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Old 01-12-2010, 08:29 PM   #73
14 Chakras
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 832
Default Re: The Bible and the Evil God: Lies, deception & brainwashing

Moxie I get your point:

We all share the same Source. As it is written: God is a sun that shines on both the just and the unjust.

God is the Sun of our Being. We live in God and God lives in us.

Now that being said, while it is true we are all One, it is also true that we are all free willed individualization's of the source.

Many have misused their opportunity to grow in consciousness and serve Life to instead serve only themselves, and even to try and halt life.

There is darkness. The universe is not yet ascended, so there are many many shadows. THe shadows, although they are truly temporary illusion and have no value whatsoever for God other than this temporary experience, have taken on a life of their own.

Many lifestreams, including fallen angels, have chosen to associate themselves with the temporary illusion of the darkness.

Much like the emperor in the movie star wars, many have chosen to associate themselves with the temporary illusion that there is power in the dark side.

That being said, I agree very much with some sentiments that there is a cosmic clean up underway. Those who have continued to chosen the darkness that is death to draw their source from, are consumed by the Light as it decends.

We are here Now for the rebirth of planet Earth into a Golden Age. All those who choose to align themselves with Life, with Love will make the shift into this virtually infinitely better way of Being.

The key to making the shift into the Golden Age, is being less focused on ourselves, than we are on helping others.

As we will see the current systems in our world, the towers of babel tumble to the ground, it is the ultimate opportunity for us to connect directly to our source within us, to our Divine flame within us, and help bring forth solutions to help our fellow man co-create a New Earth that is abundant for all rather than just for a small elite.

Those who love God love their neighbor. God requires no worship whatsoever, just that we choose Life.

Asking questions and pondering answers is the key to our spiritual growth. For if you ask, it shall be given. But we must be as children to enter the kingdom of heaven that is inside of us here and Now ~ meaning, there is always More, as soon as we 'think' we have the answers, then we're stuck. We're students in the schoolroom of infinity, so being life long learners is the way to BE.
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