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Old 02-22-2010, 10:38 PM   #26
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Default Re: Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

Originally Posted by morguana View Post
love () the way the ptb are trying soooo hard to slip in nwo words in a really positive way, how we need this to make things better, how its such a big help to humankind. brainwashing the public into thinking they are going to 'save' us! you have to hand it to them, they try to cover all basis, using many means.
ggrrrrrr makes me so mad....... control and fear not at all cosher, i guess one has to transmute both, the fear into love, free that indignant anger stemming from injustice, dishonour and lies to push for change in a hearfelt, peaceful and calm way.

thank you for posting this gita, always never ceases to amaze me when i here the words nwo spoken by the 'leaders' to address issues.

much love to you
m x
Thank you for your post morguana. It’s wonderful to see others posting here. I know what you mean with hearing the words ‘NWO’ – it always sends a chill down my spine but not cos I fear it – because I see masses not realising that they are being directly assaulted and some even welcome it – it really is the proverbial Trojan horse.
Much love back to you too. x
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Old 02-22-2010, 11:14 PM   #27
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Hi there! GG_Poster_small.jpg This NWO exists due to our hypnotised existence and all that men creates can be undone. Just focus on being the change you wish to see in the world. There's loads of spiritual support and angelic assistance for every one of us, I believe. See our spirits united in a great gathering, towards 2012, we're in a transition and birthing process, together with Mother Earth. Enjoy and celebrate today and the days ahead, Espavo!
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Old 02-23-2010, 11:47 AM   #28
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Default Re: Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

Originally Posted by gita View Post
Majorion, you should get more details reading Icke’s book on line – The Biggest Secret.

And more details in ’And the Truth Shall Set You Free’
Thanks, I actually like David Icke, in fact I understand perfectly what he is saying. Though this doesn't negate the fact that different people are going to arrive at different conclusions, I have my own opinion on the matter, and since this is an NWO topic I just wanted to expound by asking questions so we can all dig deeper and do our own re-search. For example, here's an excellent question. Now we can all agree that 9/11 was a false flag operation, correct? okay, so who was behind this operation? If the answer is NWO, then I'm going to ask, which NWO? In other words, you can easily define the NWO in David Icke's words and through his material. But I wanna know what you think, what are the conclusions you came to in your own way? Not what others are saying, because we already know what they are saying.

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
And I am trying to understand the idea that the Illuminati, themselves, are controlled by entities in the 4th dimension.

Is this the most important thing that we should know? Or is it not even true?
That's the whole point of asking questions, we reexamine these things and see if they hold up to scrutiny. I'm glad you mention importance.
By the way I just realized you were highlighting a spelling error of mine, you can blame my keyboard, its barely operable.

Originally Posted by carriblu View Post
the reason we dont have specifics is because they stay in the shadows and let us go on thinking we have a democratic republic.
Nobody can stay in the shadows indefinitely. And this is in no way a confined United States matter or just about the people controlling President Obama. What I'm asking is not who controls America, I'm asking the bigger question of who controls the entire world. Ultimately you can't treat this like a ghost-chase and give up on an answer.

Originally Posted by carriblu View Post
i know it is brought much deeper, as deep as aliens, and i havn't exactly recognized that yet. but you don't need to go that deep to see what is as clear as day. our country is controlled by a small number of people and they are not the people on tv.
Let me be honest with you on this point, I haven't seen any evidence for any alien threat or direct control over any earth government, though I will not deny an alien presence, in fact I think there's more than one race of ET that have influenced earth for eons, but that's a far cry from implicating them in some New World Order agenda.
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Old 02-23-2010, 12:44 PM   #29
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Default Re: Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

Originally Posted by Majorion View Post
Thanks, I actually like David Icke, in fact I understand perfectly what he is saying. Though this doesn't negate the fact that different people are going to arrive at different conclusions, I have my own opinion on the matter, and since this is an NWO topic I just wanted to expound by asking questions so we can all dig deeper and do our own re-search. For example, here's an excellent question. Now we can all agree that 9/11 was a false flag operation, correct? okay, so who was behind this operation? If the answer is NWO, then I'm going to ask, which NWO? In other words, you can easily define the NWO in David Icke's words and through his material. But I wanna know what you think, what are the conclusions you came to in your own way? Not what others are saying, because we already know what they are saying.
I’ve always done my own research and most of the time synchronicity has brought to me info that I would have never researched and in time I realised that everything seemed to be connected. I came across Icke’s work many years ago but left it alone due to the reptilian connection but as I did my own research I decided to have a look at his work again and was amazed how much of it matched. In a way, it would’ve been much easier for me to have just gone by his work to begin with but I suppose it’s better this way as I already had come to the info on my own merits and don’t have to wonder whether his info are correct or not.

From what I’ve researched, the order for 9/11 seems to have come from the Rothchilds’ Zionist secret government who used Mossad to carry out the attack. The same security services are now in charge of so called security at major airports whose latest security gadgets seems to be scanners. The Zionist government benefited the most from the attack including financially – this is my understanding so far. I’m intrigued to know how you perceive it as another’s view is always welcomed in my book.
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Old 02-23-2010, 01:56 PM   #30
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Default Re: Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

Originally Posted by gita View Post
From what I’ve researched, the order for 9/11 seems to have come from the Rothchilds’ Zionist secret government who used Mossad to carry out the attack. The same security services are now in charge of so called security at major airports whose latest security gadgets seems to be scanners. The Zionist government benefited the most from the attack including financially – this is my understanding so far.
I think I'm remembering correctly that Dr Bill Deagle has mentioned the Knights of Malta as the decision-maker for the attacks of 9-11.
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Old 02-23-2010, 02:04 PM   #31
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Default Re: Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

Originally Posted by gita View Post
I’ve always done my own research and most of the time synchronicity has brought to me info that I would have never researched and in time I realised that everything seemed to be connected. I came across Icke’s work many years ago but left it alone due to the reptilian connection...
I think that the reptilian thing may or may not be true, but the matter of concern here is that - if you present this case to an "outsider" of the conspiracy research world, now you can talk about all the ancient bloodlines and elite families and intelligence agencies and military industrial and the different occultist groups, but you will notice how all that information is immediately frowned upon the minute "reptilians control the world" is added to the phrase. And whether this is a fact or not or whether its true is pretty much irrelevant when you consider that key point I just mentioned.

From what I’ve researched, the order for 9/11 seems to have come from the Rothchilds’ Zionist secret government who used Mossad to carry out the attack. The same security services are now in charge of so called security at major airports whose latest security gadgets seems to be scanners. The Zionist government benefited the most from the attack including financially – this is my understanding so far. I’m intrigued to know how you perceive it as another’s view is always welcomed in my book.
I perceive the 9/11 incident just the way you do. However, this was one incident that benefited one group. What I'm getting at is that there are conflicts of interest not discussed or elaborated within the subtext of NWO. So if the New World Order / Globalization agenda is real, in other words the assumption here is that all these groups are unified. How do we know this to be the case, when there are several governments that clearly have conflicts of interest, when we also know that certain occultist groups have been at war with each other since the ancient times. For example, in Dark Mission, the conflict and struggle within NASA of the three groups for domination of the space agency: the masons, the nazis, and the magicians. The NWO concept however is contradictory; in that all of these groups (of the entire world) are said to be working together toward one unified government.

These two explanations can't both be right, one of them is wrong.
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Old 02-23-2010, 02:11 PM   #32
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Default Re: Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
I think I'm remembering correctly that Dr Bill Deagle has mentioned the Knights of Malta as the decision-maker for the attacks of 9-11.
Rothchilds and Knights of Malta have almost the same shield as they are very connected. There are many members of Rothchilds that are also members of the Knights of Malta - from my understanding.



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Old 02-23-2010, 02:15 PM   #33
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Default Re: Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

Originally Posted by gita View Post
Rothchilds and Knights of Malta have almost the same shield as they are very connected. There are many members of Rothchilds that are also members of the Knights of Malta - from my understanding.



Thanks, Gita!

I love it when members help me connect the dots.
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Old 02-23-2010, 02:17 PM   #34
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Default Re: Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

Originally Posted by Majorion View Post
I perceive the 9/11 incident just the way you do. However, this was one incident that benefited one group. What I'm getting at is that there are conflicts of interest not discussed or elaborated within the subtext of NWO. So if the New World Order / Globalization agenda is real, in other words the assumption here is that all these groups are unified. How do we know this to be the case, when there are several governments that clearly have conflicts of interest, when we also know that certain occultist groups have been at war with each other since the ancient times. For example, in Dark Mission, the conflict and struggle within NASA of the three groups for domination of the space agency: the masons, the nazis, and the magicians. The NWO concept however is contradictory; in that all of these groups (of the entire world) are said to be working together toward one unified government.

These two explanations can't both be right, one of them is wrong.
It’s a given that these fractions fight amongst themselves for that’s the nature of the beast. It’s like a circle within the circle. They all have the same goal but they fight amongst themselves to become higher in the hierarchy. If you remember the stories told by mind controlled whistleblowers who were also handlers themselves, they clearly say that this was the case. It’s also done by design so no one within the group be able to trust one of their own fully which keeps them more in fear and therefore more under control of the higher ups.
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Old 02-23-2010, 02:26 PM   #35
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Interesting the connection between the Knights Of Malta and Blackwater (now referred to as "XE"). I have always perceived the Blackwater militia in the sense of them being extremist christian crusaders of the 21st century. Thanks for the confirmation gita, you do excellent research. I applaud you.

By the way, this picture is very interesting on the website you linked, thought I'd post it here:

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Old 02-23-2010, 02:34 PM   #36
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You are most welcomed Majorion. I’ve decided to make things simple for myself in the way that every one of ‘them’ are connected to each other and most of the crap that goes on in our world and they also fight amongst themselves and this is sometimes for show but mostly because they lack divine light and are not aware of the concept of voluntary cooperation. Everything is competition to them which is one of the most apparent trait of the reptilians and reptilian brain.
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Old 02-25-2010, 11:04 AM   #37
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'Zionist Piece Of ****' - Guy confronts George H. W. Bush

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Old 02-26-2010, 04:39 PM   #38
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‘Illuminati Symbolism In Movies (NEW VERSION - MUST SEE ALL OF VIDEO!)’

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