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Old 10-20-2008, 12:46 AM   #1
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Default Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

The Guardian, Monday October 20 2008
On a cloudy night in Kent, Milton Torres, a US air force fighter pilot based at RAF Manston, was scrambled to intercept a UFO. Ordered to go full throttle towards East Anglia, within minutes he was 15 miles from a mysterious blip that looked as big as a B-52 bomber on his screen. He was ordered to fire a full salvo of 24 missiles, but before he could, the object vanished.

Details about the incident, on May 20, 1957, appear among 19 files released by the Ministry of Defence and newly revealed by the National Archives. It is the second tranche of UFO files to be made public since a handful were released in May.

cont on link above
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:01 AM   #2
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Hi AT,

yes we got the same report here in Oz too!!!

Here's the link:



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Old 10-20-2008, 08:20 AM   #3
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Thanks for that!
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:55 AM   #4
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Default Airliner had near miss with UFO - BBC

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Old 10-20-2008, 09:41 AM   #5
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Very Interesting,

Making ready for an allout disclosure, maybe..................
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Old 10-20-2008, 09:56 AM   #6
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Hi all,

more likely it's just a case of the 50 yr disclosure rule has passed and this item has been brought back out of the archives for sentencing and has finally made it across somebody's desk.........

Love & light to the soul who decided to retain for disclosure rather than destruction!!!


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Old 10-20-2008, 10:16 AM   #7
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

lets see, full disclosure= leaders of world coming togehter to say yes we have been visited by aliens and they are about to atack us soon. we need a 1 world system to band togehter to defeat them.. could be wrong, i think not somehow.. reagans speech ect ect..
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Old 10-20-2008, 10:23 AM   #8
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
lets see, full disclosure= leaders of world coming togehter to say yes we have been visited by aliens and they are about to atack us soon. we need a 1 world system to band togehter to defeat them.. could be wrong, i think not somehow.. reagans speech ect ect..
Yeah,all angles have to be considered on this subject,i feel when the time is right,if it ever will be then you will feel the connection in the heart that may defy any fear factory ambitions regarding 'contact'.I am starting to feel that it's all about your own soul guidance;be at one with yourself then fears are dispelled and nothing can harm you or threaten you,then maybe off world species with a benevolent aspiration may indeed wish for an exchange of energies.
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Old 10-20-2008, 10:43 AM   #9
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

IMO there will be no FULL disclosure.

Think of it like this. A British government finally decides to to tell a blinkerd/dumbed down population that other countries exist and 'foreigners' are real, they've even been coming here on holiday.

What they won't tell us is that they have been 'dealing' with the governments of foreign countries sharing some secrets and witholding other secrets etc.

We know foreigners 'exist' but we don't know their secrets, and probably never will. Least of all their government's secrets.

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Old 10-20-2008, 10:50 AM   #10
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Look, I know this is not going to be a popular theory but I have to put it out there. The main reason is all this disclosure that's going on. It is not meant to discredit anyone. Again, it's something that just bothers me and I would like your input.

I am very skeptical about disclosure, period. If they won't intervene unless we're getting ready to blow ourselves up sounds to me like a set up. Think about it. We hit our button. The Soviets hit their button. N.Korea hits their button. Pakistan hits their button. Then these off planet folks show up, stop the bombs and save the day. They're our "saviors". They tell us they can make everything better. Fix the planet. Get rid of the cabal. I just don't like it. Smells like a rat to me. Why tell us? If that's the plan then just do it. Why didn't they save Atlantis? Atlantis either A) nearly destroyed the entire planet with their technology B)this elusive Nibiru/Planet X almost wiped them out or C) there was a pole shift.

I believe that anybody who's being contacted by anything is being deceived. They're being used as pawns so to speak. If they say they can't or won't interfere then why are they contacting these people? That's interfering. I've thought about it a lot and it just doesn't feel right to me. Remember these multi-dimensional beings can't survive without our soul energy. It stands to reason they wouldn't want us all to get blown to smithereens or would they? We start over AGAIN and they get X# of more years of soul sucking out of it or we accept them and get suckered into giving up our freewill. If that happens they own us. Either way they win. The Human Race does not go away that easily so some of us would survive in the nuke, Planet X or pole shift scenario.

There's deceit going on here of universal proportions. One of my mottos is "Beware of Strangers Bearing Gifts". Your enemy always acts as a friend when they first appear on the scene. I feel the only way out of this is for the human race, along with all living things (which is everything), to come together as one and save ourselves. Just my two cents and I welcome and appreciate your feedback.

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Old 10-20-2008, 10:57 AM   #11
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
lets see, full disclosure= leaders of world coming togehter to say yes we have been visited by aliens and they are about to atack us soon. we need a 1 world system to band togehter to defeat them.. could be wrong, i think not somehow.. reagans speech ect ect..
Yeah the vehicle the NWO needs to control us with world unified laws, if Nations are to come together (which would be nice without Globalists control) it should be in welcoming universal peace.
Remember von brauns NAZI N.A.S.A warning too, of the false threat from outerspace!

Our controlled governments want us dead anyways!
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Old 10-20-2008, 10:57 AM   #12
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Originally Posted by norman View Post
IMO there will be no FULL disclosure.

Think of it like this. A British government finally decides to to tell a blinkerd/dumbed down population that other countries exist and 'foreigners' are real, they've even been coming here on holiday.

What they won't tell us is that they have been 'dealing' with the governments of foreign countries sharing some secrets and witholding other secrets etc.

We know foreigners 'exist' but we don't know their secrets, and probably never will. Least of all their government's secrets.

see nassim harremain lectures on the begginings of human understanding of foreigners secrets. LOL@ CERN imo .. listening it harremin is like a breath of fresh air.. im wondering if the powers that be have funded the cern star gate knowing as they plunge the global populace inot fear and hate that a demonic antitey will somehow manifest throught the portal.. it seems to make sense. 6000 physisists from all over the world..... some of them must have an idea they wont find a GOD particle.and its a portal they are gonna make, harremins work ties in with all ancient texts on scared gemoetry and wotnot..
then we have a statue of shiva at cern(i am become death, the destroyer of worlds) and 666 cern logo.. something smells fishy..
i think the foreigners shorted the magnet and caused the leak of the helium 4 liquid from the tube to sabotage the madness..
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Old 10-20-2008, 10:58 AM   #13
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I read about it too on Polish webpages
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Old 10-20-2008, 10:59 AM   #14
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Originally Posted by Lee BURTON View Post
Our controlled governments want us dead anyways!


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Old 10-20-2008, 11:06 AM   #15
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Originally Posted by CosmicFever View Post
Look, I know this is not going to be a popular theory but I have to put it out there. The main reason is all this disclosure that's going on. It is not meant to discredit anyone. Again, it's something that just bothers me and I would like your input.

I am very skeptical about disclosure, period. If they won't intervene unless we're getting ready to blow ourselves up sounds to me like a set up. Think about it. We hit our button. The Soviets hit their button. N.Korea hits their button. Pakistan hits their button. Then these off planet folks show up, stop the bombs and save the day. They're our "saviors". They tell us they can make everything better. Fix the planet. Get rid of the cabal. I just don't like it. Smells like a rat to me. Why tell us? If that's the plan then just do it. Why didn't they save Atlantis? Atlantis either A) nearly destroyed the entire planet with their technology B)this elusive Nibiru/Planet X almost wiped them out or C) there was a pole shift.

I believe that anybody who's being contacted by anything is being deceived. They're being used as pawns so to speak. If they say they can't or won't interfere then why are they contacting these people? That's interfering. I've thought about it a lot and it just doesn't feel right to me. Remember these multi-dimensional beings can't survive without our soul energy. It stands to reason they wouldn't want us all to get blown to smithereens or would they? We start over AGAIN and they get X# of more years of soul sucking out of it or we accept them and get suckered into giving up our freewill. If that happens they own us. Either way they win. The Human Race does not go away that easily so some of us would survive in the nuke, Planet X or pole shift scenario.

There's deceit going on here of universal proportions. One of my mottos is "Beware of Strangers Bearing Gifts". Your enemy always acts as a friend when they first appear on the scene. I feel the only way out of this is for the human race, along with all living things (which is everything), to come together as one and save ourselves. Just my two cents and I welcome and appreciate your feedback.

i agree with smelling a rat.. i think that maybe atlantis was an experiment that went wrong. so we had to be given the full knowledge over a period of time so we could slowly learn and not destroy ourselves..we are now at that juncture imo.. fly or die so to speak.. no one ever mentions mk ultra or other mind implantation techniques when regarding channellers.. that is where i take stuff with a pinch of salt.. some seem more genuine thatn others.. it seems as tho we are what may become the remnant, the ptb know they have the rest of humanity locked down. so poss need to attempt to spread confuaion and panic among those that "know".. i veiw all info the saem till it feels right to accept it.. the more dots i connect the more info becomes acceptable that at first appeared to be total bunk
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Old 10-20-2008, 11:50 AM   #16
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

[QUOTE=CosmicFever;56722]Look, I know this is not going to be a popular theory but I have to put it out there. The main reason is all this disclosure that's going on. It is not meant to discredit anyone. Again, it's something that just bothers me and I would like your input.

I am very skeptical about disclosure, period. If they won't intervene unless we're getting ready to blow ourselves up sounds to me like a set up. Think about it. We hit our button. The Soviets hit their button. N.Korea hits their button. Pakistan hits their button. Then these off planet folks show up, stop the bombs and save the day. They're our "saviors". They tell us they can make everything better. Fix the planet. Get rid of the cabal. I just don't like it. Smells like a rat to me. Why tell us? If that's the plan then just do it. Why didn't they save Atlantis? Atlantis either A) nearly destroyed the entire planet with their technology B)this elusive Nibiru/Planet X almost wiped them out or C) there was a pole shift.

I believe that anybody who's being contacted by anything is being deceived. They're being used as pawns so to speak. If they say they can't or won't interfere then why are they contacting these people? That's interfering. I've thought about it a lot and it just doesn't feel right to me. Remember these multi-dimensional beings can't survive without our soul energy. It stands to reason they wouldn't want us all to get blown to smithereens or would they? We start over AGAIN and they get X# of more years of soul sucking out of it or we accept them and get suckered into giving up our freewill. If that happens they own us. Either way they win. The Human Race does not go away that easily so some of us would survive in the nuke, Planet X or pole shift scenario.

There's deceit going on here of universal proportions. One of my mottos is "Beware of Strangers Bearing Gifts". Your enemy always acts as a friend when they first appear on the scene. I feel the only way out of this is for the human race, along with all living things (which is everything), to come together as one and save ourselves. Just my two cents and I welcome and appreciate your feedback.

listen to Dolores cannon interview and her explanation why ETs didn't help during the times of Atlantis. A lot of things that she says, nassim haramein and a few others say are similar in many places.
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Old 10-20-2008, 01:43 PM   #17
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

I hear what you are saying Cosmic and my humble soul agrees with you!

i also smell rodents big time!!! lol

Its all a personal journey i realise - but for me i think all signs point to ultimate personal responsibility as humans and what we are capable of ( but are mostly unaware of)

The "others" CANNOT intervene in my opinion because they really have absolutely no control over matters - WE as humans do!! That is why they need us - and have been fighting over who controls us.

There IS no other higher power (as in another life form that can help us) - we are in actual fact THEIR helpers - but we don't realise this.

I have really thought this over and over thru the years and while i do believe in a divine being (something that all matter and non matter and consciousness actually belongs to) i have repeatably been shown intuitively and also thru study that somehow we HUMANS are a KEY to something more than we can ever imagine.

I really hope we can remember WHO we are in the coming times instead of expecting a revelation from the skies to TELL us what to think. I feel we have all had enough of indoctrination to last us eternity already!!! lol

Live , laugh, love and enjoy being human while you can - it may just be your pathway to eternity.
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Old 10-20-2008, 01:51 PM   #18
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Default Re: Airliner had near miss with UFO - BBC

Hey very interesting! Did you hear the ?rumour? about England and Scotland practicing thier war games this month. Just curious if its possibly related???
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Old 10-20-2008, 01:52 PM   #19
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

This was/is on Shy news..

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Old 10-20-2008, 01:56 PM   #20
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Default Re: Airliner had near miss with UFO - BBC

hi there....

they aren't related in any way as the incident described occurred in 1991.

here's the facts on the joint army excercises;



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Old 10-20-2008, 02:14 PM   #21
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Default US Pilot Ordered to shoot down UFO

LONDON (Reuters) – Two U.S. fighter planes were scrambled and ordered to shoot down an unidentified flying object (UFO) over the English countryside during the Cold War, according to secret files made public on Monday.

One pilot said he was seconds away from firing 24 rockets at the object, which moved erratically and gave a radar reading like "a flying aircraft carrier."

The pilot, Milton Torres, now 77 and living in Miami, said it spent periods motionless in the sky before reaching estimated speeds of more than 7,600 mph (12,000 kph).

After the alert, a shadowy figure told Torres he must never talk about the incident and he duly kept silent for more than 30 years.

His story was among dozens of UFO sightings in defence ministry files released at the National Archives in London.

In a written account, Torres described how he scrambled his F-86 D Sabre jet in calm weather from the Royal Air Force base at Manston, Kent in May 1957.

"I was only a lieutenant and very much aware of the gravity of the situation. I felt very much like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest," he said.

"The order came to fire a salvo of rockets at the UFO. The authentication was valid and I selected 24 rockets.

"I had a lock-on that had the proportions of a flying aircraft carrier," he added. "The larger the airplane, the easier the lock-on. This blip almost locked itself."

At the last moment, the object disappeared from the radar screen and the high-speed chase was called off.

He returned to base and was debriefed the next day by an unnamed man who "looked like a well-dressed IBM salesman."

"He threatened me with a national security breach if I breathed a word about it to anyone," he said.

The documents contain no official explanation for the incident, which came at a time of heightened tension between the West and the Soviet Union. Planes were on constant stand-by at British bases for a possible Soviet attack.

The files blame other UFO sightings on weather balloons, clouds or normal aircraft. Torres said he had been waiting 50 years for an explanation.

"I shall never forget it," he told the Times. "On that night I was ordered to open fire even before I had taken off. That had never happened before."

UFO expert David Clarke said the sighting may have been part of a secret U.S. project to create phantom aircraft on radar screens to test Soviet air defences.

"Perhaps what this pilot had seen was some kind of experiment in electronic warfare or maybe it was a UFO," he said. "Something very unusual happened."

Last edited by Dantheman62; 10-20-2008 at 03:10 PM.
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Old 10-20-2008, 02:49 PM   #22
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Old 10-20-2008, 03:12 PM   #23
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Default MOD release more UFO Documents

The Ministry of Defence have released more UFO related documentation.

Further to the MOD May release of UFO documents, it seems there's now a steady trickle of disclosure occurring here in the UK...I think this is part of the pattern the web bots have been predicting for October.

Just as an aside; has anyone else noticed the BBC News is now openly using the term 'New World Order' in relation to the financial crisis? Not only that, they have since the beginning of this month been embedding terms like alien, and alien invasion in lots of unrelated news items. In fact, they had an alien invasion week regarding insects and other weird and wonderful things that make their way to our shores. Seems very innocent on the surface but the language and how they are using it, is extremely interesting from a linguistic point of view.

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Old 10-20-2008, 03:39 PM   #24
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Default U.S. pilot was ordered to shoot down UFO, (posted Mon 20 Oct 2008)

Mon 20 Oct 2008, 13:29 GMT

By Peter Griffiths

LONDON (Reuters) - Two U.S. fighter planes were scrambled and ordered to shoot down an unidentified flying object (UFO) over the English countryside during the Cold War, according to secret files made public on Monday.

.. looks like every day there is more and more disclosure lets see what will the tells us next.. anyways..

full story..

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Old 10-20-2008, 04:09 PM   #25
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Default Re: MOD release more UFO Documents

I never watch any tv anymore, havn't for a long time... but I did happen to read the newspaper last week I think it was
read an article about how ''british people need to be able to feel safe from terrorist attacks'', but to me it just seemed to be telling us ''england, be prepared, because there may be a 'terrorist' attack'', either way, just another form of terrorist propaganda.
I happened to notice an article next to it at the time about the criminilization of the ''deadly narcotic'' marijuana...... I don't think I'll read the newspaper for a while.
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