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Old 11-23-2008, 11:58 PM   #81
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Eagerly anticipating the actual plans...I'm not a scientist, not an engineer, no fancy degrees to speak of, but I have manufactured and put to use quite a few electrolyzers and can tell you that they do work.

I understand the basics of magnetic energy, but not enough to just start carving some magnets up and arranging them with a desired result in mind. But with plans...Now we're talking.

For those that want to split hairs about the term Free Energy, really - grow up. You're trying so hard to argue that you're overlooking what the term implies. That you don't have to buy one thing (like gas) in order to perform another task (power a car). Of course it costs money to make these things, but the point is to do away with the master-slave relationship between us and those that seek to control us. If you're all good paying for electricity every month instead of owning a device that will provide it for you, then have at it! Personally, I want some of that suppressed technology in my hands so I can put my money/time/energy towards things that I want to put it towards, like music, my kids, my wife, my friends.

If I didn't have bills to pay and food was free, water was a given and electricity was just something we knew how to pull out of the air...I'd be free to do what I wanted to do. Not what I have to do. And that includes helping others get to that point of a shackle-less existence where we're free to do what we want - create music, create art, learn, love, teach, BE. We're so distracted with all of our obligations that we can't afford the time to just BE who and what we want to be.

What do you enjoy doing that you can't because you're too busy keeping up?

Think about that for a second and consider whether or not arguing about the semantics of free energy is really worth it. These ideas need all of our collective energy behind them to really flourish, and its not going to get there any quicker with lawyer-type debates arguing definitions.
Sorry if that sounded rant-ish, but I'm really getting tired of the needless arguing.

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