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Old 11-02-2009, 11:49 PM   #26
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Default Re: False Flag UFO attack...True of False?

OH I do not expect "good ETs" to get us through this.

Our Creator, the true God and our Savior is a huge part of this.

Yes, of course, I too, believe TPTB are the reptilians but what I'm saying is their "running the show" is just about over.

We all know we will not die...........we will move on without them.

I dont even think the H1N1 has all that much power. When we heal ourselfs we will wipe out their deseases and walk away without a scratch so to speak.

Why do you think they want to give us more than one shot? The report out of China clearly indicated that the children were healing themselfs. Our powers are being restored..............thats what is happening. There is a whole lot more of us

They have to falsify the reports.

My newspaper just carried an article that started: The Anoka County Jail inmates have H1N1. My niece works there so I asked, is it true ? She says no, two guys have coughs and flu symptoms but thats all. Two days they walked around with mask. evreyone else is fine. False reports

So thats all they can do now...........trying to scare us.........
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Old 11-03-2009, 10:00 AM   #27
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Default Re: False Flag UFO attack...True of False?

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
To be honest with you, I no longer believe in all the BS that is coming at us.

In my heart I trust that our Universal family is in a much better "frame" of mind so to speak. They do love us and want nothing but good. They already know how to live in harmony. We are part of that and came here to help save our planet. We just need to remember the way it was and believe it with no attachments included

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Old 11-03-2009, 08:21 PM   #28
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Default Re: False Flag UFO attack...True of False?

Originally Posted by viking View Post
Ok, with all these False Flag Scenarios which according to many spokesmen/women will happen...

How would you know if they are for real??

Are they the PTB (were) or are they our Brothers and sisters? How would you know?
Hello Viking. Again, you are bringing forth a great thread carrying a great question.

To me it is very very clear and simple. If there is a an alien attack, or alien kind of invasion, it makes no doubt in my mind it will be fake and will be brought by the "manipulators".

Why? Because it as been said by many outside source that I trust, Alex Collier, "Handbooks for the New Paradigm" series, Marshall Vian Summers, that there is no more force invasion in our galaxy. It is simply not existing anymore because of the many alliances observing what is happening here. The only mean an alien presence might use to overthrow an indigenous race from its sovereignty is by skillfully convincing this race to recognize them as new sovereign. Against this tactic, if successful, there is nothing the alliances of our galaxy can do about it.

Plus, many other sources, like Richard Haogland, Jordan Maxwell, John Lear, Bob Dean or Wernher Van Braun mentioned the very possibility for the "manipulators" to use this tactic in order to bring about their one world government. They need something BIG in order to get the necessary amount of panic and fear from the masses to support there final move for New World Order without being to much bother by the few Awakened who will shout their voice against it.

NO ALIEN FORCE WILL EVER INVADE US BY FORCE. If this happens, it will certainly be a false flag, no doubt about it. Independence day was a movie, "alien invasion" if it ever comes, will be also a movie, be it holographic or else, it will be still a movie...

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 11-03-2009 at 08:25 PM.
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Old 11-03-2009, 08:26 PM   #29
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Default Re: False Flag UFO attack...True of False?

I have to agree with Steven Everyone must consider the source

Yesterday I posted some videos here and then listened to them and thought, OOPS, not the message I want to send

I acted before thinking will get me in trouble all the time

I also remember so many others that are no longer with us and that seemed to be their message also.
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Old 11-03-2009, 08:34 PM   #30
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Default Re: False Flag UFO attack...True of False?

Originally Posted by Jnana View Post
I've seen sufficient evidence that such plans are real.

Will the plan be executed?
If so, when?
The Dark Knight Day

It is fitting the revealing from the elites brought recently by pastor Lindsey:
plus I have a ton of referrals and info on the subject. I'm almost certain will happen then, already all the gear are in motion. Should I mention the Norwegian Politician said in his letter, when supposed the bunkers for elites must be ready? End of 2011! So the 21-Dec-2012 is a hoax to dumb down the masses, TPTB buy time for their purposes. Also, another sign of their technology is functional: the second UFO cloud, same as over Moscow, now in Romania?

I have an analyse report on many pages, sorry, but it is in Romanian I may translate part of it, if people interested...

Last edited by artvision; 11-03-2009 at 08:48 PM.
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Old 11-04-2009, 11:56 AM   #31
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Default Re: False Flag UFO attack...True of False?

Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Hello Viking. Again, you are bringing forth a great thread carrying a great question.

To me it is very very clear and simple. If there is a an alien attack, or alien kind of invasion, it makes no doubt in my mind it will be fake and will be brought by the "manipulators".

Why? Because it as been said by many outside source that I trust, Alex Collier, "Handbooks for the New Paradigm" series, Marshall Vian Summers, that there is no more force invasion in our galaxy. It is simply not existing anymore because of the many alliances observing what is happening here. The only mean an alien presence might use to overthrow an indigenous race from its sovereignty is by skillfully convincing this race to recognize them as new sovereign. Against this tactic, if successful, there is nothing the alliances of our galaxy can do about it.

Plus, many other sources, like Richard Haogland, Jordan Maxwell, John Lear, Bob Dean or Wernher Van Braun mentioned the very possibility for the "manipulators" to use this tactic in order to bring about their one world government. They need something BIG in order to get the necessary amount of panic and fear from the masses to support there final move for New World Order without being to much bother by the few Awakened who will shout their voice against it.

NO ALIEN FORCE WILL EVER INVADE US BY FORCE. If this happens, it will certainly be a false flag, no doubt about it. Independence day was a movie, "alien invasion" if it ever comes, will be also a movie, be it holographic or else, it will be still a movie...

Namaste, Steven
Agree ... Thanks Steven very well put.

So the question is... if we have Disclosure and we are invited to our Cosmic Family ... Do we accept with open arms?


Last edited by viking; 11-04-2009 at 12:14 PM.
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Old 11-04-2009, 03:37 PM   #32
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Default Re: False Flag UFO attack...True of False?

Originally Posted by viking View Post
Agree ... Thanks Steven very well put.
Originally Posted by viking View Post

So the question is... if we have Disclosure and we are invited to our Cosmic Family ... Do we accept with open arms?


Hello Viking. Thank you so much for what you bring here, these are crucial questions IMO.

To your question my answer is ''of course''. As long as they do not come under the disguise of saviours taking action against our ''Elite'' and bringing us the free energy we already have invented. Because if it happen this way, it would be a good sign they are not well intended, rather perpetrating a pattern of saviour-oppressor-victim in which we struggle to come out as a race.

It all depends when they are coming out of the clouds. After we awake as race and become responsible on our future, so when they come, they will not have to save us from ourselves, or before we awake to the Universal Laws and the ''manipulation'' behind the scene in order to appear as ''saviours'' with their technologies and eliminating our ''Elite''?

In other words, will they ''assist'' us or will they ''save'' us? It is a matter of when they will come out. After the global awakening or before? My point of reference being the end of the evolution of consciousness brought to us by the Mayan with their pyramid of evolution of consciousness.

Namaste, Steven
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Old 11-04-2009, 03:55 PM   #33
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Default Re: False Flag UFO attack...True of False?

Originally Posted by viking View Post
Agree ... Thanks Steven very well put.

So the question is... if we have Disclosure and we are invited to our Cosmic Family ... Do we accept with open arms?

In our current state of consciousness, I expect no such invitation on a planetary scale. Individually, it is already happening. Xenophobia and paranoia still reign on our dismal planet, and we still kill each other and celebrate successful mass murder like it's a football game or something.

Joining the galactic community is one part of the transformation of consciousness that many, including Greer, are saying is imminent. To those who make the transition, I think it will be clear that there is great joy to found in being a part of the greater scheme of life in the universe. Our oneness with all other intelligent life forms will be obvious. There will be no need to ask such questions.

If there is a formal invitation of some sort prior to such a transformation, I would be wary, especially if some group claims to be our saviours and our corrupt political system is still in place. It could be part of a false flag attack/rescue scenario with fake ET bad guys and good guys designed to impose tyranny.
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Old 11-04-2009, 05:26 PM   #34
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Default Re: False Flag UFO attack...True of False?

Originally Posted by Jnana View Post
In our current state of consciousness, I expect no such invitation on a planetary scale. Individually, it is already happening. Xenophobia and paranoia still reign on our dismal planet, and we still kill each other and celebrate successful mass murder like it's a football game or something.

Joining the galactic community is one part of the transformation of consciousness that many, including Greer, are saying is imminent. To those who make the transition, I think it will be clear that there is great joy to found in being a part of the greater scheme of life in the universe. Our oneness with all other intelligent life forms will be obvious. There will be no need to ask such questions.

If there is a formal invitation of some sort prior to such a transformation, I would be wary, especially if some group claims to be our saviours and our corrupt political system is still in place. It could be part of a false flag attack/rescue scenario with fake ET bad guys and good guys designed to impose tyranny.
And this decloaking scenario...Isn't that the equivalent of jumping out and yelling BOOO!!

Its not like we aren't like a bunch of scared cattle most days.

How many messages from sources that most of us trust (Wilcock...Collier..Hoagland) talk about the false flag scenario?

The crop circle talking about the false friends and actually picturing some of them.

I guarantee after the false flag and after I clean my pants out...I'd have to revert back to my de-programming and say..."NOPE ain't getting on that ship MOM...the next one will be real and be along in a bit"

The awake folks would even be fooled.....No offense Viking but if your scenario played out...you'd stand in line for a "tour" of the mother ship...

Chip implantation to the right......DNA testing to the left....Please hold questions till the end of the tour.....

Man talk about the FALSE PROPHET FLAG scenario.

Wave to me...I'll be the one still standing at the bus stop.....
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Old 11-27-2009, 09:26 PM   #35
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Default Re: False Flag UFO attack...True of False?

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
"First off, I have to wonder what has prevented them from doing so for such a very long time already"

Consider (From my perspective the reason is):
A) TPTB are ET. They already run the show.
B) Cosmic law is what prevents them from doing it against your free will.
C) You give no credit whatsoever to the infinite, to the Archangels, to the ascended beings of light to put a stop to their shenanigans which is exactly why they haven't been more successful in the late of stirring up trouble.

If we are only willing to look for our saviors in 3d and not willing to connect to spiritual truth, it is obvious, we need good ET's to come save us from the bad humans (which are in reality ET themselves). However, when we are willing to search and find in our own heart we will find that spiritual truth is where the power lies, not outside but inside.
TPTB have been running the show but their time is at an end and when the veil is lifted through consciousness upliftment then their power base will come timbling down.

Cosmic Law has prevented many disasters and there have been many many averted disasters. We have friends in higher places who have enforced, and are prepared to enforce, the laws should and when the need arise. TPTB are desperate now to see their ends met. This is a universal problem and a universal solution is in the process of being presented. As you rightfully point out, Untimately the solution is in each and every one of us.

I am grateful for the protection we have had and are getting until the day arives that humanity and planet earth are raised up.

Thankyou to the infinite and all those expressions of the infinite that are our guiding protectors.

Last edited by Initiate; 11-27-2009 at 09:29 PM.
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