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Old 10-28-2008, 10:02 PM   #26
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Default Re: Alzheimer's rate increasing? Nah a wild conspiracy.

The increase in disease and some we dont even know about, effects of ELF, cell phones, stress is what is called "Culling" by the elite. Eugenics anyone, population control?

Good Luck
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Old 10-28-2008, 10:47 PM   #27
Seeker Mom
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Default Re: Alzheimer's rate increasing? Nah a wild conspiracy.

I don't know if it's a conspiracy or not, but I am worried about myself. This morning I left to drive my daughter to school 45 minutes earlier than our usual time. It was still dark out. Well, I proceeded to put my sunglasses on my head as I grabbed my car keys from my purse, just as I do every day. We got in the car and then I attempted to back out of the drive. I couldn't see the drive and I went on a tirade about how poor the back-up lights were in the car. My car is a 2009 Lexus that I've only owned a few weeks, so I was really surprised at the dim lights .... and then realized I was wearing the sunglasses, on my face, in the dark, complaining about the car. Oops!

It must be all those Diet Cokes I used to drink.
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Old 10-28-2008, 10:52 PM   #28
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Default Re: Alzheimer's rate increasing? Nah a wild conspiracy.

Originally Posted by Seeker Mom View Post
I don't know if it's a conspiracy or not, but I am worried about myself. This morning I left to drive my daughter to school 45 minutes earlier than our usual time. It was still dark out. Well, I proceeded to put my sunglasses on my head as I grabbed my car keys from my purse, just as I do every day. We got in the car and then I attempted to back out of the drive. I couldn't see the drive and I went on a tirade about how poor the back-up lights were in the car. My car is a 2009 Lexus that I've only owned a few weeks, so I was really surprised at the dim lights .... and then realized I was wearing the sunglasses, on my face, in the dark, complaining about the car. Oops!

It must be all those Diet Cokes I used to drink.
Whats more worring is that your driving a 2009 car in 2008
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Old 10-28-2008, 10:54 PM   #29
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Default Re: Alzheimer's rate increasing? Nah a wild conspiracy.

Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
In my awesome and totally unbiased psych 101 class (ha), it is drawn to our attention that there is a relationship between a disease achieving a label and/or treatment (drug), and the increase in occurrence of that disease or of diagnosing that disease. So...

A disease gets a name = more people have said disease
A disease gets a drug to treat it = more people have said disease

Not sure if either have anything to do with Alzheimer's, but hey.

Also, as evil as aspartame is, it is merely one factor. Take a look at the entire chemical soup we ingest daily be it pesticides, heavy metals, artificial and natural flavours, preservatives, colours, etc. etc. etc. - they all take a toll on ALL body systems and pretty much all of them can be stored in our body fat, to effect us later on or to effect us over time. No one is free of them, we all have this chemical soup in our blood - every single one of us. Even newborns.

If it's not from our food, it's from our water. If not water, the air. If not the air, then it's the things we touch. Breathing, ingesting, contact. Your skin absorbs all kinds of junk. (I read somewhere that if it's not something you would eat, you should definitely not be putting it on your skin! This applies to all skin care products, shampoos, etc!)

I am very glad though that people are aware of the dietary links with basically all maladies.
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Old 10-28-2008, 10:59 PM   #30
Seeker Mom
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Default Re: Alzheimer's rate increasing? Nah a wild conspiracy.

Whats more worring is that your driving a 2009 car in 2008
In the US the new models come out in the fall. What's odd about that?

Maybe I time traveled to next year to buy it. Oh Lord, now that is a conspiracy!
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Old 11-08-2008, 11:02 AM   #31
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Default Re: Alzheimer's rate increasing? Nah a wild conspiracy.

Alzheimer's & Senile Dementia
Alzheimer's, Senile Dementia & L-Carnosine Therapy
In experiments, treatment with carnosine was found to reduce or completely prevent cell damage caused by beta amyloid, the substance found in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients. Beta amyloid can interact with certain RAGE receptors causing damage to the nerves and arteries of the brain. Carnosine blocks and inactivates beta amyloid, so it protects neural tissues against dementia.

Moreover, carnosine protects the brain cells by fighting the highly toxic alpha, beta-unsaturated aldehyde acrolein which is formed during the peroxidation of polyunsaturated lipids, raising the possibility that it functions as a 'toxicological second messenger' during oxidative cell injury (Burcham et al. 2000).

Recent research also confirms that the toxic unsaturated aldehyde crotonaldehyde (CA) contributes to carbonylation resulting in protein damage during lipid peroxidation (Fontaine et al 2002). As carnosine combats all aldehydes, it offers another explanation for its benefits in prevention of Alzheimer´s disease and other conditions with oxidative stress.

Metal chelation by carnosine may prevent and slow down Alzheimers.
Some laboratory studies have reported excessive amounts of metal ions such as zinc, copper in Alzheimer´s brain. Such ions may possibly change the chemical architecture of normal beta amyloid, making it more harmful. A mildly acidic environment appears to be important in the process that binds these metals to beta amyloid. Experts observe that such conditions (acidic environment and higher levels of zinc and copper) commonly occur as part of the inflammatory response to local injury. Carnosine has the unique ability to chelate copper, zinc and other metals, and to remove them from the body, as explained above in the section Metal Chelation. This may be an important function of carnosine in preventing and slowing down Alzheimer´s and other degenerative brain disorders.

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Old 11-08-2008, 01:48 PM   #32
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Default Re: Alzheimer's rate increasing? Nah a wild conspiracy.

In this presentation Dr Russel Blaylock looks at how excitotoxins (which kill brain cells) are being added to our food in large quantities and explains how this is contributing to the rapid increase in neurological disorders such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease.

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Old 11-08-2008, 05:31 PM   #33
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Default Re: Alzheimer's rate increasing? Nah a wild conspiracy.

Of interest: There is new study using Vit B3 to reverse Alzheimer's. It was on NPR Science Friday, yesterday. The audio is about 12 minutes
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