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Old 10-01-2008, 01:55 PM   #1
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Default ~Dr. Alfred Lambremont Webre ~ EXOPOLITICS

I am reposting this, because he has news and updates......so its now in the news section. It is also in the camelot section.

I have been working with this man; he has introduced me to so many new ideas. He read some of my dream postings in a group, and wrote me a private message encouraging me to look into some things he though i might learn from. I had no idea he knew so many things about me, before i even told him.

I started researching auras because of him, i researched dreams and dream interpretation, even astral projection, and I have found so many answers to what is going on in my life, that I knew was happening, but didn’t know what they were, or why. he has helped me in so many ways. Perhaps giving this link, will help even just one other person find some answer. That would make it worth it.

"Alfred Lambremont Webre talks about our new time line heading to 2012, no longer due for cataclysmic earth changes, but moving with grace, wisdom and compassion into a Golden Age of Peace & Harmony.

Alfred is an author, futurist, international lawyer (member of the District of Columbia Bar), peace advocate, environmental activist, space activist, and radio talk show host, who has advanced degrees in both Law (Yale Law School) and in Counseling (University of Texas).

Alfred is a former Fulbright Scholar, a graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School (Yale Law School National Scholar), and of the University of Texas Counseling Program. He has taught economics at Yale University (Economics Department) and Civil Liberties at the University of Texas (Government Department). He was General Counsel to the NYC Environmental Protection Administration and environmental consultant to the Ford Foundation.

Alfred is a Member of the Pro Tem Committee of the Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal [www.perdana4peace.org]. He has been a Speaker at the Canadian Conference on Preventing Crimes Against Humanity [www.aplconference.ca] and a Sponsor and Moderator at the World Peace Forum. Alfred has worked for years to prevent the weaponization of space. He is the International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), dedicated to transforming the permanent war economy into a peaceful, sustainable Space Age society, preventing the weaponization of space, and supporting cooperation amongst Life in the Universe. He has been a delegate to the UNISPACE Outer Space Conference and NGO representative at the United Nations (Communications Coordination Committee for the UN; UN Second Special Session on Disarmament). With Dr. Carol S. Rosin and many others, he is a co-architect of the Space Preservation Act and the Space Preservation Treaty introduced to the U.S. Congress by Congressman.

He has also organized many mutual times for Organizations and Individuals around the World to Join together in a Global Meditation Time. Millions of people joined him in a global celebration by forming prayer/spiritual/mental circles, and meditation groups on coordinated dates. He calls these "Global/ Galactic Freedom days".

NOTE: I dont beleive/endorse everything on his site. Only some of the posts/blogs have appealed to me. Some of the other topics/blogs are not of interest to me, I just read it and take is as information, not definitive truths. I encourage everyone to read/interpret things to develop your own answers.

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Old 10-01-2008, 01:55 PM   #2
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Default Re: ~Dr. Alfred Lambremont Webre ~ EXOPOLITICS

He has many scientific data/things on his site, as well as tracking the changes on earth, some of his data might be helpful to us. I will post it as he emails me with the updates here, for everyone to share and read.

"9/11-like" CHAOS-Impending Event Alerts - Oct 7, 2008 to Feb. 19, 2009

-- Arlington Institute and The Web Bots (www.halfpasthuman.com) - are independently forecasting Impending Event Alerts. In the case of the Arlington Institute, it is the next 60 day in the USA. In the case of the Web Bots, the impeding Event Alert period is from Oct 7, 2008 through Feb. 19, 2009, with a warning period during Sept 22-27, 2008. Each of these think tanks follows a different, though procedurally analogous methodology in arriving at these Alerts.

Both Thinking Tanks are forecasting an event period of high emotion/stress, comparable to a "9/11 Event chaos" lasting 60 days to four months instead of ten days.

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Old 10-01-2008, 02:54 PM   #3
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Default Re: ~Dr. Alfred Lambremont Webre ~ EXOPOLITICS

Thankyou for this friend x
I too have great respect for Alfred Webre.
EXOPOLITICS has a great feast of up-to date information.I have learnt an immense amount from Alfred Webre's web-radio shows.
Love & grattitude x

Last edited by STARCHILD; 10-01-2008 at 03:39 PM.
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Old 10-06-2008, 03:50 PM   #4
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Default Re: ~Dr. Alfred Lambremont Webre ~ EXOPOLITICS

2012 UPDATE: Arlington Institute: "Potential Disruptive Event" & Web-Bots: Is America "On Final Approach" to Financial Collapse?
VANCOUVER, B.C. - On Saturday, Oct. 4, 2008, both the Arlington Institute and the Web-Bots issued an update on their respective predictive studies of the "Potential Disruptive Event" horizon that each think tank had been focusing on. In the case of the Arlington Institute, it is the next 60 day in the USA. In the case of the Web Bots, the impeding Event Alert period is from Oct 7, 2008 through Feb. 19, 2009, with a warning period during Sept 22-27, 2008. Each of these think tanks follows a different, though procedurally analogous methodology in arriving at these Alerts. Both Think Tanks are forecasting an event period of high emotion, comparable to a "9/11 Event" lasting 60 days to four months instead of ten days.
For full context, please read:
2012 NEWEST UPDATES: "9/11-like" Impending Event Alerts - Oct 7, 2008 to Feb. 19, 2009


CONFIRMATION OF WEB-BOT'S WARNING PERIOD: The Web-Bots prediction of "a warning period during Sept 22-27, 2008," has been confirmed by the "Bailout Bill" financial emergency during this period. (Some analysis holds the "Bailout" was a component of a Financial False Flag operation, hence making the Web-Bot's prediction a self-fulfilling prediction).

So, come the end of January of next year, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see the markets down around 7,400 on the Dow and then for Robin Landry's hoped-for "B" wave to begin, although it would likely peak in mid 2009 as the "Summer of Hell" breaks out thanks to continuing/record foreclosures on homes and continuously rising unemployment, which will be used by government for a further expansion of its powers over citizens, instead of what the Framers had in mind - government that was responsive to (and smaller than) the general population. That ship sailed long ago, eh?
I don't know about you, but when the stock market collapses 157-points into the close, as it did on Friday after a trillion dollars was promised this week, I do get a little anxious about events to come next week, especially when we've been talking about that date for months and months based on the work of our learned colleagues with the linguistic time machine.

All we can do now is watch with a kind of emotional detachment, having taken what seem like reasonable steps in order to be insulated to some extent from what could turn into panic.

Nevertheless, this morning's report is a summary of my expectations based on how I read the data leaking through from the future. Just as the "A" wave down in the markets was the opening of the Great Depression, and he "B" wave (bounce) lasted until the onset of the secondary depression in 1937, which all set the stage for a Kondratiev long wave trough war in the form of World War II, I expect think there's a chance that the events out around 2011-2014 could very easily be seen as that Big Ending that's in religious texts.
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