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Old 01-22-2010, 11:39 PM   #43
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 70
Default Re: What do I want my ET mentor meeting to be like?

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
Unfortunately...the ride includes the extermination of millions of people, world wars, planned financial collapses, unfathomable corruption. demonic entities, cats and dogs, living together, human sacrifices, enslavement, starvation, meaninglessness...AND highly educated people wearing robes...telling us that everything's gonna be great...if we just believe what they teach us...and if we keep up our church attendance and tax deductible contributions. But's only a ride.

You got it!

Little time after I begun enjoying this forum, one day I was thinking about this: I couldn't understand the attacks between people on the conspiracy theory side and the people on the everything-is-beautyful-peace-and-love-welcome-home-Mr-ET. Then I realised that it was very simple.

Each of us, has a piece of the truth. No black or white here: no one is wrong and no one is fully right. It's not that we play in different and rival teams: We are playing different sports for the same school! Look, we have conspiracy theory experts, spiritualism experts, light-workers, ufologists, (real) historicians, healers, people extremely educated wearing robes, physics, chemicals, WB, insiders, abductees... That's a very diverse bunch of people! Oh! And I'm sure that somewhere behind a funny nickname we must have a David Wilcock among us! (Gotcha!)

Unfortunately none of them (including me and you) can't prove if their version of truth is the right.

I can tell you my opinion: being here, on Earth at this time can be terrifying sometimes, but that's only a cuestion of perspective. Once your soul leaves your body I'm pretty sure that everything fits in and you see the big-picture. This is like one of that pictures made of pictures. If you look too close, you only see different pictures and that is a mess. If you take a distance you can see the hidden pattern.

I'm sure that things will change very soon but that is only my point of view of the truth...
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