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Old 09-03-2009, 05:14 PM   #17
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 297
Default Re: WEBBOT ON RBN common sense radio

-In the interview, Cliff said Projections show that next year 2010 Around beginning year /Jan/Feb., a nastier part of this flu (a mutation) to appear.
There will be a large # of people that will be affected by the TPTB new version of the swine flue.
# of people getting quite ill & some die around this time jan/feb 2010.
One reason for this is that the northern hemisphere will be low in sun light and allot of the population will be low on vitamin D.

-He offered a Yoga tip(stay hydrated) pure water to help the ringing in the ears that part of the population is experiencing.

-In 2010, July MSM will be really affected by events. Not much right now.

- A Caller asked "What happened to the Summer of Hell"?
He responded that it depends on what location you are at? For some people, they experienced heat, but some others have not.
He said Summer is not over until September 21. Allot more people will be impacted(economic) around the end days of the Summer.
There is still forecasts for major storm movements.

- Sep 13, 14, 15- Hurricane slams & cause people to relocate
- Economic – August 22- Information on derivatives came out on Friday of that week(August 22). Saying next round of economic crisis is about to begin
-Release language of fear /anger/release of energy, is happening & will get worse and fade around October 25.

- November 4 through Nov 2 of 2010, dollar damage. In course of this year, dollar will die as a global currency.

- Then will induce hyperstagflation. Hyperinflation on everything you need (Food, medicince, fuel, anything that has calories associated with it) Bill, gasoline, firewood.
Things like TV screens will drop in price because of people not buying them(things you don’t essentially need) So both a hyperinflation & a deflation at the same time.

-Food crisis will induce famine in US over this the next year. Famine will contribute to political chaos that will erupt. And to health care issues. This chaos politically will be driven by the economic suffering of the people in these months.(unemployment) A number of the Corporate fascist structures will start collapsing.
This is when less govt. activity will take effect. Less subcontractors. Govt. withdrawal, let go. The stimulus won’t work during this collapse as the dollar looses purchasing power. Foreign countries will not ship stuff to the U.S. We won’t be the consumer of last resprt anymore . We won’t have cheap goods available from anywhere.

-We allowed ourselves to be taken over by this gigantic NOW empire and they’re the ones who have caused this Karmic debt to occur. They’ve gone out in our name and oppressed people of other nations for years. It’s coming back to them in a karmic way.

-People listening to MSM will suffer more, caught unaware, unprepared (401K’s, come crashing) .
It will be much more visible around the 25th of October on.

-A caller asked about Intelligence/Space related information from Cliff.
They see “Space” to have grown so much in 2003 and superseded by things that happened this summer. This is a broad area.
Allot of language into language of “Alien Wars” “Attack on the Moon” in October.
Contact language with E..T.’s of all forms. Includes “TPTB” and “Shadow Government” language.

- Nothing in data shows anything about Planet X and of it’s existence. Falls into category of disinfo. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Just that it falls under disinfo.
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