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Old 09-27-2008, 03:52 AM   #26
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Default Re: Enough is enough!


My feeling is that you are owerwhelmed with confusing information and want something more solid to give you directions. I'll try to be as practical as I can.

You don't need to "play" this game [called life] on any high level. You don't really need to concern yourself with governments, secret agencies and societies. Be informed about them but if you don't know how, then it's not your place to fight them. Play on the level that is appropriate for you. The place where you live, people you meet, situations you get into naturally. The rules are fairly simple.... something like this...

1. Be a good guy.
2. Do good things.
3. Be aware of personal responsibility for your deeds.

Essentially that's what life is all about. Your personal evolution lies in learning, which leads to better understanding, which leads to better ability to tell what's right or wrong and allows you to act in a more appropriate and correct way.

Knowing right from wrong may sometimes seem like a mystery, but here on Earth our initial state is that we "don't know." We have to learn so that we can understand and know. If you're unsure of what to do because you don't know what's right, act to the best of your understanding with good intentions. We all make mistakes resulting from lack of knowledge/understanding but that's just a part of the learning process.

There is an immense and vast amount of information/knowledge available. Naturally it takes a long time to gather it, sort it and understand it. Possibly the only way to evaluate any information correctly is when you can find some parallel in your own experience, which often takes years. No matter what information or advice people give you, you can't find the truth quickly and easily. You need to compare, separate the truth from lies etc. But that's ok. Just live your life to the best of your ability at any given moment. Nobody's perfect and nobody knows everything. As long as you look for the answers and try to do your best, you're doing fine.

No matter what comes in the future, if you don't have enough of the big picture, stick to the simple things - be a good guy, do good things. Make sure that people you interact with, see this interaction as a positive experience. Treat them in a way they can appreciate. You can never go wrong with that, no matter what future brings. And I'd say the more you understand everything, the more you will realize how simple it realy is... just being nice to others is all there is to it.

Imagine you do 100 things in one day. Ask yourself about each thing - was it good or bad? Was it helpful to anyone or did it harm anyone? Was it selfish or did i think of others? When you can give the "good" answer to all of them, you're doing really great. And the closer you get to that point, the more you will start seeing all the connections and answers will be coming to you easier and easier.

And if you do just that... and if I do just that... if the guy over there does just that, it will all start connecting and bigger things will happen spontaneously. Synchronicity or whatever you call it will take care of that.

If there are things you'd like to do but they seem too big, out of your reach, just keep your thoughts focused on them and keep doing the small things. If many of us do the small things right, we'll make it possible for someone else, who may be in a better place/position, to do the big thing. Or maybe we'll get to a point where we can do it ourselves.

To sum it up, my point is, don't get discouraged by the amount of information and confusion, you'll sort it out in due time, just start your part at the bottom of the pyramid. If we stabilize the bottom, we can continue higher.

[Now, somebody kick me for always writing 4 times longer messages than I want to -_-]
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Old 09-27-2008, 07:11 AM   #27
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Default Re: Enough is enough!

Thanks to all who replied. Regardless of if I agree with you or not, I certainly appreciate your willingness to engage. I must admit however, the more things appear to deteriorate the more I believe it necessary to corral our beliefs and feelings on reality (as true as they might be) and touch back in with earth, where 99% of people are ( whether you believe they are asleep/naive/unaware, whatever) because like it or not, folks, these potential dangers we face are absolutely real and we should not mistake this time for something it is not. evolution will occur, enlightenment will occur, but in the meantime we need to get serious in a most realistic way. I know some of you will feel sorry for me because "I don't get it" but when the thugs start rounding up your friends and family and freedom becomes an endangered species, things will get put in perspective pretty damn quick and by that time it may be too late... this is not doom and gloom it's more like aware and prepare (in a secular sense). take care everyone I sincerely hope we make it out on the otherside.
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Old 09-30-2008, 01:20 AM   #28
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Default Re: Enough is enough!

No disparities intended here. I am trying to make a point.

This is similar to my new question of the day: Do you like Science Fiction? Yes... then you will be here reading all this believable and unbelievable information. You will enjoy the thought provoking material. You will enjoy the "hmmm what if this is true?" You will look at the material, imagine the possibilities, and look forward to the future in the most positive way.

No? Why not? My husband says it is because Science Fiction is cranial. This material requires cranial engagement. It requires the receiver to 1) believe it 2) believe part of it 3) make a choice, pick and choose. Overall, the visitors of these forums are required to think. Think. We aren't called to do this often in our life.

I agree most of this information can be confusing, contradictory, and exciting. Stay tuned. In time, we will discover the sources of information and sources of disinformation. Won't that be something. AND from all I have read in the past several months, we will find out soon!! How exciting.
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Old 09-30-2008, 01:56 AM   #29
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Default Re: Enough is enough!

Originally Posted by Labratinaz View Post
No disparities intended here. I am trying to make a point.

This is similar to my new question of the day: Do you like Science Fiction? Yes... then you will be here reading all this believable and unbelievable information. You will enjoy the thought provoking material. You will enjoy the "hmmm what if this is true?" You will look at the material, imagine the possibilities, and look forward to the future in the most positive way.

No? Why not? My husband says it is because Science Fiction is cranial. This material requires cranial engagement. It requires the receiver to 1) believe it 2) believe part of it 3) make a choice, pick and choose. Overall, the visitors of these forums are required to think. Think. We aren't called to do this often in our life.

I agree most of this information can be confusing, contradictory, and exciting. Stay tuned. In time, we will discover the sources of information and sources of disinformation. Won't that be something. AND from all I have read in the past several months, we will find out soon!! How exciting.
Good point, I agree. But something that troubles me is the pervasive opinion that all we have to do is have love and light and change our thoughts and this will somehow bring about some golden age utopia. I just do not think it is that easy. It's going to take a lot of people a lot of hard work and a lot of time to change this world. And these people seem to just be deluding themselves (no offense), it's quite perplexing. Anyway point taken, thanks for the reply.
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Old 05-04-2009, 10:01 PM   #30
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Old 05-05-2009, 12:24 AM   #31
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Default Re: Enough is enough!

I agree J-Bird that we cannot just sit and have happy thoughts and think we will all make it through, at least not in one piece.

However, at the same time not all the information, or rather proof there of, can be verified in the real world. Maybe some small bits of info here and there, but most 75% of what we all go on is based on hearsay, "documentaries", "whistleblowers", and other suspect information sources. Unfortunately that leads us into a position where we are forced to do what most of the religious followers on this planet do, and that is rely on blind faith. The only difference is that our "faith" is based in a scientific and often more so science fiction realm, than a spiritual realm based on written words in a spiritual text.

And just as there are people of many faiths on our planet, within the Conspiracy Theorist "faith", there are people that believe in a wide range of subjects. Just like with religion, the chances of us ever all believing the SAME THING, is astronomical. And again, just like in religion, we are all always trying to force what we think is the truth upon everyone else. Though some more subtle than others of course

The goal is to use your own gut feeling, look at all the data for yourself, and make a decision that feels right to you, in your heart. Because trust me, if there is anything I have ever learned over the past 13 years I've been interested in this type of stuff it's this..... For every 1 thing you find that makes you believe in something, there are 3 more right behind it to make you doubt it.

Most of us all KNOW with our HEARTS that something is coming. What exactly that is, we are not sure. I think the only time any one of us will know what exactly the future holds for us, is when it's happening right before our eyes.

Be strong...
Be honest...
With yourself.
Be calm...
In mind and body.
Be ready...
For anything.

Last edited by Lorien; 05-05-2009 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 05-06-2009, 02:01 AM   #32
Cymatic Veilbegone
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Default Re: Enough is enough!

Excellent thread.

Originally Posted by Norval View Post
A good measuring, BS indicator, device would be handy, but what would it be?
every now and then when I start to feel overwhelmed
and confused...I revisit this wonderful pearl:
Oraibi Hopi Elders' Prophecy
Oraibi, Arizona, June 8, 2000
"...There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we've been waiting for."

it always makes me smile...
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Old 05-06-2009, 06:27 AM   #33
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Default Re: Enough is enough!

Interesting thread.
With most topics they start wide and through elimination begin to focus. However the 2012 topic is spreading wider with more and more variations. It is my belief that this is deliberate creating confusion.

I wonder did other people in different times go through similar situations imersed in their own existance.

I agree with the need to know what might happen, some sort of idea so appropriate preperations can be made. Unfortunatly I don't think that will happen there are simply to many variations. So where to look? I accept situations like when

World goverments agree to build a seed vault and can not agree to stop the staving of childern

Spend Billions of dollars on space invesigation and infared observatories.

The planet is undergoing rapid changes.

It is obvious that times are a changing. As to what might happen is still up in the air. So i will be making preperations that I feel are appropiate regardless of what others may think.

In addition I will be partcipating in an Astral Travel tuition that is being conduted by Astralwalker and go han have a look for myself.

In conclusion, as said before even if we are given the real answers they will be swamped by so much disinformation that we will always be left guessing.

The only answer for me is to keep searching hearing everything accepting nothing and let my intuition guide me.
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Old 05-10-2009, 06:47 AM   #34
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I've been hopping over the fence on this one for awhile now. Is Planet X really on its way? Is earth really crossing the galactic center? Will there be solar flares taking everything out like in the movie The Knowing... and so on.

Some days I think life goes on and this is just like Y2K.. a non event. And then there is the overwhelming evidence of earth changes and numerous other events. There is all types of evidence of ET contact and shadow government.

Time lines have been altered and the future is much harding to access given how quickly it changes - much like the a wave cresting on the shoreline. I've wonder do we prepare by digging underground, literally. And thought of many different outcomes and possibilities and have arrived at a conclusion. There is no safe place on planet earth if a CME hits or pole shift takes place. So what does one do if one accepts the possibility of massive earth changes within such a short span of time? My answer is to prepare inwardly. This means changing diet, exercise (yoga), meditation and focusing on channeling heavenly energy down to this planet as it goes through all of the changes which lead up this horizon event. This is both a personal and collective journey. Although it can seem very overwhelming at times and somewhat to fantastic to accept - indeed it is one reality worth exploring.

This is the time of inner growth and preparation. And it is also a time of looking deep within and discarding what no longer fits. It is a time of unfoldment and a time of joy. Inner discovery is also a journey of the soul in it's quest to return to source. It is a time of seeking answers and asking questions and then a time of letting go. It is a time of transformation.

There is a time when both questions and answers are meaningless because all there is - is the experience itself of at-one-ment. It is a time for taming ego and setting ego aside. It is a time for cooperation. Yes, enough is enough when one is filled with the radiant light of transfiguration.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198
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