Thread: Are you a vego?
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Old 01-20-2010, 01:37 PM   #6
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Default Re: Are you a vego?

Originally Posted by gita View Post
There’s already a thread about sun gazing somewhere but I couldn’t find it to give you the link!
Here 'tis !

I've also made some major dietary changes since last year.. for the meat eaters (like me) out there, I recommend The China Study and also Never Be Sick Again (Raymond Francis). I pretty much gave up dairy and meat. Always eat fruit in the morning.

I read somewhere that says we are naturally designed to be fruitarians, that's why our hands are so made, perfect for handling and stripping, not throttling, or tearing!

Also , when we see a rabbit or a squirrel, our instinct is, 'Awww look at that lovely cute little bunny-wunny'. It is not, you will notice , the same response as a cat has when it sees said bunny-wunny - "If I could just get an inch closer...I'll have you, mate! "

I feel as guilty pulling a carrot out of the ground as I would do killing an insect, nerver mind an animal.

However, I don't give things up... it's not totally in my nature. So now I just eat the meat or dairy if I happen to be out for a meal, or the situation comes to it. (I still like the odd cappucino ! ). So I need a word to describe someone who's mode is basically vegan, but can also eat what they want now and again. ("Cheatgan" ?? )

But I rarely buy meat or milk for myself anymore, and I have noticed a change in me with it.

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