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Old 03-24-2010, 12:59 PM   #301
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

i have tracked down the source of gfl

red dwarf is my number 1 suspect
love m x
better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace

the way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart

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Old 03-24-2010, 01:23 PM   #302
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Especially if he thinks the vids above are real

I wonder how they make those vids without laughing??? Maybe they have to keep stopping for a chuckle
That's why they use germans

On a serious note though, i do believe the gfl are real, but the message is bs. They blame everything on us and ignore the role of governments who in cahoots with aliens have engineered us into this nonsense system of competition and money. Most people have no interest in fighting, unless they are under immediate threat, we are not warlike and hostile races by instinct or inclination. The last thirty years of the war in Ireland were run on all sides by british intelligence, just as the cia created al quaeda and fund hamas, they need to create enemies to keep us divided.

The gfl want to control us too, especially when we are on their ships, I reckon that one class of 14 year olds from any school in the world would be enough to bring down any mother ship if left to run free, unless they are chipped, which they will be.

I think there is darkness hiding behind the bright light of the gfl,
one love, people get ready...
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Old 03-24-2010, 03:01 PM   #303
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Wow I just channelled a message from the GFL
Hello Earthlings my name is Salusa from the planet Onion.
We come here in peace and wish only to love you.
My friend loves you best on toast with salt pepper and tomato sauce

- GFL Commander Ash T.
(Off camera)
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:04 PM   #304
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There is much in the way of confrontation in your world today. It brings about hatred and the seeking of revenge, in a never-ending circle that seems to have been with you from time immemorial. However much time passes, the energies remain to foment war or acts of attrition or terrorism. The negative energies could be transmuted, but are often added to by those who will not release them. Dear Ones, Man has lived by the sword for far too long, and in attempting to kill off his 'enemies' has created the very conditions that have perpetuated the deep rooted hatred that fuels wars. It is time to acknowledge the Oneness of the Human Race, and realise that their journeys are leading to the same goal. It is therefore far better to go forward as one group helping each other, instead of creating the separation that stifles progress towards a united civilisation.

Only love will completely dissolve the negative energies, and you have to find a way of bringing people together. Forgiveness would be a wonderful step towards putting all differences into the past, allowing for new Mankind to emerge in readiness for Ascension. Every soul has had a multitude of experiences through many, many lives, and all have a purpose that affects every soul through your mass consciousness. If forgiveness is to have a chance of bringing peace, your present time is a perfect opportunity to put it into practice. It is so because you are now grasping the fact that it is you who create your reality, and will only bring about Oneness through love and forgiveness. Tear up your history books that glorify war, and instead re-write it as the greatest waste of human life and resources that could ever be imagined. Understand that what you do to one you do to all, and realise that an act of love adds to the mass consciousness to which you all contribute. Multiply it by thousands of times, and it exponentially increases the Light upon Earth, and the negative energies lose their power.

So often you ask “what can I do to evolve?” and the answer is so simple. By being the love that you are and expressing it in all you do. You have unlimited love, and the more you release it to others the more the Source will replenish it. It is the good old Universal Law of Attraction at work and many of you are successful in this way, as you understand the principle behind it. Now you are bound to wonder how it benefits you, and it is of course the path to raising your vibrations. This takes you onto your Ascension path, and the further you travel along it the more you will shed the lower vibrations. In the giving you become the receiver of abundance and will never want again. God provides and brings Man together, yet Man divides and ignores his Divinity.

If you work at lifting yourself up you are also helping others, then greater Beings than Man that dwell in the higher realms will serve the Human Race. At your lower level you cannot achieve Ascension entirely by yourself, and higher energies are continually being beamed to Earth to maintain a steady upliftment. It is a great occasion that you are so privileged to be a part of, and one that will prove to be the most enlightening experience of your time in duality. It is as you might say the icing on the cake, and a most satisfactory way to complete your experience in this cycle. You will leave a much greater soul than when you first started your journey.

If we told you that you were doing fine in establishing the Light upon Earth it would be an understatement, as you are achieving levels that at one time were unthinkable. Yet through all of your experiences you have stuck to your determination to bring in changes, and restore the Kingdom of Light upon Earth. Now you are about to see the fruits of your hard work, as the energy levels are reaching a point where your vision of the future must commence to manifest. Oh yes, it moves around behind the scenes, and simply waits that final spurt forward to come out into the open. Many of our allies are briefed and ready to move into action, and the outcome will open many hearts and eyes that have been closed to the truth. You must change track soon and that will quickly put duality behind you. Memories of past experiences will be replaced by pleasant ones that will fulfil your visions of the future. The joy of working together for a common cause, will uplift Mankind along with the Earth and will be most exhilarating and rewarding.

Life is already something of a fairy story, and as real as it seems it is not your true reality, but it will however have a happy ending. Yet looking into the future it really does sound like one, as the changes are so far reaching as to be unbelievable. There will be such a vast difference that it will truly seem magical and out of this world, which is exactly what it is. You have not experienced constant peace and happiness such as you will find, and to live in the constant glow and warmth of the higher energies will be sheer delight. Can you imagine not having anymore of the worries that plague your daily life on Earth. No more concerns about money, your health or your needs to enable a pleasant and fulfilling life. Ample time to follow your personal pursuits regardless of what they are, and the benefit of help from those who have already travelled ahead of you. You will find that all souls are only too willing to help another succeed. For example an artist could have his favourite painter give lessons to him/her, and how to work more with the mind. You will be able to project your thoughts onto the ether, without the need of paint brushes.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and the Galactic Federation is prepared for its newest member to take its place in it. As a civilisation you are not quite ready yet but by the time the last few years pass by, the upliftment in your consciousness will entitle you to stand alongside us. Part of our mission is to find civilisations much like yours, that are on the verge of ascending and help them succeed. Once it is achieved the celebrations commence, as it is a great occasion to welcome souls back to the higher realms. There is absolutely no doubt about your ability to successfully come through this period. All will become clearer in a relatively short time, and then your efforts can be directed in such a way as to bring you all together, in the Love and Light that is descending upon Earth.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

Source: http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/...4march2010.htm

Last edited by TRANCOSO; 03-24-2010 at 06:07 PM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:46 PM   #305
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

channeled gfl messages.
i think as long as whats being said to you is to do good and love than its fine
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Old 03-27-2010, 01:58 AM   #306
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Because we are aware of all the coming changes and see the complete success they will bring, we do not experience tension or concern but rather a feeling of excitement at the thought of the great hope and happiness it will bring you. We have the privilege of seeing the wider view and all probabilities, and know the path will lead to completion of this cycle. You however, have no certain way of knowing the outcome, and it is very much a matter of faith according to your beliefs. Yet it is not faith alone that spurs you ever onwards, as within your subconscious memories you already know of the success you are to experience. It is that inner knowing that gives you the strength to overcome any obstacles placed in your way. There are plenty of distractions especially at this particular time on Earth, when the changes are beginning to take place. However, as long as you can keep focussed on the end times and the upliftment that is to occur, you will easily cope with them.

Matters are definitely coming to a head, and we expect a number of positive decisions to be taken that will start a whole series of events leading to Ascension. Of course the process commenced some time ago, but now it is going to get into full swing. The dark Ones will have to concede defeat, and withdraw so that the Lightworkers can go ahead without being held back. They have more than had their time to see if they could seize total control of the world. They have failed and it is now the turn of the Light to become the dominant force. In fact it will always be so, as no matter how long the cycle lasts the Light cannot be destroyed. If it were so, it would be like saying that God could be defeated. God is Omnipotent and the supreme power of your Universe, and all is held within God’s love.

We are ready to act upon instructions to proceed with our plan, that will gently force the remaining issues that are causing delay to be brought to an end, That will clear the way for First Contact and allow us to meet our allies, so that we can quickly get started with the various projects that effect you. The line of authority goes all the way back to God, and passes through various groups and councils of high evolution and consciousness. It finally reaches you through us and the Masters, who wait in readiness to return to Earth. You might say that the big guns are waiting to appear to you and that is correct, as the truth will sound be more acceptable when it comes from those who are familiar to you. Jesus and many Angelic Beings such as Archangel Michael will address you and the words will carry a powerful energy, that will leave you in no doubt that they come to you with Love and Light.

Although duality has been referred to as being like a play, it is nevertheless a very serious experience that will have a great bearing on your future. Your expansion of consciousness will have become so great, that you will act as co-creators of new worlds, and join the ranks of those with super consciousness. It may sound impossible as you contemplate your present level, but in short time you will experience a fantastic upliftment. It is all bound up with Ascension, which will never cease until you return to the absolute Source. On your onward journey all manner of experiences will be yours, as you traverse the Universe and explore it seeking other life forms. In that sense it is why we say we are you, as we of the Galactic Federation are carrying out God’s work to bring Light to all developing civilisations.

Whatever you believe the future to offer you, we can say it will be beyond your imagination for the sheer beauty and wonders you will encounter on your travels. There are few worlds like Earth, and you are leaving the lower vibrations of the 3rd. dimension behind. From hereon you will rise up with the higher vibrations, and use your Light body to express yourself to other souls. You will be known by your Light and recognise others by theirs. Colours will be iridescent and dazzle you with a range of octaves far greater than you experience now.

Can you really be concerned about leaving duality, as we doubt it when you consider how testing it is all of the time. You find little peace on Earth, as the lower vibrations are conducive to disharmony and imbalance. Your ability to create is limited, and because of separation from the Source there is a lack in your life that cannot be filled. The process of Ascension will answer all of these drawbacks, and through your own efforts you will enter the Light forevermore. Then and only then, will you become the real you with very few limitations and great power to create. As your consciousness expands, so you will find that your understanding of the powers you have also increases. At the higher levels you will not abuse it, but instead use it for the good of all.

Again we say look at us if you want to see the direction in which Humankind is heading. You too are Space Beings and are largely unaware of it, because you have dropped down from the higher dimensions. Your waking memory has no recollection of the times before you came to Earth. However, for some of you the link is felt when you become very attracted to our activities and us. Yet others hold fear of our presence, mainly due to the images projected by your writers of Science Fiction. It is the comic book image of monsters set upon taking over your world. It has created a reaction of fear to our coming. However, the very reason for our messages is to convey the love we have at heart for you, and to let you know that our mission is one of peace.

It is not to say that some E.T’s would not like to colonise Earth for its resources as they do, but your evolution is protected as it has been all along. Where contact has been made that is not in your general interest, it has been perfectly legitimate and allowed through the Law Of Attraction. We refer to the Greys who sought bases upon Earth, and in a deal with the U.S. Government were allowed to have them in exchange for advanced technology. Such covert actions are never for your good, but for greed, power and military domination such as you have experienced. That agreement is at an end, and has no place in your immediate future.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send you love and greetings for your well being from the members of the Galactic Federation.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.
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Old 03-27-2010, 02:01 AM   #307
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Don't believe what you read!

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Old 03-27-2010, 01:08 PM   #308
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Thanks I never do when it comes from GFL
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Old 03-27-2010, 01:11 PM   #309
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by kingcake View Post
channeled gfl messages.
i think as long as whats being said to you is to do good and love than its fine
Yea I agree but they also sell books about GFL which is not good
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Old 03-28-2010, 06:54 AM   #310
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Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Yea I agree but they also sell books about GFL which is not good
What kind of books do they sell?
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Old 03-28-2010, 05:11 PM   #311
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Sirius style fried human brains in GFL sauce
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Old 03-28-2010, 10:37 PM   #312
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Sirius style fried human brains in GFL sauce
Thanks I never do when it comes from GFL

Still trying to mislead people I see.

You gonna shut your mouth and do some research or just keep adding noise in the forum to distract those that do!!!

Have a nice day
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Old 03-28-2010, 11:14 PM   #313
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post

Still trying to mislead people I see.

You gonna shut your mouth and do some research or just keep adding noise in the forum to distract those that do!!!

Have a nice day
"You gonna shut your mouth ..." or what else, ever so friendly Jester?
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Old 03-28-2010, 11:31 PM   #314
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
"You gonna shut your mouth ..." or what else, ever so friendly Jester?
I was not talking to you!

but you and swanny sure seem to be working as a team of ignorant dis information agents!!!!

along with a few others! who keep making ridiculous comments.

Please do have a good day because I am friendly!

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Old 03-29-2010, 03:44 AM   #315
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post
I was not talking to you!

but you and swanny sure seem to be working as a team of ignorant dis information agents!!!!

along with a few others! who keep making ridiculous comments.

Please do have a good day because I am friendly!


Ignorant, overpaid disinformation agents of the GFL, JT, that's what we really are.

I can't talk for the Admiral, but to me, becoming a 'LORD' of the GFL, + the $250.000 'boarding-bonus' was an irresistable offer. I would have been a thief of my own wallet if I'd said 'no' to that.

I have become an addict to GFL power & big money & I'm ashamed of myself. But what can I do? Once you're a member of the GFL, there's no return ticket to a 'normal' life.

JT, I've got to quit, 'cos my secretary demands meaningless sex & I can't resist her call.
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Old 03-29-2010, 04:45 AM   #316
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

The only thread I will miss, is the 'Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation of Lies' That's fun to write. It started off as a joke, but halfway people were actually buying that BS as the real thing.

Sound familiar??? It should!!! YOU wrote it!!!

I already know YOU are a JOKE!!! I can see what you are. And the same goes for swanny!!!

Trying to steer people away from doing their own research!!! into




Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 03-29-2010 at 04:48 AM.
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Old 03-29-2010, 08:48 AM   #317
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post

Still trying to mislead people I see.

You gonna shut your mouth and do some research or just keep adding noise in the forum to distract those that do!!!

Have a nice day
Sorry mate but no I am not going to shut my mouth, as long as there are people out there stupid enough to believe this BS I will keep taking the pis$ out of it

I'm worried about you Jester
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Old 03-29-2010, 11:29 AM   #318
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Sorry mate but no I am not going to shut my mouth, as long as there are people out there stupid enough to believe this BS I will keep taking the pis$ out of it

I'm worried about you Jester

Swanny!!! Can you prove its B.S.

I don't think you can!

People who do research and ask questions are not stupid!

People who hear you say countless times in many threads how much YOU think things are BS and believe that without doing THEIR OWN RESEARCH might be stupid.

All you are doing is talking the pis$ out of something that YOU think is not real! Because your only game is to be RIDICULOUS!!! And I'm calling your bluff!!! So worry about that!!! I already knew you would not shut your mouth...because you have a dis information agenda!!!

stu·pid (stpd, sty-)
adj. stu·pid·er, stu·pid·est
1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
5. Pointless; worthless: a stupid job.
A stupid or foolish person.
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Old 03-29-2010, 12:58 PM   #319
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It's time to wake up Jester
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Old 03-29-2010, 05:42 PM   #320
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post

The only thread I will miss, is the 'Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation of Lies' That's fun to write. It started off as a joke, but halfway people were actually buying that BS as the real thing.
Sound familiar??? It should!!! YOU wrote it!!!

I already know YOU are a JOKE!!! I can see what you are. And the same goes for swanny!!!

Trying to steer people away from doing their own research!!! into



Wow, Jipster! That still took you quite a long time to dig up! The question remains: Is it true what I wrote there?

By the way Jetser; are YOU for real?
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Old 03-29-2010, 05:54 PM   #321
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Anyway, for everybody with less than one functioning braincell here's...

You have the potential to do whatsoever you desire, but seldom do you have that belief in yourselves. Your power lies in your ability to create through sheer intent, but because you do not see instant results you have doubts. Often what you focus upon is way in the future, and is not necessarily part of the life you planned beforehand. Certainly you have freewill, but your Guides will do their best to influence your decisions so that they are in your best interests. The most important thing is to put your efforts into raising your consciousness, so that you can be sure of being ready to ascend. Unless you reach a certain level of vibration, you will be unable to proceed when the opportunity arises. However, once you express the intent to ascend you are given every help to get there.

Nothing would please us more than if you all had a turn of heart, and every soul made the transition. However, at present there are less than half of you that are consciously making changes in your lives to do so. Yet as the energy levels increase, more of you are awakening and seeking your own path to understanding. The truth is there to be found, but not until you are prepared to move beyond the mindset you already have. You cannot accommodate new ideas if your belief system is rigidly held in place. Unfortunately, generations upon generations of families or institutions have passed on their own misguided knowledge in all good faith, but their understanding has been tainted by false teachings. Humans have a way of believing that a majority opinion makes it correct, whereas in spiritual matters it is often quite the opposite.

Your best guide in matters affecting your life choices is yourself, and through your intuitive feelings. Trust in yourself, as you have a wealth of experience to call upon that has been acquired over many lifetimes. Remember that the choices that are ideal for one person are not necessarily the best for all. You have your own goals to achieve, and you will instinctively know what they are. Do not be scared of being the odd one out, because as long as it is giving you fulfilment and satisfying your quest for knowledge, it will be correct for you.

You have been living in a reality that has been created by you, and served its purpose by fulfilling your desires. It was not however meant to be permanent, and would in any event have changed in response to the higher energies. Duality such as you have experienced it is not to continue beyond the end of the cycle, and that will also include the astral dimensions. Therefore all souls will make a freewill choice as to where their journeys will take them next. Your subconscious memories of having come from the higher dimensions will draw you back to them. You will instinctively feel that it is where your real home lies, in the realms of Light. Indeed your bodies are already changing at this very time, and your Light bodies are forming in readiness for Ascension.

Our presence and that of the many other Beings from Higher dimensions are here to ensure that the end times fulfil everyone’s promise. It does not matter whether they remember what they planned; the important thing is that in the end they will stand at the door of their choice. Position, power and wealth will count for nothing once you leave Earth, and any measure of your success is purely by your level of spiritual understanding.

You are immersed in aspects of time that controls your lives, but once you ascend it is no longer applicable. Past, Present and Future are all one, and you will find that all is simply in the Now. We can view your activities as one and therefore see what lies ahead of you, and it is why we can confidently predict the outcome of duality. We see success and there are many paths that lead to the same conclusion, and you have created these through your many different beliefs. It is an example of your creative powers, although you may not realise you have been responsible.

Meanwhile back on the Earth, changes that you are striving for are getting nearer as our allies clear away the last remaining obstacles. The unwarranted and unnecessary attacks on our craft have at last ceased, allowing us to proceed with our plan for open contact with you. We have never represented any type of threat to you, and in fact take pride in having protected you for thousands of years. We have kept unwelcome visitors away from Earth, and carefully monitored on-earth activities whether they have been natural or man made. The Galactic Federation are just one of many groups working for the Light forces, that closely follow your personal progress. Our mission is to ensure you reach completion of the cycle of duality, as decreed by the higher authorities that include the White Brotherhood.

It has taken many years to manoeuvre the dark ones into a position where their power and influence has waned. Sometimes we can use the very same tactics they use to control you, against them. They rely on creating fear to accomplish their aims, but you are gradually becoming wise to their methods. All in all, you are beginning to see the bigger picture and are not fooled so easily as you were. Now you walk with your heads held up high knowing you have the power to change the circumstances that affect your lives. You not only know that you are great Beings, but are using your creative powers to do so. The more you continue to focus on a peaceful and happy future, the more energy you are creating that will manifest it for you.

We desire the best for you, and work towards the return of your sovereignty. By rights acceded to you as a child of God, it is law that you are allowed to claim them. They have been denied you because you have been deliberately kept in ignorance of them. However, you are awakening to your true selves and insisting on being treated with respect, and your rights acknowledged. Be assured you also have us alongside you, and you will be restored to your true levels in readiness for the end of this cycle. It is all part of the process of Ascension that will see you lift up into the higher dimensions.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be part of the armada of Spaceships that bring you release from your oppressors, and immense love for your well being and happiness.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Old 03-31-2010, 05:44 PM   #322
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

This thread will continue at 'THE MISTS OF AVALON'!
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Old 04-03-2010, 10:11 AM   #323
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The Recent History of Negative ETs in the US
by Elizabeth Trutwin
January 15, 2010

The United States Government first learned of German scientists working on copies of Alien Technology when they invaded Germany during WW II. In 1936 Germany had recovered a crashed UFO. In the 1940's there was a great increase in extraterrestrial activity. The single most important event was probably the Roswell crash. The Roswell crash occurred on July 7, 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico. A UFO crashed and the bodies of four dead extraterrestrials were found. These four were Zeta Reticulans. There was a Zeta Reticulan Scientist named Sanni Seto on that Craft and she survived and is fine. The radar the U.S. used then caused the Craft to go off course and crash. Between 1947 and 1952 the United States Government obtained at least 16 crashed or downed UFO crafts and 65 extraterrestrial bodies. One live extraterrestrial was recovered.

A UFO was found on February 13, 1948 on a Mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1949 in White Sands, New Mexico. It was over 100 feet in diameter and a total of 17 extraterrestrial (ET) bodies were recovered from the two crafts. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles. This was coded as ‘Ultra Top Secret’ because of the perceived panic that might occur if this information leaked out to the general public. The United States Air Force and the CIA controlled the Extraterrestrial Secret. The CIA was originally formed by Presidential Executive Order for the Singular Purpose of dealing with this ET situation. What they didn't say is, those running the CIA were indeed time travelers, ETs in human bodies, who came here from the 24th Century. The live ET that was found had been found wandering in the desert from the 1949 Roswell crash and was named ‘EBE’. EBE stands for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. EBE had a tendency to lie and would only give answers to questions that he desired to answer.

In 1951 EBE became ill. American doctors had no idea how to medically deal with EBE because his system was chlorophyll based and processed food into energy much the same as plants do. On June 2nd, 1952 EBE died. In an attempt to save EBE and to gain favour with this technologically superior race.

President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing ET problem. This had been done in case the ETs turned out to be a threat to the human race. During Dwight Eisenhower's first year in office, which was in 1953, at least 10 more Star Ships were recovered along with 26 dead and 4 live ETs. Eisenhower did not reveal the secret to the Congress. His friend, and fellow member of Council of Foreign Relations, (Secret Government) Nelson Rockefeller. The Secret Government (CIA) began covertly planning a Secret Group to supervise this ET situation. This group became known as the MJ12.

The Movie 'Close Encounters' was a fictionalized version of a meeting with US government officials when an ET Ambassador stayed behind in a pledge with the President and the Secret Government to make a Treaty. In 1953 astronomers discovered large Mother Ships in orbit around Earth. Project SIGNA intercepted alien radio communications. Project SIGNA, through radio communications using the computer binary language, was able to arrange face to face landings and contact with ET Beings from another planet. This initial group of ETs were from Zeta Reticuli and have often been referred to as the Greys. They are very small in stature, about four or five feet tall. They looked nothing like human beings of the Adam Kadmon style as we are used to. They had big heads, more almond shaped eyes and long arms.

A race of human ETs landed at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida, and successfully communicated with the US Government. This group warned us of the Greys that were orbiting the equator. They were warning us of the Greys, and a reptilian extraterrestrial race from Orion. The reptilian race have a reptilian looking head with a human looking physical body.

The Galactic Federation offered to help us with all our technological and spiritual problems, however they had a requirement. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons. Our Secret Government refused.

A third landing occurred at Edwards Air Force Base in 1954. The base was closed for three days and no one was allowed to enter or leave during that time. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day he was spirited off to the base. The excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist. Five UFO craft landed, and Eisenhower met with the ETs. All these landings were filmed. This alien group again was from Zeta Reticuli. During this time, the Galactic Federation was trying to help, but the Secret Government refused to end the proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The Cabal, those human looking ETs from the future, the Fallen Angels, had no intention of giving up their power and control of Earth. They were interested in not only conquering Earth, but many other Planets as well. To this day, President Obama is meeting with positive ETs from the Galactic Federation. The most recent 'excuse' was an injured child during his Christmas trip to Hawaii. It is easier to hide his comings and going when vacationing in Hawaii, 'The Rock'.

A Formal Treaty between the Zeta Reticulan Star Nation and the United States government was signed. We officially received our first ET Ambassador from Outer Space who was the same Being who stayed in the first landing. His name and title was his 'Omnipotent Highness Krill'. The treaty, basically stated that the ETs would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They would furnish us with our advanced technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other nation on earth.

The treaty included a selling of Souls. The Zeta Reticulans were granted, by this treaty, permission to abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purposes of medical examination and monitoring of our development. There was a stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, and would be returned to their point of abduction, and that they would have no memory of the event. The Zeta Reticulan Ambassadors would remain on Earth. The human 'guests' would go to their planet, and then return and then an exchange would take place. This was re-enacted in the movie 'Close Encounters'. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground in the United States for the use of the Greys and that two bases would be constructed for joint use of the Greys and the Secret Government. Exchange of technology would occur in the jointly occupied bases. These ET bases would be constructed under Indian Reservation in the four corners area of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, and one in the Mojave Dessert near Yucca, California.

A secret military fund was put together to build 75 deep underground facilities. The excuse was that these were needed in case of Nuclear War!

It became obvious by 1955 that the Greys had deceived Eisenhower and broken the treaty. The Secret Government had basically sold out the American people without their permission. Abductions were occurring at hundreds of times the rate agreed upon. There were reports of human mutilations occasionally happening also, although this was much rarer. It was also suspected that all abductees had not been returned.

The Soviet Union were also working with The Greys and were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood plasma and genetic experiments, including hybrid pregnancies and babies. The Greys said that this was necessary for their survival.

They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They said that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure, their race would soon cease to exist. The Greys were also found to be impregnating human females and somehow causing an early termination of the pregnancies to secure a hybrid infant. They were also implanting humans on earth with both mechanical and non-mechanical implants for biological monitoring and tracking purposes.

I trained with Arcturus on his Medical Ships. We have taken some of my Healing Clients there. He has shown me the surgical scars made by the Greys during their surgeries. This was meatball surgery and all experimental. Arcturus and I have gone in and done Light Surgeries healing the wounds. He has taken me back in time to the moment of the surgeries so I could watch how the Greys did their work. They did heart and lung surgeries and bone and muscles surgeries. I also saw many Clients who had hosted pregnancy implantations from the Greys. I went back to the time of the induction to take the baby, with Arcturus. Archangel Michael always accompanies us as well. I have seen a place where these orphans go to be adopted within the Grey Community. There are many children in this Group who were implanted and inducted. They are considered outsiders in their Own Society and they all live in an area together, where there is a community of these Ones living happy lives. Often when I tell my Client the information about their experience, they are angry, sad, and do not believe me. I explain to them what Arcturus told me. These Ones are hybrids themselves and agreed to these things before they incarnated into human bodies.

There is no judgment here. It is time to forgive and move on into an Attitude of Love. These horrific things are not happening now. The last negative ET was removed in November 2009 and nothing like this will happen on Earth again.

Over 18,000 Greys lived at the Dulce, New Mexico underground base alone. Some of the technology in these bases was provided by the Greys and is far beyond the understanding of the Secret Government. There were terrible sciences practiced here, remnants of Atlantis, experiments included mixing human and animal genetics. Over the years the Reptilians and Greys became more and more bold in destroying life for their own purpose. The Secret Government has had over 70 species of ETs trying to contact us. We have obtained and have in our possession over 40 flying Star Ships, many of which have been reproduced and are testing and flying ourselves. We have over 100 bodies of dead ETs. The Secret Government at this time, in partnership with the Soviet Union, worked with these Negative ETs in the colonization of the Moon and Mars. They launched their equipment for this from a portal in the Indian Ocean at Diego Garcia. This happened long before our first official public landing on the moon by astronaut Armstrong. Another plan of the Secret Government was the use of nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratosphere to let the greenhouse heat and pollution escape. The Earth Cooling and poison with pollution was to depopulate the Earth's population. As part of this plan there was the implementation of birth control, sterilization, and the introduction of deadly microbes to slow the growth of the Earth's population, including AIDS. The plague of AIDS was created by the Secret Government with the Negative ETs as a form of bacteriological warfare. It was purposely given to specifically selected targeted populations including Blacks, Hispanics and homosexuals. One of the ways they did this was to lace hepatitis vaccines with the virus.

The Secret Government (CIA) and Politics
The One President that wasn't under the hold of the Secret Government was John Kennedy. When he found out about a lot of the Secret Government activities, he cooperated with the Galactic Federation. President Eisenhower had approved 13 Million dollars for the Negative ETs to install Nuclear Weapons in Cuba. They worked in alliance with Nikita Kruchev. The 13 Families, time traveling ETs, were trying to control the Planet. They were using nuclear weapons to make false reasons for arms and war. They used this backdrop of staged Wars as they continued to look for Star Gates. The Galactic Federation thwarted the nuclear missiles in Cuba. It was his cooperation with the Galactic Federation, that had the Secret Government remove him and his brother, Bobby. President Kennedy is with the Galactic Federation now and will return with landings scheduled this year.

One of the main ways the Secret Government has financed all their projects is through drugs money. George H.W. Bush was one of the original people that was approached to help the CIA start their program of selling drugs. His former Secretary of State, James Baker is even higher up in the Secret Government ladder than George H.W. Bush was. George H.W. Bush, as you know later became the head of the CIA. The fact that these men and the entire corrupt staff have been voted out of office marked the beginning of a great awakening for the American people, and the beginning of the end for the Dark Brotherhood's reign of control.

The Secret Government, or Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission were in complete control of the ET Technology before last summer when Mark and I with Rama worked with the Galactic Federation on the Ops to clear the Planet of the Negative ET technologies, their Ships, and the remaining reptilians and Dragons. These ones are less than 100 individuals controlling our Planet, they and their families are also connected into 35 other Planets. This is the reason WHY the Galactic Federation is involved. This problem effects our entire Local Galaxy. We are a Galactic Society. What happens here effects Ones on several local Planets. There have been reports that we will 'soon' with the new telescope 'See Earth-like Planets that are inhabited'. This is not joyous news. This is a realization that the Secret Government has HIDDEN our Family from us. The arrests of these individuals are in their absolute final days. Ashtar announced on January 12, 2010 the arrests are complete.

Our Work with The Galactic Federation Secret Forces
Mark and I work with Captain Ashtar, the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation, and the Admiral, Sananda Kumara with the Secret Forces to clear this problem. We work with the Secret Forces of the Galactic Federation which include Commander Hatonn from the Protection Forces and Commander Korton with Monk Ka from Mars and King of Swords (KOS) on Earth. Our communications are coordinated by Commander Soltec from Alpha Centauri. We work with Tom the Ringtail Cat Paschat. Our Ops are coordinated with Mother Sekhmet and her Paschats. Rama worked with us on all of these Ops. We coordinated several Ops from June until November of 2009 to remove the Negative ETs. Because of our work and successes we were targeted by negative ETs. We worked with Metatron and Archangel Michael, and with Tom the Ringtail Cat Paschat to make electromagnetic light shields around our homes. These were designed to keep the negative ETs out. There were infiltrations. We received our intel from the KOS and he coordinated efforts between us and the Secret Forces. We have participated in several Ops we have never spoken of. These were the Ops we spoke of that cleared the Planet of the reptilian race, the Greys, their labs, underground experiments and extensive network of destruction. Mark and I trained individually for years before we met. We were both trained by the Secret Forces independently before coming together for the final Ops. There have been many attempts to keep us apart and keep our joint work hidden. We chose to broadcast our Ops on the internet and on radio. Mark finally mentioned the Op where one of the last Mother Ships of the Zeta Reticulans was removed in November. I was in a Craft with Tom the Ringtail Cat Paschat and I was beamed from the Mother Craft. I had extensive injuries, but these improved in a matter of days. I had several treatments from Arcturus which healed me quickly. Mark was so concerned, he spoke publicly of it. This surprised me and I was too concerned to comment, but did recover in a few days. Mother Sekhmet took out that final Negative ET Craft which was very, very large. (Miles wide). (*1) We were told a few days later all Negative ETs have been removed from Earth [Nov 2009]. It was that final Op that made it possible for the work that is being done now. Now the arrests of the Secret Government agents, Negative ETs, themselves, are now complete. The Spiritual Awakening of Earth has been the final key marking the end. The Galactic Federation, with the Secret Forces, with Soltec and Korton, and others, have worked together and stopped the Negative ETs from controlling other Planets in our Local Galaxy. We are now able to Image more of Space and the Truth is being revealed more each day. The mass decloakings and disclosure are key and will begin with the United States President, Barack Obama, the Sirian Commander.

The Time For Peace Is Now.

Source: Galacticroundtable.com

(*1) Persistent rumours have surfaced on the www, suggesting that Admiral Swanny & Lord Trancoso of the GFL, played a decisive role in this battle, providing crucial intelligence on the whereabouts of certain – unnamed, very dangerous NVETs (Negative Virtual ETs).
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Old 04-03-2010, 10:15 AM   #324
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Last edited by TRANCOSO; 04-03-2010 at 10:19 AM.
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Old 04-04-2010, 01:33 PM   #325
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

I've read the PA2 thread & it's quite confusing.
What's this whole thing with Swanny being a genuine GFL Admiral?
No, it's not 'in the books', but that's only because Swanny & I are deep, deep, deep undercover.
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