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Old 11-17-2008, 05:33 PM   #4
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 99
Default Re: What is going on outside.

Before you can take part in a new order, in a Golden Age, the breaking down and collapse of the old world must take place.

Do not fear these critical and world-changing events. This is what we all want. For in nature, there must be Death. And Death brings new Life.

When the system collapses, you can be assured it will be replaced by a new one. One that closer parallels the new level of consciousness and vibration of those whom the system was build by...

As the old world leaders and their corrupt and self-serving nature's pass away, their banks and tabernacles of deceit will crumble. We will not tolerate the same mistakes to be made ~ quite simply because we will have risen our consciousnesses and our beings to a great extend.

Watch as it all crumbles, and rejoice and Egypt falls. Now is the time work on yourselves, and become the most powerful and positive being you are capable of becoming. When the world needs to rebuild, you will be there.

Every man in these coming and current times has a duty to fulfill. I can not tell you what that duty is. If you do not already know, seek Union with your higher-self, and God - and ask that your vocation and destiny be revealed to you so that you can better serve your purpose for being. You, every one of you are vital links in the chain. We are all actors in this great comedy, and we all have a role.

Put others NEEDS before your wants, and use your gifts and energy to become self-responsible and your brothers keeper.

Adam K.
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