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Old 01-17-2010, 02:01 PM   #38
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: urban survival... More quakes on the way 2010!

Hi, I agree that problems don't get solved by ignoring them, I think that denying what is going on is the worse kind of fear

There are things that can be done to help this war of energies level up a bit and maybe minimizing the effect of what is upon us

Humans were once the keepers of the planet and with their sacred dances and druming took care of the grids and helped the fairies to take car of the morphogenetic field of the planet

Those days are now long gone but I think that it is never too late to do one's duty for oneself and the planet

To teach people the right ways will take some time, regretfully it may be too much time needed to do that, but in the meantime every person that wishes to do so can do the Maharic Shield. This technique is being offered for free by the azurites in their website

This technique conect us with the core of the planet and can assist with smoothing over the wild energies that we are riding in this moment. Additionally it has the personal advantage to help us reset our divine blue print and correct distorsions over a period of time and give us some protection from mind control intrussion

There is more information on the technique itself

I have used this technique a lot and I feel it is safe for both the person and the planet. My experiences have been powerful, beautiful and loving

What I don't undestand is this:
If people through their actions can influence planetary changes why there seems to be periodic cataclysms, wheather it happens every 11000 years or more is immaterial.
It only shows that sun and cycles are more powerful than we ever will be and all we can do is tune in and go with the flow.
It reminds me of late George Carlin about saving the planet
I think harmonization with the planet is most important right now,
she can heal herself :-)

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