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Old 09-18-2009, 12:58 PM   #29
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: The United States of the Solar System

Are you assuming there is no galactic organization already in place? We may soon find out otherwise, and they may have something to say about what rights and authority we have outside of our home planet. If there is truth the stories about being "warned off the moon", they may have already done so.

I think this exercise may be premature. First, we need to know where the transition leaves us as individuals. For example, how many laws and regulations do you need for people who are always working for the common good? What abilities will we have that we don't have now? What access to knowledge will we have? Second, we need to understand our place in the galactic system. We will be the new kids, and it's unlikely that we will be "laying down the law" for anyone but us. In fact, there may be certain standards for individual and group rights that we must elevate ourselves to. Third, we are likely to see massive technological changes based on suppressed technology that will completely change what we as humans are capable of. This must be put to wise use because we have a lot of damage to undo before we can settle into a new way of doing things.
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