golden substance called soul.. YOUR own soul is what will learn or not here in this life time. Folks we are all here to learn some important things.. The very best thing I can say is I care about each of you enough to say Learn to LOVE. Each of us here on earth at this TIME is in the same boat. So grab ahold of the ore and help get this thing to the next wonderful place.

There maybe a "master plan" and a few people may think they "know" what that plan is. Each of us who say "NO" and do not even rent thinking space to some of these plans can make it so they never come to pass. Keep your mind free of the bad things and try hard to do the good things.

So may the force be with you. You have made it to the end of this post and I do forget... what was the question again??
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Old 08-24-2009, 08:29 AM   #54
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

Originally Posted by jaby View Post
Woah.....harsh words. Remember the roots of this forum. Project Camelot.

We don't know what we might hear about next. And we'll hear nothing about
anything if we close off the channels. All we have to do is use personel judgement on all that we hear and see.

These matters aren't done and dusted. This is just the beginning.

Thank You.

This is the most senseless thread I've ever tried to understand on this forum. And speaking of this Forum and Project Cam - If you don't like it, why are you hanging around? Why not un-sub? Nobody's forcing anybody to read the forum or watch the videos. We are free to click away anytime we want.

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Old 08-24-2009, 08:31 AM   #55
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

I say again:

Be the change you want to see on this forum.
Ignore the rest.
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Old 08-24-2009, 08:40 AM   #56
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I used to think I should try to save people from certain "negative" experiences.

Then I realized some of my most valuable lessons were in spending years studying something only to find out I'd been scammed. Nobody can tell you the lessons that you came here to experience. Who am I to deprive someone of following the path they came here to follow and learn from?

I spent many years reading and believing sweet lies prepared for us by TPTB. I'm tending to believe now what Don Croft and Don Bradley have revealed about the "New Age Stable" people listed below (plus many more not listed there). There is also the Tavistock Institute of social engineering that John Coleman has written about.


"Six or seven years before we met he had come to understand that the Great White Brotherhood is a satanic organization and that, essentially, everything and everyone he believed passionately in was false. An Illuminati oracle has to be kept from this truth so that his master can send him out into the ethers like a kite to retrieve information that the spiritually degraded master can't access. The Great White Brotherhood uses this retrieved information and it's subsidiaries, including the CIA and British MI6, to create disinformation and thus infiltrate and then corrupt the legitimately progressive movements and otherwise-discerning, inquisitive individuals in the world.

"He began opposing them instead of supporting them and for years his former masters gave him a lot of slack, even allowing him to go on the lecture circuits with conspiracy authors and militia leaders and tell the public what he knew.

"Torkum Sassarian had died right before DB woke up, by the way. He showed me a photo of a gathering of New Age gurus, with Sassarian in their midst, taken in 1987 on the grounds of the Masonic Temple in Sedona, Arizona. During that conference they were designing the mind control agenda that would be called, 'the Harmonic Convergence.' Present were DB, Sassarian, Gregg Braden, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Jean Houston, Shirley MacLaine, James Twyman and a dozen other people whose names I didn't recognize, including Goru Adachi, from Japan, whom DB mistakenly assumed was Ken Adachi, who is an Italian guy from Brooklyn."
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Old 08-24-2009, 10:00 AM   #57
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Guys, please chill and take a moment to breathe and think about the root of this issue.

I agree that Avalon strayed from the initial intended path, that fear mongering have been a great part of this forum for some time now. But please consider this:

Q: When will the word of a whistleblower, be it fear induced or not, become a problem?
A: When we INDIVIDUALLY make it into a problem.

We can't tell people to shut their face, only because they have nothing new to contribute or is saying things we do not like or approve of. In what way have we then proven to be ANY better than TPTB?

It's every single soul's job on this forum and elsewhere, to collect the info, sort it, reject what does not make sense and ultimately make your own conclusion. It's in your own heart to reject fear as an issue. By getting frustrated, fed up and downright ****** off you only make it clear to yourself that you fear the fear itself.

In my honest opinion one should NEVER believe anything the whistleblowers say. They aren't there to make you believe (even though some want that to happen). They are there to give you fragments of truth, that you only stick by IF they feel right for you and makes sense/can be proven. In the case you believe fiction that is yet to be proven fact, you build up a support of knowledge that might not exist.

What happens when it's proven wrong or the claims never lead anywhere? That's right, your supports fall and you get angry and frustrated leaving you in a mess.

Let's not turn this into religion guys, without claiming religion HAVE to be a bad thing. It just doesn't fit into this way of thinking.

Stay positive, take part in what feels right and reject what does not. In the end it makes absolutely no difference what the next person thinks or does.

Truth is relative, what I find true aren't always what you find true...at least not until we all think like one great mind.
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Old 08-24-2009, 10:02 AM   #58
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

Thanks for starting this thread MP2. It helped me clear my thoughts.
You are very right about US being creators. I have had indications of that myself(Many things I have wished for has been presented to me in a few months time).
I suspect that there is some truth to the theory of 4D stage being where we consciously create as we go along
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Old 08-24-2009, 11:27 AM   #59
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This is my last post....Thanks MP2...this is what I've been thinking for a while. I started with the thrill of being woke up from a deep sleep. I saw all the new world of the possibility I knew was out there.

I think I watched Wilcock first and then Hoagland.....I was looking for something to draw me out of the blackness of sleep.

B&K...thank you.....Now the final chapter has been written. Time to finish the novel with no more addendums.

The work is there as a whole to wake the folks up that are just starting out on the road.

I've grown out of needing to talk about change and try to affect it now.

I suffer from the same angst as MP2....I stayed too long talking about change and not making it.

Goodbye folks......Enjoy every sandwich!!!

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Old 08-24-2009, 11:59 AM   #60
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

Originally Posted by Barcarolle View Post
Its quite unbelievable how the weak minded, fear controlled need to pollute these boards with such a load of BS ..... The problem with this is that is gathers others aboard this sheep train and its contagious and manipulative.(enter at won risk)
My instincts tell me that Myplanet2 is probably one of the strongest willed and minded posting up around here. Making ambiguous comments about "loads of BS" without explaining why or what is the BS carries no weight.

you obviously are hoping to crush peoples journey and intended pathways as we are all here for one reason and its obvious you cannot handle the current situation and require your own ways in bringing others into your dark work of misunderstanding and confusion.
He is not obviously doing anything close to this.

We are all learning here, we need to be calm and not allow ourselves to be pointing fingers and abusing a certain "whistle blowers" or anyones thoughts or belief once you do you have failed this lesson........
Ahh yes, the old trust your leaders as they lead you off the edge of a cliff.

Once they have exposed themselves as fiction writers then they are no longer wistleblowers. They are then just very creative deceptive people. I want to make a video where I set a few of these "whistleblowers" in a room and I sit in front of them blowing on a coaches whistle until I pass out.
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Old 08-24-2009, 12:03 PM   #61
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I guess some people have finished the theory-course and are ready to put it in practical terms. No more sitting on my ****, lets LIVE IT. Not talk about it.
This place is a great place for like minded sekers to exchange ideas for growth. Its obvious that for some its like going through the same level in school year after year. It gets repetitve and boring I guess.
Im not there yet, but remembering that I was a high school-dropout in my days makes me think Im not gonna here in the lounge much longer. All crewpersonnel please report to the gates! Duty calls!
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Old 08-24-2009, 12:53 PM   #62
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

I am actually glad to see this thread.

It means people are now noticing that it is time to change the game, or remove themselves from it.

MP2 is simply trying to be the change he wishes to see, and expressing it via this post. He indeed has the right to do that. No post is silly, senseless, or a waste of time. If it adds no value to you personally, then we should perhaps leave it for others to assess.
Additionally, sharing doom and gloom scenarios are beneficial to all of us in terms of preparation consideration, but regurgitating the same doom and gloom scenarios is pitiful indeed. Thereafter, you may choose to envision a positive alternative to manifest, but by all means do not be afraid of at least being told of unpopular scenarios. That's like asking for a blindfold with a set of earplugs and a glass of sunshine, please.

This is similar to what I expressed in another post. B&K by all means may continue to conduct interviews and are well respected and appreciated for their efforts. However, Project Camelot, Godlike Productions, Eagles Disobey, Nutrimedical Radio show, Consciousness Media, etc, etc, etc....These outlets do and have served some purpose, but the next interview or hearing the lastest fantastic secret (supposedly) isn't going to wake many more up, because most of the audiece are already awake. There is a redundacy of information from WB's now, that you have to ask;"Why this interview?" or "Why not focus on the new info this person has to offer?". Afterall, we know they edit these interviews before their released. To which some may say, another "controlled" message after all.

This means we are not getting any closer to DISCLOSURE for the masses or more people. Many viewing these WB outlets (other than the Disclosure Project) will struggle accepting the information, because it is now geared towards those already aware. This then creates a repetitive cycle that stagnates and decreases in value, importance and urgency unless it is real time helpful information (e.g; Swine Flu or the Economy).
To Camelot's credit, they are working on changing their site to better present it's material from A-Z. Kudos! indeed.

Just as we have done with those elected officials in Brain-Washington, DC and the White-Lie House, we start accepting things as they are instead of demanding something new or an evolved effort. This in turn will indeed allow us to better influence our experiences as a whole via consciousness on this planet.

This site is still indeed valuable, because there are many of us who know info that comes from experiences, communicate with others whom are aware, and get news from different parts of the world we may otherwise never know about.

So, all the postings are correct in there own right, but MP2 is now demanding from alternative media sources, what the citizens of this planet should have demanded from it's elected "o-fish-ials" in their governments a long time ago...A fragmentation of it's structure to create a new paradigm.
This one does not serve it's initial purpose anymore.
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Old 08-24-2009, 01:23 PM   #63
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
Myplanet has a valid point, and it is voiced in EXACTLY the right part of the forum in my opinion.

I agree with it almost in its entirety, except that as some others have pointed out, it leaves little room for the idea that the path is long and we are all different lengths along it in our progress.

Camelot and the whistle blower thing will always be a useful source of information for those that still need to see the nature of the game we are being played at, and perhaps will help them to take control and play that game properly instead of being controlled, lied to, defrauded and cheated at every turn.

Everything has a reason, including this forum!

Thanks, Anchor. But I wonder if even that is still true?

Let me explain.

If you accept the idea that we are all creative beings, and that we've already changed things for the better here on earth as evidenced by the fact that so many predictions have fallen short, then where exactly do we sit right now in this reality?

As I've had explained to me by a some higher dimensional beings of light, Earth is now in a unique situation in all of creation. Those of us here now, have some serious creative horse power, and we are here for the express purpose of writing the final chapter in this game of exploring the polarities in the 3D realm. And what's different, and which has been noticed by several who USED to be able to see the future events, is that there are no more future events. We are creating now, in the now. And what we create becomes instantly available to others visiting the now.

This opens enormous vistas to consider. It's essentially why there is so much interest in the earth right now. It's why there are literally millions of ET crafts parked in our solar system just out of our visual range, Glued to their 'monitors'. None of them know how this will end.

So I suggest that where it may once have been true that we must all follow some path through something or other, so as to get to the other side of that something or other and emerge into the light, that may no longer be the case.

We are writing that chapter RIGHT NOW. We decide how the rest of this game plays out and what the final disposition will be.

It's one of the reason I feel so strongly that we must switch from react to create, and also why the whistleblower gig is up. They can only possibly be reporting on "old" news. Because there is no new news.

So in eschewing the whistleblower testimony, and choosing instead to focus on what we DO want, it is no longer anything like avoiding our fears, or failing to follow our paths.

We are free to create new paths, and if we wish to create them without the necessity of experiencing fear in order to arrive at the light, then so be it. It's up to us. We can still do it that way, but why bother?

A huge wave of cleansing energy has recently washed over us. Some bathed in it and handled many lifetimes worth of baggage. Others chose to cling like barnacles to their familiar 3D haunts. Lovely for them too. The next wave coming this fall, will be even more intense, and the barnacles will eventually lose their grip on 3D and wake up in the 4TH and 5TH density realms. (I am now actually splattered across all 3 dimensions but primarily in the 4th)

I'd never try to take away anothers choice on what path to follow, but I would suggest that since everything has changed recently, and since many new options are available to us, and that since the old 3D polarity game is all played out, that now might be a good time to examine how we "do business" in 3D.

Hope this translates into human
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Old 08-24-2009, 01:25 PM   #64
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MyPlanet2 wrote: The PTB have nothing. They have no hold over us. They can do nothing to us. If we say "go away and leave us alone", there is nothing they can do to us. They know we are creator beings, who can manifest freely. They know if we are left to our own devices, we will not continue to create a world where those few little dweebs control the rest of us. Their only chance is to trick us into believing we have reasons to fear them. Or trick us into believing that all is under their control, and that we must obey or have our permission to survive withdrawn by them. They can not do this in any forthright manner. They must use trickery.
Very well stated. All they have is the power of suggestion.

gscraig wrote:
This means we are not getting any closer to DISCLOSURE for the masses or more people. Many viewing these WB outlets (other than the Disclosure Project) will struggle accepting the information, because it is now geared towards those already aware. This then creates a repetitive cycle that stagnates and decreases in value, importance and urgency unless it is real time helpful information (e.g; Swine Flu or the Economy).
Disclosure is up to us. I talked to my daughters and parents about some of my ET craft sightings/interactions this weekend. At first my daughters simply tried to tune me out, but I think a little bit got through. My parents may think I'm a bit nuts, but my step-dad is interested enough in physics that we could talk about the theory of gravitation and how Einstein's view doesn't quite work, opening up the possibility of field propulsion. You have to come at it from various angles.
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Old 08-24-2009, 01:41 PM   #65
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

Originally Posted by Karen View Post

A HUGE THANK YOU Karen!!!!!!!!!

Anything else along this that you may wish to convey here or pm is very welcome information. I've read on orgone before, but never this link. Thanks a billion!
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Old 08-24-2009, 03:06 PM   #66
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To me, whistleblowers can be valuable but as the human ego has demonstrated, it can be very easy to get wrapped up in one's work and to start thinking of yourself as some sort of "messiah" or "messenger" to others.

I think a moratorium on whistleblowers may be a good idea since we don't really know what's the truth or what isn't the truth and we can thank the powers that were for this.

I don't believe in new age anything because I see that as a movement driven purely by ego and there are some things that genuinely anger me about that movement (white people trying to become shamans is one of those things).
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Old 08-24-2009, 04:11 PM   #67
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hey everyone,
just wanted to thank MP2 for the original post...lets begin co-creating and dispense with co-reacting.
i also want to thank bill and kerry for their work...we wouldn't be exploring this experience if it wasn't for them.
lastly, i want to leave everyone with one of my favourite robert anton wilson quotes: "if you think you know what the hell is going on, you're probably full of sh*t."
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Old 08-24-2009, 04:19 PM   #68
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Old 08-24-2009, 04:50 PM   #69
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I have heard different theories one being that we will be able to go through a dimensional doorway when things here get really crazy, but it will depend on what level of vibration you are emitting, not like a right or wrong or personal thing, but how one innately lives their life and the vibration you are.

Maybe there will be a portal to go into, has anyone else heard this theory?

I had another thought too, as our DNA is changing and more and more people are immune to diseases,etc, could it be that vaccines, flu won't have any effect on us?

I too feel fed up with the so called 'whistleblower' stuff and do not take them seriously, everyone has their own agenda, whether they are selling you an idea, vitamins, CD's, books, whatever, the only person I can trust for Truth is myself and I appreciate everyone's sharing on this as it has helped me see my thinking isn't as crazy as I thought but is in alignment with many of you here.

I am living one moment at a time....in love and peace. Because that is what I CHOOSE. I will not allow tptb or any of their minions to frighten me into living fearfully.
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Old 08-24-2009, 05:10 PM   #70
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evan being here now

can seem like all over the

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Old 08-24-2009, 05:23 PM   #71
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
I don't believe in new age anything because I see that as a movement driven purely by ego and there are some things that genuinely anger me about that movement (white people trying to become shamans is one of those things).
I see your point, but I dont see the problem with white people turning to shamanism? Where I live it would be perfectly normal, as the old Viking-shamanism (ie Rune-magick) is still being practiced, and has been passed on from generation to generation.
Just a reflection in all friendliness. Back to topic.
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Old 08-24-2009, 06:02 PM   #72
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Default Re: Bye Bye Whistleblowers.

Originally Posted by TruthWillSetUFree View Post
I have heard different theories one being that we will be able to go through a dimensional doorway when things here get really crazy, but it will depend on what level of vibration you are emitting, not like a right or wrong or personal thing, but how one innately lives their life and the vibration you are.

Maybe there will be a portal to go into, has anyone else heard this theory?

I had another thought too, as our DNA is changing and more and more people are immune to diseases,etc, could it be that vaccines, flu won't have any effect on us?

I too feel fed up with the so called 'whistleblower' stuff and do not take them seriously, everyone has their own agenda, whether they are selling you an idea, vitamins, CD's, books, whatever, the only person I can trust for Truth is myself and I appreciate everyone's sharing on this as it has helped me see my thinking isn't as crazy as I thought but is in alignment with many of you here.

I am living one moment at a time....in love and peace. Because that is what I CHOOSE. I will not allow tptb or any of their minions to frighten me into living fearfully.
we can intersect all of the dimensions right here and now. I don't believe there will be any sort of instantaneous shift as though walking out of one room and into another. (not sure about those playing at 3D barnacle)

What's happened with me, is I've realized that I've been functioning in the 3rd and at least 4th dimensions for some time now, except I didn't realize that is what it was. Now after lots of study, personal processing work, and communication with Higher dimensional beings, I have expanded my functionality and perceptions in some higher dimensions. I'm much more functional in 4th now than 3rd, (and much more comfortable there too) and I've been growing into the 5th more and more.

It's still easy for me to drop out of the 5th because I still have too much 3d baggage of lower vibrational frequency to be able to maintain the frequency range of the 5th. But if I recognize that is what's happened, I can fix it and shift back up instantly.

I may have some functionality in other higher dimensions, but am not presently aware of it.

A big part of it was simply learning about it and then looking at what was happening and making the connections and then reinforcing them.

I have no doubt that many more here are having similar experiences and simply counting them as 3D occurances. 3d is a pancaked reality, which makes discernment harder.

Once you recognize what you are seeing, it becomes easier to peel them apart and study your interactions with more discernment.

I know a few people right here on avalon who are already primarily in the 5th dimension while remaining incarnated here.

We are writing the new rules of existence ourselves. Let's be nice to ourselves. Give ourselves a fun future. think of it like you are writing your own paycheck.
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Old 08-24-2009, 07:52 PM   #73
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The Universe is cyclical.
On the micro and macro level.

On the macro level, we have our solar system.The Earth around the sun etc.

On the micro level, we have the whistle blowers recycling the same stories with their own twist. The whistleblowers =

Well done myplanet for realising this and breaking the cycle

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Old 08-24-2009, 08:00 PM   #74
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Old 08-24-2009, 08:13 PM   #75
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Some of the whistleblowers really blew it.
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