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Old 01-25-2010, 02:09 AM   #1
Mark Lipschitz
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 10
Default 'Disclosure' is a fairy tale

There's been talk of disclosure forever it seems but lately at least to me there seems to be much more talk of it than ever before. It seems that many think that disclosure is imminent and that it will bring about a big change in our world and as a result everything will be better because of it.

To me this seems silly, and this is why I think so:

First of all, why would the government disclose the truth about ETs? Or anything else for that matter?

What would they have to gain from doing such a thing, except to incur the backlash from the public that they've been lied to for so long?

Once the masses realize just how small and insignificant everything we know and do is there would be huge social and political problems. Mass unrest. Basically, loss of control for the gov. That would be entirely counterproductive for them.

Most of all- what is the prime goal of the ptb? POWER

They only stand to lose power by disclosure.

Secondly, and this point I see as simply undeniable..... When and IF there is 'disclosure' from the ptb it will be, to put it bluntly- BS

Any 'disclosure', you can bet the bank on, would be only in the interest of the gov with the goal being the same as it always has been. And that is to manipulate, and to control.

Gov 'disclosure' would seem like turning over a new leaf, a new day. But really, all it would be is the same old story at the crux- the ptb using information to get the public to believe what they want them to.

And in a situation where there would be disclosure, it would be a total CYA move for the gov. (CYA= 'Cover your ***')

Why do you think that the Vatican over the past few years have started warming their people up to the fact that there is life outside our planet? Because they had said contrary to that before, and when there it is goign to be in people's faces there there IS such a thing as ETs they won't lose faith in the church... Intended result for the Vatican? They get to hold on to what little power they will still have at that point, at least for a little while.

Despite what we might want, knowing how the world I see it- this is the basic fact of the matter when it comes to this issue.

What do you think? Am I wrong?
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