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Old 08-14-2009, 09:12 AM   #50
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Tarot readings here.....

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NEW VISION..................

When you open up to the ultimate.. immediatley it pours into you.
you are no longer ordinary human being - you have transended .
Your insight has become the insigh of the whole existance.
Now you are no longer seperate - you have found your roots ,
and not knowing from where their heart goes on recieving energy,
not knowing who goes on breathingin them . not knowing the life juice inside them .
Its not the mind - its somthing transendental to all duality this is caled the 10 directions.
Your inner being, when it opens , first expieriences 2 directions
the heigh , the depth , And then slowley , as this becomes your establishedsituation, you start looking around , spreading into
other eight directions .
And once you have attained to the point where your height and your depth meet , then you can look around to the very circumference
of the universe. then your consiousness starts to unfolding in all
10 directions, but the road has been one .....
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