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Old 02-14-2010, 04:23 AM   #51
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Originally Posted by SteveX View Post
IIt's one thing to plot dates and times of aircraft so they can be ticked off against scheduled flights but air pollutant tests need to be done.
How much investigation have you done into chemtrails? There are plenty of tests that have been done and two of the main ingredients coming out of some of these chemtrails are aluminum and barium. I recently saw a video that discussed this very thing and can remember reading other studies on testing that's been done.

So this is not strictly conjecture, plenty of scientific research has been done testing pathogens these planes are releasing, to prove its true. US planes out of the Ukraine were forced down last year in Nigeria, under questioning the pilot broke down and spilled the beans on his American employers. They even got the planes with the aerosol tanks and sprayers.

Chemtrails are way beyond the point of speculation....
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Old 02-14-2010, 04:40 AM   #52
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

form a group; every time you see them
call into your local radio shows; congress offices, municipal offices,
airport, etc., (make a big list)
and, keep calling; until you get answers
(sometimes; they will actually stop in certain regions)
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Old 02-14-2010, 06:24 AM   #53
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Thank you, ascending starseed (athough your comments were addressed to steveX) I'm very aware of the things you mention, and that material will eventually be drawn upon. There is lots of research out there, but nothing "official."

THE eXchanger, I'm dealing with the "real world" in my local area... a local meteorologist who "knows nothing" about chemtrails when I asked him; a newspaper that will not do a story on chemtrails even though I've asked and sent them photos; calls to TV stations that never get put on the air in their "public feedback" time segment; a population of people who are afraid to speak up about almost anything and who generally bow to authority as a matter of habit.

That's what it's like in this area. My goal is very basic -- COLLECT PROOF. Collect observed data, along with date-encoded photos and time lapse video with local landmarks in the photos/video so we can say: This is happening right here. What is this?

Of course, WE already KNOW what it is, but what we want is for some "elected officials" to make a public statement. Even Congress, who to my knowledge has NEVER made any public statements whatsoever although people have been writing them for years. And then we want some local public health action, such as "Chemtrail Alerts" being posted along with the daily weather, pollution alerts, allergy alerts, etc.

We're not even trying to deal with all the other questions - who is doing this, what planes are those, are they drones, is it the UN, are they trying to kill us all, etc. If we can, we'll get analysis of the chemicals being sprayed locally. But right now we're starting with the very basic kindergarten level because people aren't even awake enough to look up!

Last edited by doodah; 02-14-2010 at 06:33 AM.
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Old 02-14-2010, 11:01 AM   #54
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Last edited by pilgrim; 02-14-2010 at 11:16 AM. Reason: post was moved. Darn that puddy kat!!
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Old 02-14-2010, 12:41 PM   #55
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Doodah, I Like your style! You have to be tenacious as heck. All the telephoning and emailing never got me anywhere, I would say mainly everywhere is a challenge to get any interest. The so called real world is a pretty strong voo doo spell. One useful tactic is to play dumb when dealing with certain outlets, like local papers etc. For example you could try asking questions like where are they all going? is it military ? complaining why is there so much more air traffic?, and why have they changed the flight path allowing so many more planes etc etc. Kind of stoke the outrage, string them along and lead them to your discoveries. Problem is, very little outrage except sometimes among the ill. Look at increased MS ,asthma , arthritis, high blood pressure, morgellons . Maybe some people not of victim consciousness into self help might be interested in your information.

Educating the 10 year old is a very good idea. My partner is a teacher of 14 or so year olds, and they have very good discussions often. I have a lot of 20 year olds used to me from years of me talking about this stuff, and man, now they are really asking for info, which I m VERY happy to supply and get them to research themselves,( though they are a lazy bunch.) People my age are mostly pretty brain dead I am sorry to say. They are in fear which is like concrete in the mind .

Last night I spent in the ER to find out I had very high blood pressure. I felt very unwell at home and started to faint thinking it was related to an injury I had recently from falling off my chair, a real life rofl experience. Actually the hospital was rather scary in itself, starting with the vending machine full of crap under the television blaring toxic spew. Then someone inserted a spigot in my arm only to tell me how they did research for Glaxo Smith etc etc. and they may want to "POP" some drugs into the canula. ARGH! I got out of there asap. A hospital is no place for the mildly healthy.

I know from various alternative testing machines that I have been found to have elevated barium, a big culprit as far as high BP goes.
My health has been very much affected by all this crap, starting with the dental industry / mercury toxicity, add flouride barium and aluminium and hey presto, instant eugenics! But who needs 55 year olds with a brain anyway?

So, I am thinking will put out feelers for any alternative docs not completely alienated from the system who want to measure barium etc in the body then ask well geee where is it coming from???
I already know EVERY SINGLE PERSON my age or around 60 in my area has either high blood pressure or real problems with arthritis, and others having more severe problems like MS. I live in a small town by the sea ffs, where many of the people eat good food , have healthy lifestyles etc etc.
BUt geeze they expect to be ill by this age !

rant over, keep up the good work, lower expectations when neccessary and know we are winning , keep pushing the bar. It is not going to change all by itself and my heartfelt thanks go to all the peaceful warriors out there saying NO, even if it is only an internal thing.
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Old 02-14-2010, 03:48 PM   #56
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

"Chemtrails spraying on my head DooDah Doodah"
"Chemtrails sprying on my head ALLL Doodah Day"
Sorry I could'nt resisit. I have that stupid song in my head now.
This video shows chemtrails in Germany. CONFIRMED.
How toxic are they? Thats the big question. Not that their not real.
They "gridded" Northen California from Stockton to Sacremento east to Reno,Nevada last week. How do I know? I drove up from Southern California and "watched" the 3 planes zigzgging all morning on my way back to Lake Tahoe. When I got back up to Tahoe (elevation 6200 feet) I could see to Reno the same planes still zigzgging and completing the "grid."
StevenX, I have been complaining about chemtrails for years. This is'nt about deny ignorance untill proven otherwise. Their there. Take our word for it.
We want to know the health ramifications.
Anybody know who to complain to?
For THIS I would go out and petition signitures to stop it.
One problem..When I complain to some of my neihbors that we're getting sprayed again,they go "huh?"
Are we the only ones that care?
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Old 02-14-2010, 05:49 PM   #57
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shybastid -- start your own data collection group like I'm doing. I can send you info about how we're going about it if you'd like.

My plan is to take the collected info and make a presentation at my next County Board of Supervisors meeting. Those are open to the public and anyone can speak and raise any topic that is relevant to local residents. Under the constitution of the State of Virginia, those local boards are mandated to look out for the health and welfare of the people in the county. If they see incontrovertible data, especially with photos and video taken locally (not in Germany), we can pound them into making a statement or taking some action. From there we can go to the governor. Who knows, maybe we'll make "the news." Once anything is acknowledged locally, it can't be ignored or swept under the rug anymore.
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Old 02-14-2010, 06:02 PM   #58
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Swordsmith... sorry to hear all that! I just heard an alternative person on Coast to Coast talking about what to do about heavy metal poisoning. The website is toxinfreenow.com.

Green drinks - chlorophyll drinks you can make in your blender with organic plants like parsley and cilantro help move heavy metals out of the body.

Oxygenation was the other point she stressed, the need to breathe more deeply. She (can't recall her name, sorry...) said we are all shallow breathers and need to get more oxygen into our bodies. Laughter is a good oxygenator.

Also, there's a negative ion problem. With the pos/neg ion topic, negative ions are the good ones, positive ions are the bad ones. Chemtrails create a heavily positive ion environment. There are things one can do to create more negative ions in the home - beeswax candles was one she mentioned. Sounds like you already live in a good negative ion environment, by the sea, but maybe there's more you can do if you research it.

As part of our local health initiative connected with the chemtrail data we collect, this kind of information needs to get some publicity locally as well. It's not enough to just acknowledge that they're there. People need to know what kind of action they can take to help themselves if they so choose to.

I agree with you... absolutely stay away from a hospital and from a court of "law." My only rule in life!
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Old 02-14-2010, 06:53 PM   #59
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

more fuel to add to the fire , chemicals in rain water. I think this is a way to go locally, too.
(thanks AdJ for the link)

thanks doodah for the kind words I will prevail ( LOL) even though laughing is what made me fall off my chair . Beeswax! I love it! I'd love to keep bees . I'm doing what I can alternatively, it's all been a great eye opener .

Anyhow, this rolling stone is gathering moss and I feel more positive than ever about exposure.

What I used to tell some people was that the airplanes seemed to be spraying something quite toxic causing all these health problems, and then spoon feed the next bit of info, oh dear, they don't seem to be regular aircraft etc etc. Most can't cope with too much info at once.

Last edited by swordsmith; 02-14-2010 at 07:07 PM.
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Old 02-14-2010, 07:54 PM   #60
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Sounds good. I'm in. WE have to do something and get it on record.
My fake email address is shybastid29000@yahoo.com. Send me your email to that address,and I'll send you my real address.
It's time to make a move on this.
Thanks for your efforts.
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Old 02-14-2010, 08:03 PM   #61
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

i have a new handycan and getting a digital camara in soon, where can i send pix to help us all out.
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Old 02-14-2010, 10:38 PM   #62
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Shadowstalker... you're in Texas. I'm in Virginia. shybastid is in California, I think. (?)

Are you interested in starting your own group, locally, in Texas? I mean, eventually all of this ties together... storms generated (started, steered, manmade) out west move east. As Scott Stevens says, you always work with what's coming next in manipulating the weather.

If our purpose is to make a dent locally, we need local data from where we are. I don't see how I can use Texas info to make a case in Virginia, but you could begin to build your own case if you want to take that on and become proactive in your area. Does that make sense?

I surely hate to turn down a handycan offer, but I don't know what I'd do with your footage.

Any suggestions?

Shybastid... that's fantastic! I'll email you and send you info on how we're going about this. I know it's not the only way to go about it, but as swordsmith says, you have to present the case slowly, and I agree with that. Too much info, too dramatic info, they just tune out. But if you can show them local data and say: Look, this is happening RIGHT HERE, then maybe they will at least look and take in the info.
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Old 02-16-2010, 12:50 AM   #63
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I've just read that Matthew, of Matthew's Messages, agrees with me that the East coast blizzards were manmade. At least one person/entity agrees with me!

Shybastid is starting a Chemtrail Watch group in California. It's been a pleasure to share how we're going about it, and anybody else who wants to start a group can contact me also.

May there be love and light everywhere!
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Old 02-17-2010, 12:46 AM   #64
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Theres a new excellerated level of spraying this week. I'm talking LAYERS.
My kids are mad. They told me to do something about it.
I said I am.
See Doodah.. Good people.
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Old 02-17-2010, 01:41 AM   #65
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

islandonlinenews.com has an amazing amount of chemtrail coverage with great videos, photos, testimony and even a very entertaining documentary film unlike any other! check it out here

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Old 02-17-2010, 02:04 AM   #66
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

They were very heavy over my house today also. I'm taking lots of pics. I know we mostly lean towards these chemicals being harmful but don't have a lot of proof - and nobody's talking. I'm wondering if this might be a "white hat" project to create some kind of protective layer between us and the sun due to the possible impending harm that is expected-whatever that might be. I'm just thinking out loud and the idea probably isn't worth a grain of salt, but we can hope.
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Old 02-17-2010, 02:13 AM   #67
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Originally Posted by shybastid View Post
See Doodah.. Good people.
Absolutely! Bless you! Did you find the info I sent helpful? (Feedback would be welcomed.) Have you begun? I know someone else in Tahoe who writes me angry emails all the time about all the chemtrailing there. May I put him in touch with you?

Last edited by doodah; 02-17-2010 at 02:28 AM.
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Old 02-17-2010, 02:22 AM   #68
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Indakaz... thanks for the link. It might be a good guide for us when we've collected enough local data.

Bobbie... I'd love to believe they care about us enough to try to protect us, but I'm sorry to say that everything else I see more or less indicates they don't care, so it would be hard for me to believe there are good ends to this chemtrailing. The chemistry is so out of balance with the planet. If living things could benefit from the aluminum and barium instead of becoming heavy-metal poisoned... you know? Heavy metals don't naturally fall from the sky! They're found in the earth. It becomes another one of those old-world logics, a rationale that says: It's okay if we make everybody sick, we're saving the planet. I don't buy it, myself.

Nobody's talking... these local groups WILL be talking. We'll make as much of a fuss as we can once we have enough data to demand some answers. The problem is, nobody has been collecting chemtrailing data. You can get weather data for years back, but day to day chemtrail data in your area? No. That's what we're starting to collect in our local groups.

Last edited by doodah; 02-17-2010 at 02:30 AM.
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Old 02-17-2010, 04:15 AM   #69
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Originally Posted by doodah View Post

Bobbie... I'm sorry to say that everything else I see more or less indicates they don't care, so it would be hard for me to believe there are good ends to this chemtrailing. The chemistry is so out of balance with the planet. It's okay if we make everybody sick, we're saving the planet. I don't buy it, myself.
I'm agreeing with you here, I don't buy it either.

Nobody's talking... Yeah, I meant from the military side of the isle that no one is talking... the word is certainly getting out and I think I might help the cause by printing up some flyers with website links and YouTube videos. My neighbor is an elementary school teacher and she might let me put up something on the bulletin board. If we can get the kids interested, some good progress can be made as they are our future. these local groups WILL be talking. We'll make as much of a fuss as we can once we have enough data to demand some answers. The problem is, nobody has been collecting chemtrailing data. You can get weather data for years back, but day to day chemtrail data in your area? No. That's what we're starting to collect in our local groups.
I'll be one of the ones collecting pics, etc. I'm wondering if the use of a high powered telescope would yield any identifying features of the airplanes.
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Old 02-17-2010, 06:14 PM   #70
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please see this you-tube on toxins collected in rain water, it should leave you in no doubt that this is NOT a white hat escapade: I think this is a good easy technique for starters on why is it harmful and where is it coming from:

There is also a meeting in Liverpool for anyone interested in your own local water analysis, although this talk does not appear to be geared towards chemtrails I am sure it could be of great use :

7.30pm for 8pm start.
“The official Government Poisoners Revisited”

A practical hands on presentation by the remarkable Lawrence Wright

Admittance: £3 on the door
Upstairs The Ship and Mitre
133 Dale St Liverpool
L2 2JH

In Southampton three quarters of all those polled said “NO” to fluoride in the water. Gordon Brown said “The Choice must be a local one”. Alan Johnson former Health Boss said “a rejection of fluoridation for Southampton would be a “blow” to his hopes to see it

become widespread across England, but accepted the decision must be made locally. So despite all this the Strategic Health Authority decides to go ahead anyway. It seems that fluoride is coming your way regardless of public opinion, especially as the new Health Secretary Andy Burnham is a former vice chairman of The Fluoridation Society - you really couldn’t make this up, could you! Lawrence Wright will be testing your tap water once more for those who missed the last presentation (bring your samples in a bottle to the meeting). He will also be demonstrating a portable reverse osmosis machine and covering some of the other hazards lurking in your tap water. Lawrence will also be bringing an expert on water filtration systems with him to help with the demonstrations & give expert advice

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Old 02-17-2010, 06:26 PM   #71
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Hey you all..

Please...does somebody know were to find film Toxic sky to download?

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Old 02-17-2010, 07:33 PM   #72
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

QUOTE=Bobbie;.... I think I might help the cause by printing up some flyers with website links and YouTube videos. My neighbor is an elementary school teacher and she might let me put up something on the bulletin board. If we can get the kids interested, some good progress can be made as they are our future.

I'll be one of the ones collecting pics, etc. I'm wondering if the use of a high powered telescope would yield any identifying features of the airplanes.

That's absolutely great, Bobbie, that you'd put together some flyers. I've been thinking of posting a notice about our local group at the health food store. I think they'd let me do that. That you would take even these small actions is SO much better than simply complaining, as I did for years, until the second blizzard hit us this winter (right... southwest Virginia!), with heavy chemtrailing creating clouds to help the blizzard along! After that I said "That's it. I'm done waiting for somebody else to take this on."

The telescope angle might be interesting. I've contacted a local astronomy group to see if anyone could give us night reports of chemtrailing (which they do here) and maybe telescope photos, as you've said. I haven't heard back from anyone yet.

And the mother of the 10 year old I invited to join has not given her permission for her son to look at the sky in his back yard. Very disappointing.
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Old 02-17-2010, 07:37 PM   #73
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swordsmith... thanks for the link. I'm glad some people there have the sense to not mess with their water!

kundaflower... I don't have a link, but thanks for reminding us about that film.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:42 AM   #74
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Hello everyone,

We need more people in our group!! If you know anyone in eastern Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, or western North Carolina or Virginia, please have them contact me at ctwatch22@aol.com so we can broaden our information base.



Citizens' Chemtrail Watch ctwatch22@aol.com
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Old 02-19-2010, 02:15 AM   #75
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Default Re: CHEMTRAIL WATCH GROUP now forming, USA, Southwest Virginia

Lake Tahoe skies are the most beutiful I have ever seen. Yesterday and today were a perfect example.
Let's work on keeping it that way. And in your neihborhood.
If they Chemtrail to protect us from ultra violet rays for our benefit?
Show me the Science and who's in charge.
This is NOT global warming rhetoric.
Don't insult me.
I'm working with Avalon and their friends to share what I "onion peel."
On a local level.
Anybody else except Doodah?
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